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#37: Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.

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64 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness.
    • He is so sexay when he's following his Passion!!!
    • He looks really, really, really good while exuding all that good stuff.
    • One hawt hunk of packin' perfection!
    • He's a man of character and integrity and talent.
    • Kurei Eikun? I LOVE that guy!
    • Sometimes Clay is just the sex, YKWIM??

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Glad your mil got out safely. My heart goes out to her. I would be distraught too! I hope her house is spared by the fire. I understand your close relationship with her because I also am very close to my ex daughter-in -law. She still calls me mom.

Thanks for the photo.

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I'm not one that buys into the idea that there are bad feelings between Clay and Ryan. I have never thought they were good friends or bitter enemies. I think they are just very different people in different ends of the business and I doubt either one of them pays that much attention to what the other is doing. I know the boards monitor everything that people say about Clay but that doesn't mean he does. JMO of course... :shrug:

I never give that kind of stuff much thought; actually think a lot of projection goes on in the fandom. i.e. because the fans think a certain way about someone or something than Clay must think it too.


I'm the same way. I generally don't look for hidden meanings or project things onto people, mainly because I have sisters who love that stuff and then get their panties into wads because of what they think someone said or thought. When Clay was talking about him and DS making out, I just thought it was him being funny, not that he was taking on Ryan. And Jamar, I'm with you in that I don't see Clay and Ryan being anything other than friendly acquaintances. I don't particularly like remarks Ryan says but I don't think he says them because he has bad feelings about Clay, more like the kid who wants to be popular by picking on the easy target. I also think Clay isn't quite as sensitive as many of us, partly because he's learned to deal with the idiots, and partly because he is a guy and I don't think they see things in quite the same way a lot of us women do.

And Iseeme, hope everything works out for your mil.

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Very cool banner, cindilu! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

OK, so I'm almost all alone on my Clay-snark. (Waves to Iseeme!) That particular interview between Clay and Ryan seemed pretty...I don't know..pointed to me. Ryan is so far off my radar as to be totally invisible, but when people who do listen to/watch him bring over all of his comments about Clay- and they seem to be mostly of the nasty variety- it seems to me that there has been a noticeable change in their relationship. Never been a fan of Ryan, but I did believe, in the early years, that he really liked Clay. I don't feel that way anymore.

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Ok...now that Mezghan pic was in 2004 because Ryan's show didn't make it a full year, did it? And Janet's boobage absurdly presented itself in 2006, right?

Anyhoo...I tend to think that Clay and Ryan hit it off at first on AI...but as time and truth set in, they found themselves moving apart--Ryan to become the next Dick Clark and Clay to stay true to himself. heh. I don't think there's any enmity between them, necessarily---I'm sure Ryan would USE Clay whenever he could benefit from Clay's popularity. Don't really know whether he'd put energy into purposely messing up Clay. (Although I did think that cued clip of the Diane Sawyer interview during Clay's interview with him sucked donkey balls. What a little shit.)

Ok...I spent way too much of my own energy on Ryan Seashit...moving on...

That Clay Aiken guy is one hawt hunka of packin' perfection, ain't he? :hubbahubba:

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So happy to hear that your MIL's safe, Iseeme!!! That's the primary thing; and now I'm hoping that her house'll make it too!


But, but, what's this I hear? You have someone waiting in the wings? Shades of 'Sacrificial Love'!

*growls like a bear at CG* Just keep on dreamin'! Nothing's going to come between me and my sweet babbooo! Not even the fact that I'll be with Solo next week in a state that just recently changed the law.... The moment I laid eyes on my sb's ... huge... photobucket tracts of land, I knew we were meant to be. :arrowed:

CM, I concede that you have history and despite my growling at CG above, I'm really not the jealous type. But remember to keep your fingers on Clay's red bow, 'k?

Suits -- when they take over the place everything suddenly revolves around the almighty quarterly sales & profitability report. Long term relationships aren't valued as much as turning in the loot this year. Huge investments introduce a lot of risks that stockholders aren't v. happy about, so just release a lot of ok products at the lowest cost possible and hope that a few of them become hits.

Thanks for the beautimous banner, cindilu!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

And thanks again for this, Cotton! MUAH! Iluvclaysbuttcharacters.jpg


couchie, will post the picture just to keep begging...

ETAA: Eeeeeeeee, thanks!!!

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I'm not one that buys into the idea that there are bad feelings between Clay and Ryan. I have never thought they were good friends or bitter enemies. I think they are just very different people in different ends of the business and I doubt either one of them pays that much attention to what the other is doing. I know the boards monitor everything that people say about Clay but that doesn't mean he does. JMO of course... :shrug:

I never give that kind of stuff much thought; actually think a lot of projection goes on in the fandom. i.e. because the fans think a certain way about someone or something than Clay must think it too.


I totally agree with the bolded part.

I was just scrolling thru the emoticons looking for the yeahthat-which I didn't find- and found my new favorite one

:21: I would love to have this on another board...... :whistling-1:

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I'm not one that buys into the idea that there are bad feelings between Clay and Ryan. I have never thought they were good friends or bitter enemies. I think they are just very different people in different ends of the business and I doubt either one of them pays that much attention to what the other is doing. I know the boards monitor everything that people say about Clay but that doesn't mean he does. JMO of course... :shrug:

I never give that kind of stuff much thought; actually think a lot of projection goes on in the fandom. i.e. because the fans think a certain way about someone or something than Clay must think it too.


I totally agree with the bolded part.

I was just scrolling thru the emoticons looking for the yeahthat-which I didn't find- and found my new favorite one

:21: I would love to have this on another board...... :whistling-1:


Love the new banner Cindilu!


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Again, I do appreciate the comments about MIL. I haven't heard anything more so I'm assuming she's on her way to San Jose with BIL. I guess we won't know for awhile about the house.

Ryan Seacrest. I think Ryan would do anything for a story! Anything. That's why when I posted a quote from him the other night I was incredulous......that he said he actually suggested to TPTB (I'm assuming E News!) not to post a story that wasn't a story - with regards to Britney! I felt that was more a "look at what a neat terrific human being I am" moment than the truth on Ellen's show. I dont' think he and Clay are enemies but I also don't think they get together for dinner when Clay's in LA. I do think there are times when Ryan could have been more supportive - and he wasn't. And I agree with Muski (I think it was her post) there was NO need at all to show that DS clip. No need. Just seeking that sensationalistic bit and putting Clay on the spot. That ain't projection - that's just snottiness. I chalk him up to just one more person that Clay learned he couldn't or shouldn't be too open with. This is pure conjecture on my part but I honestly think when Clay got out of his contract there was bitterness from the AI side of the house. Ryan is part of that house so therefore quite possibly can't be too supportive or friendly or whatever. Them's just my thoughts! I also think that's why we don't see him on AI. The appearance last year was supposed to be a joke with that Michael nerdy guy - only it backfired and Clay stole the show!!! I'm not sure they want Clay stealing the show. IMO

Oh Scarlett dear....not to worry! But a girl has to watch out for herself you know! You're still my one and only and my pb is yours.....

Cindilu has done it again. The banner is scrumptious.

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There sure are a lot of women pairing off around here. Looks like Scarlett can't decide between Iseeme and Solo. Somehow CG is involved, too. And then, there's this pairing between Iseeme and Claymatron. Hmmm, looks like either there's some two-timing going on or maybe an orgy!!


I'm glad that Couchie and I are tight. Yep, we're buds. :lilredani: Hands off, everyone else!!!


Gorgeous banner, cindilu!

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Gosh, it took a bit of time to catch up!

Iseeme - glad to hear your mil is safe... hopefully all will not be lost and she'll be able to get back to her home.

cindilu - niiiiiiice banner!

boobgate - eh, my initial reaction was "you go Clay!"... was surprised at the backlash... but then I never believed he was the innocent that so many made him out to be... based on that hand rejects me picture, I thought he had a pretty good sense of humor and was an average young guy so the boob picture didn't phase me.... I know some people felt it was disrespectful, but since no one really knows what context it was taken in, I couldn't say it was or wasn't... so I took it as friends joking around.... eh, whatever.

Never heard about Ryan's "get off his high horse" comments... that makes the Kimmel bit more funny to me... and my take on Ryan is he's trying too hard to be cute and it just makes him come off as fake... I really waste almost no thought on him... and with that, I've wasted too much!

Nice little article on travel - hadn't seen it before - it was interesting to read some new stuff (even if it wasn't new?)...

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oooh cool banner.

Hmmm no chinese I love Clay's butt as of yet... I guess the other admins have lives too... heee




Scarlett, glad you like it, too!

We must thank whoever played with snapfish (?) though, or I wouldn't have had the Chinese characters, anyhoo.

I'm sorry I can't remember who that was!

I was just scrolling thru the emoticons looking for the yeahthat-which I didn't find- and found my new favorite one

:21: I would love to have this on another board...... :whistling-1:


G'night All!

I really, really do have to work tomorrow!

But Claygirl and I are going to have dinner together Saturday!!!


We can talk about our BF and we should have some Mr. Ambassador pics by then!!! :hubbahubba:

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Ryan to become the next Dick Clark and Clay to stay true to himself

Muski there's one too many words in that phrase!!

So how come everyone is pairing up? I feel left out!!

By the way if anyone's in Houston this Saturday you're welcome to come on over to my place. Karen Eh! will be in town and the eHP cannot miss a chance to Partay!

((((hugs ))))) to any one who needs them! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've skimmed a lot in tha last few days so I'm sure I missed a lot of "stuff"

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I'm glad that Couchie and I are tight. Yep, we're buds. :lilredani: Hands off, everyone else!!!

Gibby, hee! Get a room: 得到一个房间

Cotton, :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Iseeme, keep us posted on your MIL. Hope her house survives and I am glad she is safe. In the end, that is really all that matters.

Iseeme glad she made it out but I can understand her being distraught. I don't even know what I'd grab is I had a short window. I hope her house is safe.

OH I do! Since I am sightly afraid of fire (I think I died in one in a past life....) I have often though exactly what I would grab. First - Waldo! (Mind out of the gutters, folks! You know I mean my cat - although if the other Waldo was around, I can assure you I would grab that too! :whistling-1: ) Then I would grab the box with my Max's ashes (Max is my beloved dearly departed dog). Then I would grab my Mac and my external hard drive. If I still had time after that, I would grab all my photos and as many of the things I have collected from my travels as possible. I would see how much time I would have after that, but I think I would grab things of sentimental value first and move on from there.

Told you I had given it a lot of thought!

But, but, what's this I hear? You have someone waiting in the wings? Shades of 'Sacrificial Love'!

*growls like a bear at CG* Just keep on dreamin'! Nothing's going to come between me and my sweet babbooo! Not even the fact that I'll be with Solo next week in a state that just recently changed the law.... The moment I laid eyes on my sb's ... huge... photobucket tracts of land, I knew we were meant to be. :arrowed:

Growl all you want, sweet Scarlett! I ain't afraid of you! I mean, its not like you're a beast so foul, so cruel with great big pointy teeth who will nibble my bum! (We really need a killer rabbit emotion!)

I can be patient. I can wait. I have it on good authority (from many on this board :twinklewhore: ) that you tend to sleep around! :naughtywag:

And then, when you are, um, otherwise engaged, I can swoop in and stake my claim!

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We really need a killer rabbit emotion!


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Growl all you want, sweet Scarlett! I ain't afraid of you! I mean, its not like you're a beast so foul, so cruel with great big pointy teeth who will nibble my bum! (We really need a killer rabbit emotion!)

I can be patient. I can wait. I have it on good authority (from many on this board :twinklewhore: ) that you tend to sleep around! :naughtywag:

And then, when you are, um, otherwise engaged, I can swoop in and stake my claim!

Yikes! *blushes furiously and attempts to change the topic* We had fun last night with the continuation of the blow-torch question from last September's chat and the newbies got to add their views. How about some more of that? These were the Q's: (pick any)

1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

Shamelessly posting my answer was to question #5:

In the interests of equality and diversity, why isn't pornstar among the choices?

And didn't couchie say that if we post enough topic suggestions we can have another chat?

ETA: annabear, that's so cute!

ETA: Of course, if that UNICEF BLOG would just appear, it would be more fun...

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We really need a killer rabbit emotion!


OMG I love it!!!!! Couchie, can we keep it??? Can we? Can we? Huh? Can we please?? Pretty please????????

Growl all you want, sweet Scarlett! I ain't afraid of you! I mean, its not like you're a beast so foul, so cruel with great big pointy teeth who will nibble my bum! (We really need a killer rabbit emotion!)

I can be patient. I can wait. I have it on good authority (from many on this board :twinklewhore: ) that you tend to sleep around! :naughtywag:

And then, when you are, um, otherwise engaged, I can swoop in and stake my claim!

Yikes! *blushes furiously and attempts to change the topic* We had fun last night with the continuation of the blow-torch question from last September's chat and the newbies got to add their views. How about some more of that? These were the Q's: (pick any)

1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?

3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media?

5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose?

6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

Shamelessly posting my answer was to question #5:

In the interests of equality and diversity, why isn't pornstar among the choices?

I think this is a fair question! He would make a very good porn star! In that arena, there is surely no doubt, he would be HUGE! :hubbahubba:

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I don't know, merrieeee, I think I'm damaged goods since HeidiHo swept me off my feet and then dropped me for somebody else.

Claymatron, I love this picture and just have to look again ...


ldyjocelyn, I enjoyed this. Whether it's true or not, it certainly sounds like it could be, and Clay just fascinates me. He may be the most interesting person I can even think of.


This was my first musical and the results are in....I LOVED IT!

I am not a Wizard of Oz fan by any means. I am 32 and I watched the movie for the first time just a few years ago. I heard many great things about Wicked but I went in with no expectations. It was fantastic! We had awesome seats (orchestra 7 rows from the stage). There was a slight distration though...Tyra Banks and Clay Aiken were seated right in front of us!!

The performances were great, the set was beautiful and the story was nothing short of AMAZING. I went with my girlfriends because I figured that BF would hate it, but from seeing the other men in the audience they seemed to enjoy it just as much as Clay did!

Ok...now that Mezghan pic was in 2004 because Ryan's show didn't make it a full year, did it? And Janet's boobage absurdly presented itself in 2006, right?

That Clay Aiken guy is one hawt hunka of packin' perfection, ain't he? :hubbahubba:

You say it perfectly -- he definitely is one hawt hunk of packin' perfection! He fascinates me in ...... various and sundry ways.

The Janet boobage happened on February 1, 2004, and it happened in Houston. I first saw the Mezghan picture in 2007, and it made me swoon from that fantastic look on his face, so much so that I didn't even see all the significance in the placement of his hands. I mean, come on, after the grinding he's done on Angela, what's the shock about? It's a great picture, in my estimation.

Oh yes, in that article linked above regarding Afghanistan, he said that he wants to tour but doesn't know when he'll have the time, or something like that, so it really does sound like he has a full schedule for a while. If he's too busy to tour, I'm on the edge of my seat contemplating what may come.

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I wonder when this interview in the Sun-Sentinel took place. The date is July 6, 2008

Celebrity travel with Clay Aiken

Information about his time in Afghanistan I haven't read before.

He said in the interview that "I think I've had just one day off in the past few months. It's crazy, but in a good way" so I'm assuming that the interview itself took place towards the end of his Spamalot run.

ETA: Yes, there are a few good ones. When I saw the pugilist suggestion I thought it meant that he was going to sing "The Boxer", not be a boxer.

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And didn't couchie say that if we post enough topic suggestions we can have another chat?

yep..I know we go from topic to topic to topic on main which is fine but you can also submit chat questions here and we can do our timed chats. I think they're fun. We have a few suggestions already...

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Just got home from my 4 hour "Intro to C.I.S. class (driest thing evah) after working all day and WOW this place flies! Anyway, not sure if you've had a chance to vote over at lbfca or not. I swear, this was the hardest one yet!... (but I was grateful for the moisture).

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