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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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Well, at least he and Jaymes aren't secretly married! :lol:

When I heard about the People cover my first thought was Whoa! This is weird! Not that Clay has come out and admitted he is gay. But that I woke up this morning and I just KNEW that is what he was going to say on the GMA interview. I just KNEW it! I was in the shower and I imagined the whole scenario - the interview with Diane Sawyer, even reasons he kept it secret for so long. I even decided it was Hannah and the other actors in Spam who made him feel like it wasn't a big deal. I even remembered a conversation I had with my friend who is a screenwriter in Hollywood who said he was gay. She said it was just a known and accepted fact out there. I hadn't thought of that is ages! So weird. I even imagined the scenario that he had to come out because he couldn't lie to his child and he couldn't expect his child to lie for him. Its just too weird. I just KNEW it that is what it was when I got up this morning!

Maybe I should play the lottery with my new found psychic abilities! B)

I guess I always suspected Clay might be gay. I could never shake that feeling, no matter what he said. And ever since the baby news hit I was more convinced than ever. Just like him being involved with Jaymes was the only way it made sense to some, being gay was the only way it made sense to me.

I am strangely very much ok with it. At least now it all makes sense. I don't feel he lied to us ever. I think maybe he was lying to himself in the beginning. Maybe just maybe he couldn't admit it to himself. Think of his upbringing. Think of how he was raised. Think what Ray Parker would have done if he knew Clay was gay. Maybe he always thought he was and that was one reason he treated him like he did. Then he is thrust into the public eye and girls are screaming for him and he is determined to be a good role model and how can he do that with his "dirty" little secret? A lot of gay men and women struggle like that. And with Clay's upbringing it must have been a hell of a struggle. He was probably told from day one that homosexuality was a sin.

He is still the same person he always was. And think of what a relief it must be for him to finally admit it publicly, to stop trying to be something he isn't. Think how this must be so freeing to him. He must be at peace with who he is and I think that is great.

And now the questioning will stop. He is who he is and you either accept it or not.

I am glad he is finally happy enough with himself that he can do this. And think of the courage it must have taken for him to do this. knowing he has fans who won't accept it and will likely dessert him. Maybe this is what he meant when he wrote that being his fan isn't always easy.

The only thing that is truly upsetting to me is that Perez Hilton broke the news in a way that was a bit jarring and that all the asshats who tormented him with accusations of being gay will now be crowing about how they were right.

And that in the picture he is wearing those damn glasses!!! <_<

I am happy for him. I admire him more now than I ever have. I admit I have a few problems, like damn! Why are all the hot good men either gay or married! :hissy:

A friend of mine is at tonight's Spamalot. I called her and she wondered if he would do the stage door. I told her I hope he does. I hope he walks out there with that gorgeous, million watt smile on his adorable face and his beauteous head held high! And I hope he walks out to cheers and the usual pushing and shoving to get his autograph. I bet he will walk with a lighter step without that weight resting on those amazing broad shoulders.

I wish I were there to see it.

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WOW that was very hard to watch. I know I've said it a lot during the ATDW times but there were all these questions about why Clay wasn't here or there or this magazine and I always felt cuz they wanted to discuss things he didn't want to discuss. That guy was actually not as bad as I'm sure some would have been. I am glad he realized that it was a low moment of his career. And clay was entertaining as always.

That's my CG. That brought tears to my eyes.

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I wrote most of this before the People thing, but it still works. <g>

I think the blogger does matter and I think it's a shame that HE GOT MAIL. It's been five years and I think it's time we stop turning good stuff, although not OMG HE IS THE BEST PERFORMER IN THE WORLD gushing into something bad. Thankfully he was graceul enough not to turn on Clay as has happened many times in the past. There is no way that man needed to defend himself for his own opinion.

Amen, sister. Will these people NEVER learn?? Geez. I think I can say without adding an “IMO” that there was nothing wrong with that blog. I think any objective reader of that would think he was highly complementary of Clay.

Dancing with the stars..two people I can't stand..let's see how long I last. Susan Lucci was surprisingly bad.

I started watching this show the season before last and I find it surprisingly entertaining. I also love Derek and Julianne Hough – both are sweet and probably the most stunning brother and sister I have seen in a very long time. A whole lot of gorgeous. Especially Derek. <g>

Anyway, I dislike career talk in the same way that others don't want to hear about Parker - because then there is the litany of how bad his choices are, how his friends/family/management are holding him back, how he needs better guidance, etc. ad infinitum.

Then, of course, every word is also set in stone and any deviance years from now makes him a liar or subverted by evil record producers. Blargh.

Yeah, I don’t need to hear about his career, when it happens it happens. It just opens him up for a “that’s it” – no matter what he says.

I don't even have any expectations, I just love to watch him talk and think and laugh.

Me too!! No matter the subject, he is charming.

Jemock wrote a lovely post about Parker and Clay over at the CH.

I do hope Clay keeps Parker close and private - not because of fans who seem to find Parker almost distasteful, but because of the nosy fans. Or the fans who will pronounce Clay and Jaymes bad parents because they don't feed/dress/whatever Parker the way they have decided is the onliest correct way.

That will happen anyway based on nothing. And it’s both sides of that coin that worry me. It’s a freakin’ baby!! Not the anti-christ.

I am still puzzled by fans all over the boards who demanded an explanation from Clay when this whole thing first broke, and worried what the wee as-yet-unborn babe would think when his dad didn't open his most private life to the public - but now don't want to hear a word about the baby or Jaymes now that things are pretty much confirmed. Hoping it wasn't true, I suppose!

Heh. Yeah. That.

As for what he says or does on GMA – as long as it is what HE wants, I’m good. That’s really all that matters.

I suppose it would be tacky and opportunistic to suggest that every gay person in America run out and buy a copy of OMWH to show solidarity.

:club0: :club0:


Clay’s gay? So?

I think the MTV retro article will be the typical one, now. “How stupid was I to demand that he come out to me?”

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I am getting nothing done tonight. I keep finding my way back to that picture. Parker looks sooooo much like his daddy.

I think Parker is the spittin' image of Clay. I also think Clay is the spittin' image of Vernon and looks nothing like Faye.

I'm not the least bit surprised that he's coming out. The announcement of Parker's impeding birth pretty much sealed the deal for me. I think it took a lot of courage for Clay to finally do this, and if he loses any fans over it, then they weren't really fans to begin with, IMO. My only regret is that his sexuality, anyone's sexuality, has to be cover-story news. I remember when Lance Bass came out and was on the People cover and I was totally annoyed and WTF???

I still :013085001176249046: and I still :DoClay:


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wow. I just checked in after a staff retreat day...was gonna just be here in the office long enough to check email and pack my files for my business trip tomorrow.

I'll be processing this for awhile.

Mainly, I think it's the way the news was delivered that is what will be the biggest challenge for me. A People magazine cover? Big letters "Yes, I'm Gay"?

Not at all how I thought he'd want to make such an announcement.

The announcement itself? I'd be lying if I said it doesn't shock me. It does. Does it make me question my love for him? Not at all. Does it make me less likely to be his fan forever and ever? Not even close.

It does cause me to review past situations and I know I'll be thnking about this for a long time. I have a cross-country plane trip tomorrow---that should help! :cryingwlaughter: I'm thinking about that banter at the DCAT when he said "There's been a lot of talk about me and I know you've heard it...etc. And I'm going to just tell the truth here---I'm.......not cool."

So many things to think about....

I'm still trying to find a way to get to Spamalot more than once, of course! :hubbahubba:

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My only regret is that his sexuality, anyone's sexuality, has to be cover-story news. I remember when Lance Bass came out and was on the People cover and I was totally annoyed and WTF???

I was thinking the same thing tonight about seeing the Lance Bass issue of People in the grocery store. WHY is that anyone's business?

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I was too caught up in things that I forgot to post this...


Thank you so much for taking me in this weekend, playbiller!!! I had the most wonderful time -- the days just sped by so quickly. I miss Holly and your snow globes and I hope we can hit all those places we ran out of time on sometime. Wishing I were back there right now...

Couchie, Holly is such a sweetie! I need to introduce you one of these days.

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Great post, Claygasm. :clap:

I do think there will be a certain amount of smirks and "I-told-you-so's" in response to the news. For me, that will be the most annoying thing about it all. But that will pass.

Like others, I had always thought there was a possibility Clay might be gay. His statements that he wasn't gay were years ago, when he was younger, just beginning his career, and perhaps unsure or resistant to the idea that he might be gay. In this day and age, and with his background and fandom, it can't have been an easy thing to admit.

I am heartened that, on the whole, fan support is stronger than I expected it to be. There have been so many who have seemed almost paranoid about the possibility that he might be gay. I'm sure many are still struggling with the news. I would not be surprised if some fans left. But I am impressed with how many have not.

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Jenna I'm not reading anywhere else and am not interested in reading for myself how the rest of the fandom or the world is taking this (comments to articles etc) BUT am very happy that things are going well. I didn't have high hopes. And I will be happy to be proven wrong.

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I am quite happily surprised at the supportive and positive posts around the boards tonight. I think many fans have opened their minds to the idea that a person's self identification can change with time. I don't profess to know anything about Clay's personal life, but I know that I myself have changed the way I've self identified over the course of my life. It has not been an easy thing and yes, I've lost friends along the way over it, but I've also gained new ones. I am not worried about the Claynation, because I think the majority of us are here to stay.

I look forward to reading anything that Clay wants to share with us. I look forward to more pictures of Parker & his mom & dad, too. So will this magazine hit the stands next week?

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I am heartened that, on the whole, fan support is stronger than I expected it to be. There have been so many who have seemed almost paranoid about the possibility that he might be gay. I'm sure many are still struggling with the news. I would not be surprised if some fans left. But I am impressed with how many have not.

Well, a search of my posts from here and elsewhere will show that I was always open to the possibility. My past comments on the subject still hold:

- Why does it matter?

- Why is is "news"?

- He's got the same voice and he's the same man.

The thing that always disheartened me about all the speculation is that the people who always said "But he's GAY" in response to my exclamations of love always seemed mean spirited (hard for them to hide that horrified voice even if they don't see it) or that I couldn't possibly love someone who was so clearly gay. That, my friends, is bigotry.

As I've said time and again - if you don't CARE if someone is gay, you wouldn't so obviously care. Anyone is a position to rag on Clay fans...well, they are the ones with the issues. And those people make me sad. Clay makes me happy.

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I do think there will be a certain amount of smirks and "I-told-you-so's" in response to the news. For me, that will be the most annoying thing about it all. But that will pass.

Jenna, I think that this will be the most difficult part of this whole thing for ME, too. And, of course, it IS all about ME, after all. :rolleyes:

I just told my husband over the phone...He was surprised he did it via People mag (like I was)...and then when I told him what the quote was---about not wanting to raise a baby in a lie or whatnot, hubby said, "That's cool..."

Then he said, "I wonder why now?" I said something like he must've been processing it for some time, that he'd had relationships with girls and had dated, etc., so that it must have been somethign that it took this long to come to terms with."

Hubby said, "And it had to have been hard to do all that in the spotlight and putting up with all the tabloids and stuff. Anyway...good for him." And I was so proud of hubby.

Then he added. "I knew it all along."

Which is what I'm expecting from just about anyone else who knows of my fan status. :glare:

Oh well...I can't really bitch about what I'll have to put up with, can I? :whistling-1::lilredani:

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By the looks of things that video is not available to Canadian IPs. Any chance someone could rip and bring it over? Or at least, precis? Scarlett? Anyone?

I'm still at work, FromClaygary. Not that I'm getting much of it done... sorry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well I've been reading all sorts of sites tonight, including gay ones and by far the articles and comments are very positive. There are a few nasty posts but on the whole it is like ok so what, lets move on! Some of the gay sites are showing support and of course there are the one or two that say they are waiting for the "haus fraus" to desert him!

Hee what fun to prove the stereotype wrong. Homophobic....not us!

The more I think about this the more I am so proud of him. It must have been a very difficult and soul wrenching decision to make to come out.

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By the looks of things that video is not available to Canadian IPs. Any chance someone could rip and bring it over? Or at least, precis? Scarlett? Anyone?

Darn it! Sometimes I hate living in Canada!

Not really but I wish I could access a Clay interview I have never seen.

I bet I am missing his cuteness!!!

ETA: OMG! that baby is too cute and to me he looks just like Clay. What a sweetie!!

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Think People.com has had a few hits this evening?


Parker is a cutie and is the spitting image of Clay. I love the contrast of Clay's big ol' hand with Parker's little tiny ones... :wub:

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