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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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They were fairly well behaved, but the one thing that had me actually biting my tongue was when FBM referred to one of the fans Jerome was speaking with as "crazy." Okay then..
That? Is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on a message board. I'm surprised lightning didn't strike or the hand of God didn't have a mechanical mishap and fall on her head.

I just hope Jerome has the seat number and info (not that you could possibly overlook this woman). Frankly, the people who feel he needs 'saving' frighten me more than all the PH's or JP's of the world put together. The things these folks can justify in the name of God is terrifying.
I immediately thought about Jerome last night when I was reading her pity party posts. It's a good and bad thing Clay has him. Good because I think they're definitely not just employer/employee, but true family. Bad because, well, because some people are just plain NUTS and neither of them should have to put up with their CRAP.
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when is renewal time at the OFC

You can renew now. If you click on "account" under your name, it will tell you when your subscription is up. Mine isn't up until January, but I went ahead and renewed now.

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They were fairly well behaved, but the one thing that had me actually biting my tongue was when FBM referred to one of the fans Jerome was speaking with as "crazy." Okay then..
That? Is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on a message board. I'm surprised lightning didn't strike or the hand of God didn't have a mechanical mishap and fall on her head.

It's right up there with them ranting against the paparazzi who 'hurt' Clay, and how dare they?? (heard with my own ears).

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It's been a real eye opener about some fans to say the least. Many people have fantasies and I think that is a perfectly healthy thing. However, some of these fans seem to have crossed their fantasies with the real world and have consequentially become delusional. And when real life destroyed that delusion, their world came crashing down around them. Its really sad if you think about it. And also scary.

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Still catching up, but I think pages 7-27 are pretty much lost to me!! :D

I wanted to comment on this......

I know we don't want to go back and put a timeline on all of Clay's past songs, appearances, etc., in relation to his process of coming out and telling family, friends. But something hit me. Remember when he sang "Proud of Your Boy"? Wasn't that in 2004? I wonder if he sang that before or after he told his mother he's gay.

Well... it might not be too hard to figure out, if we know an approximate date for when Brett went into the Marines. :)

And when the POYB was recorded. Do we have access to those facts???

Brett was deployed on March 24, 2005 and returned from deployment on September 25, 2005. I couldn't find the exact date for Aladdin Special DVD release, but it was definitely in 2004.

Oh, and Hi :hello: Now, Back to lurking.

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I'm going to have to scroll back and read all those freekin" posts that I missed the last couple of days....aren't I. :glare:

I have no idea what anyone is talking about...plump lips...lipgloss.....stalkers...FBM.....DANGER :blink: .......GOTTA GO READ....

dangboardmovessofastyoucannotkeepupwithit$%#@%gettingacrickinmyneckjusttryingtokeppupbutIdolovethisboardneveradullmoment :Kolobok_Laie_haha.... maybe that will slow things down while I TRY and catch up. :Kolobok_Laie_haha:


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My AOL/POYB video is labeled 09.20.04

Sighhhh. I had to watch it a couple times just now. I remember I had a real hard time watching/listening when it first came out, because it was at the same time excerpts from LTS were leaking, and it about broke my heart to hear him sing those words. It really is one of my top five Clay recordings though - he just totally takes me into the character with nothing but that magnificent, nuanced voice.

OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it (it had to be Clay related though, lolol) - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

Sendspace - not for the shy.

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I remember driving around NC for the NAT concerts in Oct. 2004 with a CD that had just POYB and MDYK burned on it. We listened to it over and over and over. And then again.

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OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

Sendspace - not for the shy.

OH HELL! I started listening to this in my office...no problem, just bopping along with it and smiling...THEN the chorus started up right as my colleague walked by my open door---just happened to be the gay man I have the hots for, my real -life Clay clone! He actually walked by, then grabbed my doorframe and dipped back to look at me with his mouth open!

:Kolobok_Laie_haha: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

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OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

Sendspace - not for the shy.

OH HELL! I started listening to this in my office...no problem, just bopping along with it and smiling...THEN the chorus started up right as my colleague walked by my open door---just happened to be the gay man I have the hots for, my real -life Clay clone! He actually walked by, then grabbed my doorframe and dipped back to look at me with his mouth open!

:Kolobok_Laie_haha: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:


(sowwy) :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

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Gonna be interesting to follow this fellow, you know? He's kinda fun to hang out with....and it's fun when he hangs out, too. :sleezy:

muski... I am so glad that your "unique" take on all things Clay has not changed an iota... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I REALLY am happy about that, by the way!

j4clay is not Briget is it??? She didn't seem the type. I, unfortunately, know a couple of ex-fans who think that Clay is now damned. They just left and have formed a new board. No hypocrisy at all, just a lot of sadness on their part and on mine.

I will admit to having had some interesting bible discussions this last week, tho. A lot of the stuff in the bible is crap (like violence against women being dictated and sometimes rewarded by god), yet they base their life choices on passages in the bible instead of life experience. I hope they enjoy the enlightenment they will get when they actually get to heaven and find out Clay is there, too.

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j4clay is not Briget is it??? She didn't seem the type.
No no no! I believe she's "mad4clay", or something similar. I've seen her posting & she's fine, not going anywhere.
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when is renewal time at the OFC

I doubt that anyone could say that they didn't get their money's worth this time around. :tongue09: I think most of the original members should be around December. But who knows with my great memory.

Look forward to meeting you kaldunker as well as everyone else. Thanks to From Claygary for setting up the brunch.

I'll bring my camera again and hope to get better pictures this time. Unfortunately at the last Gala I wore mascara which I never wear in real life, so after taking off my glasses and putting the camera to my eye I was left with a racoon sort of look. Subsequently I learned that you could adjust the view finder to see with glasses on. Oy! :bigemo_harabe_net-24:

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My AOL/POYB video is labeled 09.20.04

Sighhhh. I had to watch it a couple times just now. I remember I had a real hard time watching/listening when it first came out, because it was at the same time excerpts from LTS were leaking, and it about broke my heart to hear him sing those words. It really is one of my top five Clay recordings though - he just totally takes me into the character with nothing but that magnificent, nuanced voice.

OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it (it had to be Clay related though, lolol) - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

Sendspace - not for the shy.

I listened to POYB a couple of days ago, and still love it just as much as I did when he first recorded it. There's a lot of beautiful nuance in that recording. And it's a good thing he can talk so fast, because some of those words have to be sung reallllly fast!

And I remember that 'mystery song' very well!! Hubby and I got a lot of laughs from that song. :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I still have it on my computer. The guys who sing that song are actually quite talented!

Heeeee, Muski, did your friend listen to the rest of the song??? Did you hear at the end where the guy says, 'Size doesn't matter!"

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I, unfortunately, know a couple of ex-fans who think that Clay is now damned. They just left and have formed a new board. No hypocrisy at all, just a lot of sadness on their part and on mine.

a board to sit around and talk about how CLay did them wrong, to make lists of the lies, to pray for his soul... what? or just chat about the weather. I guess this is to be expected but I hope these good christians don't make a hater board.

Hopefully it's just about friendship cuz what's the point of still having your life revolve around someone you can't support.

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I, unfortunately, know a couple of ex-fans who think that Clay is now damned. They just left and have formed a new board. No hypocrisy at all, just a lot of sadness on their part and on mine.

Please tell me it's not a "Clay is an abomination" type of board.

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Gonna be interesting to follow this fellow, you know? He's kinda fun to hang out with....and it's fun when he hangs out, too. :sleezy:

muski... I am so glad that your "unique" take on all things Clay has not changed an iota... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: I REALLY am happy about that, by the way!

j4clay is not Briget is it??? She didn't seem the type. I, unfortunately, know a couple of ex-fans who think that Clay is now damned. They just left and have formed a new board. No hypocrisy at all, just a lot of sadness on their part and on mine.

I will admit to having had some interesting bible discussions this last week, tho. A lot of the stuff in the bible is crap (like violence against women being dictated and sometimes rewarded by god), yet they base their life choices on passages in the bible instead of life experience. I hope they enjoy the enlightenment they will get when they actually get to heaven and find out Clay is there, too.

Wait, wait....they formed a new board? For what purpose exactly? This kind of thing really frightens me. Not a big line between love and hate, kwim.

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OMFG - so I'm looking in my old Clack files for that POYB video - and I see this file called 'Mystery Song'. I have no idea where it came from or when I downloaded it - but I clicked on it just to see what the heck it was. LOLOL - I think it should be Clay's new theme song, really.

Sendspace - not for the shy.

OH HELL! I started listening to this in my office...no problem, just bopping along with it and smiling...THEN the chorus started up right as my colleague walked by my open door---just happened to be the gay man I have the hots for, my real -life Clay clone! He actually walked by, then grabbed my doorframe and dipped back to look at me with his mouth open!

:Kolobok_Laie_haha: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical: :Kolobok_Laie_haha: :Kolobok_Laie_haha:


(sowwy) :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

OMG, hee! Thanks to both of you for the laugh. I needed that!

when is renewal time at the OFC

I doubt that anyone could say that they didn't get their money's worth this time around. :tongue09: I think most of the original members should be around December. But who knows with my great memory.

And who knows? Clay may extend renewals for months again this time. ;)

I, unfortunately, know a couple of ex-fans who think that Clay is now damned. They just left and have formed a new board. No hypocrisy at all, just a lot of sadness on their part and on mine.

a board to sit around and talk about how CLay did them wrong, to make lists of the lies, to pray for his soul... what? or just chat about the weather. I guess this is to be expected but I hope these good christians don't make a hater board.

Hopefully it's just about friendship cuz what's the point of still having your life revolve around someone you can't support.

And that's the crux of it, for me. If you decide you are no longer a fan, that's ok. I may not agree with your reasoning, but it's your perogative to choose who and what to be a fan of. But please, just walk away and find something you do enjoy.

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Well, I bit the bullet and called the oral surgeon...I have an appointment for Friday morning at 10:00. Actually works out well because Friday is my day off of work and we are off Monday for Columbus Day so I will have a long week-end to recuperate.

So I tell my husband since he will have to drive me there and back and what is the first thing he says to me? Will I be able to go grocery shopping on Friday (I go every Friday)! :gen069: Um...no...may have to wait until Sunday or Monday.

Not looking forward to this but it needs to be done.


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j4clay is not Briget is it??? She didn't seem the type.
No no no! I believe she's "mad4clay", or something similar. I've seen her posting & she's fine, not going anywhere.

No, Bridget is still cool (she's from Minnesota, anyway, not Houston). I think j4clay's name is Jan and her avi at CB is/was a full-on cheek to cheek hug with Clay....she has a cubby face, IIRC. Anyone else know?

I had no idea she was the "one" at the OFC. Sad, really sad!!!

cindilu, the sendspace you posted is used up. Any chance of posting another?

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