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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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51 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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Aww man, I love Tom & would really like to see that production. A very good cause, too. If my plans to extend my Jan. trip pan out, I do think I'll try to catch Shrek.

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You owe me a Coke! Hee.

Done! January in NYC?? :hysterical:

Shoot, I wish. I'll be in NYC December 27-30, with hubby, so I'm going to miss the main FCA party for the last weekend of Clay's appearances. Someday, though...we'll be together....

Oh man, I LOVE me some "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown!" My high school did that production, and I fell in love with that show. I can totally see Tom as Snoopy.

Hubby and I are trying to decide what other shows to see when we are in NYC -- we only have one night's tickets for Spam, and I'm not sure if I can convince him that a second showing is in order. LOL. My office mate strongly suggests I take in the Rockettes, and their last show is the Sunday we are there. I was also thinking of Avenue Q, though -- love me some raunchy puppets.

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Ahem. Parts of the eHP went to go see Shrek the Musical (not the parts fo the eHP that actually really like nonClay Broadway shows though). Let's just say the second best part were the screwups (we went to a pre-opening thingie). The best part was Christopher Seiber, who was simply incredible - too bad he is doing incredible work in a crap-ass musical. They invented parts that weren't in the movie - Pinocchio is fortunate that I was unable to use the freaking annoying Eddie Murphy wannabe donkey to stuff down the throat of the most homicide-inducing voice I've ever had the misfortunate to hear - and I couldn't suspend my disbelief with a high powered crane. The songs were on the level of "Barney" annoying and one freakin' song they sang three freakin' times. Three freakin' times. I am still trying to erase the blow up deer from my memory. And the small child Fiona actress sucked. And the medium child Fiona actress blew. And the animation both sucked and blew.

The only way someone could get me to go to it again is that they cut everyone except Seiber and anyone he needs to play off.

The theater was pretty though.

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Ahem. Parts of the eHP went to go see Shrek the Musical (not the parts fo the eHP that actually really like nonClay Broadway shows though). Let's just say the second best part were the screwups (we went to a pre-opening thingie). The best part was Christopher Seiber, who was simply incredible - too bad he is doing incredible work in a crap-ass musical. They invented parts that weren't in the movie - Pinocchio is fortunate that I was unable to use the freaking annoying Eddie Murphy wannabe donkey to stuff down the throat of the most homicide-inducing voice I've ever had the misfortunate to hear - and I couldn't suspend my disbelief with a high powered crane. The songs were on the level of "Barney" annoying and one freakin' song they sang three freakin' times. Three freakin' times. I am still trying to erase the blow up deer from my memory. And the small child Fiona actress sucked. And the medium child Fiona actress blew. And the animation both sucked and blew.

The only way someone could get me to go to it again is that they cut everyone except Seiber and anyone he needs to play off.

The theater was pretty though.

:cryingwlaughter: Glad you liked it!!

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You know, KAndre, it's really not healthy to hold your feelings in. Please, I beg of you, tell us how you really feel...


*crosses Shrek off possibility list (sorry, Chris Seiber) and contemplates another serving of Spam*

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Thanks for all the reports Glad to see Clay is back in action and being his cute, funny self.

Muski, I just hate to fly during the day. I like red eyes because I can sleep all night and then get to my destination and just have a normal day. I'll just drop off my bag off at the hotel and do whatever. Haven't figured that out yet but most of the time I've found I can get an early check in.

Just back from dinner with a Clay friend. Her sister joined us is a Cookie....cracked me up. Got a little bit more of an idea of how annoying I am with my Clay thang :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: She put an idea in my head about going to the inauguration. Hell I'll be unemployed. Have family in DC I can mooch off. Sooooo how do I get a ticket to something. Wonder if it's easier or harder than getting a front row Clay ticket :cryingwlaughter:

Cha Cha.. no I never did get my CD...been meaning to see if Liney still had a spare? Oh Liney can you spare an OMWH/Walmart version?

Couchie... I'm pretty sure I have a spare... I've been housesitting and their internet was down... BAD withdrawal! :cryingwlaughter: I'll check when I get home tomorrow night and let you know! I think I have your address.

I'm home.

It got done.

Nobody died.


Anybody need some dish-towels? Apparently my mother never met one she didn't like.

jamar... glad you survived! I remember cleaning out after my dad died. My mom had died 3 years earlier. She apparently collected cardinals and had 3 egg cartons of CHEAP jewelry. My dad had apparently gotten hooked on those free things you get if you subscribe to magazines, so had upteen magazines and masses of JUNK! I wonder what my kids will exclaim over when I die? Maybe my Clay collection??? Nah... they already know about that so it won't be a surprise. I know... the fact that I have every book Nora Roberts has ever written... that will be their "dish-towels." :cryingwlaughter:

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Poor KAndre!

Since going to Broadway would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for someone like me, I imagine there were people in the audience that felt even worse about it. Not to diminish your pain or anything, though, KAndre. :P

By the way, does anyone have any really, really happy pictures of Clay saved up somewhere? I need something to reflect my mood, and most of the ones I have/can find at the moment are just regular ol' smiles. I need some big-ass grins!

ETA: Hey, liney23 you wouldn't happen to have any duplicate copies of her "In the Garden" trilogy that you'd be willing to part with (at a generously low price, even? :lol:), would you? I have... I think it's Black Rose but I'd have to check to be sure, but can't find either of the other two.

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clazycoffin, you don't know the worst of it - we were surround by a horde of small girls - each of whom had a small felt crown with two green mushrooms on her head - who didn't get the prenup joke - the "let your freak flag fly" joke - the three blind hooker mice joke - the lion king joke - etc. etc. etc. (well, to be honest, it's hard to tell if they didn't get the jokes because they were mature or because they were so unfunny they went into the realm of negative humor) - so I was forced to be restrained in my....appreciation...at the time.
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Poor KAndre!

Since going to Broadway would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for someone like me, I imagine there were people in the audience that felt even worse about it. Not to diminish your pain or anything, though, KAndre. :P

By the way, does anyone have any really, really happy pictures of Clay saved up somewhere? I need something to reflect my mood, and most of the ones I have/can find at the moment are just regular ol' smiles. I need some big-ass grins!

ETA: Hey, liney23 you wouldn't happen to have any duplicate copies of her "In the Garden" trilogy that you'd be willing to part with (at a generously low price, even? :lol: ), would you? I have... I think it's Black Rose but I'd have to check to be sure, but can't find either of the other two.

I wish I could help you with pictures. I have a folder with nothing but laughing Clay but have no idea how to get it from there to here.

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I'm home.

It got done.

Nobody died.

I'm impressed, Jamar! Are you exhausted?


If I can make it through this week, I'll be in the clear! The movers come Sat. morning (ugh!) between 8-9 AM. How on earth did I manage to collect so much sh... cra... stuff over the past 5 years??? I keep filling up boxes, turning back around and finding the shelves still full! And how does Clay Aiken manage to pop up (just for you, muski *g*) everywhere?? :wacko:

I'm dreading the day we move from our current house. We have sooooo much stuff, much of it belonging to our girls. Like you, I keep trying to get rid of stuff, but it seems to multiply!

Good luck on your move!

Hopefully these grins are big enough for ya, clayzycoffin!










ETA: Maybe ldyj has some more! It's always good to see Clay grin!

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I saw the original production of "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" at the Medinah Temple in Chicago back in 1969. My Great-Aunt took my sister and I...it was the first live show I ever saw!

Gary Burghoff (Radar from Mash) played Charlie Brown. I remember how awestruck I was by the whole thing! It was a great show and I still have the original soundtrack album that my Aunt bought me for Christmas that year. Haven't listened to it in years, but I still remember the songs.

Tom will make a great Snoopy! I hope the new version is successful; If I could, I would definately see it again!

Jamar :affection:

And a big :yahoo: for the BAF!


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AHAH! Those pictures are awesome, Gibby! Thanks.

*swoons at the pretty-fulness*

Nerdy? Clay Aiken? Piffle! Every day should involve Clay in some way or another because he's a smexy beast.

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For anyone going to NYC...check your reservations!! Milford Plaza has a 48-hr sale on....good rate! We just saved $150 on ours!

Milford Plaza reservations

NB: YOU MUST click the little box that says "Show all packages and promotion rates" just below the dates of your reservation to see these rates!

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It's a good day to watch/render JNT Clack. Good times!

I just can't believe we won't hear MDYK, Emmanuel, MCWL, MGUCL, DSIAFCD & AIW live this year.

Emmanuel will have been around for 3 years tomorrow - Council Bluffs Iowa, November 18, 2005.

I shouldn't complain, I shouldn't complain... we've had so much!

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:tasty: More of the pretty! :Thud:

Ask (for smiling Clay pictures) and ye shall receive! I love that first one! I wanna steal it and make one of those life-size cutouts of it. And then I want to... :whistling-1: never mind, nothing!

ETA: Oi, I just remembered another question/request I had... Is that Broadway Q&A thing he did in the CU? Or, does anyone know where to find it?

EATA: Thanks, annabear!

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Not really smiling, but verra verra pretty....


ETA: It is up at CU, Clayzy - Here's a link :)

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By the way, does anyone have any really, really happy pictures of Clay saved up somewhere? I need something to reflect my mood, and most of the ones I have/can find at the moment are just regular ol' smiles. I need some big-ass grins!

IMG_7855.jpg<-- He vants to suck your bluhd! Eek!


Yeah, the bold is my addition. Thanks, shamrock!

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