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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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annabear, can the door sorta close, I mean, if it is not wide open can you turn the heater on in the car and warm things up a bit?

On the other hand, who the h*ll am I to be giving suggestions when I have never had that problem in my life. (Mind you, I did have a white Christmas in Europe many years ago and it was so cold the gas froze in the tank.)

But meanwhile back here, it is too hot to think so if I don't make sense, I have a good excuse.

I'm hearin ya Claytonic

In case you are wondering why there are no reports from the eHP gathering..........well what goes on in my house stays in my house :whistling-1:

Are you like Vegas? :cryingwlaughter:

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So cool about the BAF involvement in the The Waiting List show. I don't think I get Fox News here (will have to check!) so will probably be relying on the clack. Hope it's up quick! :lilredani:

Sounds like lots of people are travelling to Spam between now and the end of Clay's run. Hope everyone has a great time! thSpam_SirRobin1_Simply_Clay-1.gifthSpam_SirRobin_peek_SimplyClay-1.gifthSpam_SirRobin_sing_SimplyClay-1.gif

My mom arrived safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Last night was the first night I didn't have to work any overtime so we just chilled out and talked, watched TV, etc. I wrapped my Christmas presents (hee, 4 envelopes containing a combination of event tickets and gift cards) which took all of about 2 minutes. Mom is freaking out that there aren't enough gifts for the kids. I told her to calm down, they aren't little kids any more, they will be more than happy with money to spend on Boxing Day.

I got an email from my SIL in Taiwan this morning. It looks like her visa application has been approved and for the first time, I am going to meet my 10 year old niece. Umm, anyone fluent in Mandarin who wants to give me a crash course? :whistling-1: They are planning to come to Canada over Chinese New Year and stay a couple of weeks. Yikes, now I need to go and request more holidays. Hope the big boss is in a better mood this week.........

Ok, off to get ready for work, but first, to drive luckiestdaughter to Canadian Tire to pick up her car. Apparently her windshield wipers stopped working so she took it in, to find out there was so much ice build up in the wiper motor that it was actually frozen. They cleaned it out and got it defrosted. I hear that we are in for more snow today but then the temp is supposed to go to 7 C by tomorrow with rain. What a weird winter this has been so far and it's only the second day of actual winter!

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A Spam report from CV via CH (I assume from Sunday, unless this week's schedule is different?):

Intermission report from claybella

House almost full.

Huge amounts of laughter at every single joke.

Noticed for the first time that the Finland props all have "property of Natl. Theatre of Finland stamped all over them.

Coconuts migrate line almost brought the house down.

Tom got lots of pokes from Clay while he was on the cart.

Laker Girls also just about brought the house down, hugely successful number.

April got winked at during KOTRT, probably due to wearing same cupcake hat as at SD last night!!

During KOTRT Sir Robin was trying to introduce himself to all the girls by shaking hands and being very polite and proper...hahahha LOTL brushed him off.

When he was sitting on the table he kept smelling his drink!??

Legs kicks very very high during big dance number in Camelot.

Very weird funny face for "the quail" cracked everybody up big time.

The run away can can girls had their skirts all over him trying especially hard to mess up his hair!

The audience is on fire so the cast is totally responding!!

Here's the really interesting part:

They overheard an usher say that the peasant sets are being moved to the other side of the theatre so it will be a total surprise to the "Claymates" !!!

More later!!

From OFC claybella reporting on Coping call to her

D101 was the peasant seat after all... so maybe they will change the row more often???

Clay wore mismatched striped socks.

Boxes full on both sides.

Alms for the Poor was a HUGE crowd pleaser, they laughed and laughed.

Knights of Ni - nobody understood what Rick was talking about but

everybody on stage was cracking up..so he just said "Well, we won't do THAT again" !!!!

Clay did Jingle Bells perfectly followed by the usual routine, perfectly...

Tom was funnier than ever during the Swamp Castle scene...when his father grabbed him to say he had to marry the princess...he just kept saying "ow, ow, ow" !!!

Sir Robin was ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED when Tim the Enchanter said "blow me"!!!

The peasant's name was Greg Steel...Sir Robin said "that is a really strong name" !!! The peasant sang along during their song while he was on stage.

Rick blew confetti directly at Dyan because Coping, April and Dyan were the only three standing during the grand finale!! They were sitting front row center so I don't know at which point they noticed they were the only 3 standing.

SD crowd very large...but Jerome finally came out and said it was too cold and Clay would not be coming out.

So they are off to eat cheesecake at Junior's

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Good Morning Everyone,

4 Days until Clay is on The Waiting List! :yahoo:

12 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


34 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

And, the days are getting longer; Spring is just around the corner!

Everyone have a great day!


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Not that!!!!!!

Posted the pictures here.

BTW, at the white elephant exchange, I ended up with these round shiny balls that made a sound when they were shaken. There were 2 of them in a box -- kf was holding them in one of the pictures. There wasn't anything to hang these with though. *scratches head* :cryingwlaughter:

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Heh. Heh heh. Heh heh heh! Round shiny balls! I got a variety of lumps of coal (which I total forgot but will go back to fetch). merrieeee and kf know LOTS of musical acts I've never heard of. Solo can eat an incredible amount of honey-baked ham. Scarlett has a really dirty mind, while I apparently am as pure as the driven snow. I like crackers!

kf, but you went into the dark bathroom first, giggling apprehensively as the door shut behind you...

The eHP likes adolescent sleepovers.

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BTW, at the white elephant exchange, I ended up with these
round shiny balls that made a sound when they were shaken. There were 2 of them in a box
-- kf was holding them in one of the pictures. There wasn't anything to hang these with though.
*scratches head*

Tai-Chi balls?

I used them for my Carpel Tunnel Syndrome condition. Didn't work, or maybe I quit too soon!

Here's my contribution for the White Elephant gift:

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It's snowing! I thought it wasn't going to start until this evening, but looks like it started early.

I was doing dishes and one of the Christmas music boxes that I have on the shelf by my kitchen window started playing all by itself...this one plays The Little Drummer Boy. It was very peaceful, doing the dishes, watching the snow fall and having the music playing softly.

I have quite a collection of music boxes and often one of them will start playing for no reason and I always believe it is my Mom and maybe even my Dad letting me know they are still around.

It all reminded me that this is a season of hope and even though many are missing loved ones, the birth of Jesus reminds us that one day we will see them again and there really is reason to celebrate.

As I look out my window there are birds at the feeder, sparrows and a beautiful red cardinal...they always put a smile on my face as it reminds me that Spring really isn't all that far away.


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justclay....I've been thinking along these lines, too, for awhile!

People like Elvis and Streisand and the Beatles, etc all seem to have had a lot of resistance from those in the entertainment industry. Maybe its fear of change or maybe its just filled with a bunch of wannabes who are constantly seeking acceptance so they feel they can only like those people that the "in" people like. And usually those "in" people are the same ones who think weird equates to being brilliant. Just like those art critics who think a toilet seat in an art gallery equals great art. Bunch of idiots is what I think

Oh, and those balls? They sound familiar. Anybody ever heard of an establishment called "Good Vibrations"? It's a store of...adult items and knowledge. Not that I'VE ever crossed the doors, of course. :whistling-1: However, I do know that there are some shiny balls available for purchase there...they---according to what I've HEARD---are meant to be....er.... :unsure: worn, in a manner of speaking, inside one's body as one goes about one's normal day's activities. SUPPOSEDLY, doing so can keep one rather....alert.

Rats! I'd love to tell you more, but I really must get to work.... :imgtongue:

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I think Clay Aiken is pretty special :)

Thread title? :lilredani:

Sounds like the sooper sekrit eHP Christmas party was a lot of FUN! :naughtywag::hysterical:

42 people and you lived to tell, cha cha?! Congrats! :clap:

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Good Morning Everyone,

4 Days until Clay is on The Waiting List! :yahoo:

12 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


34 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

And, the days are getting longer; Spring is just around the corner!

Everyone have a great day!


aikim.... your optimism (see bold above) is.... weird... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

chacha... your holiday sounds lovely!

Scarlett... loved your pictures! Thanks for sharing!

merrieeee.... O.M.G... your house is decorated GORGEOUSLY!!! How can you bear to put it all away???

I've got a couple of last minute stocking stuffers to get that I didn't think I needed until last night, then it's wrapping and making my dessert for Xmas Eve.

Neat that Clay is doing that The Waiting List show. I hope it does some good!!!

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merrieeee.... O.M.G... your house is decorated GORGEOUSLY!!! How can you bear to put it all away???

As gorgeous as they are, the pictures don't do the effect justice, believe me. I was so inspired by her lovely home that I went out and got some more Christmas decorations for our tree, which now looks verra VERRA purdy.

And, um, Muski, I don't think there was any REAL question about the silver, um, ornaments. Any show of confusion was...for show. heh


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:hello: from JFK gate 8 where my flight to FL has apparently been delayed an hour after 3 gate changes....but there seems to be some confusion about that, as all the screens say "on time". :shrug: Guess we'll see what happens!

In the meantine, Jet Blue has free wireless so I can catch up with you hussies (Scarlett!!!) for as long as my battery lasts, which on this Dell clunker won't be long...

Looks like a gorgeous day in NYC~but I haven't been outside of course, so it could be cold.

This new Jet Blue terminal at JFK is absolutely beautiful! Preden and me myb and goldarngirl, we'll be able to spend some quality time eating and shopping here when we fly out on Jan 5th!

So happy to see Clay and BAF are going to be a part of the Geraldo program...about time! ....

Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas! Sure am glad to be out of the snow:)

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:hello: from JFK gate 8 where my flight to FL has apparently been delayed an hour after 3 gate changes....but there seems to be some confusion about that, as all the screens say "on time". :shrug: Guess we'll see what happens!

In the meantine, Jet Blue has free wireless so I can catch up with you hussies (Scarlett!!!) for as long as my battery lasts, which on this Dell clunker won't be long...

Looks like a gorgeous day in NYC~but I haven't been outside of course, so it could be cold.

This new Jet Blue terminal at JFK is absolutely beautiful! Preden and me myb and goldarngirl, we'll be able to spend some quality time eating and shopping here when we fly out on Jan 5th!

So happy to see Clay and BAF are going to be a part of the Geraldo program...about time! ....

Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas! Sure am glad to be out of the snow:)

Well I was just saying to hubby I guess FromClaygary takes off in 18 minutes. Guess not huh? I will keep an eye. Can't wait until you get here.

Glad to hear the terminal is nice. See you soon.

ETA On line says 1:48 you arrive at 5:01.

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:hello: from JFK gate 8 where my flight to FL has apparently been delayed an hour after 3 gate changes....but there seems to be some confusion about that, as all the screens say "on time". :shrug: Guess we'll see what happens!

In the meantine, Jet Blue has free wireless so I can catch up with you hussies (Scarlett!!!) for as long as my battery lasts, which on this Dell clunker won't be long...

Looks like a gorgeous day in NYC~but I haven't been outside of course, so it could be cold.

This new Jet Blue terminal at JFK is absolutely beautiful! Preden and me myb and goldarngirl, we'll be able to spend some quality time eating and shopping here when we fly out on Jan 5th!

So happy to see Clay and BAF are going to be a part of the Geraldo program...about time! ....

Hope everyone is having a good pre-Christmas! Sure am glad to be out of the snow:)

Have a good Christmas in Florida! Can't wait to see you all in NYC jan 1st.

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It's snowing! I thought it wasn't going to start until this evening, but looks like it started early.

I was doing dishes and one of the Christmas music boxes that I have on the shelf by my kitchen window started playing all by itself...this one plays The Little Drummer Boy. It was very peaceful, doing the dishes, watching the snow fall and having the music playing softly.

I have quite a collection of music boxes and often one of them will start playing for no reason and I always believe it is my Mom and maybe even my Dad letting me know they are still around.

It all reminded me that this is a season of hope and even though many are missing loved ones, the birth of Jesus reminds us that one day we will see them again and there really is reason to celebrate.

As I look out my window there are birds at the feeder, sparrows and a beautiful red cardinal...they always put a smile on my face as it reminds me that Spring really isn't all that far away.


aikim - Your post is one of the sweetest things I've read this season. I think you're probably right about your music boxes. :music-smiley-023:

merrieee - I LOVE your decorated house! I have a lot of stuff out too, but I can't hold a candle to all that gorgeousness.

FromClaygary - Have a wonderful time in Florida and a blast in NY, like I even need to say that!

I'm going to wish you all a very Merry Christmas since I'll probably be offline completely for the next few days. My family is European and, for us, December 24th is the big event. When my kids were little it was always Christmas Eve with my parents and I, then Christmas Day pickup by dad at 11 am and home around dinner. Now they see dad and co. before Christmas and we have two full days together with my mum.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! :BlowKiss:

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akim...loved your post. I was in a store yesterday waiting for a sales guy to help me pick out an inexpensive digital camera for Alex and my cell phone rang. It was my mom calling from the assisted living residence. She...was confused, said I'd never given her my number and so she'd had to get 'everybody here' to help her 'find' it.

I found myself feeling so impatient listening to her. I just wanted to hang up. And I know it's because I haven't visited her recently and I feel guilty. I was supposed to take her to her doctor's appt. last Wednesday but ended up having the visit to the endodontist from hell that afternoon, so hubby took her. There have been other opportunities to visit, though.

As I sit here at work listening to Clay sing holiday songs "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas...now", I think of how the holidays must feel like for my mom and for other elderly people with even more advanced dementia...What do the holidays MEAN for them?

In San Francisco this weekend, the family did some shopping. We were on a city bus and a guy started doing that 'guess which cup the button's under' thing. Carrie was fascinated and was calling out the answer and the guy gave her a dollar! She thought she was hot shit. :cryingwlaughter: So a little later after we shopped for Christmas gifts, she and I were waiting outside a store waiting for hubby and Alex, and a very down and out man in a manual wheelchair pushed himself by us to stop at nearby. He was breathing hard from the exertion of pushing and his shoes were hardly in one piece. He had smiled, though, when he went by.

I turned back and waited and then Carrie said, "Mom, is it okay if I give my dollar to that man?"

I said, "Sure, honey, if that's how you'd like to use it." So she did and when she came back, she said, "That felt good!"

:wub: So I talked with her about the idea of 'pay it forward' and she was a happy camper.

When I think of that---That little dollar won't buy that man much, but I bet it made HIM feel warmer, too. So maybe I can't be everything to my mother, or do everything right or be able to make her happy all the time...but maybe just a little bit now and then will be good, huh?

[/schmoopie post]

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akim...loved your post. I was in a store yesterday waiting for a sales guy to help me pick out an inexpensive digital camera for Alex and my cell phone rang. It was my mom calling from the assisted living residence. She...was confused, said I'd never given her my number and so she'd had to get 'everybody here' to help her 'find' it.

I found myself feeling so impatient listening to her. I just wanted to hang up. And I know it's because I haven't visited her recently and I feel guilty. I was supposed to take her to her doctor's appt. last Wednesday but ended up having the visit to the endodontist from hell that afternoon, so hubby took her. There have been other opportunities to visit, though.

As I sit here at work listening to Clay sing holiday songs "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas...now", I think of how the holidays must feel like for my mom and for other elderly people with even more advanced dementia...What do the holidays MEAN for them?

In San Francisco this weekend, the family did some shopping. We were on a city bus and a guy started doing that 'guess which cup the button's under' thing. Carrie was fascinated and was calling out the answer and the guy gave her a dollar! She thought she was hot shit. :cryingwlaughter: So a little later after we shopped for Christmas gifts, she and I were waiting outside a store waiting for hubby and Alex, and a very down and out man in a manual wheelchair pushed himself by us to stop at nearby. He was breathing hard from the exertion of pushing and his shoes were hardly in one piece. He had smiled, though, when he went by.

I turned back and waited and then Carrie said, "Mom, is it okay if I give my dollar to that man?"

I said, "Sure, honey, if that's how you'd like to use it." So she did and when she came back, she said, "That felt good!"

:wub: So I talked with her about the idea of 'pay it forward' and she was a happy camper.

When I think of that---That little dollar won't buy that man much, but I bet it made HIM feel warmer, too. So maybe I can't be everything to my mother, or do everything right or be able to make her happy all the time...but maybe just a little bit now and then will be good, huh?

[/schmoopie post]


You know, in the end, its the little things we do that matter most. I think sometimes we all tend to lose sight of that.

Thanks for the reminder.

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muski, give that daughter a hug from me for what she did, and aikim, that was a very nice post as well.

Will this day EVER end? It's the last day at work for the year. I finished moving into a new office today -- one with a LOT less privacy. *sigh* I'm sharing an office now with someone who works approximately the same hours I do -- which means much less goofying off on message boards. *sigh*

*twiddles thumbs impatiently*

How much time did that post waste?

And in 5 days -- NYC!!!!

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FromClaygary, hope you finally made it to FL! Isn't that new T5 great at JFK?

Argh, just when I thought it was over........I have to completely tear apart and redo that work project I've been doing all the overtime for. I also have to cover for another lady who is going on holidays tomorrow. On the bright side....at least it's paid overtime again. But at Christmas? I mean, really......

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It's snowing! I thought it wasn't going to start until this evening, but looks like it started early.

I was doing dishes and one of the Christmas music boxes that I have on the shelf by my kitchen window started playing all by itself...this one plays The Little Drummer Boy. It was very peaceful, doing the dishes, watching the snow fall and having the music playing softly.

I have quite a collection of music boxes and often one of them will start playing for no reason and I always believe it is my Mom and maybe even my Dad letting me know they are still around.

It all reminded me that this is a season of hope and even though many are missing loved ones, the birth of Jesus reminds us that one day we will see them again and there really is reason to celebrate.

As I look out my window there are birds at the feeder, sparrows and a beautiful red cardinal...they always put a smile on my face as it reminds me that Spring really isn't all that far away.


Need to have this on this page as well... thanks, aikim!

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Finally home from work...we have had near blizzard conditions all day... it is a mess out there! ldyj Are you getting any rain/sleet yet? We are supposed to get rain/sleet tonight and then more snow...ugh! I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow or we may be having pancakes for Christmas!

Guess it will all depend on the weather in the morning; plus hubby will be taking my car to work so I will have to wait for him to come home.

Thanks for all your kind words on my morning post...yes, I am the eternal optimist...always have to look on the bright side of life!



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