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#58: The man is made of awesome!

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan
    • He's still beautiful, sings beautifully and he's still OURS
    • He's made of awesome wrapped in fabulous with a little more awesome sprinkled on top!!
    • Forget life -- It's Clay time!

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Yoohoo, liney! Just a shout out to ask ya to let me know if/when you get my PM since I kinda lost the last one I sent ya....I think.

k thx :lilredani:

tree... I did not get a pm from you yet. Did you get mine with my cell number?

Clay content... tree and I are roomies for the Reno concert so we're going to swoon together. Hehe!

I'm not very proficient with my ipod, but I synced it tonight and hope to high heaven I got Scarlett's Clearwater vids on it. Cross your fingers!

Well that is just strange! Yes I did receive yours and then I responded to it with the info you asked for. I just checked and it is there in the ongoing converstion thread. It shows you last read at 5:31 and I responded to you at 5:53. Could you check once more please because I can't figure out why you aren't seeing my messages. *cue twilight zone music*

Couchie, could you let me know if you received my last PM to you with directions to my place? If not then I am perplexed. And I'll need to get those directions to you.

Clay content: San Francisco?! San Francisco?! SAN FRANFREAKINGCISCO?! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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I was trying to keep up with the cellcert last night; but then they lost it and then it just got too late...can't seem to stay awake past 10:00, LOL!

3 Days until The Premiere of Phineas & Ferb!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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From Can'tExplainIt at the CB:

West Coast person here so I will file a report tonight. This was my first Clay concert, so very exciting just because of that. And third row seats!! And on "Clay's side" of the stage!!! Everyone was in great voice and having fun. A few special Snoqualmie moments:

Black-and-white striped socks for Clay.

The venue is outside so the sun was still up when the show started. The middle section of the audience was in the sun and having to shield their eyes. Ruben said, "We'll call them the sunglass section." Clay said, "What time does the sun go down here?" Someone called out, and Clay said, "They want us to stand here and block the sun for them." So Ruben moved over a bit and Clay said, "A Ruben eclipse." Later Ruben went to call out to the sunglass section again but noticed they were in the shade now. He said, "What happened?" Clay said, "God is good, Ruben."

A couple came in a bit late and Ruben called them out saying, "Hey, gray dress lady." Hey, long-haired man." Clay teased them about thinking the show started at 8:00 instead of 7:00 and not checking their tickets. He said, "Did you even pay for your tickets?" Apparently the man said something about he was on the Tribal Council, and that made Clay and Ruben speechless for a bit. (The casino is owned by the Snoqualmie tribe; most of the casinos in the area are owned by Native American tribes.)

Clay said the nice thing about doing the show at a casino was that everyone was over 21. "So we're going to be a little raunchy."

Clay was talking about how nice the weather was tonight. He said, "We did a show a couple weeks ago... Well, it seems like a couple weeks but it was only a few days ago. Anyway, we did a show in North Carolina and it was 175!" He then talked about how beautiful the area around here is and Ruben said, "Look at all the Christmas trees, Clay!"

Early in the show a woman called out something and Ruben said, "Who was that?" Everyone pointed at her and Ruben called her "blue shirt lady."

At one point Ruben noticed a woman killing a mosquito. He demonstrated how she held her hands out to clap and waited for the perfect moment to get the mosquito. Later a mosquito was buzzing Clay and he "assumed the position" to try and get it. Ruben said they would have to have that woman come up and show them how it's done.

During Ruben's speech leading up to the Marvin Gaye songs, when he's talking about the Gulf crisis and the war in Afghanistan, a loud truck went by. (The entrance/exit to the casino runs right alongside the venue. When the music is playing you don't notice it, but when Ruben was talking the truck was loud.) Ruben stopped, and Clay yelled at the street, "We're trying to do a show here!"

When they were talking about how so many famous duos are different, like Peaches and Herb, Clay said, "How are they different?" Ruben said, "One's a fruit and one's an herb." Clay said, "Kind of like us." Then they got to the part where Clay said Ruben can be like Luther Vandross and Ruben started to say, "And you can be..." and then a woman yelled out "Barry Manilow!" Ruben said, "Who was that? Was that blue shirt lady?" He told her to come up there. She hesitated and Clay said, "If Ruben says to come up here you better come up." So she went to the front of the stage. Ruben said, "Turn around and face the class. Repeat after me. 'I (state your name)'" She said, "I (and she said her screen name which included "Claymate"). Ruben said, "Not your log-in name. Your real name." He made her say, "I will not steal Ruben's lines anymore." Clay was chuckling a lot at the way Ruben handled this. And then she got rewarded with an autographed t-shirt!!!

After singing September to close out the 70s segment, during which they dance through the whole thing, Clay said, "We should have recorded that" (instead of trying to sing it live and dance at the same time).

The Preacher/lack-of-rhythmitis segment continues to develop. Ruben came out in a white robe. Clay had a hard time keeping from laughing through most of it.

During When I See You Smile, a helicopter fly right over the venue and Clay raised his arm and sang to it.

When Clay came out for the 90s segment, he didn't have his Hammer pants on, but instead had his jeans on with one leg rolled up. Ruben said, "Why are you wearing your jeans like that?" Clay said, "Didn't you wear your jeans like this in the 90s?" Ruben told him he looked like he was going fly fishing. Then Clay explained that he did this because he didn't have his Hammer pants because when he threw them into the audience at the last show he thought he had two pairs.

Towards the end of the show, Clay and Ruben were joking with several people who were drinking quite a bit. A couple woman had made a trip out to get more Bud Lights and they were asking them how many they'd had (5? 7?) Clay and Ruben even talked a bit like they were drunk. Then a few woman went up to the stage and were talking to them. Ruben said, "You helped her through menopause, Clay." Apparently that's really what she said because Clay was laughing but also looked a bit mortified and said, "That's really what she said." Security had to get involved again.

I really like the 80s segment--lots of fun songs and Clay in great voice on Africa and Alone, plus fun songs like Eye of the Tiger, If This Is It, and Footloose. Also love More Than a Feeling! I like the opening too when they both sing their Idol songs, and I've Had the Time of My Life to close the show. They really have fun with that. I'll also mention that the opening of the show--before they come out on stage is funny. A recorded voice gives a big introduction about "7 years ago two singers met in a singing competition. Now the two legends meet again in a death match..." I can't remember all the words but it's very dramatic with the Star Wars theme or something playing.

It was a wonderful show! I've finally seen Clay and Quiana and Jerome live and in person!

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Thanks for the recap, sounds like it was a fun show!

Today is my youngest son's 19th birthday (so that means he is legal to drink here in Ontario). Eeeep! He doesn't seem at all interested so far, which is v.v. good. ;) Anyways, I am celebrating by taking the day off work. And Monday is a civic holiday, so that means 4 day weekend, woo hoo! lilredani.gif

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ncgurrl... great recap (hope I spelled your name right!

bottle... thanks for bringing over that recap... I love recaps!!! I'm gonna do one early next week. 2 shows in 2 days. I hope I don't mix them up... LOL

tree... I finally got all my messages. I got your cell number, so we're all set. See ya' tomorrow!

Off to the airport!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!

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LdyJ is still talking to me even after making her get up before 7am to go get the rental.

For everybody that has my cell number - throw it away. That was the first thing to go when I was unemployed last year. I actually don't have one right now but LdyJ and KF are with me so if you have there's you can reach me. And I'll have a cell phone tomorrow so if you want it just PM me and I'll give it to you. Of course here is the best way to reach me. Liney I think is looking into meeting places for tomorrow after the show.


KF wants to spoil me but I'm resisting!!

Treenuts I got your directions...Looks great. I'll PM you later to give you an idea of when we're leaving for sure. Whooo hoooo.

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ncgurrl... great recap (hope I spelled your name right!

bottle... thanks for bringing over that recap... I love recaps!!! I'm gonna do one early next week. 2 shows in 2 days. I hope I don't mix them up... LOL

tree... I finally got all my messages. I got your cell number, so we're all set. See ya' tomorrow!

Off to the airport!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!

Have a blast, liney and all those going to Reno.

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I feel like everybody else at FCA is at a fun party in Reno and I’m stuck with my co-workers getting food poisoning from eating undercooked pork at the local rib cook-off and shouting “What?” a lot because the steel drum band is good but really, really loud.

Yeah, my life kinda sucks right now in comparison to the Reno-ites, but I still hope you guys have a blast because I’m not bitter and jealous or anything.


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Several fans have posted about seeing Clay's picture with details about PBS telecasts in their local newspaper. One I was very interested to see was the Nashville Tennessean. I intend to send some of my Nashville friends an email with the promo video, info about the show, etc. I don't know too many folks in the other July 31-Aug 1 cities, but I'm going to do my best to alert some musicians in Nashville.

The current Carolina On My Mind entry lists all 30 PBS markets airing the special this weekend (July 31-Aug 1) and provides a link to a searchable database for later telecasts -- by location, date, station, etc.

Tying in the T&T 2011 concerts is great marketing. I have updated the blog several times with "confirmed" concerts since it went online Thursday afternoon. Many thnx to all who have visited the Carolina site. :flirtysmile3:

I watched canfly's Pastor Studdard Snoqualmie video this morning. I love it when he cracks Clay up. :rofl3:

I have Snoqualmie video by canfly and Scarlett on my TODO playlist right now. First, I have to write a letter to parents about a price raise, which I have been putting off. Not one of my favorite activities, but the academy is raising teacher fees. The videos will be my reward. :)

ncgurrl great recap! Love all the recaps, so keep 'em coming. :twinklewhore:

bottle :cryingwlaughter:

Have a blast, liney and all heading to Reno! :yahoo:

Happy Friday, all! :snoopy:

Caro :listen:

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Permaswooned just called me from SeaTac. She is on a Southwest flight filled with fans and most of the show cast and crew. Quiana is sitting in the exit row so their safety is dependent on her. *g* Perma stayed on line until they shut the door but she saw neither Clay nor Ruben board the plane.

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I think I've discovered who ended up with Clay's missing Hammer pants.


Thanks for the recaps, ladies! Can't wait to see them...the show...HIM live and in the flesh :hubbahubba:

liney, I know your puter isn't notifying you of PM's so go check them again. k :whistling-1:

caro, niiice blog!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE only one more sleep!

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2 Days until The Premiere of Phineas & Ferb!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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Good morning everyone! can't wait to see more pics and clack from tonight's concert! I'm so thankful for all the clack as I couldn't stand it till August 10th! Can't wait to see it live!!!! In one week exactly, I'd be officially on VACATION!!! :04:

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Hey! My body clock still hasn't quite adjusted to Pacific time, so I'm up, even though the clock only says 6:15 a.m. OTOH, maybe that has something to do with what I'm going to be doing this evening....

keepingfaith, couchie and I had a wonderful time yesterday exploring the San Francisco sites -- Pier 39, Ghiardelli Square (I HAD to pick up chocolate!), and then a drive to Haight Ashbury. I don't think I've so many hookas in a one block radius in all my life! LOL!

We leave in about 3 hours for Reno. We'll be picking up treenuts along the way. We'll also have with us couchiemom, who is a real sweetheart.

I downloaded Pastor Studdard from Snoqualmie last night, and keepingfaith and I were crying from laughter. This is going to be such a great, great show!

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couchie just talked to liney and she has scoped out a place for an FCA afterparty tonight!

Place: Gecko's BBQ in Circus Circus

Location: Next door to the Silver Legacy. There's a walkway to the place from Silver Legacy.

liney says if we meet by the two huge elephants next to Gecko's after the show, we'll be good to go!

Yummy BBQ and Yummy Clay! Life is good.

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couchie just talked to liney and she has scoped out a place for an FCA afterparty tonight!

Place: Gecko's BBQ in Circus Circus

Location: Next door to the Silver Legacy. There's a walkway to the place from Silver Legacy.

liney says if we meet by the two huge elephants next to Gecko's after the show, we'll be good to go!

Yummy BBQ and Yummy Clay! Life is good.

Thanks Lydyj! We are just about to leave Sacramento for Reno and hope to make it to the afterparty (will be there so long as my concert buddies are up for it)!

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