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#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature

Couch Tomato

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    • Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!
    • Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif
    • Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.
    • And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.
    • Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.
    • The Eyes Have It!
    • he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?
    • Just can't keep a good man down.
    • "Clay wants to see your bushes".
    • Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.
    • veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

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Clayzor, I've been thinking about what you said today. I go to hear Clay concerts for the voice. The funny is the extra added bonus for me. While I do think he mixes the funny into the singing some times I don't think it's his intent. Usually it's in response to something that is going on. Like Canandaigua when the mic stand wouldn't adjust during When You See Me Smile. I guess he could have just grabbed the mic and kept singing but instead brought the audience into the joke with his antics. Singing to Flat Clay in Pala is another example - he just has an instinct to find the funny during live performances. I didn't see as much blatant playing around during songs as I have in the past like the tickling of the girls him putting them in headlocks LOL. The long note holding contest seemed to make its way in a bit but not as much as during NAT.

I'm watching current banter clack. Did the whole AI2 retrospective last year for FCA so did my walk down memory lane. I loved AI Clay. But other than the voice he didn't prepare me for Clay Aiken entertainer that I love oh so much more today.

ETA: I didn't know my mom's real first name until I was in my teens. She's from South Carolina. Maybe it's a southern thing.

ETAA: EEEK bad hair day below...one of only my 3 bad Clay days. Did you know Clay only had 3 bad hair days. No? heeeee

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I was going through some pictures and thought I'd post a few favs....

Clay at his college graduation. Toofers!!!!!


Clay laying on his back getting kissed. I can fantasize!


Clay in TV Guide. Is there more to that picture or did I just get the good part?


Umm, yeah


Do I feel a theme coming on?


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Off to the movie. Good thing JJ told me it wasn't Oscar worthy since I usually don't like that high-falutin' sorta stuff anyhow.
I saw "Stardust" last week. It's not Oscar-worthy, but it was very entertaining. I had just finished reading the book

I LOVED it! :RedGuy:

Smiled all the way home. I'm on hold for the book at the library and I'm looking forward to seeing the differences. I just loved the "slaughtered princes" and Robert DeNiro. Hee. Seriously if you liked the Princess Bride you'd like this movie. FWIW they also took a few liberties with the storyline in that book to movie.


I could never really watch Clay's AI performances. I was usually too busy pacing. I could listen but only watch later, once I knew he'd done okay. Oh and I was usually sick to my stomach through the results show. Of course, back then, I still thought it was just another reality show and I'd be moving on with my life when it was over.


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*throws her love for BMUB into the ring* Love, love, love!

I had forgotten that I knew Faye's first name was Nancy. My grandparents were Nancy and Vernon, and I remember thinking that was a coinkidink.

An oldie that I just came across in my photobucket. Didn't someone mention turtleneck sweaters and the long coats of loveliness?


I hate comp/rhet, I hate comp/rhet, I hate comp/rhet

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I was going through some pictures and thought I'd post a few favs....Umm, yeah


One of my first favorite pics ever ShadyLil - along with this one -


made me realize early on what a long, lean, cool drink of water this man was - just GAH!

I'm loving all the reminiscing we're doing here!

Of course, back then, I still thought it was just another reality show and I'd be moving on with my life when it was over.

I thought the same thing...LOL...

4+ years later, guess what?

Here's to all of us!...:trink4:

To us! :trink4::clap:

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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Watching clack tonight..and in Canandaigua... I hadn't heard that bit about the girl's stage versus backstage personas. I love the way he said..Angela is the fun/goofy (never thought of her as goofy) one onstage but classy backstage and Quiana is (pause with a smile)..Quiana, the one that keeps them laughing backstage. Very cute.

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made me realize early on what a long, lean, cool drink of water this man was - just GAH!

I'm loving all the reminiscing we're doing here!

Of course, back then, I still thought it was just another reality show and I'd be moving on with my life when it was over.

I thought the same thing...LOL...

4+ years later, guess what?

Here's to all of us!...:trink4:

To us! :trink4::clap:

Ohhh, thanks sooo much for that cute drinking emoticon... I watched it thru its cycle and LOL...

Love this place... drinkin' and a smuttin'... drinkin' and a smuttin' What a great life we Clay nuts Mates have! :cryingwlaughter:

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You can add your favorite emoticons to this thread here and periodically I can add them to the inventory and make them clickable for use here at FCA. I added a new forum for photos, photo shops etc whatever ya'll want. Pictures are all still welcome, and mandatory heee, on main. :cryingwlaughter:

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Wow. Just watched some fascinating TV. Reruns of America's Next Top Model, 2006. Early in the season they took the models for a photo shoot up in the LA hills. They shot them with a professional male model. The scene: have a pillow fight between lovers, feathers and semi-naked bodies in a flurry of arms and legs.

Clay content? The segment was shot in the same house where Clay did his ATDW shoot. (I wonder if they were shot around the same time, or which production came first)

Anyway, this is the couch where the 'lovers' had the pillow fight. Yeah, that prompted a few fantasies of my own.


As to the current discussion...Just remember, not all men have the same size package.


...same with the VOX. Clay Aiken just seems to be blessed with things on a LARGE scale. :allgood:

I've got that picture in a poster that covers a whole door, and it's made of the kind of material that billboards are made of. It's to die for! :hubbahubba:

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A catching up post.....

Aiken and Buble—A "Diva" and "Geek" Play the Greek

Dianne Austin--Columnist and Freelance Writer

We all know that Aiken is a self proclaimed geek. But did you know that Michael is supposed to be a diva? He may not have admitted it himself, but his slide trombonist does some quick schtick in the show telling us he's nothing but.

I loved this article, but I especially loved the above line. Heh, because I wasn't enamored of the title when I first saw it, but this makes it all better. :RedGuy:

Well shed guy didn't show. I hate this shit. Doesn't he want my money?

Yeah. I spent 5 hours Thursday night cleaning and reorganizing my kitchen/living room out of necessity. I left work Friday an hour early to get home for the carpet cleaners to come in and do their stuff, since we had a 4 pm appt scheduled (which I'd confirmed multiple times). They f*cking never showed up. Bastards. Looks like I'll have to go and rent one today. Otherwise my living room will acquire all the messy shit that it usually acquires with 3 kids in the house.

AI UM is still my favorite version of that song...EVAH! Even now when I hear the Righteous Brothers sing it ... I'm thinkin'. Man this drags...pick up the pace guys. Hee.

Mine too! He came close to it on the JBT, too. It's so funny - UM is the first demo song of Clay's that I heard. I was not online at all prior to the anomaly, but I found that on winmx. I reallllllly wasn't convinced it was Clay, and it wasn't until much later, when I learned of all the demo's existence. The AI version had such an impact on me, I still can't listen to the demo version (and though it's on my harddrive, it's not on any of my playlists).

Aww, don't be hating on the demos. God, I love them, including UM. But my absolute FAVOURITE version is the David Foster gala version. Seriously, if you haven't listened to it (no video, just use your ears) go back and do it now. It is fabulous.

How's this for a confession...I never watched AI2 when it was on...I listened somewhat from the other room though while my daughter watched, and maybe caught a performance here and there.

You are me, at least for the first half of the season. I think I finally got myself to the couch and watched from the Billy Joel night on. So I am looking forward to AI Rewind, even though I do have the full episodes on my computer somewhere.

I really need to break down and switch my m2v's to regulars mpegs....I can't bear to watch YouTube quality when I have better (on one of four hard drives)...

That's my gripe with youtube - I rarely click on the links, because I am a quality freak, I guess. Much prefer yousendit or some type of download.

Hey, y'all... I'm mostly a lurker, but you guys gotta see this Clay artwork for sale on ebay... Triple GUH


Wow, those are fantastic. I wish I had the money to buy them.

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Still so much to catch up on. I'm really looking forward to AYSTAFG.

There may not be time for me to watch AI2 on AI Rewind. It is on in our area, but in all my channel changing I never caught the first one.

I have not watched JK but the consensus seems to be that he did well and that ph is still an it.

The news about the judge dismissing the case is great news. I've read a couple of criticisms here in that this news came from a fan. From what I read here, the person lives in Raleigh and simply looked at public records. The person did not call the judge or the lawyers in the case. The person did not contact Clay's family or the media nor did the person talk to reporters. So what's the problem?

Though I don't generally comment on fan's calling venues for set lists (how in the heck would the venues know about the set list?) or TV producers for information or talking to reporters or inviting them to parties or doing a number of things to bring attention to themselves, I usually find most of that type of behavior out of line.

Sorry I have to stop. The baby is up and not feeling well. You know how it is. He will take all my attention for the rest of the day.

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Couchie I love spontaneous humor from Clay, like the examples you gave. He is sharp witted and quick with the comeback. I love it when he does that. I love when he pokes some fun at his fans. I'm just not a fan of planned "skits" of humor in his concerts or laughing and giggling etc when he is singing. He has cut back somewhat as you have said. He isn't doing the practical jokes, the silly string, etc etc. We did get MOAM, EIH, LAA, WY, as Cindi said . That's 4 songs he seriously sang out of the whole concert and I'm glad for that. I enjoyed my concert, like I said, but I still have a preference for more concerts like his solo tour, that's all. Not trying to be negative or nit picking Clay apart. Thanks for the emoticon thread. I have lots I can contribute.

The news about the judge dismissing the case is great news. I've read a couple of criticisms here in that this news came from a fan. From what I read here, the person lives in Raleigh and simply looked at public records. The person did not call the judge or the lawyers in the case. The person did not contact Clay's family or the media nor did the person talk to reporters. So what's the problem?

Ivy it is a good thing it was dropped. I think all of us here agree with that. I didn't see any one here make a claim that the fan called Clay's family, or the media, or reporters, or the lawyers, or the judge. It was stated by me that she worked in the court house in Raleigh and that is where the news came from.

Some more oldies:





Oops. I better start using the photo thread. :eusa_whistle:

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Good Morning Everyone,

48 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

59 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

79 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

105 Days until Christmas In Merrillville!

108 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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Couchie I love spontaneous humor from Clay, like the examples you gave. He is sharp witted and quick with the comeback. I love it when he does that. I love when he pokes some fun at his fans. I'm just not a fan of planned "skits" of humor in his concerts or laughing and giggling etc when he is singing. He has cut back somewhat as you have said. He isn't doing the practical jokes, the silly string, etc etc. We did get MOAM, EIH, LAA, WY, as Cindi said . That's 4 songs he seriously sang out of the whole concert and I'm glad for that. I enjoyed my concert, like I said, but I still have a preference for more concerts like his solo tour, that's all. Not trying to be negative or nit picking Clay apart.

I appreciate that we all love different things. And while I love it when Clay is singing his heart out in concert, I also love the "live" stuff, the little imperfections or jokes or random lyrics or whatever else he decides to throw in there. They are what makes each concert unique, to me. I can always queue up ATDW or MOAM (which I do often) if I am in the mood to hear some serious singing. :allgood:

ETA: Like ldyj, I am a smile lover. Wheeeeee, how d'ya like my new avatar?

Edited by luckiest1
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Last night I finally got around to listening to the Listen duet with Quiana. I love that version. They sing so well together that I can't possible believe they have never done it before or is that one of Clay's little stories?

He really is so freakin" talented.(TM:PA)

I would love something similar to that on his new CD. (OK stone me now!)

I just wanted to say thanks for all my bithday wishes. My friend at work bought me a small photo album so I could put pictures of all my Clay adventures, with my buddies, in it. Yeah I am so out at work and no-one makes any snide comments. They did in the beginning but now they just know I am having fun and quite frankly one or two have said they envy me my joy.

Well I have to go to work today. I get to sit on a golf cart and shuttle kids from one hole to another in 99 degree heat..Oh joy! I wonder if they'd notice a little thing like an iPod?

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I appreciate that we all love different things. And while I love it when Clay is singing his heart out in concert, I also love the "live" stuff, the little imperfections or jokes or random lyrics or whatever else he decides to throw in there. They are what makes each concert unique, to me. I can always queue up ATDW or MOAM (which I do often) if I am in the mood to hear some serious singing. :allgood:

Bolding mine. That really is the key to me as well, although I know it's not the same for everyone. ( :F_05BL17blowkiss: Clayzor) His spontaneity in his shows is what makes me come back again and again. I dearly love the voice, don't get me wrong -- but the memorable moments for me in his shows are almost always banter sections.

BTW, someone mentioned Sterling Heights as some of the best banter from this tour, along with Fort Myers and Pala. My personal pick? Newark. I still watch his "screw it" clip over and over.

ETA: Like ldyj, I am a smile lover. Wheeeeee, how d'ya like my new avatar?

Damn you for stealing that. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'll find another one, although I hate giving up my current one too....

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The news about the judge dismissing the case is great news. I've read a couple of criticisms here in that this news came from a fan. From what I read here, the person lives in Raleigh and simply looked at public records. The person did not call the judge or the lawyers in the case. The person did not contact Clay's family or the media nor did the person talk to reporters. So what's the problem?

Well why should we have to hear this news from a fan anyway? Shouldn't the media be all over it, like they were all over the news of the lawsuit in the first place?

Oh yeah. Doesn't work that way does it?


There's still some clean up to go on the shed tear down, but I'm glad it's done. It was some huge homemade monstrousity and a real eyesore. I've hated it for years. Siding project should start next week. I know that I will love it but it skeers me to spend all that money!


I prefer all my money in my savings account you know. Hee.

edited, of course.

Edited by jamar1700
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Couchie I love spontaneous humor from Clay, like the examples you gave. He is sharp witted and quick with the comeback. I love it when he does that. I love when he pokes some fun at his fans. I'm just not a fan of planned "skits" of humor in his concerts or laughing and giggling etc when he is singing.

I am not a fan of the canned skits, either, Clazorback. While I loved the TV Theme Medley, I wasn't wild about the George Jefferson bit. Same thing with the Classics Medley - I loved it, and I appreciated the switch to the concept of singing 'cool' songs to become cool, but I didn't really enjoy the comic stuff around it at the end. Maybe that's because I saw it too many times.

I love Clay's off the cuff banter, though. His ability to make the most of the affordances of the environment is impressive. So smart, quick, witty. I don't mind giving up a song or two for that. I also don't mind goofing during songs when it is impromptu. It's the planned stuff that doesn't appeal to me that much. I was actually a bit turned off by it in SD, but then the next 2 concerts were great! As others have said, each show has something unique. I really appreciate that.


AI breakout song for me was Tell Her About It. When he started the song slowly, I thought he was going to turn it into a ballad and didn't think that would go over well, but then he broke out and I just loved it. So much energy! There were many more impressive vocal performances, but that one really made me smile.

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Not trying to be negative or nit picking Clay apart. Thanks for the emoticon thread. I have lots I can contribute.

Oops. I better start using the photo thread. :eusa_whistle:

First of all NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO heee don't start using the photo thread. I don't know why I made it cuz lord knows I'm too lazy to move photos over there or organize them in any way but I love having pictures on main. Maybe we'll do different hings like MY FAVORITE PHOTO or something like that.

And you weren't being negative you stated your preference and that resonated with me because concert Clay is my favorite so I put some thought into it. . And I was thinking about it as I watched clack. And then after I posted my message I continued to watch clack and came across ATDW in Canandaigua where he was just throwing a ball around for no reason that I could see. I started cracking up...thinking, oh this is what she meant. Heh. Anybody at Canandaqua know what he was throwing a "spinning" ball around during that song. Granted I never really saw the cards work, but to me that's probably an example of a schtick that wasn't necessary for tv theme songs. He realized it, took away the cards, and fined tuned it for the better just with words I think

I can certainly understand why someone didn't like Wolftrap for example, and if I had been there maybe I wouldn't have either - oh but the clack of it cracks me the hell up.

Well why should we have to hear this news from a fan anyway? Shouldn't the media be all over it, like they were all over the news of the lawsuit in the first place?

Oh yeah. Doesn't work that way does it?

Jamar -- actually I'm surprised that the Raleigh papers didn't cover it. But nope doesn't work that way. Too bad

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Question Couchie! In the photo and emoticon forum you just have a thread for emoticons. Are we allowed to start a thread for photos in there or are we supposed to put them in the emoticon thread? I'm dumb you know....... :cryingwlaughter:

Feel free to start threads anywhere on this site. There are a very few places that you can't but it'll let you know.

LdyJ love your ideas as well.

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