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#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature

Couch Tomato

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    • Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!
    • Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif
    • Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.
    • And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.
    • Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.
    • The Eyes Have It!
    • he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?
    • Just can't keep a good man down.
    • "Clay wants to see your bushes".
    • Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.
    • veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

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Back to mowing my lawn. I can fantasize that it's Clay mowing it in 90 degree weather, shirtless with sweat dripping off him, then, I hand him some lemonade (ala 'Witness') and watch him drink it as it trickles down his neck, as his Adam's Apple moves up and down when he swallows, then he hands the glass back to me and our fingers touch. Then he eye fucks me, then he reaches towards m.....*slaps self* Back to reality.

Holy shit, what's in that lemonade?

I'll have what she's having..... :Thud:

Sorry, couchie, I can't offer to help with the 'best of' rating project. I have such pedestrian taste when it comes to music, as my friends with whom I exchange CD's every Christmas will attest to. I can't pick out nuances in voice and instrument. And besides, if a clip had a particularly sexy grunt, eye f*@# or hip thrust it would be my hands-down favorite, regardless of what it sounded like. Really, I don't think you want my 'help'. :)

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I'm just going to interject one little piece of info for those of you going to Las Vegas with a Southwest connection. There are some GREAT promotional fares from some places. I got round trip tickets from San Jose, CA to LV for $108. WAY cheaper than other airlines.

THis ends this commercial break.

thanks I have yet to book my flight for this one..hmmm did I know you were here near me? YAY.

Oh I meant to tell Claygasm..thanks for telling us about your free ticket you received from all your travels..made me call up southwest and tell them of all my recent flights. I had lost my little card with the number. Now with everything I Have planned for the rest of the year should have a free trip byend of this year.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: where is Claygasm. I miss claygasm.

Bookwhore..having predestrian tastes didn't stop me from volunteering. Heh. Actually I felt the same as you last year but took a song and after listening to every version under the sun found I could actually pick out a few nuances.

Thanks Toots, for taking over Kotter and Full House. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I guess I'll go get ready for my nephew's pool party..sure is a crappy day for it though.

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But I've caught up with Jamar. I now have my song all downloaded.

Now wait a second...I said I had some of them downloaded. I'm not done. So your actually ahead of me! Congratulations! I too was surprised that I started to pick up nuances of the orchestration.


Ooof. I know it's only 2:30 but I'm having a beer. I went out to trim up the evergreen/bush/shrub out front. To make things easier for the siding job. Well...I now don't have an evergreen/bush/shrub out front. *g*

Anyone need a haircut? :RedGuy:

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That's my gripe with youtube - I rarely click on the links, because I am a quality freak, I guess. Much prefer yousendit or some type of download.
Real Player's new version allows for quality downloads from You Tube by clicking Download This Video over the screen. It has worked great for me. If only I could be more discriminating! I love so much stuff.

BTW, someone mentioned Sterling Heights as some of the best banter from this tour, along with Fort Myers and Pala. My personal pick? Newark. I still watch his "screw it" clip over and over.

I agree with all of the above, LadyJ. But don't forget to check out the Tampa clack with Clay's 'be proud of your instrument' - 'get your reed in' - 'dirty minds' banter -- that really cracks me up when he repeats 'put your reed in' during TWYMMF. It's a super sexy performance for me. Actually, there's banter in every concert that I enjoy. I also really love some of Clay's screw-ups. In Houston when he opened the second set, "Oh I can't forget this morn/vening, or your face as you were leaving, but I guess that's just the way the song goes ...." The priceless look on his teacher Clay face did it for me that night, and everytime I watch that clack. However, the next night in Tulsa he burped and then joked about it at the beginning of TOA, which flawed what would otherwise have been perfection.

And I do download and watch tons of clack. Like yesterday, There was a cable outage almost all day long and I watched so much new clack that I had stored away. I had a great day enjoying Clay and reliving some of those performances. Damn, he's so CUTE!!!!!!

I don't think he will ever have a tour to compare with the JBT and if there were some fans who were expecting JBT 2, than yes, I can see how they would be disappointed.

I may be very wrong of course, but I took Clay seriously in general terms with a lot of the Classics banter. He was clearly signaling a change, and I believe him. The question, however, is what kind of change. He has also said over and over that he wants to be current and hip and off the chain, so wherever that place is for Clay, I'm going there with him musically. I think it's exciting. I don't expect it to be rock or rap, but I do expect a contemporary album. I hope Jesse's been giving him piano lessons and that David has been giving him tips on composition, so that sometime in the not to distant future Clay can release an album written completely by him. He could title it Clayton. And, if that never happens, that's okay too. It's just my dream for him.

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It will be intersting to see where Clay is going. I don't expect top 40 music and I thought he was clearly saying that in his banter heee. I expect good music though. If it's vastly different from MoaM I will be shocked. I can see him doing some MJ like pop music so if he can get some stuff like that which also has nice melodies, then great. I of course could be wrong too. The good part is that we'll know what's what in a year. I don't really care in which direction he goes as long he continues to sing and tour.

ETA: I do think Clay can find a place on hot AC and AC. I'd just be suprrised if he started singing the type of music he can't even listen to for more than an hour. Is there anyone following the music scene closely..are there any trends ou there that would help Clay? I think MoaM was current so he can be current.

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That's my gripe with youtube - I rarely click on the links, because I am a quality freak, I guess. Much prefer yousendit or some type of download.

Real Player's new version allows for quality downloads from You Tube by clicking Download This Video over the screen. It has worked great for me. If only I could be more discriminating! I love so much stuff.

Oh, cool! Thanks for the tip.

I may be very wrong of course, but I took Clay seriously in general terms with a lot of the Classics banter. He was clearly signaling a change, and I believe him. The question, however, is what kind of change. He has also said over and over that he wants to be current and hip and off the chain, so wherever that place is for Clay, I'm going there with him musically. I think it's exciting. I don't expect it to be rock or rap, but I do expect a contemporary album. I hope Jesse's been giving him piano lessons and that David has been giving him tips on composition, so that sometime in the not to distant future Clay can release an album written completely by him. He could title it Clayton. And, if that never happens, that's okay too. It's just my dream for him.

Hmmmm, you have a really different take on the Classics banter than I do. I honestly think Clay was poking fun at Top 40 radio, and how crappy a lot of it is, and yet it still gets played. I don't expect him to change too much.....I mean, if he did, I'd definitely be supportive of that, but I think Clay is Clay is Clay through and through. I think ATDW was v.v. artistic and a good indication of what type of music and production Clay likes....now, I know it was orchestrated, and had lots of covers, and that he didn't necessarily have a big choice about that, but there were 4 originals, and I think he picked them for a reason. I don't expect the new album to sound a whole lot different than them. JMO of course, and I could be very wrong as well. That's what I find exciting about Clay - he always keeps you guessing! :allgood:

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Hmmmm, you have a really different take on the Classics banter than I do. I honestly think Clay was poking fun at Top 40 radio, and how crappy a lot of it is, and yet it still gets played. I don't expect him to change too much.....I mean, if he did, I'd definitely be supportive of that, but I think Clay is Clay is Clay through and through. I think ATDW was v.v. artistic and a good indication of what type of music and production Clay likes....

Well your take was my take as well. With emphasis on the bolded.

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I may be very wrong of course, but I took Clay seriously in general terms with a lot of the Classics banter. He was clearly signaling a change, and I believe him. The question, however, is what kind of change. He has also said over and over that he wants to be current and hip and off the chain, so wherever that place is for Clay, I'm going there with him musically. I think it's exciting. I don't expect it to be rock or rap, but I do expect a contemporary album. I hope Jesse's been giving him piano lessons and that David has been giving him tips on composition, so that sometime in the not to distant future Clay can release an album written completely by him. He could title it Clayton. And, if that never happens, that's okay too. It's just my dream for him.

It's my dream too...but if it doesn't happen I'm OK with that too. I think it would be a waste of his talent though.

Clay has said [in M&G's] that he was going for a new Sound for his next album....I am so curious about what that is. He has also said he will be touring with a Band for the next Pop Tour. At first I had thought he was going to infuse a Pop Sound with Symphonic accompaniment. Guess not. I do think he really wants to get played on the Radio. I think he is tired of singing the Slowww songs. I think he is a bit more ambitious than he claims to be and I do think he would like to sell more tickets than he currently is. Whether he wants to be a Superstar or not, I have no idea. But there is a huge difference between being a Superstar and selling out huge arenas and where Clay currently is in ticket sales. Maybe he'd like to be somewhere in the middle. I know I personally want him to be successful enough to have true Nationwide Tours. It really sucks to live in the West...and other places where he either doesn't Tour...or does so infrequently.

Funny how he has said the only song he never gets tired of singing is Invisible. He has said that he likes songs that he has to emote....but also said he likes fun songs. Maybe he has had to many of the emote songs and not enough of the fun songs in recent years.

I am a Clack Ho. I admit it. I don't download everything though...just the songs I like and all the banter. Or if someone mentions something good. I do download all the Clack from the Concerts I have attended. I listen to Clay on my iPod. In fact 75% of what is on my iPod is Clay. I like other Singers and Songs....but I don't have the emotional reaction to them that I have to Clay.

I think ATDW was v.v. artistic and a good indication of what type of music and production Clay likes

This may well be true...but I think it is only part of who Clay is. I truely believe he loves singing Uptempo Songs....he just comes alive when he sings them. I think he got very, very bored with some of the songs on this Tour.

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I don't know if I have brain damage or what, but I'm just so excited about Clay's future and his next CD--and I don't even care what's on it! If he's happy with it, I know I will be. He's never done, said, or sung anything that made me unhappy.

I don't really have any expectations as to what he will do or not do; I just sort of accept him as s gift in my life. And, the wonderful friends I have made along the way make me feel blessed.

Without Clay, I wouldn't have friends in New Zealand, and I wouldn't be able to travel clear across the country and look up and see familiar faces. I wouldn't even know message boards existed. I would have NO CLUE what HDD meant or give a ratsass about CD sales. I would have no idea that new music came out on Tuesdays. I would know virtually nothing about the recording business. I would probably never have gone to Florida and I sure as hell wouldn't have gone back to Las Vegas.

I'm so lucky to have found Clay and this whole crazy world. He can do just about anything, and I'll still feel so just plain overjoyed with whatever it is.

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I'm one that believes that seeing "something" in Clay is truly in the eyes of the beholder. For every person who saw Clay bored with the songs of ATDW during this tour, I'm sure there are just as many who thought he looked perfectly happy. I think that for those who felt that his comments about the classics medley were his way of saying "there's going to be a new me soon," there are those who saw it as his commentary that being a radio star almost means selling your soul to the devil. It's incredibly difficult for me to "see" Clay sometimes, because I read into him what I want for him.

I also truly feel that Clay is a very complex man, so much so that no one in the fandom will ever KNOW what he likes to sing, or what he wants to do for a career (focus totally on music? If so, what kind? Maybe TV? Maybe stand-up comedy?). Clay singing uptempo songs truly rock -- but so does singing slooooooow songs (because IMO he's fantastic at it).

One other thing -- I almost always give him the ability to change his mind. He may have said that he thinks he's good at the ballads at one point -- but that doesn't mean that tomorrow he may say "nah, gonna rock out for a while." The converse is also true -- even though he's said he likes uptempo stuff, he may change his mind and not go in that direction at this point in time. (Doesn't mean he might not change his mind again later, though....that's being human, donchaknow?)

Do I want Clay's ticket sales to be good? Why, sure. Do I want Clay on the radio? Why, sure -- if he wants it. But in either case, I think Clay Aiken will be fine if they don't happen.

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posthoing before I leave.. of course he loves uptempo. I just don't expect top 40 with the hip hoppy sound and rhythmic beats a la Timberlake or songs about butts. heh. So when I say no top 40 I"m not saying no fast songs. Measure of man had midtempo and uptempo.. He has chosen to do those type of songs on tour in the past. mostly of the classic pop variety. Even his soul was of the old school variety and I love it MOST OF ALL. I don't expect an album of ballads. I guess it's the style of music I'm questioning. I don't think Clay was telling us "this is me" during the classics banter. If he was, I think he would take the songs seriously.

To me a waste of talent would be singing songs that don't utilize the voice - so the tempo doesn't matter to me as long as the songs is king over the beat. But 12 or so songs is a lot of songs to play with..one thing I feel confident about it that there will be something there for everybody. When I look at the albums on my shelf, rare is it that I like more than 5 or 6 songs anyway. Clay is unique in that he can make me like almost anything.

Wandacleo..you are me. When it comes to Clay's music I just want an album. I want to see where HE wants to go and I want to be along for the journey. I can't wait to be surprised.

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I honestly think Clay was poking fun at Top 40 radio, and how crappy a lot of it is, and yet it still gets played. I don't expect him to change too much.....I mean, if he did, I'd definitely be supportive of that, but I think Clay is Clay is Clay through and through. I think ATDW was v.v. artistic and a good indication of what type of music and production Clay likes....now, I know it was orchestrated, and had lots of covers, and that he didn't necessarily have a big choice about that, but there were 4 originals, and I think he picked them for a reason. I don't expect the new album to sound a whole lot different than them. JMO of course, and I could be very wrong as well. That's what I find exciting about Clay - he always keeps you guessing!
I don't disagree that he made the Classics fun, and he was not even subtle about dissing the current content of Top 40 radio. That said, I think he wants to make a great contemporary album that will get played on the radio. I don't think Top 40 is impossible for him with the right material. If the new album is what TC and RCA are looking for, I think there will be a big roll-out, built on top of the Idol Rewind, and a Clay appearance on the next season of Idol. It will be the 5th anniversary of Ruben and Clay and I don't think it will go by unrecognized. When the gentleman at WPB mentioned the Beatles, Clay stroked his bangs and said, "I'm working on it" and I think he's already experimenting with new looks and new sounds. Anyway, Clay's voice is Clay's voice and will be The Vox no matter what he sings and how. I'm hoping for some fast songs, some sultry songs, and some good old-fashioned NEW Rhythm & Soul.

Just an aside, I was walking through the downtown mall on Friday and the four consecutive songs that played were: Always & Forever, I Could Not Ask For More, Everything I Do (I Do It For You), and Everytime You Go Away. It was weird.

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Hi again!

Just saw my DS2 and g/f off to return home to Hong Kong! "sniff" Don't know when I'll be seeing him again. "sniff some more" so I came here to get cheered up! :)

I saw some convo asking about "best audio" and tony7babe at CV posted this morning her picks, which I saved:

Here You Come Again"—WPB—Spotlightlover

"Everything I Have"—WPB—Spotlightlover

"I Want to Know What Love Is"—WPB—Spotlightlover

"Right Here Waiting"—WPB—Spotlightlover

TV Medley—Tampa—Spotlightlover

"These Open Arms"—Pala—Spotlightlover

"Everytime You Go Away"—LA—Spotlightlover

"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word"—WPB—Spotlightlover



Classics Medley—WPB—Spotlightlover


"Lover All Alone"—WPB—Spotlightlover

"Because You Loved Me"—Newark--Scarlett

Hope that helps someone! :)

I can't wait for the new CD - can.not.f**king.wait! :)

I saw opening night of JNT05 in Vancouver - GAH!! faint!!! GAH!!! Loved every frickin minute of it! Black suit too! GAH!!! "faint" "GAH" :Thud: Thought all the bitchin about it from those who only saw Clack was bitchy but then I'm so easy to please. He makes my heart smile no matter what he does or what he sings and I love how he tries new things ie. the medleys (he was nervous) and the JNT05 (really put his rep on the line and I thought he did great!).


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I don't think Top 40 is impossible for Clay. Granted there is alot of dreck on those stations...but there is some good music too. I can't stand Daughrty personally [think he is to egotistical], but he has put out a good album that gets played....or Elliot, Rob Thomas, and others. I like Pink, Christina, and Kelly (during Breakaway). I think all Clay needs is some good music. Hell, Invisible got played on Top 40. I'm not saying that he will be a Top 40 Fixture....I agree with you Couchtomato, that his strenght lies in AC and Hot AC.

I actually am very optimistic about Clay's future...I think things are looking up for him after the dismal year that he just had in 2006.

I just wish he would blog. <whine> I do wonder if he is working on that new album....it seems if he wants to get it out early next year, they would have to be doing something now, during his break. I wish he would tell us who his Producer is, that might give us more of an idea of where he is going for the next album.

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I'm one that believes that seeing "something" in Clay is truly in the eyes of the beholder. For every person who saw Clay bored with the songs of ATDW during this tour, I'm sure there are just as many who thought he looked perfectly happy.
*raises hand* Yeah, that would be me. The man just seemed like he had a hell of a lot of fun this time around.

couch tomato wrote:

Even his soul was of the old school variety and I love it MOST OF ALL. I don't expect an album of ballads. I guess it's the style of music I'm questioning. I don't think Clay was telling us "this is me" during the classics banter. If he was, I think he would take the songs seriously.
Wandacleo..you are me. When it comes to Clay's music I just want an album. I want to see where HE wants to go and I want to be along for the journey. I can't wait to be surprised.

This is me also. Both comments. I want to see and hear what that man wants for himself. Not what his fans or his label say he should be or how he should go.

Clay has said [in M&G's] that he was going for a new Sound for his next album....I am so curious about what that is. He has also said he will be touring with a Band for the next Pop Tour.

desertflower, I know I read about the new sound, but I must have missed the mention of the band. When did he say that he would tour with a band again?

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When did he say that he would tour with a band again?

It's in one of the M&G Reports. I don't remember which one...seems like it was one of the ones from early in the Tour.

From a Re-cap of a M&G by 12Stringbabe.....from Indio

My main curiosity had to do with the direction of the next CD and future tours. I do like the symphony concerts, but I love the band (yes, I am a guitar player, singer/songwriter type - that's where my screen name comes from), so I asked Clay if he could foresee touring with the "rock band" again. He kind of took exception to the term "rock band" and just preferred to call it a "band," but he did say that the new album was kind of leaning in that direction and that he could see that in the future. I specifically asked him if he thought he would use some of the same players as before, adding that I am in love with Daniel Pearson (sigh - ever since I saw him in Dallas at the Not-A-Tour - I just love him). Clay said that obviously these guys aren't just sitting around waiting for him, they stay busy, so it would all depend on their availability, but of course he would love to work with people he already knows and with whom he'd worked before. And he added that Daniel just got engaged (I tried to look happy for him - lol!!) So all you Daniel lovers out there - we waited too long But I'm heartbroken now that Daniel didn't wait for me; the fact that I'm already married notwithstanding, of course - hehe.

I know I read another M&G Re-cap from earlier in the Tour where he said something about touring with a Band for the next CD.

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I hope that Clay is holed up somewhere (not.smut) with someone he loves, utilizing that piece of anatomy that he tries so hard to keep underwraps (and ties, and shirts, etc.).

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I don't think Top 40 is impossible for him with the right material. If the new album is what TC and RCA are looking for, I think there will be a big roll-out, built on top of the Idol Rewind, and a Clay appearance on the next season of Idol. It will be the 5th anniversary of Ruben and Clay and I don't think it will go by unrecognized.

That scenario gives me chills--I'd love to see RCA get behind this album--heck, I'd be (almost) satisfied if they'd $upport one single to radio so that it can go as high as Invisible on the chart, and that was considered a modest hit.

A Clay/Ruben reunion would be a ratings bonanza.

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When did he say that he would tour with a band again?

It's in one of the M&G Reports. I don't remember which one...seems like it was one of the ones from early in the Tour.

Well the M&G reports varied depending on who was reporting and who was filtering them. I only remember reading that he said if it worked out that way he'd like to do it. But I also just read one that said he like working with the symphony's and would continue to do so. So ... we'll see, won't we?

I feel the same way about the style of the next CD. We'll see. I'm sure there will always be those that think he's being forced to do what he doesn't want to do because what he's doing isn't what they want him to do. If you get my drift....

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I think, and this is just my opinion, is that he'll continue to work with Symphonies for his Christmas Tours...and a Band for his Pop Tours. Didn't Clay say that they couldn't do Invisible, LNM, or BW, because they couldn't do Arrangements for a Symphony?

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Didn't Clay say that they couldn't do Invisible, LNM, or BW, because they couldn't do Arrangements for a Symphony?

Don't remember reading that.

However here's the M&G quote about the Symphonies that I referenced cuz I like to bring the source...

rom ClaySiempre Canandaigua M&G

But he enjoys the sound of a symphony very much and will continue to work with them.

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Didn't Clay say that they couldn't do Invisible, LNM, or BW, because they couldn't do Arrangements for a Symphony?

Don't remember reading that.

From a M&G Report in San Diego by Nordie

He said that he was looking for songs that would be a departure from the originals that were on the first two albums.

He said he wrote the bridge in "Lonely No More", and was not singing it, or songs like Broken Wings, because they did not mesh well with a symphony.

However here's the M&G quote about the Symphonies that I referenced cuz I like to bring the source...

rom ClaySiempre Canandaigua M&G

But he enjoys the sound of a symphony very much and will continue to work with them.

I had already posted a quote above from a M&G about a band...so who knows? He likes to keep us guessing. *g*

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I may have been dreaming or just wishing, but I thought I heard in some of the California banter Clay say something like, "It only takes one song." when referring to radio play.

I haven't been able to locate it since and it may have been a crowd comment rather than him saying it, but it's rather interesting. If it happened, it does show he knows what a crap shoot radio play is.

Did anyone else hear anything like this?

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I'm sure there will always be those that think he's being forced to do what he doesn't want to do because what he's doing isn't what they want him to do. If you get my drift....

I do indeed, and so true.

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Yup ...Clay is like a Rorschach test... a lot of times our perception and interpretations of his actions and words are more a reflection of what we want. Personally...I am not a big fan of glory noting ballad boy Clay. I would love a more contemporary and even upbeat songs from him. BUT...when I compare his performance of TWYMMF and MOAM...The Classics with WY and The TV medley with TOA...I just get the impression that he gets more lost in the music of of the ballads and his artistry really comes out at these times. Yes...he gets alive with upbeat songs...but he often treats it as something fun where he can joke around with the audience and be goofy. I think he will have some upbeats songs in his new CD but I bet the ballads will still out number them.

ldyJ great post...WORD

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