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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Nobody saw nuttin'

The Sporker.

I can't laugh out loud at 2 am, people, I'll wake up the neighbors. Better get to bed, I've got a lot of LAA to listen to tomorrow. Got it narrowed down to only 17 cities--should be a cinch.

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Yikes!! It looks like the sporker is getting violent. Those poor eHP'ers. *gives a virtual hug to merrieeee*

I'm almost done with my recommendations. I have them narrowed down to 6 or 7, with 2 or 3 in the lead. And, I'm in Colorado. It's going to take awhile for the sporker to get here, especially since she's pretty busy in Texas. So, I'm not gonna sweat it too much. I have until midnight tomorrow, right? I'm gonna take my time.


Edited by Gibby
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KAndre The Sporker carefully places pins in her Google map of Colorado and Philadelphia...

There will be a couple of survivors lots of people left in Houston - I need someone to drive me around Washington DC. And Philly. And Colorado. And the rest of the West Coast.

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Oh right you can joke...I am fighting for my life here!!!!

Who's joking????

I am SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***Must go to bed so I can listen to lots and lots of downloads of TOA tomorrow later today. But I am sleeping with my lights on!!!!***

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Thank the Lord for small mercies and undone English assignments! I'm missing the Texas Sporksaw Massacre......though I do believe I can hear merrieeee's screams from my balcony.

I should be extra thankful I'm not there. I sat on my hands when y'all were volunteering to review songs. I'd be just another floater in the pool at merrieeee's tonight. :o

Have fun guys...you too merrieeee. Make them clean the blood off the white furniture before they leave tomorrow....m'kay?

Edited by Karen Eh?
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Well, the threatened sporking was all the incentive I needed, :Ahh: I've posted my recomendations in the DCAT Recommends thread for "Growing Pains" and "Different Strokes" I'm tired and need sleep, but I know as soon as I close my eyes, I'm going to keep hearing "as long as we've got each other"........and "it takes different strokes, different strokes, different strokes to rule the world"

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This is the Sporker (and no, you don't have any proof that this is anyone else).

Listen up.

I need clear, concise recommendations in small denominations placed under a rock in the DCAT thread. Do not contact the police. Do not attempt a rescue. Leave some ice wine too.


Nobody saw nuttin'

The Sporker.

All I can say is....BWAH..HAHA!!!!

I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!!!

At least we can be sure that ONE admin will be around come October 1st!!! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

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Good Morning Everyone,

26 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

37 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

57 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

83 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

86 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

Everyone have a great day!


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Claygasm, I found some more listings for American Idol Rewind in the Philadelhpia area. I don't know how much it differs by zipcode, and I'm in Delaware County, but here's what it looks like, according to the TVGuide website:

New York Auditons:

Sun, Sep 30 at 8:00 pm WGN

Mon, Oct 1 at 4:30 am WGN

Sat, Oct 6 at 5:00 pm WGN

Miami/Detroit Auditions

Sun, Oct 7 at 8:00 PM on WGN

Sat, Oct 13 at 5:00 PM on WGN

Somewhere, I saw something about it also being on WPHL, so I'll check out both networks. if I have them, which I don't really know. Nope, no DVR or Tivo for me, either.

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6:30 on a SUNDAY morning? And I'm up, showered, dressed and on m y way to another soccer/softball day?

And I have this strange irritation on my butt...like three little sites of trauma...almost as if someone had

SPORKED me! I haven't had time to catch up on the last couple of pages this morning but don't you think that's weird? The pain in my butt is three-pronged.

Go figure. :huh::whistling-1:

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This is the Sporker (and no, you don't have any proof that this is anyone else).

Listen up.

I need clear, concise recommendations in small denominations placed under a rock in the DCAT thread. Do not contact the police. Do not attempt a rescue. Leave some ice wine too.



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And last night was the night I was so exhausted I fell asleep early and missed the danger, Will Robinson!.....I'm pretty sure that Sorry was in the concert, if not from Frisco, from Houston. Why? I love the song and do not remember a Whoopee when it was added. Now RHW was added n the middle, first replacing ATD then just added when ATD came back. I will go listen to the entire concerts to see.

No, I think I will be doing a revision in about a month when the rest of the clack comes up. In my silliness, I have been driving around for about a week with this CD listening over and over, so I know I love 8 and 7 is a runner up and 11 sucks the big one (too much laughing during this song), but I thought the names would be copied on to the CD (It has been a while since I used this particular software to make a CD - and ..no.. only track numbers - where is my original list? At Home - where I won't be until Monday night - Where am I? At the beach. So I can give you track numbers as recommedations, but not names. Track numbers do not align to songs. So Monday sounds good until yourealize that wehn I get home, the first thing I have to do is finish ripping down my ceiling and putting it out in the garbage for morning collections. Monday will be a long day. Of course, I don't have to shut down the beach house (yeah, right) and all the work associated with it.

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And last night was the night I was so exhausted I fell asleep early and missed the danger, Will Robinson!.....I'm pretty sure that Sorry was in the concert, if not from Frisco, from Houston. Why? I love the song and do not remember a Whoopee when it was added. Now RHW was added n the middle, first replacing ATD then just added when ATD came back. I will go listen to the entire concerts to see.

It was definitely added at Canandaigua (I was there and was celebrating). Up until then, the second half went like this:

Without You

Measure of a Man

A Thousand Days

The Way You Make me Feel

Then at Canandaigua, it went like this:

A Thousand Days

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

Measure of a Man

Without You

The Way You Make me Feel

So you can save yourself some time and not worry about the concerts prior to that. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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::merrieeee sneaks in bleary eyed but alive::

Well SHE who shall not be named has gone home, so it is safe to come out now! What went on last night was not pleasant and let's just say what goes on at my house stays at my house::nudgenudgeenuffsaid:: :whistling-1:

Needless to say didn't get my recommendations done or even started and I doubt I will get to it today! (KAndre :tongue09: ) I am going to be worthless all day on 2 1/2 hours sleep but what a boat load of fun we had. I am sure our laughing must have woken the neighbours! And to think despite all the rumours we did not drink anything! No seriously...we were just high on life!!!*g*

I just love the eHP Everyone should be lucky enough to have these kind of friends (hee I wrote fiends at first) in their life. We just have such a good time together and yeah we do once in a while talk and drool over one Clay Aiken!

Now if I can just stay awake until 4 when AI2 Rewind comes on again I'll be set!

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so I know I love 8 and 7 is a runner up and 11 sucks the big one (too much laughing during this song), but I thought the names would be copied on to the CD (It has been a while since I used this particular software to make a CD - and ..no.. only track numbers -

Hee. This is so me. When I needed to make up a PIN number for my phone banking (which preceded online banking...) I wanted something that I would remember when I picked up the phone no matter where I was. But I was just divorced and did not want to use anything that my X could figure out easily. I had reason. But I also wanted something I could write down so it didn't look like a PIN. Again...I had reason. So I made up a code out of the numbers/letters on the phone pad (CLAY would be 2529.) I picked the first letter of my sisters & their husbands names. I could just write down their names, Bob & Carol, Ted & Alice,* and know that my PIN number was 2282**. After awhile I just knew it that way. I'd just say bobcaroltedalice* to myself as I punched the keys and I was in. When we went to online banking I had to go into the bank to set up my account in person. They asked me what PIN number I was using for the phone banking and I just stared at them. Felt like an idiot for almost saying bobcaroltedalice* out loud and had to actually dig out my cellphone to answer.

And yes, hindsight being 20/20, it WOULD have been easier to just memorize the stoopid 4 numbers. :cryingwlaughter:

* not their real names ** not my real PIN

Anywhoooo....I'm glad my recommendations are DONE! :lilredani:


I'm looking forward to seeing the AI Rewind shows. I was even without Clay's narration. It was a good show back then. Season 3 almost killed it for me and Season 4 almost brought it back for me. But since then they've veered so far away from those early seasons. I know it's still very popular but I just don't think as a show it's nearly as enjoyable to watch. This was the first season I didn't watch at all. Normally I didn't start watching until the auditions were over (yep totally missed Clay's audition...) and this year I just didn't start after they were. Not sure why. Now I don't have a desire to start watching it again. I will gladly relive Season 2 however. :wub:

Edited by jamar1700
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Lifting my glass to the eHP who I hope will fill it with Blue Bell Berry whatever, and a little scotch. Of course there was a little confusion on the subject of drinking the real stuff vs being high on life because scotch was mentioned. It didn't escape my notice that the Sporker may really be a cream puff because many of the delinquent contributors to the clack thread are indeed members of the eHP and partied all night with the Sporker. I'll bet she didn't slap their hands when they were wrist deep into the Blue Bell ice cream, pouring her scotch and whatnot.

KarehEh :sorry: you had to miss the proceedings. Did you resolve your passport problems?

Gibby, that morph is really clever. Fun to watch to changes.

I woke up at 2:00 this morning to go potty, turned the TV on to see if AI rewind was on and instead of AI1 as advertised in my TV guide :naughtywag: it was AI2 and none other than Mr. Clay Aiken narrating. I was impressed with the job he did and that southern drawl wasn't as prominent. He can sure talk fassssssssstttttttttttttttttt. I'll bet that's where he got the idea to do OPP because one of the auditioners rapped (?) it :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So what's going to be on today? Who knows because the TV guide tells big lies.

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apropos of nothing... my cell phone number is ###-CLAY (2529), and I made both those morphs :imgtongue:

ETA: no problem at all Toots, was just sayin'.

Here are a couple others, though not from AI, but still 'early' Clay. Incredible!


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This is keepingfaith.

Really people, this is serious. Merrieeee is making small squeaking sounds and I know she's really really sorry now. Don't let this happen to you.

KAndre is making noises too, but they are more like BWAHHHHH!

I'm sorry I had to be here to witness this. It's not pretty.

Save yourselves.

Now, see? As a relative newbie y'all are making me reeeeeeally glad I didn't volunteer for this MIssion Impossible. No mention was made of possible torture and physical impairment when this whole 'rate the DCAT' project was first brought up. It was all flowers and light and happiness.

I'm keeping a very low profile when the next tour commences. :ninja:

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