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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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I go back and forth on whether I think Clay will be on in the first hour or the second. (Actually, I'm hoping he'll have more time than Regis.) It seems like Clay would be more family and kid friendly than Reege, so he might be a better fit for the earlier part of the show. I think the 8:00 hour is generally higher rated than later at night, so there's that. On the other hand, it seems like shows seem to like to make us sit through a bunch of crap we don't necessarily want to see before hitting us with the good stuff.

eta: Perched at the top of the page like this means I can swoop down and bite at will... bat.gif

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Posting quickly before I leave work to run errands. I am so tired at night by the time I get home and feed Waldo and myself, I never seem to post! I do read though.

Karen Eh - those news reports scare me!! Geez!

KAndre - sorry about the Quicktime, but I have a Mac! Its the only way I know how to do stuff like that! Glad you enjoyed it anyway.

Boobiegate - Well, I was on that board with muski and I can still see the posts from certain people about how it HAD to be photoshopped because a good Christian boy like Clay would NEVER do such a thing! Just like a good Christian boy like Clay would never have sex - at least not before marriage. In fact, he probably doesn't even have urges! I never doubted the picture was real. I think that was more the real Clay than many would have cared to admit at the time. I could never believe all the fuss it caused!

5th Grader - Cute clips, though his bangs are really bothering me!! What did he use on them?? But cannot wait to see it.

And couchie - hope to see you on it too!!

Muski - you work too hard!

Speaking of work - I better get mine done so I can get out of here. Must get home in time to watch "Bones" and "House" tonight!!!

Just really stopped by to say hi.

Later my friends! :lilredani:

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I have done some event planning on a much smaller scale, so I can ALMOST imagine your pain! Hang in there!

Aikim... I have never found your posts to be anything other than well-thought out and sometimes very funny!

Tomorrow is Halloween, can you believe it. I always say that once Halloweeen hits, the year is over... :cryingwlaughter: The rest of the year just goes by so fast. Thanksgiving is earlier this year, thank goodness! Happy New Year, everyone... :cryingwlaughter: Spamalot coming right up!

Been to some other boards a bit the last couple of days... Thank you, everyone, for making FCA the wonderful place it is. I so appreciate it, especially after that foray!

Our fires are almost out... we're racing the clock since more winds are predicted this weekend. Cross your fingers for no new fires... we've had enough!

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Thanks liney; hope they can get the fires contained before the winds come back!

I don't say it enough, but I would also like to add my appreciation for FCA; probably the only board where I can actually read without rolling my eyes and talking to myself!


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Did you miss me? Ok DH went out of town again and I finally go to watch the Sedaka thing in full glory with good speakers! Well watch is not the right thing to say more like cannot get my eyes off of it! The guy is gorgeous, phenominal, fabulous, stunning, talented and any other superlative you can think of!!!

But I am tellling you now...those cheekbones are mine!!!!!!!! OMG they're back and they are to die for. I am in lust with those cheekbones.

Oh and I tried a HoneyCrisp and you know what it's an .......apple. I can't see any difference between that and oh say a Gala.

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Yeah, it looks like more of the evil RCA talk going on, I think it's the result of the fantastic first week sales that Carrie U has had. Of course she is getting all the fantastic promotion, cd placement and videos that Clay should have had. Maybe they could concentrate on Bo Bice, he just released a CD, I didn't even see him on the HDD list, are Indie labels even tracked on HDD? Then there's JLo she's been getting some pretty good promo. I couldn't find her in the top 50 for her second week. Can that be right? I've scanned that list about 4 times. I guess there are always artists out there who are going to surpass Clay in success, but there are also those who will not measure up to his success, lot's of them.

I will admit to celebrating a little that Carrie's first week sales did not surpass Clay's MOAM sales.

ETA: In checking the article that KAndre linked this am, JLo's album was released Oct 9, so I guess this would be her 3rd week sales results.

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Oh and I tried a HoneyCrisp and you know what it's an .......apple. I can't see any difference between that and oh say a Gala.

bwah... whatchoo talkin' about Willis. heee

Bo's album won't be counted on soundscan as a Walmart dealio but I'm sure we'll still hear his numbers. I don't care care if Clay stays with RCA or goes to another major label..but F that indpendent or small label crap -- you may be able to have a little more say..and even that's debateable *see K-Lo and the direction of her music* but the distribution is whack as is the promotion. Has anybody seen Bo? Anywhere? THAT my friends is the definition of NO PROMOTION.

Yay for Carrie. I wasn't a fan on Idol but did come to like the girl. Loved her first album and I'm sure I'll get this one too ..down the line when I'm solvent hee.

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November calendar if anybody would like it.



Without calendar

Without calendar (widescreen)

Everybody now...

This is the song that never ends.

It goes on and on my friends.

Someone started singing it not knowing what it was,

and they'll continue singing it forever just because,

Ahh, the theme song of the online fandom. I really have come to the conclusion that these people simply do not want to be happy. Or barring that, they get some kind of satisfaction out of the misery. There is so much to be excited about right now, and even more to come. And yet they must still compare, extrapolate and expound. It really does get tiresome.

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Boy life is too short to be miserable! I just do not want to dwell in the pit that sometimes invades part of the Clay fandom!

I DONT care about promotion...no promotion.....RCA...no RCA.....the evil that is Clive...all the other evils.......media releases...no media releases....how the is not treated fairly....add nauseum!!!

I just want the pretty man to sing to me as only he can! I want to feel it in my bones!

I want to hang around with some really good/cool people who also "get" it and too couldn't give a flying flip about "stuff".

I love this board and the folks here because no-one continually goes on and on about stuff that is history. It may be mentioned and that is it!! Oh and I love the eHP too for the above reasons!!!!!!!

Oh and since I am officially going to Waukegan, Kalamazoo and DC I can now eeeeeeeeeeeeeee to my hearts content!

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Hey gang! Hubby and I are back home, and it's been a long few days. My MIL is still holding her own, but it really is just a matter of time -- which means that we could be dropping everything again in 12 hours, 2 days, a week, or two weeks. We really don't know. Both my husband and I though are incredibly glad we went when we did this past weekend. We could tell that she recognized us, and that's all we really needed. Well, we also needed to say some things, something you never want to say to anyone....but you just gotta do. So anyway, we're still on pins and needles at this point. Thank you all for being so supportive.

In the meantime....God, you postwhores! Come back to 15 pages! And I find that my names is being bandied about for liking smiling Clay pictures and loving Honey Crisp apples (especially from atinal). I love it that you guys know me so well. The one picture I downloaded was that beautiful grin of his from the other night. And I'm still eating HoneyCrisp apples, thank you very much.

Oh dear Lord, that performance at the Sedaka tribute? Chills. I don't get them very often from Clay's performances, but that one certainly did. I think someone here said it was a very mature performance, and I totally agree. It's as if he's getting the "weariness" of the song, totally understanding that feeling.....

I'm glad Gibby Jr did well with her play, and belated birthday greetings to cindilu2! Thank you CG for the Solitaire montage too -- what a great way to relive those moments. I may have to load that to my iPod.

What else did I miss? If David Foster produces Clay's next album -- GREAT! If someone else produces Clay's next album -- GREAT!!! Can you see where I'm going with this? I have to admit I'm curious, but not so much that I think everything rides on this selection. I just can't get totally worked up about the behind the scenes dealings with Clay's career. I know I've said this more than a few times here, so much so that many of you can probably say it with me -- it's not my job as a fan to know all that; I just want to listen to him, watch him, laugh at and with him, and enjoy him. Period. End of sentence.

Thanks all for the :coolpics:

As for all the angst and stuff regarding what Clay gets/doesn't get from whomever.... :boo-hoo: (I always wanted to use that emoticon....)

Heh, Clay's blog cracked me up. I could feel his frustration through his writing. Heh.

keepingfaith, we are definitely :4: regarding the use of "pissy Clay." I too think it sounds like a petulant child. Sure, it makes him human -- but sometimes humanity isn't pretty, and I just feel that petulance isn't pretty. That's why I don't have kids.

The clip from AYSTAFG -- totally adorable. I hope I get to see it live with the rest of you.

The boobgate picture was a surprise for me -- kind of the way Bookwhore described it. It was the image that was sold of him at the time, that he was a pretty innocent guy (whether it was true or not). I think that was the first day I went "OK, this guy can surprise me. I like that." And I've been enjoying all his surprises ever since.

Finally -- a big :bravo: and :thankyou: and :hugs-1: just for being you guys. I too spent most of the day catching up, and my head was getting tired from all the nodding. There were SO MANY posts by SO MANY people that I simply loved -- too many to mention. So I won't! But remember that I appreciate everything and everyone here, even if sometimes I don't agree. That's what makes me love this board so much.

'night all. I'm pooped. Maybe I'll :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt:

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Bo's album won't be counted on soundscan as a Walmart dealio but I'm sure we'll still hear his numbers. I don't care care if Clay stays with RCA or goes to another major label..but F that indpendent or small label crap -- you may be able to have a little more say..and even that's debateable *see K-Lo and the direction of her music* but the distribution is whack as is the promotion. Has anybody seen Bo? Anywhere? THAT my friends is the definition of NO PROMOTION.


Yay for Carrie. I wasn't a fan on Idol but did come to like the girl. Loved her first album and I'm sure I'll get this one too ..down the line when I'm solvent hee.

Thanks Couchie, I forgot that Bo's CD is a Wal-Mart exclusive, explains his not being on the HDD top 50 list I saw.

I'm happy for Carrie too, I haven't bought her CDs and I didn't really follow her season on AI, but I think she has handled her success very well

Carrie is getting premium promo cos she sold 5M plus of her first CD...lots of money in the coffers for her.

I agree with this too.

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I'm so damned tired I'm ready to cry.

No end in sight....here's the thing. Just too freakin' much responsibility. :hitsfanrs5: And I'm good, y'all...but DAYUM! Even we miracle workers have our limits! :rolleyes:;)

The executive director was telling me about our staff end-of-event dinner/celebration we always have Sat. night when it's done (except for the smaller Sunday meeting that some of us still have to do <_< ) and saying how our budget's tight this year (no shit, Sherlock :grrrr: ) and jokingly said we might have to have the dinner at Burger King.

I just looked at him and said---with a straight face---"Fine with me, but only if Burger King serves lots of booze."

Attendance down, costs up, venue challenging logistically...As a dear friend in college used to say, "Fuck a duck!"

Me? I'd rather do Clay. :DoClay:

Hey, couchie! Wanna come to watch AYSTAFG at my house Thursday? I'd come to your place except I'd probably never make it back home afterwards...(let's hope I can stay awake during the danged thing!)


(Thanks for letting me be a baby and complain, FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss: )... :needclay:

ETA: This post sucks...so I'm gonna post something that doesn't...but something I'd like to... :hubbahubba:


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Not a big fan of Carrie's - just don't like country music much - but she DESERVES big promotion. I love Clay but let's compare. Grammys? Constant crossover radio play? Many other music awards? How many albums sold? After ONE album, Carrie has sold almost as many as Clay has sold after three!

I somehow think Carrie comes out on top (down muski!)

I know. I know - if RCA had supported Clay yada, yada, yada.


Then like a fool I ventured out and two days later some are still bitching about this Friedman guy and his little crappy paragraph about Clay at the Neil Sedaka thing.

:fssign: :ohthedrama: :Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius:

So many good things are happening the Clay world. Why do people give a crap about some dude who writes for Fox news?

Why do they care how many albums Carrie sells? Or anyone else??

Clay is Clay and I for one think that is a pretty great thing. So why can't they just enjoy and not care what others think or do?

Got me!

I guess if that's what float their boats, good for them. I just hate it when they spread their misery and paranoia.

Every time I venture out of here I am reminded as to why I love it here so much.

Awwww muski!!!! Here are a few more pretties to cheer you up! :F_05BL17blowkiss:





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Heh. I feel it too.

5.6 at 8:04 Freaked me the fuck out.



oh, goodie... at least nothing can fall on me. :lol:

There was a moth outside my window , and it was hitting against the window over and over. I thought at first it was a suicidal bug and then I realized the house was shaking too.

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