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# 19: Clay Aiken: glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!


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    • Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!
    • Clay Aiken, star of stage, screen, television and our hearts
    • He's just a gorgeous piece of manhood
    • Our man for all seasons and so many reasons
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • Looking forward to our Christmas romp in the snow with our Boyfriend!
    • GAHHHHH A main course of sexy, considerate, cute, hot, humble, witty, wise (& wise-ass) Clay for dinner, and then a helping of Teacher Clay for dessert. Life is good!
    • "What do you like?" Clay asks the little girl Sierra. And she said "I like you" She has good taste.
    • He has always been all that he is now, which is much more than he has often been given credit for, and even less than he is yet to become.
    • I think the world will always need Clay Aiken more than Clay Aiken needs the world. He is a realist; a survivor, and a star no matter how badly someone cuts his hair.
    • Was he beginning to get a clue that life would never be the same?
    • I am looking forward to every beautiful, funny, cheese-a-licious thing he throws my way this Christmas.
    • "Seriously, if I get any more excited about Clay being in Spamalot, I may spontaneously combust!"
    • "Spam me, baby!"

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Awe! FromClaygary He is adorable!

Yesterday we had our Toddler Storytime Kids come into the library all dressed up for Halloween; they were so precious...makes me almost wish I had a little one again.


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I talked to Scarlett last night and all she could talk about was how all the Clack came out fine at the Sedaka tribute but for some reason Clay's was shaky!!! She must have been in the Aiken Fog mode or she was so overcome with the sight of yummy Clay :hubbahubba: that she couldn't stop shaking!

Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ladyJ so sorry about your family's loss!

From CH about AYSTAFG

Clay says that he doesn't think Jeff Foxworthy is smarter than a 5th grader either. Nice dig there Clay *high-five*

Clay says he wasn't so nervous because it's the same soundstage as Idol, that he sat in the same dressing room as when he was on Idol, knew the security guards, etc. Said he is a big nerd, reads too much, tries to find out stuff about everywhere he travels, that's what helped him. He felt he did better on the show than when he played the fox.com website game on the computer at home (he did horrible). He said that the kids were amazing, very smart, and he was so impressed with them. That they must be teaching new stuff in the elementary schools because they knew stuff he didn't when he was in 5th grade.

I do think that Clay will be 2nd tomorrow night

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I'm going to record AYSTFG so I can watch it over and over and over!!!

I couldn't open the attachments either ansa. Everytime I tried it kicked me out of the forum and back to the log in spot.

Zena, you hitting the bottle girl? You are very funny and I'm sorry for the snow and no Honeycrisps. Trick or Treat!

Claygary, that cute chubby little face was just made to be kissed which I'll bet you do all of the time. What a sweet little baby.

I just got home from the gym where they had...........guess what.........................? CANDY CORN. Why yes, I did have one or two.

I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go watch Pushing Daisies now. Good night all.

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Bringing this additional info from Generous Anonymous Donor over from the CH. I always hate it when the network starts programs early or ends them late and my recording isn't right!:

She said that it looks like the Regis segment will be in the first hour and Clay will be second. Apparently the Fox programming is now "seamless" which means that episodes don't necessarily start right on the hour so be sure to program your VCR/DVR to start a few minutes early and it's probably best to record the full two hours to be safe.

The "Penguin" upthread is so cute!

Looking forward to seeing Couchie on the TV tomorrow (maybe?).

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I talked to Scarlett last night and all she could talk about was how all the Clack came out fine at the Sedaka tribute but for some reason Clay's was shaky!!! She must have been in the Aiken Fog mode or she was so overcome with the sight of yummy Clay :hubbahubba: that she couldn't stop shaking!

Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks, merrieeee! Glad she made it home safe and sound!

And I for one wouldn't mind seeing - and hearing - that shakey clack sometime.... :whistling-1:

Must get to bed. I wouldn't want to fall asleep during 5th Grader!!

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I'm going to record AYSTFG so I can watch it over and over and over!!!

Zena, you hitting the bottle girl?

Oh, 'Toots' thank you soooo much for noticing little ol' me :flirtysmile3: and all your concern and stuff.

I actually prefer drugs myself, ;) but I may have to supplement my subconscious pity party with a nice tumbler glass or two of Dubonnet wine :wein: when my guests arrive at precisely 8 pm tomorrow evening. In the absence of a handy dandy recording device, I may have to excuse myself periodically to the family room. :bolt: I can always just top up the glasses and fill up the cheese and cracker tray during the commercials, dontcha think?

What? It'll just be for the first hour....I'll be the puuurrrrfect hostess the rest of the evening.

For the record, we don't get TVO here either.....

Another thing, I just can't compete with darling little penguin babies.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Grgramma From Claygary.

Waves to Scarlett....

:deepersnow: yup; still snowin'

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atinal, two truisms .. honeycrisps are their own reward, and minions can't have minions. I think it's on the books somewhere. KAndre may still be accepting applications, however please note that I have already taken over the job of providing glitter as needed, and by any means necessary.

Here's a 1974 Jackson Browne performance. See if you recognize those guys in the backup band.


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atinal, two truisms .. honeycrisps are their own reward, and minions can't have minions. I think it's on the books somewhere. KAndre may still be accepting applications, however please note that I have already taken over the job of providing glitter as needed, and by any means necessary.

Here's a 1974 Jackson Browne performance. See if you recognize those guys in the backup band.


I don't recognize anyone.

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Life is just not fair. If Clay and Honeycrisp apples were promoted properly they would be available to everyone who wants them;even to those who don't know they want them. Yeah, and snow and earthquakes should be distributed evenly. What's up with that anyway? I need to talk to whoever's in charge. Anyone have a number I can call, or an email address or something? :witchhunt::lol2:

Zena... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I totally thought this was hysterical, but I had to get to the end of the posting before I could say so, then your second post appeared and ... :cryingwlaughter: some more. What did you imbibe this evening to make you so dang funny... I want some! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:clap: I got a present of twin grand-nephews being born today. 5lb 10oz and 5lb 14oz which is pretty good for being a month early. What is funny is that my middle DD's birthday is today, too. SIL's message said that now DD has to share her birthday... LOL Halloween is the bestest birthday in the world! My DD has always loved it!

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atinal, two truisms .. honeycrisps are their own reward, and minions can't have minions. I think it's on the books somewhere. KAndre may still be accepting applications, however please note that I have already taken over the job of providing glitter as needed, and by any means necessary.

Here's a 1974 Jackson Browne performance. See if you recognize those guys in the backup band.


I've been off lost in You Tube land... I'm enjoying some of those videos. I don't think I would have recognized The Eagles either, I probably recognized their sound more than the look. I didn't follow them closely in their hey day, but later bought several of their CDs I remember one day on the board someone saying they didn't like Hotel California because it was so overplayed. Since I didn't start hearing it much until after I bought one of their best of albums, I hadn't heard it that much, so I still love it. I especially love the guitar solo in it.

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Hey FromClaygary that is one cute baby. Makes me a bit clucky (if only they didnt grow up so quick!!)

Halloween is catching on here. There were a few trick or treaters out last night but since we went out we didnt see any till we got home and had to call a couple of stragglers over just so I could race inside to get the candy for them!

I hope there is clack of AYSTAFG! :clay:

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I haven't been able to be around much lately, but wanted to drop off some info here that I also posted at CV. I didn't search back to see whether folks commented during/after the Sedaka tribute about liking the Captain & Tennille back in their day, but even if not, hopefully this might still be interesting...

Clay comment in Toni Tennille's blog:


Now.... for all of you “Claymates” out there who might happen to read this..... I never saw Clay Aiken backstage. He wasn’t there for the finale, THAT’S WHEN THE MUSIC TAKES ME, and he didn’t attend the afterparty. In fact, I never saw him at all!!! He drifted in and out of the proceedings like a ghost... almost like he was “beamed” in and out of the theatre. Becky and I sneaked out into the stage right balcony to hear him sing SOLITAIRE, and he sang the heck out of it! And I got such a kick out of the screams of excitement when he appeared on stage, and when he held that four-measure, fortissimo note (“Sol-i-TAIRE!!!!!”) in the middle of the song..... the audience went bananas just like all the young girls who screamed for Sinatra and the Beatles! His fans, who appear to be mostly female, absolutely adore him. What a phenomenon. I’m so out of it, I had no idea how huge he is.

Love her closing line of his paragraph (and the one about the four measure Sol-i-TAIRE)!


I read a lot of her blog over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. She began it in '06 and it isn't advertised through the blogosphere. It's very interesting reading! Lots of insights about a lot of things (even if not fans of them, there's lots of interesting stuff here - truly). She's 67 now. I never would have guessed that. She looks fantastic. If you're interested, and this was what actually made me search out their website and her blog, there was a great interview they did earlier this year that can be seen via a link on their website. I do highly recommend it. It's right here: http://www.sidewalkstv.com/flash/flashvide...in-tennille.flv

Again, if interested, their website is here: http://www.captainandtennille.net/index.shtml

I really enjoyed C&T back in the day, and I'm enjoying this reconnection with them too! There were quite a few who commented Friday night and over the weekend that they like(d) them too, so I thought this might be interesting to a few folks! Diversity and all!

If you read her blog, be sure to click the links she leaves. She's got a great sense of humor, plus some of the links lead to other interesting things!


Then I found more tidbits (not about Clay):

Dang, I never shoulda checked to see if Toni Tennille updated her blog yet because I just can't tear myself away from the links there and on their website. I went to the news section and linked to this recent TVGuide article. More interesting reading! It's here: http://www.tvguide.com/news/captain-tennille-dvd/071009-06


TV Guide: What's something people might be surprised to know about the Captain and Tennille?

Tennille: Well, the biggest surprise to people is that I sang background on Pink Floyd’s The Wall album. It’s funny, because I knew the name but didn’t really know their music; I guess I expected it to be a bunch of guys sitting around smoking dope.

Captain: Oh, how terrible that would have been.

Tennille: Shut up, Daryl! [Laughs] But when we walked in, David Gilmore [Floyd’s lead guitarist] greeted us (and this was a Sunday morning), and he said, "I was just watching you on TV with my kids." They were watching Kids are People Too — a kiddie show we were guests on. So, there went the stereotype I had of Pink Floyd right out the window!

TV Guide: And you, Captain?

Captain: I played the piano for the opening theme of The Young and the Restless for $50. They’ve been playing that for 30 years, but I never got royalty checks because I did it as a scab. As you can tell, I’m not upset about not being paid.

Tennille: No, you’re not upset at all — just still talking about it 30 years later.


I just find that Y&R tidbit to be so very interesting! What fascinating lives they've had, and they seem like such nice people. I plan to keep reading, though hadn't intended for that to be tonight. But now I'm wide awake. Not my smartest move!

Good night!!

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Just wanted to say hi to CG and everyone. Finally started getting caught up with RL work today and so can begin to get back to normal again. (I know I was pushing it for Sedaka because I was already swamped back then but wouldn't have given up that experience for anything in the whole world!!! As merrieeee said, the Clay part is hopeless but if anyone's interested in david & neil and other neil clips, PM & I'll get it to you. I think I'll make a montage of the Clay screencaps just so I don't have to ship a box of dramamine to everyone who views it.

First of all, I need to say thank you to playbiller for taking care or me on Friday night and Saturday evening. I need to upload pictures of the fresh food / farm store we visited on Saturday evening before heading out to the beaches. Huge Honeycrisp apples were $1.49 a pound IIRC. The pies and cakes and cider and fruit and other goodies were to die for! Especially the apple cider doughnuts!Since play and I share a birthday & water/moon horoscope, the sight of that near-full moon rising over the ocean was breathtaking!!! Only play (and maybe keepingfaith) would indulge my wanting to wade in the tide on a 60-degree windy & cloudy night. The food at the beach was fabulous too -- lobster cakes and other v. fresh & pretty seafood dishes.

Huge hugs to ldyjocelyn, the folks who faced fires and earthquakes and everyone else who needs them!

Congratulations to everyone welcoming new babies to their families! Love all the cute halloween pictures as well!

HBD xxx4Clay and all whose birthdays I missed!

Kareneh, would you pls pick up my hat from playbiller at the skating event? Thx!

To the folks using DVRs tomorrow, I suggested this for AIR and it's probably a good idea for AYSTAFG too: record the show after AYSTAFG, in case it goes over. You can always erase it when it doesn't. ABC has been notorious for being a couple of minutes over or under -- this is also why my Clyra clip is missing the kiss. You don't want that to happen to you!

Missed y'all v. dearly!!!

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AAIT, thanks for bringing that info over! So nice to see that C&T enjoyed Clay's Sedaka performance.

Scarlett, thanks for checking in! It's good to hear from you. I hope that work is going better for you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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You have timeframes for trick or treaters??

I didn't get one freakin' trick or treater tonight...and I didn't even draw the blinds and turn out the lights. Although I had no candy for the little ghouls, I'm oddly disappointed.

Bottlecap...you've been cracking me up lately. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ahhh Ansa..thanks for sharing your Cait with us.

Gibby..I'm way impressed with your schedule and talent. And make that money girl...Clay is comiing!!

:cryingwlaughter: My daughter just came home and was all excited to tell me that Clay was going to be on 5th grader...she really thought she had a scoop! Felt kind of bad telling her I already knew!


Bwah..yep..don't you just love it when people try to tell you what Clay is up to. Not only do I know but I have a plane reservation and a ticket heee.

I know this is going to sound bizarre, but, is that quote about Sabrina being booted a good one? It seems I'm struggling with what it means.

Too many Snickers!

ETA: never mind...I finally got it. A small blonde moment there.

Heee... that cracked me up JJ...

Life is just not fair. If Clay and Honeycrisp apples were promoted properly they would be available to everyone who wants them;even to those who don't know they want them. Yeah, and snow and earthquakes should be distributed evenly. What's up with that anyway? I need to talk to whoever's in charge. Anyone have a number I can call, or an email address or something? :witchhunt::lol2:

Zena, you may need some laughs but I thank you for providing me with some. Bwah to the bolded part.

So, for Fifth Grader tomorrow: Where do we go to talk about the show when it comes on? Are we posting here, or do we go back into the spoiler thread?

:drink: And do we all do a shot when we see Couchie in the audience with her sparkly i.gifth_heart_beating.gifc.gifl.gifa.gify.gif sign?

Oh Lord NO..please heee. I might need a shot or two. Muski, can't come over because I'll be working right up until the point Clay comes on TV.

But then there's always the :golf: .....lots of room for discussin here i think.... :whistling-1:

what with all the woods swinging and the clubs, balls, holes, oh my goodness :blush: , no wonder Clay doesn't play golf.

I better write an email to Kristy right now and tell BAF I don't think this is a good idea at all.

Gosh, maybe Clay will even read it at Golfing for Inclusion in January. Wouldn't that be just awesome?

heee there she goes again. But you sound like me when I'd get all loopy and nobody else was around to play with me. heee.

Thanks FromClaygary for sharing your photos.

I bought some organic Honey Crisp apples! Haven't tried them yet, but I saw them and felt compelled as a member of FCA to buy them.

I am sooooooo looking forward to tomorrow - bad bangs and all!

heee....both these cracked me up. Just don't use the SN** word whatever you do or I'll have to hurt ya. heee

This honeycrisp thing is cracking me up. I was perfectly fine only liking gala apples. My boyfriend likes Gala apples. But now, I've dumped gala for the honeycrisp. Forget the crisp..it's the juicy! whoo hoooo.

Congrats Liney.

Thanks AAIT for that info..I used to love the Captain and Tennille show..that's all I really knwo of them.

Hi Scarlett. Nice to see ya!!


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Hee, I just spent a half hour exploring that FOX Clay Files site and watching all the videos. I have to say that that is the clearest I have ever seen the national anthem clip. I didn't remember that he had a yammy face before he sang. And how cute is the weather man clip? And, of course, the AYSTAFG clips have me all excited for tonight.

Cute pictures, hugs all around, but couchie, your post is doing the same thing as ansa's - bringing the picture in as an attachment, which it won't allow me to open.

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