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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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You know, Merrieeee, you don't have to serve all the traditional foods - I serve the cabbage and the pierogi, the babka and the chruschiki and several seafood choices, I didn't even do the mushroom soup, but did clam chowder since people loved it so much. Only my Mother ate the herring, so I stopped it after she died. a lot of people eat shrimp though, my family was seafood eaters.

Rewind this week, just convinces me that Nigel was the hand that picked Clay. It also shows that there is somthing wrong between Simon and Clay, I don't think it showed Randy quite as bad, he is generally agrees with Simon after Simon disagrees with him. It sounds like Paula did not lie at the finale, where she told Clay she always thought he was handsome.

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Back from another all day meeting. Librarians seem to have TONS of meetings, for some reason....

play, Cotton and merrieeee, I loved all your stories.

gbmifan, good luck tomorrow....

farouche!!! Cool! I know the name, glad to get to know you better.

soulsistah -- I think sleep helps a GREAT DEAL when my mood is bad. Glad you're feeling better.


I must have the most boring, whitebread family on the face of the earth, because I can't for the life of me come up with any colorful stories or amusing holiday anecdotes. Oh, well, I love them anyway, even if they aren't entertaining!

And, just because it's getting closer (eeeeee!) => :XmasRed:

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I mean, I really can't come up with any funny stories with my family. We were dull, dull, dull. *shrug*

I know it's just me, but I think this tour will be fun just watching how he weaves it all together...or not. lol.

Either way, I'm game, and I'm ready, and I found myself counting down the days this morning.

Yeah, I think it could be very fascinating to see how he tailors each show to the particular stories. We'll just have to see, won't we?

Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'! :pirateship:

Thread title?

Hey I'm so excited some of you are going to revisit LTS! :clap: I always got something new every time I picked it up again. Of course, that was before I knew it by heart. Hee.

I don't have it memorized, but I'm pretty familiar with it. I used to work at a library that was an hour from my house, one way. I listened to the audiobook version several times in the year and a half I had to do that drive. I was actually thinking of seeing if I can buy an mp3 version of it for my new iPod.

OK, I think it's bedtime already. 5 hours of driving makes me snoozy!

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I read the spoilers too. I don't think Simon had a problem with Clay's voice, nor him as a person (at this point I dare say he didn't know Clay as a person. He was just one of hundreds.) What I do think Simon had a problem with Clay with was his looks. Not because he thought he was ugly, but because he was unique - as he himself said - and he just didn't think he would be saleable in the pop world.

The pop world can be very shallow. Simon was in the marketing angle of the pop world. I think he saw a problem with Clay in that regard.

And you know what?

Simon was right.

I think it has been a dilemna for the powers that be since they realized he was gaining fans. How do you market someone as unique as Clay in a such a cookie cutter world as pop music?

Simon was just being an impartial executive - looking at the reality of the profession. We all know a good voice doesn't mean you'll make it, nor does a mediocre - or even a bad voice - mean you won't make it. Right or wrong, that is the reality of pop music, and Simon knew it.

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Great, I ran the cleaner and now I lost the banner and the fast reply. I lost other things but have them back for now, no idea what is happening now.

CG are you looking for more conversation on these pages, because people probably have lots of opinions on your remark. Don't takethe rest of what I say personally, it is not about you, more about other places other times.

I never saw what was unmarketable about Clay, I can't believe they are looking at just his appearance, since appearance is a shell and can be altered - just ask Kellie, she altered pretty darn fast! Perhaps they are put off by the fact he can sing? So unpop lately.

Before you think I am bitter, I just don't care anymore, this is old news. I think Clay is doing very well, and I am willing to see what happens, It is Clay's career and he gets to call the shots, I am just a fan on the wayside observing. I will never write him off, I think he may not keep some fans he has now, but will get others.

I think some fans are burned out, not thinking of anyone specific, just that there is a harder edge to some jokes now. And so many fans know how Clay should organize his concerts and his life. It is one thing to like or dislike something, but it is usually easier to decided if you wait and see how you like it. I find Clay an endless surprise. I heard a few years ago about the vinegrettes and how horrible they were, and I just decided to wait and see how I liked them, and I did like them, although I found it more enjoyable when I sat in the loge and could see the whole stage, rather than when I was close. (can we sometimes sit too close to see the forrest for the trees? Well, some are content just to check for waldo.) I also remember that Clay was supposed to look horrible on AYSTAFG, I thought he looked more solid, more like an adult, less like a teen or college student. But we all have different tastes and Clay can't satisfy all of them, so the fan is the one who hasto bend like a willow or break.

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I'm thinking it's getting more and more obvious that Clay dealt with young kids and special needs kids and not grown ups as a teacher. He should have written a few more vignettes and then just had a contest for "readers". Poor guy.

I heard a very funny speaker once say that when she was told that you couldn't fit a square peg in a round hole, she responded that you could if you PUSHED!! This situation sorta reminds me of that. :cryingwlaughter:

Perma, I think you hit on the right analogy for the story contest!

Playbiller, I have enjoyed your "Wiglia" memories. I have never heard that specific word before but my childhood had many candlelight Christmas Eve dinners with the mushroom soup and pierogies.

I never understood why Simon could not look beyond appearance either.

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When they showed the Hollywood round deliberations for Rewind Season One, Simon didn't want to put Kelly Clarkson through, so whatever. Who knows which contestant is going to turn out to have killer pipes, a winning personality, and on-screen charisma? And who knows which other contestant is going to make an ill-advised comment that turns voters off or when an unexpected scandal will sink another's chances? Seems like it's an enormous crapshot that pays off great for some (Carrie) and not so much for others (Taylor).

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Play - People can talk about whatever. I am not trying to start trouble - just expressing my opinon.

IMO Clay was a dilemma AT THAT TIME because he did not (and still does not, IMO) fit neatly into any neat little niche. Ruben did. Look at the other male pop stars Clay would be up against. Try and put yourself back in time with no emotional stake in Clay and without knowing what we know of Clay now. All they had to go on was the Atlanta audition and a couple of brief appearances - along with hundreds of others. They had to look at this skinny, rather weird looking (IMO) guy with a great - but not a tradional pop style - voice. I can see their conundrum.

Personally, I think there is still a dilemma when it comes to "selling" Clay. I think maybe Clay is the one who will ultimately make it easier because IMO he has decided not to follow the traditional pop stardom path. I am not sure selling 10 million albums is all that big a deal to him. As Simon said way back then, Clay is unique and I think the road that Clay travels is unique as well.

Might make a few marketing execs tear their hair out, but Clay seems to travel to the beat of his own drummer. That's one of the things I like most about being his fan. You never know what you may encounter when you round each corner.

ETA: I admit it is easy for me to imagine where the judges were coming from because I was where they were back then. The Clay magic had yet to hit me.

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When they showed the Hollywood round deliberations for Rewind Season One, Simon didn't want to put Kelly Clarkson through, so whatever. Who knows which contestant is going to turn out to have killer pipes, a winning personality, and on-screen charisma? And who knows which other contestant is going to make an ill-advised comment that turns voters off or when an unexpected scandal will sink another's chances? Seems like it's an enormous crapshot that pays off great for some (Carrie) and not so much for others (Taylor).

Except the show is so scripted; it may have been written for Simon to say he didn't want Kelly or Clay for that matter. Always seemed to me during the show that Randy and Simon were taking turns playing good cop, bad cop...especially with Clay. I think with Clay they thought nerdy looking southern guy with the big voice and thought comedy gold and then he made himself over and suddenly the strategy changed and he became makeover guy.


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You know, Merrieeee, you don't have to serve all the traditional foods - I serve the cabbage and the pierogi, the babka and the chruschiki and several seafood choices.

O.K. I'll bite, what the hell is babka and churschiki? Is this Russian food?

Simon didn't like Kelly in the same way he didn't like Clay. He seemed to almost shun them at times, turn his head away from them, and I thought it was embarrassing. I have no idea why because Kelly's voice was obviously pop but he told Paula that he didn't like Kelly. Was that a personal dislike or a professional dislike? At times it seemed personal to me but all we see is the edited version of Idol and probably out of context

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Hi from the Best Western in beautiful downtown North Bay, ON! :lilredani:

Went to respond and realized I wasn't logged in....the AIR spoiler for luckiest and anyone else....scroll if you don't want spoilers..

In this episode we see the group songs of Kim & Frenchie, Julia & Kim C, Carmen, and Trenyce. There is another song by those that make it to Day 4. Clay is shown singing UM again. His hair looks like he took an egg beater to it. You can tell he is very very tired. His singing is sweet and nicely nuanced.

In the judges conference room, where they are going over who will go through to the Top 32, the first pick to go through is Ruben (it's an easy and unanimous decision). The judges argue about Patrick Forstan (is that how you spell his name? He's a large black man who sang with a ton of melisma.). They call him the best singer of the competition, but his image and style are too old-fashioned for Simon's taste. In his words, Ruben is cool and this guy is not and the American Idol should be someone that is cool.

About Clay, Simon and Randy are laughing at his picture. Paula is his advocate, calling him adorable and that he should go through. It seems like Randy grudgingly compliments Clay by saying he has to give it his props, that he does have a great voice. It does seem as though Simon wants to toss Clay's picture in the reject pile.

In the room, Clay is seen sitting on the floor next to Trenyce who is seated on a chair. His chin is resting on her thigh. He says that he could hear one room scream. And then 20 minutes later he hears another room scream. They are incredibly on edge waiting to find out whether the screams are because of happiness or heartache. When Clay's room gets the news that they made it, Clay is hugging everybody I think. He's hugging Simon. At the end, CurrentClay says that he now knows that he has to cancel his last semister of school because he thinks he has made it. Except it was just another hurdle that he passed. Did he quit school before Group 2?

Julia just beams when she talks about Clay. She says that when she saw that Clay was in her room, she knew she was going to make it because there was no way that Clay Aiken was going to be cut. Josh also is very complimentary about Clay's singing. Those are the only two that say anything about Clay. Josh also says that when he saw Ruben in his room, he knew he was going to make it through.

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I never thought that Clay's looks were that bad. Sure he was skinny and had big ears, but I did not find most of the other guys that attractive. Clay was cute, many others were not. I never found Rueben to be anything I wanted to look at especially with all the sweating.

I look at Clay's pictures from back then and I did not notice the ears. It may be because my middle child had huge ears. When he was born we laughed and said they would need to be fixed. When he was in elementary school he started coming home crying all the time because he was being picked on for his big ears. I really never even noticed them anymore. I could not stand the fact that he was hurting and had them fixed. What a change in a child, his self esteem went way up. I just got really angry when Simon would make a comment about Clay's looks, I know Clay would make his own comments to ward off Simon, but it had to hurt him.

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I do think Clay is an unlikely pop star and am not surprised or upset that it was a struggle for him to get to the top 12. It makes things all the sweeter to me. He lost out to Quiana in NC. He went to Atlanta. Simon, the judge that most people pay attention to didn't want to put him through. Paula and Randy recognized the talent. He was in a tough group and didn't make it through. He comes back and is people's choice. I don't know..I just don't feel bitter about the experience or sad for Clay in any way. If he had sailed right through with everything peachy keen it wouldn't have been half as interesting. Clay also received some of the best compliments from all of these judges and to get those comments from Simon means he damn well earned them. At one point Simon said it was the best performance he had EVER heard from ANY idol show he had ever done. That meant something. Maybe because I thought he was funny looking too and I don't even think that's it but he was geeky, really really geeky and so unpop like - doesn't mean I didn't really really like him from the start cuz he was on my radar the moment he opened his mouth. Clay had so much talent and it was evident. And he just couldn't be denied. What he did with the opportunity is spectacular. And he wasn't perfect. We were talking about breath control the other day and how Ruben and Kim had issues there. Clay's hard R's really bothered me. Those have really softened over the years. The faces... Clay listened to Simon about that and I think that was a good thing. I guess because i love him I take every slight to heart that was said about Clay but Clay wasn't singled out. Ruben got a pass, I agree but nobody else in that season did. And one thing Simon and everybody else knew pretty early on..Clay was there to stay.

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When they showed the Hollywood round deliberations for Rewind Season One, Simon didn't want to put Kelly Clarkson through, so whatever. Who knows which contestant is going to turn out to have killer pipes, a winning personality, and on-screen charisma? And who knows which other contestant is going to make an ill-advised comment that turns voters off or when an unexpected scandal will sink another's chances? Seems like it's an enormous crapshot that pays off great for some (Carrie) and not so much for others (Taylor).

Except the show is so scripted; it may have been written for Simon to say he didn't want Kelly or Clay for that matter. Always seemed to me during the show that Randy and Simon were taking turns playing good cop, bad cop...especially with Clay. I think with Clay they thought nerdy looking southern guy with the big voice and thought comedy gold and then he made himself over and suddenly the strategy changed and he became makeover guy.


I don't believe the show is scripted - especially back then and especially at that stage of the show.

I believe that Simon was acting as an impartial executive - evaluating the candidates for a job based not only on their performance but also on how they fit the field they were seeking to enter.

As I said, I have a pretty easy time seeing where Simon was coming from as I was in the same place he was at that point.

Couchie, I agree with you on so many points.

Clay also received some of the best compliments from all of these judges and to get those comments from Simon means he damn well earned them. At one point Simon said it was the best performance he had EVER heard from ANY idol show he had ever done. That meant something.

Funny how so many only remember the negative criticisms (some of which were deserved IMO) and never remember the many good comments from Simon.

Clay's hard R's really bothered me. Those have really softened over the years.

Me too.

The faces... Clay listened to Simon about that and I think that was a good thing.

It was a good thing. But they seem to be creeping back in from time to time....

You know, Clay is not perfect. Wasn't then, isn't now. Never will be. And he is in a profession that invites and even thrives on criticism - both negative and positive. Plus not everyone will like Clay. Doesn't make them mean or stupid. Just means they have different tastes.

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WORD couchie...I really don't have any problems with Randy and Simon's reaction to Clay's picture. So many of us have admitted that we thought he looked funny then. Even now...people would make fun of his clothing choices, his hair, his weight etc...and we are his fans. So its just understandable that these people that were hired to be critical..specially Simon that is known to be mean...would react this way. What is important to me is that despite the funny look...and these judges initial prejudice and reluctance...he won them over. They responded to him...NOT just the image or the fact that he is marketable to the right demographic. TO ME...that makes Clay;s success ...all the more sweeter.

I also enjoy the idea that Simon was so wrong about two of the most successful idols...Clay and Kelly...

I think a lot of fans forget that AI is not the Clay Aiken show...so its not designed to just prop him up. These judges are not fans. They are not part of his management team. They were there to be critical...to create drama and controversy.

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You know, Merrieeee, you don't have to serve all the traditional foods - I serve the cabbage and the pierogi, the babka and the chruschiki and several seafood choices.

O.K. I'll bite, what the hell is babka and churschiki? Is this Russian food?

Here's one answer:


1. Russian; yeast cake with grated carrot or potato and flour.

2. Polish; a cake similar to baba, but baked without yeast.

Play will have to answer about "churschiki"; I've never heard that term used.

I thought Clay looked fine in the Hollywood rounds. It was his first visual impression in Atlanta that was dorky to me. As in said, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression!

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You know, Merrieeee, you don't have to serve all the traditional foods - I serve the cabbage and the pierogi, the babka and the chruschiki and several seafood choices.

O.K. I'll bite, what the hell is babka and churschiki? Is this Russian food?

Is this anything like the chocolate babka of Seinfeld fame?

More Idol talk -- I think however and whatever happened on Clay's Idol journey regarding Simon, Randy, Paula, Nigel, it was pure serendipity. The coincidences and compound instances that make magic. Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity -- a powerful force. Your regulation pop stars usually have a short shelf life -- so many one hit wonders, the marketing delights with turnkey faux hipness that nevertheless thins quickly and gets tossed aside for the next ready-made gimmick. Clay was tossed into that world, but he kept his head and hired a savvy lawyer who worked only for his interests. I remember what Clay said in Houston when telling the story about waiting to audition in Atlanta: "I wasn't gonna give it up. I didn't want to show all my cards." Now that's something I can extrapolate. I don't think that was a one time thing ... I think he likes to play his cards close all the time, and we can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. Maybe Simon's comment that Clay was unique and that his path would be unique, translates into the definition of a legend. I don't know what cards he's holding, but I think he's been playing them rather adroitly. I do know what I'm holding .... a ticket to ride.

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More Idol talk -- I think however and whatever happened on Clay's Idol journey regarding Simon, Randy, Paula, Nigel, it obviously was perfectly serendipitous for him. The circumstances were such that the dynamics spun together and it became electric. Your regulation pop stars usually have a short shelf life -- so many one hit wonders, the marketing delights with turnkey faux hipness that nevertheless thins quickly and gets tossed aside for the next ready-made gimmick. Clay was tossed into that world, but he kept his head and hired a savvy lawyer who worked only for his interests. I remember what Clay said in Houston when telling the story about waiting to audition in Atlanta: "I wasn't gonna give it up. I didn't want to show all my cards." Now that's something I can extrapolate. I don't think that was a one time thing ... I think he likes to play his cards close all the time, and we can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. Maybe Simon's comment that Clay was unique and that his path would be unique, translates into the definition of a legend. I don't know what cards he's holding, but I think he's been playing them rather adroitly. I do know what I'm holding .... a ticket to ride.


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I do think Clay is an unlikely pop star and am not surprised or upset that it was a struggle for him to get to the top 12. It makes things all the sweeter to me. He lost out to Quiana in NC. He went to Atlanta. Simon, the judge that most people pay attention to didn't want to put him through. Paula and Randy recognized the talent. He was in a tough group and didn't make it through. He comes back and is people's choice. I don't know..I just don't feel bitter about the experience or sad for Clay in any way. If he had sailed right through with everything peachy keen it wouldn't have been half as interesting. Clay also received some of the best compliments from all of these judges and to get those comments from Simon means he damn well earned them. At one point Simon said it was the best performance he had EVER heard from ANY idol show he had ever done. That meant something. Maybe because I thought he was funny looking too and I don't even think that's it but he was geeky, really really geeky and so unpop like - doesn't mean I didn't really really like him from the start cuz he was on my radar the moment he opened his mouth. Clay had so much talent and it was evident. And he just couldn't be denied. What he did with the opportunity is spectacular. And he wasn't perfect. We were talking about breath control the other day and how Ruben and Kim had issues there. Clay's hard R's really bothered me. Those have really softened over the years. The faces... Clay listened to Simon about that and I think that was a good thing. I guess because i love him I take every slight to heart that was said about Clay but Clay wasn't singled out. Ruben got a pass, I agree but nobody else in that season did. And one thing Simon and everybody else knew pretty early on..Clay was there to stay.

WORD couchie...I really don't have any problems with Randy and Simon's reaction to Clay's picture. So many of us have admitted that we thought he looked funny then. Even now...people would make fun of his clothing choices, his hair, his weight etc...and we are his fans. So its just understandable that these people that were hired to be critical..specially Simon that is known to be mean...would react this way. What is important to me is that despite the funny look...and these judges initial prejudice and reluctance...he won them over. They responded to him...NOT just the image or the fact that he is marketable to the right demographic. TO ME...that makes Clay;s success ...all the more sweeter.

I also enjoy the idea that Simon was so wrong about two of the most successful idols...Clay and Kelly...

I think a lot of fans forget that AI is not the Clay Aiken show...so its not designed to just prop him up. These judges are not fans. They are not part of his management team. They were there to be critical...to create drama and controversy.

More Idol talk -- I think however and whatever happened on Clay's Idol journey regarding Simon, Randy, Paula, Nigel, it was pure serendipity. The coincidences and compound instances that make magic. Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity -- a powerful force. Your regulation pop stars usually have a short shelf life -- so many one hit wonders, the marketing delights with turnkey faux hipness that nevertheless thins quickly and gets tossed aside for the next ready-made gimmick. Clay was tossed into that world, but he kept his head and hired a savvy lawyer who worked only for his interests. I remember what Clay said in Houston when telling the story about waiting to audition in Atlanta: "I wasn't gonna give it up. I didn't want to show all my cards." Now that's something I can extrapolate. I don't think that was a one time thing ... I think he likes to play his cards close all the time, and we can only imagine what he has up his sleeve. Maybe Simon's comment that Clay was unique and that his path would be unique, translates into the definition of a legend. I don't know what cards he's holding, but I think he's been playing them rather adroitly. I do know what I'm holding .... a ticket to ride.

Whenever I'm reading along and think I have something to add to the discussion, I find there are always others who, in the mean time have said it better than I could. As I watch AIR now, I see Clay and I wonder, what made them think he was "weird" looking? I saw many others that IMO were far more strange looking than Clay. Fact is most of them didn't make it either. I actually have always believed that if Clay had not been America's choice, one of the judges would have stepped up and saved him, I think even that early on they used "America's choice" saved til the end as a ratings grab.

In the first 2 seasons of AI I very often agreed with Simon's critique's. There were a couple of times the critique's bothered me. I felt he called Clay out for singing the same type of ballady song, but let it go on Ruben until close to the end. I felt Ruben, while good, never really stretched himself on the show. Also, I felt Simon was way off on the Grease critique. I wasn't on the boards til way after the season was over, so I wasn't influenced by fan wars, I didn't even know they existed back then.

So far, I've really enjoyed the AIR shows and I'm enjoying the walk down memory lane, the perspective from the contestents, (all of them) has been fun to watch.

I'm in for a re-read and discussion of LTS too.

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Hi everyone, I've been missing you the past few days.

It's been either mountains or deep dark coal mines the last while, and this girl is starting to lose her grip....pullhair.gif

I finally got home to my computer this afternoon, and the power had gone out due to some freezing rain and high winds. And then the #@*X keyboard wouldn't work.

I felt like a princess without a sword.sniff.gif

I did get caught up on all my FCA reading though. I found the AI2 discussions very interesting. I missed all of the behind the scenes board stuff; heck, I just sat there like a happy fool every week to hear the cute NC guy sing. I couldn't vote way up here in the middle of nowhere so my opinions didn't go further than our family room. I was in the cyberdarkness until halfway through the summer.

And I didn't see the "sexy" at all, :21: nope, not me, until I took the full immersion LFBCA course at what the Broads so fondly call "the ranch". Let's just say they opened my eyes.


It's like you develop an extra sense or something; you know like learning how to truly appreciate fine art.... :whistling-1:

Anyhow, as long as I'm hangin around the Claynation, my learning curve keeps moving on up. ;)

After quickly reading Clay's last blog re Chapter 56 of the AchyBreaky Heart Stories at my son's house, it was nice to check in here and see that the sky hadn't fallen. I knew I could count on you all to hold it up there.

I did send a story in with many many misgivings. It is unfortunately very much a groaner, although I'm not sure met the quota on redemption. *g*

I cannot believe why I am so consistently compelled to say, "How high?" when Clay says , "Jump!".

I really did try to completely block out the fact that he was asking for these stories for an audience larger than just himself curled up on the couch with the puppies. doh.gif

It made me a little nervous when he added that ps for Minneapolis.

Come on, FCA'ers send some more choices to Minneapolis, puleeeezzzz.

My kind of story definitely needs some, (what did Clay call it? ) oh yeah, Balance.....

The day before Chapter 56 Blog I decided to write another one; just much funnier and lighter. And, eeeeek, it had a donkey in it. Thank God I didn't have a working keyboard or it would have landed in the poop pile. hee.


Never a dull moment with Sir Clay....

Sometimes his "ideas" are a little hard for me to swallow; at least whole. Just cause someone's sincere and means well doesn't always mean they're right. And I think that goes for Clay as well.

I figure he's in way over his head with these stories but he's stubborn enough to see it through.

And it'll all be good; just interesting another chapter in this intriguing man's life.

Before long there will be something new.

Fortunately for me, I don't have to agree with Clay to keep loving him.

I know, he always brings it the best that he can with his whole goofy magnificent heart.


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Ok so now I can't work. I keep thinking about Clay and Idol. I guess for me, when I think of that show and season 2 I get happy. It was so triumphant for Clay. To watch that man grow in confidence every week - it was such good TV. It was a thrilling ride, heart pounding to be sure. I honestly wouldn't change a thing. It was FUN and it was something I looked forward to every week. It was compelling. oooh what's he gonna sing. What? NOOOOOOOOO? Oh, that was good. Damn judges. Yeah Paula, you got it right. OMG he's gonna puke. Whew, he's safe. I don't love the season just because at the end of it I had Clay. I loved it every step of the freakin' way. Yeah there are some things that make me pissy about it but the joy I got each and every week stomps all over that pissiness. And five years later I'm not going to get pissy anew especially when I see how things turned out. I know the ending of that chapter. The book? we're not even halfway through it yet.

Edited to add :21: heee

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee whoop...Zena...Minneapolis is getting closer!!

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Double angel for me ma'am... cuz I never got pissy at all about it. I don't get mad now either. I must be missing that gene or something. LOL!

:26: :13:

And I lurved me some Ruben. I just watched Hollywood Part1. The Rube was so happy and easygoing. And he really does have a personality... unless he's sitting with Clay. HAHA!!

And just cuz Mr. Cute is... well... Cute...


I totally miss his forehead and ears!!

Ok, a night of clack... First Chardonnay's Best of Montages from JNT06 -- hilarious Clay, then AIR, then this fantabulous montage by dreamlarge.... it's a beauty. Seriously.


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Just want to weigh in briefly on my thoughts about Christmas in the Heartland.....

Think about it...... THE HEARTLAND...

"Stories From The HEART"

Bottom line is... I trust Clay. I trust him to entertain me, to fascinate me, to stimulate (my thinking) and to make me walk away when it's over WANTING MORE. It dazzles me every time.

That is what I expect from this year's JNT. I am really looking forward to it. :xmas07a: :xmaskick:

I've enjoyed all the Christmas stories I've read so far, and I've wracked my brain to come up with something to submit. I think maybe subconsciously I don't want to win this contest! Although, as my daughter put it, isn't a hug (or anything) from Clay worth a little stage fright? Well, the answer is a resounding YES on that question, but I still can't think of anything.

Clay doesn't want to read about how we tramped out in the woods every year to chop down a cedar tree (yes folks, cedar) and about how we got gifts from everyone else in the rest of the large family because we were brought up by the matriarchal spinster aunt and they all felt sorry for us! Oh, the Thank You notes I was forced to write! Or about the Christmas we went into town and I was given a dollar to go to the 5 & Dime to buy some gifts for the aunts and siblings. Stuff like that doesn't sound very heart-warming to me! And the "stockings" we hung by the chimney were real socks someone had already worn! We ended up with a tangerine in the toe, and it was filled with mostly hard candy and English walnuts, and we loved it! Christmas was magical back then, and I did my darndest to make it so for my kids when my turn came around to play "the Spirit of Christmas". The year my aunt died was the same year we started our family, the twins were only 2 months old and it was the 23rd of December. We had no tree yet, so I told hubby to go and chop down a small cedar, cause that was all I could deal with! Cedar is definitely a scent that totally identifies Christmas for me.

OK, I'll stop now, before I get too misty ! I must be tired and still jet-lagged a bit!

:hugs-1: to all! Time for bed! :goodnight:

Oh Yeah - and WORD to all those great posts up there!

Forgot to say I'm up for another LTS discussion too! I have both audio books, but you know, the one Clay narrates is slightly abridged, and the one from the other guy (whose name escapes me) is unabridged. But I don't like his voice as much as Clay's!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you FCA ladies for all your kind suggestions on spyware/virus blockers!

Great to hear all your Christmas memories. I am in the group that has no great stories to tell. The last ten years or so has seen me preparing a cold buffet for 15-20 family and in laws and trying to keep the peace. It's good if the hostess doesn't suffer a meltdown. Then the day after (boxing day), is the day I get to relax. My sister and her DH and 2DS and us get together to blimp out around the pool , eat leftovers, make cocktails and watch our boys run wild! This year will be a bit different coz my DH has taken a temp position up north ( in the tropics) for six months and as soon as the kids start their six week summer holidays we will be joining him. So this will be the first year it has just been the four of us for Christmas day.I think Imight check out the hotels or restaurants and get waited on myself.

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