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#25: TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!


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    • "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"
    • He is not perfect, he is just right!
    • But Clay turned it on, as he always does.
    • I?ve got my Clay Aiken boogie board. Bring it.

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What a waste of words at the bottom of that last picture! Like somebody would WANT to alter THAT?~ :hubbahubba:

I just love how Clay really, really FEELS his role---puts everything into it, you know? Is passionate about what he does.......


Some woman is going to be sooooooooooooo lucky. He might be a pissy piss-ant sometimes, but dang.....I betcha he can be a :Thud: when the mood takes him..... :Thud:

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I have a question about the people waiting outside the stage door. Couldn't some of them be waiting for one of hte other cast members? How do we know they're all for Clay? I'm serious.....I don't know much about Broadway theater 'etiquette' or traditions or whatnot...

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Re: are they at the stagedoor for Clay.

I think someone posted that there have only been a handful of stagedoor waiters before Clay came.

I've been to NY a number of times and to lots of plays and I've NEVER seen anything like this.

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I think the screams give it away too. I was listening to Merrieee tonight and you could hear the screaming at the stage door.

I love the picture where he is strutting his stuff in those wonderful shoes. I used to be a tap dancer, a very long time ago. I love dancing Clay. I'm a very poor smutter but I love it all! :cryingwlaughter:

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Claygasm, I'm so glad you got your fangirly back! Sounds like you had a fabulous time.

I'm so thrilled that the fan response has been so enthusiastic and positive. It sounds like Clay is doing amazingly well in this production, fitting in with the cast, and yet shining on his own. I love that he's showcasing those brilliant comedic skills for such a broad audience, and that so many are coming away impressed.

I'm happy for him, and I'm happy for the fandom. It's fun to see so much joy. No doubt, it won't last forever, but at least for now, I'll enjoy it.

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Such a cute photoshop at CB.

Let me clarify agoan - Ithink Clay is fantastic in the role of Sir Robin and I expect him to get better and better as the show goes on. I also believe this will open up many more doors for him as people see he has multiple skills and is not a fussy prude, as some would like others to believe. I jsut don't think it will create miracles and solve all of Clay's image issues.

I think it will get him more publicity for his new album and onto more shows. I hope it gets him a good movie role some day.

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Some info from CV:

I'm still up - so I'll post a few little somethings from my time spent at Spamalot w/ CV.

Sardi's, where CV partied at last night, gave me an interesting tidbit about Clay.

Apparently, he was there last Tuesday (the 8th) with Jerome & his publicist. He must've flew immediately the day after Golfing for Inclusion to resume work w/ Spamalot. It was Sardi's Maitre'De who told me about this nice little unexpected morsel when I inquired about when Clay's portrait may go up in their famous gallery of faces :) He didn't know how a star is chosen by the artist to have a portrait added to Sardi's gallery of 1400 portraits, however, I am hopeful Clay's will be up there before his Spamalot run finishes.

Anyway -

Clay, Jerome, the publicist & whoever was interviewing Clay, were all there around 1pm that Tuesday. They were seated away in the corner of the ground floor section, where an interview was being conducted (didn't get the name of the publication, or what was discussed) No lunch was ordered, just beverages. Clay & co. were there about an hour at most before returning across to the Schubert Theatre. So that was something cool to find out.

2ndly -

Spamalot merchandise is done by some company named Max Merchandise. Keep your eyes peeled for a tee shirt that may say "Aiken for Sir Robin" in the coming weeks. I was chatting w/ the merchandise seller about why & when the new merchandise will arrive, which he had no real answer, but did say something is in production due to the new casting w/ Clay. The tees will go for about $25.00. It should also show up on the Monty Python website. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Lastly -

The merchandise seller told me he hadn't seen a crowd reaction as he did on opening night :) The audience gave such a memorable applause at curtain call that it was the talk of the night amongst staff & cast. And - the merchandise guy had been around the week before, watching rehearsals & seeing Clay struggle to follow along & then comes opening night, Clay got it all down pat & made it look natural. It was a huge noticable difference from then & last night. It was just awesome to hear.

God Bless Mike Nichols & Eric Idle for bringing out the full Clay - singing, dancing, comedian & oh so much more!

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Gibby Thanks for bringing this here. I love what the merchandise guy had to see.

Honestly, I am just overwhelmed with warm feelings today!

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What an amazing weekend... and there's two more shows.

Couchie... you are the best! I'm going to try to get more memory in my computer tomorrow so I can reply to pm's and see pictures and fun stuff like that there.

I have a permanent grin on my face from all this joy!

Playbiller... I know what you're saying. I don't expect this to make him an instant worldwide phenom. But, I can't help feeling this is the first step in a full-bodied career in entertainment for Clay. I think his talent is sooo broad that he will be a singer/actor on tv, film and stage/this, that, and everything.

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liney23 wrote:

Playbiller... I know what you're saying. I don't expect this to make him an instant worldwide phenom. But, I can't help feeling this is the first step in a full-bodied career in entertainment for Clay. I think his talent is sooo broad that he will be a singer/actor on tv, film and stage/this, that, and everything.

Yes! This is exactly how I feel as well. We live in a world where very few appeal to all and I truly believe it takes time and effort to build a long lasting career as an entertainer. Pop stars come and go but real entertainers build that foundation and are around for a very long time. They also have many ups and downs. Sinatra is a good example of that. So, with all Clay has already accomplished, and all that is to come, I think he is heading for a long multimedia career if he chooses.

Images can change pretty quickly in this world. Clay has a very decent image if people are willing to look more closely rather than follow the sound bytes of tabloid press. He is a lightening rod and even that will serve him well in the long run. The majority of our world is not "kewl". The "kewl" just get a great deal of attention.

Okay, off my soapbox now. I was just thinking out loud.

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Well, just because I'm a pain like that, I will say once again what I've said from the beginning. Clay is the tortoise in this crazy media race that is stardom. He won't fall for gimmicks or be fooled by fools. He'll just keep on keeping on, being true to himself and traveling at his own pace, listening to his own drummer. (Sean? :cryingwlaughter: )....


God and all the spirits willing,

I'll always be able to experience the joy of his journey as long as I'm sharing this world with him. He's simply joy.

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Such a cute photoshop at CB.

Let me clarify agoan - Ithink Clay is fantastic in the role of Sir Robin and I expect him to get better and better as the show goes on. I also believe this will open up many more doors for him as people see he has multiple skills and is not a fussy prude, as some would like others to believe. I jsut don't think it will create miracles and solve all of Clay's image issues.

I think it will get him more publicity for his new album and onto more shows. I hope it gets him a good movie role some day.

I would love for him to have a TV show that is a cross between Oprah and Charlotte Church. A singer herself, Charlotte did duets with her guests, comedy skits and interviews. Charlotte had a wicked sense of humour and was highly entertaining. I can see Clay in a similar role, and he would have another huge platform to subtlely teach his "classroom" about the importance of education and inclusion for children the world over. Regular exposure on TV again would boost his audience and record sales.

(For those who don't know, Charlotte Church was that little girl with the amazing opera voice who sang for the Queen, the Pope and the President of the USA! She is all-grown-up now and taking a break from TV to raise her new baby).

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Yes! This is exactly how I feel as well. We live in a world where very few appeal to all and I truly believe it takes time and effort to build a long lasting career as an entertainer. Pop stars come and go but real entertainers build that foundation and are around for a very long time. They also have many ups and downs. Sinatra is a good example of that. So, with all Clay has already accomplished, and all that is to come, I think he is heading for a long multimedia career if he chooses.

Images can change pretty quickly in this world. Clay has a very decent image if people are willing to look more closely rather than follow the sound bytes of tabloid press. He is a lightening rod and even that will serve him well in the long run. The majority of our world is not "kewl". The "kewl" just get a great deal of attention.

Okay, off my soapbox now. I was just thinking out loud.


Oh I agree with all of this. I figured Clay and his pepole would have to think outside the box a bit. I've always thought some duet with someone you wouldn't expect or a funny commercial or a talk show would be the way to lead people back to his singing. Well this is definitely thinking outside of the box and it's a great start for him.

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OMG, I just watched farouche's Saturday matinee stage door video. Clay asks someone "where'd you come from?" and then says "From Canada?" with a look of surprise on his face. I wonder if that was our very own cindilu2 he was talking to?

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keepingfaith, that's funny! I noticed the shoe size right off, too. You don't think they squished his

I can't get over how you guys notice every little detail about Clay!

KAndre mentioned the shirt he was wearing (outside signing autographs) was the one he wore for BOTW, and so I went and checked out the Clack for BOTW and true enough, the stripes on the collar matched.

This is all too much! :lmaosmiley-1: (But I LOVE IT!)

oops got you guys mixed up, it was Couch Tomato (not KAndre) who noticed the collar stripes... lol but yeah there's been even MORE little and not so little details picked up since then! I continue to gulp in amazement.... I wonder if Clay knows how closely he is scrutinized. :5:

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Good Morning Everyone,

2 Days until Clay is on The View! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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And I still can't stop grinning..... :wub:

Love toni's pics from yesterday! How crazy is it that I love that we can see how he still worries that bottom lip, even with the new teeth?!

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: CG!!!!! And EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Bookwhore, this one is for you...


:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you ldyj. One of the things I love about Clay is that he has soooo much to offer! Beautiful voice, quick wit, smart as a whip, good actor, humanitarian, kind of heart, not to mention his astounding physical attributes which are quite breathtaking, and generous in so many ways. :)

Such a cute photoshop at CB.

Let me clarify agoan - Ithink Clay is fantastic in the role of Sir Robin and I expect him to get better and better as the show goes on. I also believe this will open up many more doors for him as people see he has multiple skills and is not a fussy prude, as some would like others to believe. I jsut don't think it will create miracles and solve all of Clay's image issues.

I think it will get him more publicity for his new album and onto more shows. I hope it gets him a good movie role some day.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I never expected magic from his Spamalot role, but I do expect many doors to open up for him. The haters are going to hate, I'm going to ignore, and Clay is going to continue on his meteoric rise to the stars. I was talking with a co-worker a couple of days ago and she was mentioning how she and her DH were going to see Carrie Underwood and of course I took the opportunity to mention how much I wanted to go see Clay in Spamalot. She didn't know he was in Spamalot, but she does know that I'm a fan. Anyway, she was amazed. She was all, "He IS??!!! On Broadway? Isn't it amazing how successful he's become?" I thought, "No, I'm not amazed at all." No one that takes the time to pay attention and get to 'know' him would be amazed by his success, rather they would be amazed if he didn't rise to the top.

I was reading some of the comments left on one of the online articles over the weekend and someone said, "Geez, it's been like, 5 years already! Why aren't this guy's 15 minutes up yet?" I had to laugh. People keep expecting him to fade away, but Clay isn't building a house of straw, he's carefully crafting his house of bricks. Hell, he's building the fucking Taj Mahal and it's going to still be standing for years and years. He's probably going to make some decisions that aren't so great, he'll probably fail at some things, but I do think he'll be a constant in the entertainent industry throughout my lifetime.

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Clay is the tortoise in this crazy media race that is stardom. He won't fall for gimmicks or be fooled by fools. He'll just keep on keeping on, being true to himself and traveling at his own pace, listening to his own drummer.


"From Canada?"

Hee. I heard "From Kansas?" Best go watch it again. :blush:

Soo....do you suppose Jerome is staying in NY w/Clay the whole time? I guess I didn't expect that. I dunno why.

eta...and WTH is Jerome carrying? A parka? It looks like a tent. :cryingwlaughter:

People keep expecting him to fade away, but Clay isn't building a house of straw, he's carefully crafting his house of bricks. Hell, he's building the fucking Taj Mahal and it's going to still be standing for years and years. He's probably going to make some decisions that aren't so great, he'll probably fail at some things, but I do think he'll be a constant in the entertainent industry throughout my lifetime.

annnnnnnnnnnd...... Amen!

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We have our first celebrity sighting at Spamalot...Roger Ebert was there yesterday. CV has started a thread in their Theater Forum to compile a list. What fun!


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