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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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Has anyone mentioned anything about this


this is a link to the Clayboard to see the pic (and link also),

HERE is the sendspace page to download it!

It's also autographed! :laola0:

I just downloaded this, thanks for the link. I have never printed a life size picture before. How do I go about doing it? Can anyone help?

keeping faith I hope you hear from your daughter soon...it is so worrying. And if she is without power then she can't recharge her phone. I have kept my old plug in phone for just such times as when the power goes out...tho of course it doesn't help when the phone lines are down as well.

from Fountaindawg at CH

Updated collections at the "Clay Aiken Kids" site:

Clay's Journey: Broadway page

2008 Year at a Glance (Most of these are on the Broadway page since much of the 2008 publicity has been Spamalot related, but there are a few additional items.)

It was here that I found in "Clay's story -Did You Know?" all sorts of facts that I had not read before. It is interesting, I find, how much I enjoy reading and storing away all these little details of his life, like little treasures.

A question for those of you who have seen Spamalot recently. The latest FOX Spack ...In the bottle dance is it the hat he is wearing that makes it looks as tho' Clay is watching his feet...and if not, has that changed so that he is now looking ahead as the actors on either side of him are doing?

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Saw this gif on CH and even though we KNOW it's a fold, it's still fun to watch in action. :imgtongue:

kf---yikes! My two girls are still in the house with me and I'm not looking forward to situations like this one you're describing. I betcha All Is Well, though. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Worked all day from home today--phone calls, emails, spreadsheets---OH MY!

Now I'm exhausted. Gonna catch a nap.

All you in the Northeast battling the elements, be careful! :garfieldodie-grouphug:

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Cha CHa How about baking the guy a pie or some bread?

COOKIES!!! He has a wife and 5 kids - 3 still at home! Thanks wanda!

And I have to make something for my bunco group on Friday anyway....... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

keepingfaith - TG your daughter called in!! I'm glad she is OK! I was worried about my daughter last night too, and she only had to drive 2 miles! (after a long bus ride!)

Lotus - I saw some discussion about having that printed.

You just copy the link, then call Office Depot, Staples, etc, and get the e-mail address to their printing department. Send them the link, and VOILA!! Staples is a good one, never had a problem. You can specify what kind of paper you want it printed on. One fan had hers printed on vinyl, but said it was very expensive.
I wonder if they would make it a "Flat Clay"?

I love all the cool gifs and news clips we are getting today!! Someone suggested that the interview part may have been from a longer piece, which would be really nice to see also, if it is true! All speculation of course!! :clap: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:

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Keepingfaith Glad to hear your daughter is safe; been there a few times myself! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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YAY, I just talked to my daughter -- and it was all the reasons mentioned above with the power outage and phone battery down. All is well.

Thanks so much for virtually holding my hand today!!!

Now I can EAT!!!

Yay! I'm so glad you got good news!

It's scary when they're out there in the world!!!

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BTW - also OT - Oprah has just announced that she is giving away Suzie Orland's new book about women preparing for the future (the subject of her show today) for FREEEEEE - all you have to do is go to her website (it's crashed right now - LOL) and download it. You only have 24 hours to do it. I wonder if enough people will be able to get it!!

cha cha...I went to the Oprah website but didn't see any place to download the book...I saw some pages---excerpts---to read but...??

kf---yippee! have a drink to celebrate! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Just wanted to send a shout out to CarolinaClay for the great feature on her blog


thank you!!! :thankyou::thankyou::thankyou::hugs-1: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

PS - it looks like some major editing on my page is in order since we now have real pics of Clay in his role!!


Just happened to see your post, Cha Cha. LOL, I was planning to send you a PM tonight after teaching lessons. You are so welcome. That's a great site, and I was happy to plug it. Need to go back and play the game myself! :lol:

I try to scroll through here everyday, but mostly I have been trying to figure out Textisms at the OFC. Several of us have studied/tested codes from many links, and we are about to conclude that Clique/Sparkart doesn't have everything turned on to accept them. I know quite a bit about this format that doesn't work ... YET!

Give me HTML anyday! :cryingwlaughter:

Y'all have a great rest of the week ... and a Happy Valentine's Day! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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(((KF))) glad thing turned out ok...and I am happy you were able to share your fears on the board...I know that even when my 14 year old's bus comes in a bit late at night I get all nervous...specially in winter.

Jenna...I like your rant this morning. I think the whole discussion on why Vanessa left is a good demonstration of how we really don't know whats happening in Clay;s life and how speculations can sometimes become facts in people's minds. I can think of two other speculation/rumor about that ... but I bet its just as simple as Clay changing management or the girl getting assigned to other idols.

I really love those clips...its great to see him dancing...hee

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So glad you were finally able to get in touch with your DD, keepingfaith. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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ooh thanks for the suzie book. I need all the help I can get.

2 more days on the bus...jesus I want to go hug my car.

Jenna..I enjoyed your rant to...and your little I love Clay Aiken at the end. Made me smile this morning. We know so little about Clay's actual life..it seems like we know everything but really... nope.

I've watched the news clips on youtube a million times this morning. Love it. only 2 1/2 more months to go!

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Quick post - so glad to hear kf's daughter is ok. I came home this evening to find that the screen on my old, trusty laptop has died. The hard drive is still running - I can access my shared folders from my son's computer through My Network Places - but when I try to hook his monitor up to it, it won't keep the signal past the initial reboot screen. *sigh* I think I'll take it to work with me tomorrow and have one of the techie guys look at it, but I'm pretty sure it's finally bitten the dust. Not surprising, since it's 6 years old, I guess, but not great timing, since I don't have any $$ for a new one right now.

Oh well, I'll try to check in when I can from work, and of course I can always steal a minute or two on my kids' computers.

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Whew, kf's daughter is OK!

Boo! luckiest1's laptop died!

And I'm in "eat everything in front of me" mode. Someone stop me please!

I think it's time to watch those clips again. Dancing Clay is all kinds of hawt!

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As usual, so far behind! This working for a (concert trip) (living) sucks sometimes.

Lots of catchup follows, feel free to scroll...

First and foremost....LOVE that interview, LOVE the Fox News clips! So good to have an intelligent interviewer who will just let an interesting, intelligent, humorous man....go!

Found his comments about his place in the musical world very interesting, and it has made me even more excited to hear the music that he truly believes is him.

It was interesting to hear that I have 6 years to find a way to become an American citizen; because if he's running for Pres there's no way I'm not voting that time!

Ok I've read it and reread it and read it again. Wheeeeeeeee! And they used great pictures too!

Karen Eh, I was at Interlochen and witnessed that as well. :whistling-1:

I was at Interlochen tooooooo! I didn't see that~but I DID see the complete Clayversion of some absolutely sweet Mennonite (?) girls and small children who sat very decorously in the row in front of me...for about half an hour! :lol: And then they were jivin' to the groove along with the rest of us! :lol: It was a hoot!....and Clay loved them too, flirted with the little one who was about 4, for half the night. Fortuitously giving me a great view! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I have very good memories of Interlochen. I was way back in Row R and the people in front of me were giants. I'd have had to stand the entire time to see anything. However I also had a group of excited little girls, about 10 years old or so, behind me so I didn't want to stand and block their view.

A very nice couple from Calgary next to me noticed this and suggested that the husband swap seats with me since he was rather tall. I ended up sitting between them throughout the concert. Later on, their niceness was rewarded, not with the husband getting picked as a PIP like I'd hoped, but with the guy diagonally in front of us getting picked. This meant that both the wife and I got to stand and stare at someone's green eyes for a looooong time -- our closest ever at that time. And we didn't have to look away since he was talking/interviewing the PIP and so she and I just stood there "paying attention" and drinking everything in.

*hugs memories*

Awwwww....as it happens, very dear friends of mine...from Lethbridge, AB actually, not Calgary. They loved you too! They are wonderful people.

They need to make tires with spikes in them for icy driving... scary stuff!

They do actually! They're called "studded" tires, and they get good use in the PNW!

Sciatica... chiro, special seat padding did it for me. I cannot sit on hard surfaces or it comes in with a vengence.

Still basking in yesterday's article/stats. It was a very good day! (except for CG... HUGS!!!)

Interesting (to me) discussion of problems with sciatica. About 5 years ago, I had gotten so bad with it after a sressful period at work that I could barely walk and spent most nights curled in a ball crying and trying to sleep. I quite literally wanted to die. I tried everything you've all suggested, and absolutely nothing even touched the pain. Mine is caused by osteo-arthritis in my spine from several damages to it.

Fortunately, then three things happened. I changed jobs to a less stressful one. Clay came into my life. And my doctor found a medication that started to work for me.

They then took that med off the market. It was replaced with one that actually, worked even better for me and I started to feel like something resembling a human being again. I could walk with little pain, and I was able to start to exercise. I went to concerts and danced. Life was good.

About three weeks ago, after going for some routine blood tests, I got a panicked call from my doctor's office. Get off the anti-inflammatory RIGHT NOW!!! It has apparently affected my kidneys in a not-good way.

Right now I'm stuck with Tylenol3 4 times a day, which is muting the pain but not touching, of course, the inflammation. I am so bummed, and not sure how I'm going to continue to manage the stairs in my home. It is getting more difficult every day. Those of you with sciatica will understand.

Sorry to be such a downer, I just had to vent. I can't believe there is nothing that can be done.

Anyone had any experience with herbals like glucosamine and chondroitin? I would like to give it a try but they are SO expensive if they don't work.


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Did I miss this? My lurker friend told me about it. It came from Claymaniacs:


My name is Jenn and I work at Situation Marketing where we handle all the online marketing for Monty Python’s Spamalot as well as manage the website www.montypythonsspamalot.com. We’ve noticed that your site is driving a lot of traffic to our site and as a special thank you; we would like to offer you a discount offer on tickets to SPAMALOT with Clay Aiken.

You can save over $40 on tickets with this offer that will only be offered to Clay Aiken fans.

There are three easy ways to purchase tickets:

1. Go to http://www.broadwayoffers.com/go.aspx?MD=2001&MC=SP4CLAY or visit broadwayoffers.com and enter code SP4CLAY

2. Call (212) 947-8844 and mention code SP4CLAY

3. Print a copy of this offer and bring it to the box office at 225 W. 44th St (between Broadway and 8th Ave)

* Select Orchestra and Mezzanine: $70. Balcony: $45. All prices include a $1.50 facility fee. Offer valid through 3/23/08 excluding Friday & Saturday evenings and 2/15/08 - 2/17/08. Additional blackout dates may occur. Offer subject to availability.

Enjoy! And thanks for supporting Clay and SPAMALOT!

It is apparently legit.

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