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#31: The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken


FCA Thread Title Poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • The man with the titanium balls - and the voice to back them up!
    • OMG, chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills chills
    • They are seeing what WE see ? a brilliant, intelligent, and genuinely funny and lovely man.
    • Clay Aiken, I love your mad talented, tender-hearted, freakin' Broadway star, soul!
    • I'm totally jonesing for Clay Aiken's voice right now. God! I need to be sedated.
    • I could listen to that Raleigh son rattle on all day long. He makes me smile.
    • The whole damn thing was perfect!

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Video screen, top right hand corner.

OK, I must be the dumbest, blindest thing in six counties....my top right corner is blank, and there IS no video screen that I can see. Says nothing about video anywhere.

Here's a sendspace for the ABC News interview for those that still can't get it online. It's a radio interview, so it's an MP3 - not sure if that was clear or not.


Oh bless you!! I never was able to find it.

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Stage Door Report from Toni7Babe

Navy blue North Carolina hoodie, tan track pants, sandals with mix matched striped socks. Hair looked good.

Huge crowd! Maybe 10 rows deep!

Jerome had the peasant come up front to get her picture signed. He also gave 4 signed playbills to some children.

Mary came out with Clay!

Toni only got 1 picture, she was too far. IBG got a few pictures.

Great show, lots of applause! During the guard scene he braided the ribbons again. He also stuck his finger in his mouth like he was chewing his nail and then he looked at it. Hee!

More reports tomorrow

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I said that about the predictions, and evidently I'm wrong. I thought they used to give advance estimates based on shipments. It's been a long time since I followed HDD. Maybe by next Wednesday??

Madonna's sales of her new album are at around 20% less than her previous one, and she's had huge PR, huge. All sales are way, way down. Also, Clay was #1 at Amazon for ages for MOAM, but has only been in the top 15 or so this time. On the other hand, he's been in the top 15 or so for weeks and weeks. At iTunes, he is out of the top 100 albums list altogether now, and around 32 in pop, although he was selling well there when the pre-order first began. I have noticed at iTunes that pre-ordering really isn't the thing--even when Clay was down to the 30s on the album chart, he was third in pre-orders.

I think the internet marketing strategy has done all it can do now, and he needs a different kind of exposure; perhaps there will be TV ads during American Idol next week or something of that nature. That would probably stimulate a ton of sales, but it would cost a fortune. He does have GMA and the View next week, and more TV after that. An appearance on Idol or DWTS would be a big boost.

I'm a lot more optimistic about the legs of this album. Partly because of the constraints of Spamalot, the promotion appears to be more geared towards the long term. He's much better off selling like Carrie Underwood's first or Kelly's Breakaway, in that they sold in the tens of thousands week after week for a year or more.

As long as he sells enough the first week not to be labeled a failure, I'm cool. The reason so much was made of his being in the top 5 and over 200,000 for the 4th time last time, tying some record or another of all people ever, was that artists just don't sell huge amounts album after album after album. If he sells a million or more of this album within this year, I'll bet it will be taken as a comeback and it'll sell even better because it'll get PR for that. If he gets nominated for a Grammy, there would be another surge. If word of mouth is great, that'll work. Radio play sometimes works. There are a lot of things that can contribute to long-term sales, and no guarantees, but AI people have been among those to do very well, perhaps because AI does keep people's names in the public consciousness. So first week sales, while great for a pissing contest, and always used as a PR plug if they're great, aren't the be all and end all. MOAM's sales after the initial roll-out were pretty disappointing--based on the initial sales, they expected more long-term than they got.

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As long as he sells enough the first week not to be labeled a failure, I'm cool.

Whoa - ME TOO!!!!!

I would like to see him sell more than ATDW did the first week. There were so many factors involved with the first week of MOAM - the fact that Ruben had narrowly edged him out for American Idol, the controversy over the voting, the great reception he had on the Idol tour..... I still love MOAM but his voice and/or delivery has grown so much since then.

But the bottom line is - we all seem to think he's happy with this CD. And I'm pretty happy that he's happy. :cocktail:

ETA: Those pictures with Hannah are so cute! I love how he has his hand on her back - ever the gentleman!!!! And then the pictures with Tyra - Clay cuddling up nice and close to her tracts of land! Heh!

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Madonna's sales of her new album are at around 20% less than her previous one, and she's had huge PR, huge. All sales are way, way down. Also, Clay was #1 at Amazon for ages for MOAM, but has only been in the top 15 or so this time. On the other hand, he's been in the top 15 or so for weeks and weeks. At iTunes, he is out of the top 100 albums list altogether now, and around 32 in pop, although he was selling well there when the pre-order first began. I have noticed at iTunes that pre-ordering really isn't the thing--even when Clay was down to the 30s on the album chart, he was third in pre-orders.

Right, and look what a icon she is, she is a major MAJOR superstar that no one can deny whether or not they like her. She's not only an extraordinary recording artist, her music is POPULAR, upbeat music people love, she's been in the movies, her music vids are hard to forget, her theatrical concert tours go down in history among the greats of all-time, she's an author.... plus her personal life has been the stuff of substantial media fodder for decades. Plus, the energy and dedication she puts into publicising every project, be it a movie, CD or book launch is second to none. If Madonna's sales are down, imagine the kind of work other artists have to put in... to generate sales.

Leona Lewis is actually a phenomenon - but if Simon hadn't taken her under his wing as a pet project, I doubt she'd have this kind of success. Leona pretty much owes Simon her career, because even great talent, unmanaged, will fizzle out. And advertising and promotion is everything. I don't know if you guys have heard of Delta Goodrem, she was a popular juvenile Australian soapy star who launched a singing career, and I'd never heard of her because I don't watch Australian soapies. BUT her album was flogged and flogged on television to the point where not only did I get to know how to spell her name, what she looked like and recognize her music, but I started to LIKE her music. OK, I admit she is very talented, she writes her own songs etc but the ONLY reason I got to know about her was purely on the subliminal programming that is called saturated television advertising.

That's why I believe we'll see a huge publicity campaign for OMWH.

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The ads that I have seen for Madonna's new Cd are about her duet and video with JT. I have yet to see advertising on TV of her all alone. Seems to me that she is using JT to sell more Cds. I also saw a TV ad for Josh Groban new cd also dropping on May 6. I believe that Neil Diamond's is also dropping on May 6.

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The ads that I have seen for Madonna's new Cd are about her duet and video with JT. I have yet to see advertising on TV of her all alone. Seems to me that she is using JT to sell more Cds. I also saw a TV ad for Josh Groban new cd also dropping on May 6. I believe that Neil Diamond's is also dropping on May 6.

Smart plan, to team up with, arguably, the current biggest male star in popular music. (I don't have the stats, I am just going by the vibes). Mind you, it was also a smart move on Team Clay's part to have Spamalot precede a new album.

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Isn't Josh's CD a live recording or a DVD of a concert? I got all confuzzled awhile back and I thought it was explained that it wasn't a new recording. Anybody remember? I hope he's better in concert than he was about 4 years ago.....it was like watching paint dry! Beautiful voice - no stage presence! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................

I know Madonna is a huuuuge star but she's kind of been out of the limelight for awhile! And I would agree that she's using JT to sell more CDs. It will be most interesting to see how long she stays in the top 20 or so on HDD.

Tried to find more reports about tonite's performance but there don't seem to be any out there. Hoping we get more from the shows tomorrow. I am supposed to be getting phone calls and will surely share whatever I hear. I'm thinking Sunday night is going to be a real tearjerker.....

And wasn't that a beeeeooooteeeeful suit Clay wore to the Broadway Gives Back thingie? Whew.

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Thanks jmh. What I wouldn't give for a professionally taped live concert of Clay!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Maybe some day!!!!In the meantime we have some very talented Clackgatherers.....

Well I'm grabbing a cat and heading off to bed.

Sleep well y'all.

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That abc interview with Clay is wonderful.

I'm not going to say a word, but I read this in a review of Madonna's "Hard Candy" while over there ...


Madonna working with Timberlake is a sad sign to me. She’s better than that. I have actually never understood his appeal to be honest. (I was also disappointed when Duran Duran chose to work with him on their last album, “Red Carpet Massacre.”) All I see is a scrawny kid doing a so-so, somewhat sleazy Michael Jackson impression. Madonna, on the other hand is an original. It’s hard to really compare her to anyone else in the pop world before her, so it’s bothersome to hear Madonna and Timberlake trading verses on the single “4 Minutes.” Thanks also to Timberlake’s jarring speech at Madonna’s Rock Hall Induction ceremony, it’s also hard to listen the track without thinking of B-12 shots in questionable places! So, as omni-present as that single certainly is right now, and as much hit potential as it may have, it is overshadowed by Timberlake’s presence.

Not only that, but you could argue that Timberlake has also sucked all the edginess out of Timbaland.

That bolded part made me think of someone close to my heart.

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Heading for NY in the morning - I should be sleeping right now!!!

Hoping to meet up with Couchie and whoever else is going to be around.

Look for me guys! I'll be the blonde with the BIG SEG on my face!!!


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ARGH I can't sleep. But I gotta catch a plane, so that's ok! Here's to no delays at the airport or on the NYC trains to Manhattan. I've checked the airlines page (on time so far), I've checked the border crossings (no delays) so nothing much else I can do from this end. See y'all at the matinee show (fingers crossed)!

I'll be the blonde with the BIG SEG on my face!!!

Heh, and that'll make you stand out in the crowd? Everyone's gonna have a BIG SEG this weekend! *does that sound a bit dirty to anyone else?* :imgtongue:

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ARGH I can't sleep. But I gotta catch a plane, so that's ok! Here's to no delays at the airport or on the NYC trains to Manhattan. I've checked the airlines page (on time so far), I've checked the border crossings (no delays) so nothing much else I can do from this end. See y'all at the matinee show (fingers crossed)!

I'll be the blonde with the BIG SEG on my face!!!

Heh, and that'll make you stand out in the crowd? Everyone's gonna have a BIG SEG this weekend! *does that sound a bit dirty to anyone else?* :imgtongue:

I was gonna say - and that descrip will make you stand out HOW, cha cha? :cryingwlaughter:

I couldn't sleep either! Grabbing my Starbucks & heading out the door right now - EEEEEEEE!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for this week-ends Spammers! What a party you're in for... Please leave at least a little of the roof on the Shubert.


Love this guy, and I think I'll miss hearing about his shenanigans:





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Good Morning Everyone,

1 Day until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

3 Days until On My Way Here is Here!

4 Days until GMA!

5 Days until The View!

6 Days until The Today Show!

9 Days until Leno!

13 Days until The Climmel/Nightline/Rachel Ray!

17 Days until Craig Ferguson!

Everyone have a great day!


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lots of good stuff to look forward to. As much as I love being in NYC I'm so happy I will be home before the album drops so I can just soak it all up. I'm very curious about nightline!

They sure are using some unusual promo vehicles.

I will be honest here. As much as I am looking forward to the CD, I am a bit wary about the fandoms reaction. I am actually expecting lower opening week numbers just because that is the general trend nowadays. I don't think they will just give up on promoting this CD, I think there will be other waves of promo after Clay has taken a break. This is his livelihood, other than UNICEF and BAF projects...what else will he focus on? I also think they will treat this very differently than ATDW. That was more a niche album for Clay, but I believe clay is more invested in this project.

I do hope it will reach at Platinum sales but I don;t think it will happen right away.

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I guess promo just ain't what it used to be because with the gigantic Madonna promo that's been churning on for what seems like a couple of months, I would have guessed a much bigger debut for her than under 300,000. The economy is in the toilet, people are spending entertainment dollars on gasoline, and that's that. The downturn is industry-wide for concert ticket sales and CD sales. Fortunately for Clay, he does have a built-in fanbase and it won't hurt a bit to have this CD front and center at the stores for Mother's Day sales this month. It occurs to me that with such a mediocre return on investment for the "Divas" -- because Madonna, Mariah, and Leona Lewis were promoted to the level of ridiculous -- that Clay Aiken, being an artist who can deliver with little or no promo at all, would be among the hottest of commodies in the current atmosphere.


Madonna’s final studio album for Warner Bros. before embarking on her deal with promoter Live Nation will debut at #1 on next week’s HITS Album Sales chart with a total of between 270-290k.

She’s easily the topper in a three-way battle of the dueling divas which also includes Mariah Carey’s previously #1 Island/IDJ album E=MC2 at 85-90k and J/Syco Music newcomer Leona Lewis’ Spirit at 80k.

Hard Candy is actually one of six newcomers in the Top 10, which would ordinarily be good news. Unfortunately, it takes a little under 30k in sales to get there.

I'm so excited for everyone in NYC this weekend for Spamalot. This has been a win-win-win for Clay, and I'm sure Broadway hasn't seen the last of him. I think he's having a wonderful time in his life right now. It's been five years since Idol, and he's now at a place where doors are opening because he's Clay Aiken the recording star, and not because he was a reality TV star -- maybe one day it will stop being mentioned. But then I suppose Judy Garland had to talk about The Wizard of Oz for the rest of her life. I remember seeing her on a talk show in the 60's and after all her triumphs she was still having to answer questions about the Munchkins.

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lots of good stuff to look forward to. As much as I love being in NYC I'm so happy I will be home before the album drops so I can just soak it all up. I'm very curious about nightline!

They sure are using some unusual promo vehicles.

I will be honest here. As much as I am looking forward to the CD, I am a bit wary about the fandoms reaction. I am actually expecting lower opening week numbers just because that is the general trend nowadays. I don't think they will just give up on promoting this CD, I think there will be other waves of promo after Clay has taken a break. This is his livelihood, other than UNICEF and BAF projects...what else will he focus on? I also think they will treat this very differently than ATDW. That was more a niche album for Clay, but I believe clay is more invested in this project.

I do hope it will reach at Platinum sales but I don;t think it will happen right away.

I agree. I think it might go Gold, then peter off for awhile. Perhaps around 200,000 in first week sales. as to whether it will continue on and go platinum? I think it will depend on radio play being successful and him having at least 2-3 hit singles off it. It appears to me that the label is going to support it to radio this time.

I do think Clay and his label have given 1st week sales a good chance at a good showing. They made sure they had so many different CDs for his hard core fans to buy. The K-Mart one with the poster. The i-tunes one with a bonus song. The QVC one with the video and extra MOAM songs. The Wal-Mart issue with a another different bonus song on it. That has to help. I love it when he uses and abuses me. :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:

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KeepingFaith said:

It's been five years since Idol, and he's now at a place where doors are opening because he's Clay Aiken the recording star, and not because he was a reality TV star

I love this comment! I know he got his "shot" with Idol but it always makes me irritated when he's introduced as Clay Aiken, American Idol runner-up. Clay Aiken American Idol star is slightly better but he's accomplished so much since then. Clay Aiken, multi-platinum recording artist is the best! And now add Broadway star! :clap:

To all those already in New York and to all those on their way - HAVE FUN!!!! And blow the sweetsingerman a kiss for me! (please read that sentence carefully and act responsibly... :cryingwlaughter: )

Here's the first part of Spotlightlover's recap of her walk-on performance.....it was brought from CH and posted at CV"


Broadway: I’m Almost There!

6:55 p.m. Thursday, May1

I arrive at the stage door for rehearsal; a new person, Rose, is guarding the door. I can already tell the difference from the afternoon, when it was fairly quiet in the theater. Now there are people everywhere, going up and down the stairs just inside the door, all over the stage. There’s a hum in the air. I’m introduced to Jim, another stage manager, who’s apparently my baby-sitter for the moment because they’re not quite ready to rehearse. Jim seems a little dour at first but in the course of my evening I will learn he’s a good egg.

He leads me onto the stage and down into the house, where we’ll sit for a few minutes to keep me out of the way. We watch as men all over the stage are checking everything and setting up for the evening’s performance.

Someone is talking on the sound system. I hear “Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick….”, then “Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom…”, then other names and I ask what’s going on. He’s checking the body mics for all the actors by calling out their real names over each specific mic.

Jim is a facts-and-figures kinda guy. He tell me that there are 88,000 pounds of set pieces that are flown in or moved onto the floor in the course of the show. The heaviest at 8000 pounds is the feet of God. I ask if that’s because of the rockets, but he says, no, it’s the mechanism that splits the feet apart. The final wedding castle and the opening drop each weigh in at about 3000 pounds.

I ask about the twinkly lights on a set piece and he says they’re in the song All Alone; there are many, many details on the various set pieces that I see as they’re testing them. I guess they add to the overall quality of the show in a subliminal way even if you never realize what you’re seeing.

I ask Jim how they coordinate the various graphic effects with the orchestra and the actors. He says it’s all computerized. (I will later learn that’s only partly true; the stage manager calls cues for a lot of it.)

We talk about the songs and I mention how much I like the number All Alone, how lyrically it’s so wonderfully comedic and yet poignant, and Jim says, Well, that’s Eric and John – meaning what great writers they are.

I ask Jim my question about the confetti cannons; he says there are eight of them. He points out four of them, two on each side in the box seats, and there are four more under the mezzanine that we can’t find. I still don’t quite understand how from the side, they get the raining-from-the-ceiling effect. (At the next night’s performance, I’ll be in the mezzanine and I see that the box-seat cannons shoot the confetti so high into the air that it meets in the middle from the two sides all the way up at the balcony level, creating the raining effect.)

Jim reiterates that I’ll be sitting with Sheri during Act 1, but that he’ll also take me downstairs to watch the elevators work.

The opening drop comes down and there’s a projection on it of some kind of grid of numbers. Jim says that’s something that tells the guy who does the film sequences that they are projecting in the right places – he says it’s for the computer geeks and laughs. I say that I am a computer geek, and Jim allows his limit is email. I ask him if doing stage management isn’t somewhat computerized these days, and he says Spamalot is about half and half – all the heavier scenery is run by computer. Jim asserts that eventually we’ll all be replaced by computers.

Jim tells me that there are 27 actors in the show and 62 people backstage. That includes stagehands, carpenters, electricians, dressers, props, wardrobe.

About that time the Star of David comes down, the one at the end of YWSOB. Jim says it cost $50,000 and it’s onstage for only 32 seconds. The red curtain that comes down behind Clay at the end of YWSOB is not really a curtain, it’s a solid and heavy drop at 3000 pounds. I never really noticed the vertical line of lights at each side before – another detail.

I ask what is the most difficult costume change in the show, and he say’s it’s probably Patsy’s (from the Mayor of Finland). I tell him I thought that was probably the one, I have mentally timed it once or twice during the show and I’m guessing it’s about 45 seconds, but Jim say’s it’s not even that long. He has to completely change clothes, put on the “baggage”, and get all that dirt on his face.

I ask about the wig changes; there are special wig dressers that do them. The actors aren’t allowed to touch them. They never put one wig over another, all the wigs are made specifically to fit each actor and they are so snug they don’t need to glue them down in the front. They’re all human hair and each wig costs $5000 or more. The wigs are re-set and re-styled for each show.

I ask Jim about the Black Knight illusion, and he says that they’re not allowed to tell how it works. Then he says that even if he told me, I still wouldn’t understand it – I’d have to see it done. It was created by the Siegfried and Roy show in Las Vegas.

I ask Jim how he got into this line of work, and he says he started in summer stock, which doesn’t exist anymore. He says it’s much harder now, you have to have connections to find work.

Sheri, Frank and Scott come down to get me; it’s time to get into costume for rehearsal. I’m so impressed with how they have planned for me and are integrating me into the evening, I’d expect they have so much to do it would be easy to forget there’s a wild-card element hanging around. But I guess you don’t get to be in charge of a major Broadway show by forgetting the details. I thank Jim for all the conversation, he says he’ll see me backstage later on.

Sheri offers to put my bag and jacket in the office as we go down to change into costume. Linda gets me into the monk’s robe; it fits nicely now, they really are wizards. She ties the rope around my waist and checks the length, which seem just right to cover my shoes. They’ve also shortened the sleeves, I notice.

So we go back upstairs onto the stage for rehearsal. Jonathan Hadary comes into the wings and shakes my hand enthusiastically; he is really a dear, dear man. He’s so much more animated as himself than he is as King Arthur, he laughs at everything and seems very happy to meet me. I also meet the lovely blonde sweetie Vanessa; she’s the ensemble member who normally does the monk part and will walk on with me. Scott, who’s apparently in charge of anything involving movement, tells me how to walk on in the robe so as not to step on it. I practice walking in the robe a bit and quickly learn not to back up, as it’s much longer in the back than the front.

Scott shows me the part of the wing where I’ll enter – it’s the far downstage wing and a very tight entrance space, so Vanessa will go out first and then I come in beside her. She’ll lead me to the right spot onstage, which is just left of center. Jonathan is watching and listening and in the course of the conversation he realizes I’ve done some theater so he jumps in and says, “You remember numbers and letters on the stage?” (He’s referring to the practice of putting a series of numbers or letters onto the very front edge of the stage; actors can use these as reference guides to hit their positions when they come on.) “Well,” Jonathan says, “we don’t use numbers, we have colors, so you come on as far as the blue.” “Got it!” says I. We exchange knowing smiles. I’m in the club!

Scott gives me the prop box which holds the hand grenade. It is a real wooden box and weighs about 12-15 pounds – a bit heavy but not bad. Scott thinks I should hold it by the bottom because of the weight. He shows me how to hold it and then how the lid opens. Because the top is rounded, when he opens it, it hits my body and it won’t open all the way so I immediately see that I must hold it AWAY from my body when it’s opened so the lid will open all the way. We practice that. I find that when the lid opens all the way, it counterbalances the box and tends to throw it backward toward me, and I don’t have any control when holding it by the bottom. I ask to try doing it with the handles. We try that and it works much better for me.

So now we do a walk-thru with Jonathan. I come out to my mark and Jonathan says, “So Clay comes on and does his bit and then he goes off, and then I come over to you, but I don’t take it out right away….” “No,” I interrupt, “first the Knights sing and you have to say ‘There’s no time for that now’.” Jonathan cracks up and slaps his knee, he thinks it’s so funny that I know his line! He looks at Scott and says, “Should I just give her the crown? I think it would fit!” We all have a good laugh. They really seem astounded and delighted (and maybe a little frightened) that I’m so familiar with the show.

So Jonathan and Vanessa and I do a run-thru -- as he comes over on his line I raise the box and hold it away from my body, he takes out the Velcro-covered hand grenade, and Vanessa and I turn and immediately exit in a larger wing upstage of the entrance one. It goes smoothly, Scott asks if I’m ok with it. I whine a little about not being allowed to do it by myself, but Frank explains the safety issues involved – what if something happened and we had to get offstage quickly, Vanessa is prepared to take me off in that case. I tell him I understand and it’s all good. Jonathan shakes my hand again and I say, “I’ll see you out there!” What a very nice man.

I mentally delight in the fact that two stage managers, a dance director, and two actors took ten precious minutes out of their busy pre-show schedule to make sure I was comfortable and prepared. And they seemed to enjoy it and not mind at all. What a BUNCH of nice people.

We go back downstairs and I take off the costume, and then Sheri tells me they’re kicking me out for a half-hour – it gets very crazy backstage just before curtain and they have no place to put me, so they’re asking that I go out, have a cup of coffee, and come back at 10 before 8 p.m. Oh! Well, ok. *Sniff*.

Outside I run into toni7babe and apparently foil a plot for a flower delivery. Oh well, it all worked out for the best – if they don’t have room backstage for even ME, I can imagine how they’d like those flowers. I would have had to give them to Clay to clutter up HIS dressing room, he must be used to that. Heh.

Thirty minutes to lift-off! EEEEEEEEEE!!!

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Good morning! Some folks posted about the links to this weekend's ads (KMart, Circuit City, and Best Buy) scroll down for the last two. I especially liked KMart's ad, with Clay on several wide screen tvs. hee

It also cracked me up to see the cute little KMart lightbulb, looking almost as excited as I am this morning. :)


Like, OMG, you guys!

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quick remark to say that some of us don't get access to the pix site. Some of us have applied many many times and bupkis.

And others of us used to be members but can't for the life of them remember their username and password. And my email addresses say there is no such user. Hmmmmm......

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