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#34: So, how about that Clay Aiken?


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54 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • You mean, it?s not all dressing up and dancing at FCA?
    • But I swear I tulibu dibu douchou Clay!
    • Tulibu dibu douchou
    • Until he starts singing with it though, it's a non-issue for me.
    • I guess I'll stay a Clay fan as imperfect as he is just because I'm imperfect too and he sings so good.
    • IF IF IF IF IF
    • IF IF IF IF IF uh
    • Clay is not just marching to a different drummer, he has a whole new fabulous marching band!
    • I'd still be a fan of anything else he may sprinkle his magic on.

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Crap! I can't see YouTube at the office. Maybe that means I should go home. For some reason, I'm getting the urge for a margarita.

I heard there were PICTURES being posted here!! I am FINALLY getting back to processing pictures. Clay kept me running around the country and then that was that whole hospital/sick ordeal.

I was at the Greek Theatre on Friday. Lovely, lovely memories of a hot August night. So I processed one more whole picture. Go me!!

I think Clay was showing us his opinion of the media here. After all, the "reviewer" for the OC Register was in the audience:


I subscribe to the notion that you just can't have too much Clay Aiken:


And finally, this glasses pic is for ldyj and all others that were fortunate enough to witness the LI JNaCT:


Damn! So close. I just previewed. Timing is everything. Oh well, I'll leave the pictures up for those who ARE still celebrating.

Yup. Definitely time to go home!!

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Here is the YouTube link This must be seen by EVERYONE!


tulibu dibu douchou

^^^ Thread title? :lilredani:

bwah..now that's just perfect!

Welcome to the newbies and lurkers ..... hi manderly!!

I saw my girl fully functional down there today..waves to her too. Long time no see.

This board reminds me of YouTube....I pop over just for a minute to see a video everyone is raving about and an hour later I'm still there and the night has vanished and my uniform is still wrinkled in the laundry basket. Ah well, the crumpled look is in.

I am just facinated by his hands, huge strong, gentle.....ok..so I'm easily entertained. That's a cute bum in annabear's picture.......I'm also easily wound up....too much info coming out here, maybe I should have had only one marguerita.LOL

CaLurker..better be careful...you're going to be a bodyguard in no time. I really love your description.... that's how I felt today and most days actually but ya'll brought the funny today and also some food for thought.

KAndre...how'd you get so smart.

Play, come back!!

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BACK from being AFK and well DUH!!! I posted that Ken Lee YouTube vid at the TY thread yesterday


and I figured .. surely, surely SOMEONE found it as hysterical as I did???? Everyone else I sent it to wet themselves silly...

ETA <creeps back sheepishly> I guess no one found it funny because the link didn't work! Good thing KAndre doesn't lack initiative....

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Oh, the pretty, the pretty. :hubbahubba:

HEY!! We have 40 users down there!

Are we becoming mainstream?

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Clayzor, thanks for the links. I have chosen to believe what Clay has told us - that he's straight. Could he change? Yes. I personally think, from seeing interactions with women, that he's straight, but really, that might be me projecting what I'm expecting to see. Until he starts singing with his penis, though, it's a non-issue for me. I don't even care, one way or another. And I don't expect that he will ever address that question again, nor does he owe it to me to address it. His private life is just that - private.

Yes, I agree with this 100%. I will agree that it is very possible that some reactions to this news may be based in the fear that some have that he might be gay. But that speaks to them, not Clay.

Anyway, again, Clay's life is not like the Truman Show, everybody is just extrapolating from teensy unavoidable glimpses. IMO, etc.

Yer gettin’ an awful lot of mileage out of something I said, missy. <g> You did supply the movie name, though, which I couldn’t remember, so I guess that gives you license. <g>

Anyway, what's wrong with judging someone by their posts? If it is okay to judge people's sexuality from the outside?

Wow. Good point.


Um, so?

There are lots of gays that don't show their feminism, just as there are lots of them that do. Clay shows a tremendous amount of feminine qualities. He has stated so himself. If he didn't then there wouldn't be all this speculation from everyone except his die-hard internet fans. They (generally speaking) are the only ones who don't think he is. I don't make up all this perception.

And as we all know perception is 9 tenths the law. Oh, wait, that ain’t quite right. But you know it kinda fits. Perception is ALWAYS right. Oh, wait, that ain’t right at all!!

It’s not what you say, it’s HOW you’re saying it, btw. Logic also suggests that if there are many men who are gay who DON’T show feminine qualities, that there must also be straight men who DO show feminine qualities.

The man is lonely. He wants to have love in his life. He keeps singing about lonely nights. How hard it is to remain true to himself and how he tries so hard. How he thinks of leaving it all and going back to the way it was. He keeps waiting for the story to end so he can have his dreams come true.

Oh my god!! When I was lonely the other night!! I didn’t know that meant I was gay!! Shit, wait till my brother finds out.

Not saying you are wrong, just saying what you think of as definitive clues just don't cut it for a lot of people. And a lot of people really don't care either way. You post that you will be piled on and argued with, I don't think that is happening, people just are kinda over the whole thing, at least they seem to be here at FCA.

Only a very few of us are stupid enough to point out hyperbole and opinons based on highly flawed anecdotal evidence and vague song lyrics. <g> It’s one of my fatal flaws. <g> The smart people moved on to pictures two pages ago while I’m still far behind.

Ummm...sheesh. To many things to comment on.

1. Die-hard internet fans are NOT the only ones who think Clay isn't gay! This is a pretty broad statement without evidence to back it up. It's presented as more than just an opinion.

I said generaly speaking. That indicates I was not speaking for everyone.

Actually, it kinda sorta does, per Websters:


1 according to the usual course of things <after lunch we generally have a history lesson> — see NATURALLY 2

2 for the most part <generally speaking, I don't like vegetables> — see CHIEFLY

I'm really curious as to why you're so adamant about him being gay! I mean it seems to be a recurring theme.

I'm so adament because I layed awake all last night trying to figure out a way to piss you and djs off......

You give yourself WAY too much credit. See above response to djs.

I'm not adament about anything. Just expressing something I feel. I have always thought Clay was gay. It is not just this baby thing. I don't think it is a recurring theme with me either. I stated that this is the first time I ever publicly stated that I thought Clay was gay. I have, however, stated many times that it doesn't matter to me if he was. Why are you and others so adament to claim he isn't? You want my proof, where is your proof? That's a rhetorical question. Nobody knows for sure except him, but we are allowed our own opinions on the matter. Why try and sweep it under the rug instead of openly showing love and support for him if he is? Can you not love him unconditionally if he turns out to be gay? What if I'm right? I will apologize to everyone if I'm wrong. Somehow though I don't expect the same courtesy. Move on and let it go.

Right. Sure you will. And here we go with making it about OUR problem instead of our dislike of stereotyping and comments and actions that some find to be offensive (see: I DO KNOW GAYS UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.).


I don’t actually think she’s a troll. Just totally illogical. You know I hate that. <g> I AM devastated that Faye might disapprove of my posting. Oh wait, that was a lie. <g>

Jesus. The battle continues.

All I can say is this, if someone came up to me and told me that they'd love my daughter even if she were gay, I'd tell them not to bother because my daughter doesn't associate with bigots.

Bwahahahaha….yeah, there’s that too.

I had an acquaintance try to tell me that maybe Clay had really good reasons for stating he is strait. I said BULLCRAP! (a lie is a lie) (eta - he is totally strait as he stated)

Strait of Gibralter? Definition: narrow, constricted, tight. I told you all I couldn’t help it. <g> Plus, I’ve had wine.

Clay squirmed in his pants?? DAMN!! I miss EVERYTHING!!!

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Geez njrp - does this mean you aren't 4Clay anymore? And who peed in your Wheaties today. I don't feel like I'm being treated like a child. I believe I have enough intelligence that I would have noticed.

And we were having so much fun posting pictures and laughing. :naughtywag:

Celebrate good times, roll on....duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh!

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FCA OFC..yeah I guess people can get those two places mixed up. Are they selling wet blankets over there now?

Well, if the mailman leaves your "snuggle up with Clay" fleece blanket out in the rain... or someone misses the Wheaties and pees on it instead...

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Geez njrp - does this mean you aren't 4Clay anymore? And who peed in your Wheaties today.

And we were having so much fun posting pictures and laughing. :naughtywag:

I guess there is no place in this fandom where you may have a alternative view of Clay. Yes I am still 4 Clay but I still think he does some real stupid things. And I eat oatmeal everyday not Wheaties. I'll leave you with a pretty.


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Would some of you misunderstand if I say I love you especially to HeidiHo and Iseeme and djs111 along with some others - too many names to call out. I'm still chuckling at a couple of the recent posts.

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It's not the alternative view that bothers me so much but the venomous way in which it was stated!!!!

Would some of you misunderstand if I say I love you especially to HeidiHo and Iseeme and djs111 along with some others - too many names to call out. I'm still chuckling at a couple of the recent posts

Oh Ivy, that's nice....but I already belong to Scarlett. (snicker! snicker!)

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I guess some people yell "Fore" before ripping into someone. *shrugs and wonders if oatmeal soaks it up better than Wheaties* Hey, I made it to Page 69!!! Wheeeeee!

It's not the alternative view that bothers me so much but the venomous way in which it was stated!!!!

Would some of you misunderstand if I say I love you especially to HeidiHo and Iseeme and djs111 along with some others - too many names to call out. I'm still chuckling at a couple of the recent posts

Oh Ivy, that's nice....but I already belong to Scarlett. (snicker! snicker!)

And you're on top today. Based on all your posts today you deserve it!!! :lipstick:

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well...you also can't expect to post such negativity and not get a reaction.

at this point I say...people are free to have their opinion. But if you share that opinion on a public board...you have to expect reaction whether yay or nay.

just because people disagree does not mean you cannot post your thoughts...

I think what I find bothersome at times is when people post their opinions like it was facts...

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Oh my goodness! There are 21 guests!!

I don't have any pretty pictures....but I do have peanut butter pie w/hot fudge sauce. Will that go okay with Annas' ritas?

Quick put out the 'Welcome' place mats!

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peanut butter pie w/hot fudge sauce
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KAndre eyes couchie's post and breaks out the brown, orange, fuschia and teal!

OMG, it's the paisley nightmare from the Solo Tour!


This brought me out of lurkerdom!

I've been meaning to come back here & say hi for a while now. It's hard to believe it's been more than a year since I've posted. Life's been crazy for me but Clay's still my guy!

:manynanas: I'll celebrate him!

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And now for something completely different*g*

Way back when, I took a friend to Clay's first solo concert in Houston. Today she asked me what I thought about the news that Clay was going to be a daddy. She always calls me when she hears news about Clay. We started the conversation about it might not be true and then she said "What" when I joked that if only I was a few years younger (ok more than a few) it could have been me! She heard the news on tv and did not know Jaymes was 50 or it was AI. That part just flew right by her! She just heard he was going to be a father!

After I took her to the concert she said she liked it but had more fun watching me be fangirly! Today she told someone, that was standing with us, that he was a great singer and he is such a good entertainer and that she really did enjoy it! Huh.

She was really complimentary, no judgement call, just good for him and praise for his talent.

It made my day I can tell you.

Guess who went home with a CD of OMWH?

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