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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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Yep, the "Run to Jesus" part was during the intro to the 90's section of the show with the dances. Remember how Clay talked about the clothes? Quiana was wearing some electric fushia colored outfit and he asked her where she would have worn that.

She said: "Church"!! Clay just cracked up and somehow they worked their way to the "Run to Jesus" part.

This is from memory because I CAN'T GET TO YOUTUBE OR DOWNLOAD CLACK at the office!!! GRRRRRR.

Obviously, I should get a new job!!


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I hadn't seen clack of the exchange between Bridget and Clay from that angle before. With him sitting on the edge of the stage, not only was she touching his knee, she was practically laying across his lap!!! No wonder she was barely coherent!! :cryingwlaughter:

LOL yep yep. I hadn't seen that angle either. I think there is a longer cut somewhere..but it's one of my favorites.

OK need to find the you tube of Clay taking clack with Scarlett's radio shack supplies heee. That was SUCH a fun night..listening to the cellcert and realizing what was going on.

I loved all Clay's king of controversy clack..... he could always take that stuff and turn it on it's ear. The hand of the mouth... laughing about getting beat up by a girl..all just hilarious.

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ETA: Beautiful banner! My favorite...far left. And second from the right......and second from the left......and..... :hubbahubba:


yep, that's a rilly niiiiice banner, indeed! Good job Cindy!! I had the same concept in mind, but as usual, you beat me to it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I am WAAAAY behind on stuff here, I haven't had time to watch all the youtubes posted, or to pick out a funny moment, or to comment on the last 2 songs. And I haven't posted any more youtubes in the youtube thread either, so if anyone else is so inclined.... :)

I don't do politics. Don't care about Kelly or Fantasia. I like Ruben and hope he will be happy with his new wife.

We are involved in local politics, mostly Board of Supervisor and stuff. Since mrchach works for the .gov, he is a victim of the Hatch act, and therefore tries to make me do what he'd do if he weren't. I'm just not that interested! :D Altho I do run a couple of web sites for a couple of the local PACs. I'm more of the tech consultant! I even designed a couple of ads for the Washington Post! :nana: yaaay me! (our candidate won too!) :bier:

And I do wish Kelly, Fantasia and Ruben the best of luck, but I don't follow what they're doing at all. (if Clay sings at the wedding, I hope we get a few snapshots. :D) Fantasia sure made a splash at her latest AI performance tho!! Remember Simon's face??


VARIETY SHOW? He was made to do one! I hope that's what he is working on!!

Just a short comment to Fear's post from a couple pages back..... mine is somewhat the same story - I came in late, didn't know about any of the internet fandom until around the release of MOAM. I had no sister pushing me to go to the AI tour, and I didn't go for several reasons (3-day Beatlefesst in Cleveland, daughter getting married, etc). My sister is the one who asked me the unanswerable question on the way to Raleigh to meet some Broads for the IT show there, which is, "So, what is it about this singer that makes you want to drive all the way to Raleigh to see him?"

To which I said,"I don't know." Because you know.....

"If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary."

Now I am semi-retired, mainly because my main client retired, and the others don't need my services very often! fruit.gif

muski - I remember when I got my license, I was sent all over the place to fetch things!! And I had a really gooooood time pretending to go to the library!! BEWARE! When my kids got their licenses, they started having accidents, mostly just fender-benders, but it got to the point where GEIKO would no longer insure us!! So all I can say is......... :thumbup: and :hangin: & good luck! :D

Oh and since muski started it with this.........

I agree, Claygirl....In fact, I think I need to bring that particular fantasy to this page as well....I don't know who did this photoshop....and I wish we could get an update on it with a more current 'head' shot of Clay used....but stilll...When I first saw it I gasped OUT LOUD because it seemed so....real..so....possible...I guess. :Thud: The body isn't too far from what I imagine it to be, I guess. :Thud: or something. :Thud:


I thought I'd add this....... I was afraid to post it last week, but no one encouraged me (or even read my post... :)) - but I thought Clay's profile reminded me of a young Michael Caine, so I made this.......


There are probably six more posts since I started this one! Y'all (yes we do say that in our neck of the woods) try and keep it down while I go back to the garage and hold some more tools will ya??? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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One of my favourite funny moments was at Sterling Heights last summer when Angela started talking about not feeling well due to "the other thing" (obviously female problems) and Clay was almost speechless (which for him is rare), then he complained that the men who didn't want to come to the concert in the first place would now really regret it. I loved watching him that night. Tucked-in shirt, tight pants with a belt...jacket off when he got the "spirit of Weezey".

Can you tell that I love this guy???


I also love the expression of some of the folks in the orchestra in this one.

I was also at Williamsport and got to talk to Bridget about fondling Clay's leg the night before...... told her she was a shameless hussy...and asked her what was the secret of her success?

Waves to luckiest1 who was with me for both the above concerts!!

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Thank you luckiest and Perma! That helped me find a clip that would work so I could see it -- this is a montage of both nights at AC, the 90's medley, done by dreamlarge:

This also has another favorite moment of mine in it, when Clarence and Jacob switched parts during End of the Road. That was so cool. Wish I could have attended that show....

Clamatron -- I wish I could have attended the Sterling Heights show too. What a fantastic outfit, and his "picking" on Angela that night was soooooooooo funny. And then Quiana with the classic line -- "Problems Men Start." God, I loved that.

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I got a temporary reprieve from the garage, mrchach came in for a break (he took the day off to work on the brakes.)

So I thought I'd add a great big thank you to everyone who has been posting photos in the past few days. I have been right-clicking and saving in a folder all together and I've set my screensaver on "My Pictures Slideshow" so that I get a slideshow every time I'm away from the computer for more than 10 minutes. It's GREAT!! (If anyone wants help doing this let me know!)

CM - that Sterling Heights pic you posted cracked me up. Check out the woman in the orchestra behind Clay!!


enthralled much!?!?!?!? I love to see how NJU's react to him!

Have to go back and find the youtube of Bridget.

Is that vid of Scarlet on youtube? I thought it was just a download in the vaults.

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Thank you luckiest and Perma! That helped me find a clip that would work so I could see it -- this is a montage of both nights at AC, the 90's medley, done by dreamlarge:

This also has another favorite moment of mine in it, when Clarence and Jacob switched parts during End of the Road. That was so cool. Wish I could have attended that show....

Clamatron -- I wish I could have attended the Sterling Heights show too. What a fantastic outfit, and his "picking" on Angela that night was soooooooooo funny. And then Quiana with the classic line -- "Problems Men Start." God, I loved that.

ldyj... that switch is one of my faves, too. I rewind that part over and over. Clarence sounded so cool and Clay really got into it with him.

I FOUND IT... the "Run to Jesus" part. About half way thru

JBT Funnies Part II

Back to hunting for more funnies....

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That bald black dude in the orchestra was cracking up all night, too. (First I typed the 'bald dude'...then I realized there were two bald dudes, so I typed "the bald dude with the mustache"...then I realized both two bald dudes had a mustache....then I wrote the bald black dude! BWAH! :cryingwlaughter: )

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Pictures are always good, too.


Of course in the meantime, I CAN look at pretty pictures. Just sayin'.

Was this a subtle request, Perma? :tongue09:






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Okay... here is the Scarlett/camera clack... it is not Scarlett's, which is hysterical, but she has never put it on youtube (for her own protection... smart lady), but here it is from someone else...

WPB-Camera Clack

Enough... I actually have to get back to work. I could get lost for hours in YouTube... hey, I wonder if I could market that as a new weight loss program... Waste Away to Nothing with Clay Aiken! :cryingwlaughter:

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ChaCha said:

"If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary."

I wish this wasn't so long - would be a great thread title!!!!!

I would love to see Clay on a talk show much like Ellen's or Tyra's where maybe he could do a song each day and then interview interesting people - not just entertainment types! I think alot of people don't realize how verra intelligent he is and how current he is on world and national news.

Looking at the banner again - it almost looks like 4 different men! It's amazing how his hair style changes his entire look!

Pictures? Someone asked for pictures?



Look at how his shoulders and chest have filled out..............................gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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Welcome to all the new FCA'ers!!

Have been on a road trip with some Clay-pals, so I have a ton of reading to do to catch up....but I did catch the request for funny videos.

Here is one of mine...

. For me the best part starts at the 2:40 mark.

Now off to read....while the rest the boards are pretty much stagnant....this one is hopping!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Afternoon all,.

Just home from work and decided to see what was going on before I head into the kitchen and try and figure out what to make for dinner...course, I am the only one here so it really doesn't matter.

Loving all the concert memories; seems we all went to the same concerts...Merrillville, Sterling Heights, the IT concert in Chicago...some of you I have met and some I have not, but I hope the next concert tour, I can meet many more of you. Have you noticed how people never look like what you thought they did? You always get a picture in your mind of what they look like and then when you actually meet, they are totally different.

I would love for Clay to have a variety show; not too long ago at work we were discussing TV at work and how there really isn't much on and someone brought up Carol Burnett and how they would love to see a show like that again....and it wasn't me! Everyone agreed! I think he would do quite well with a show like that although I think it would probably cause some heads to explode in the fandom. Talk show would work for me too...just seeing Clay on my TV on a regular basis would be great.

ldj; Sending good thoughts that the doc can fix your knee up soon!


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I just read this at CH

Pink Armchair

Remember this montage, set to "Something About Us?"

I had given a copy of "On My Way Here" (one of many I had distributed to the masses *g*) to a black coworker of mine...she thanked me politely and promptly tossed it in the back seat of her car. She told me this morning, rather sheepishly, that somebody had sent her a link to this montage and she instantly fell madly in love with the song. Had no idea who was singing it until the end and when she found out, she realized that she actually owned it. Now, she says, she's fallen in love with the whole CD, has been playing it nonstop in her car, and has forwarded the link to that Obama montage to everybody she can think of.

So, maybe Clay isn't being played too much on the radio and the label hasn't exactly lavished major bucks on music videos, but this certainly seems to be a pretty effective way to get his music out there (that montage has nearly 35,000 hits so far)! I've had a few people also tell me that they've been compelled to check out the album after seeing the "Grace of God" montage, too. (By the way, there are Obama and a non-Obama versions of this one.) The power of YouTube!

bolding mine

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Lotus I read that too...I have always maintained that CD sales are not representative of how many people are hearing Clay's music...two different things in my book.


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WOOO and double HOOOOOOOOOOO............I have an interview at the Flower Farm on Thursday at 3:00!!! Must brush up on my petunia knowledge :cryingwlaughter: This would just be so neat.....so a few good thoughts around that time (PDT) would be appreciated.

Meant to weigh in on the political ramifications of Clay's song on an Obama youtube. I think if it were the background music to a TV ad I would feel differently. I would HOPE that most people viewing youtubes realize they are not professionaly produced. I mean you can put anybody's music behind anything on that media. I don't think it is a reflection of Clay's political preferences. A TV ad though - would be different!! That would mean someone either paid for Clay's music or he donated it......

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Wow. A board where peeps have actually found something to talk about. Niiiice.

Holy crap! It's not even possible for me to keep up here...even during slow times. You gals are a wordy bunch! *g*

I'll just say a big HELLO to everyone...and a special *MUAH* to rohdy.

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Now off to read....while the rest the boards are pretty much stagnant....this one is hopping!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow. A board where peeps have actually found something to talk about. Niiiice.

Holy crap! It's not even possible for me to keep up here...even during slow times. You gals are a wordy bunch! *g*

What can we say? We enjoy celebrating a good thing when we see it.

And this *is* where fans of Clay come to play! ;)


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I have loved The Real Me since I heard the Slovenian snippet. Hearing the entire song on QVC just sealed the deal. I have always felt this song is somewhat autobiographical for Clay and some of the words just hit me in the gut. "How much will they take before I'm empty!" Makes me think of how so many people want so much of him and he just keeps giving and giving and it never seems to be enough. "Painted on, life is behind a mask. Self-inflicted circus clown. I'm tired of the song and dance - living a charade - what a mess I've made of my existence!" This always makes me think of what Clay's life would have been without American Idol and everything that's happened since. I don't doubt there are times when he wishes he was back in Charlotte or Raleigh in front of a classroom of kids, maybe still searching in the couch for gas money, and living a much simpler life. I'm probably reading wayyy too much into these lyrics but those are the thoughts the song evokes from me. Now, having said that, I don't think Clay feels he's made a mess of his existence. It seems to me like in the last year or so he's come to terms with his celebrity and is enjoying it for the most part!!! IMO. There was a discussion somewhere about his use of the word "frailties" and how it wasn't very masculuine or some such birdpoo. I see nothing feminine about a frailty and I think the word fits the song. I see the word as a synonym for "weakness" or lack of strength.....and that isn't gender specific in my mind.

Again, I'm not musically educated so don't know the right words but......the one thing I don't care about in this song is the first part where his voice strikes me as too high and reedy and almost quavering. We've all heard him sing softly in his tenor range and it didn't come out this tentative, at least to my ear.

But I absolute LOVE the piano accompaniement of David Foster on this song. It has almost a haunting melody in the background.

This is still my most favorite song on OMWH. I can hardly wait to see Clay sing it "live." I picture him sitting on a stool, head slightly back, eyes closed, hands moving on the microphone.

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The Real Me had to grow on me...really did not like it at first, but after many listenings I am finally enjoying it.

"How much will they take before I'm empty" always reminds me of the fandom or I should say some in the fandom who no matter how much Clay gives, it is never enough.


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