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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Here's a lovely post from Cap at RHT. She apparently knows a lot about his car:


Not a very family friendly car, a 2009 Saab 9-3 Convertible. Wonder how many vehicles Clay has?

Heh...well, I'd say at least one really big one...but some of the discussions about it might not be quite 'family friendly'.

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I keep seeing Cindilu's emoticon all over the place. Should I be telling people that she created/adapted it? They don't seem to know.

Thanks, play - I'd appreciate it if you let them know (and am assuming it's being used appropriately??)

:clap: Your emoticons are precious, Cindiu2. I added them to the latest Carolina/OFC blog with credit but, like Play, have seen them everywhere. Many boards have added them to their emoticon collections.

Love all the Spamalot, Parker, and Korean OMWH news! I'm thrilled for everyone who will be going to New York. I spin lots of blog entries with the recaps and clack you beam back to those at home.

I'm singing belated birthday greeting to ChaCha -- glad you had such a special one! bdayparty6qy.gif

Have a great evening, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Heh. Maybe the car had hair on the seat. Bad hair. That will ruin his career. And probably sink Saab along with it.

Snort. (bad me) :whistling-1:


You know I'm so glad some fans have such strong investigative skills.

Like knowing if Clay drove his own car to the hospital - or borrowed someone's.

And so much other extensive knowledge . . .

Like the value of North Carolina real estate.

Like fashion trends - especially for late 20's males.

Like theater and performing arts.

I just wonder about some fans who know exactly what Clay Aiken should wear, drive, perform, record, purchase in a home, date, sleep with, do with his sperm . . .

and apparently have the complete inability to locate a mirror to look in.

I'm sorry, my mean streak is showing.

Nobody enjoyed the Thread Decor I posted earlier??!! *snif*

I know it's not new. But it's still beautiful.


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Well the London show is closing Jan 3rd. I wonder if the Broadway version is closing Jan 4th?

SPAMALOT London Closes in January

I was actually wondering the same thing.

And since it seems to be my day to be in agreement with playbiller...

I've learned the "personal-ignore" too. Just see the name and start scrolling as. fast. as. possible. You know what? Some people just hatesssssss to be ignored.


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Too bad they shut down the woman's hotel in the city in the 60's. I knew many young women who stayedthere.

Of course, no genetlemen or alcohol was allowed and you were expected to leave dressed properly (I don't think gloves were required)

Bwah! I lived there for about a year. The Longacre House. Except was in the 70's and it was the only place my folks would allow me to live at 19. It was about $28 a week, right down the street from the Shubert and I had a grand view of the Hudson River! I snuck one of my gay friends up one night, not even thinking anything of it, and boy did I get a whoopin'! And not with any gloved hand I might add... But yeah, playbiller's right... it's gone now.

I was able to catch Spam three times last time around and so right now my pocketbook is resisting its owners huge urge to return, although NY is absolutely beautiful in the fall! So anyway, I'll be counting on all the great reports. *sigh*

I always feel funny sharing non-Clay-related things so you are more than welcome to move along, but I FINALLY finished my term paper for my Technology class and after my final tommorrow night... I'm DONE.

Scarlett... You did WHAT? Ok, so now my report just seems... silly.

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I just wonder about some fans who know exactly what Clay Aiken should wear, drive, perform, record, purchase in a home, date, sleep with, do with his sperm . . .

Well, you know the old saying... "do as I say, not as I do".... or something like that... :cryingwlaughter:

Of course, I do have an idea of something he could do with his sperm....


It's all muski's fault - I study her posts.... :whistling-1:

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Nobody enjoyed the Thread Decor I posted earlier??!! *snif*

I know it's not new. But it's still beautiful.


Yes, it is beautiful and yes, I enjoyed it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I feel the need for some (kinda) Daddy Clay . . .


Can't you just see him looking just like this with his little man??!!


Knowing what we do now, I can only imagine what might have been going through his mind while he was holding that baby.

SchmoopiesRUs indeed. :wub:

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Knowing what we do now, I can only imagine what might have been going through his mind while he was holding that baby.

SchmoopiesRUs indeed. :wub:

Ain't that the truth?

Just looking at the expression on his face . . .

amazing, huh?


That picture makes me want to hold a little baby so much!!!



Oh my . . .

Did I kill the thread???

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I just got the neatest email. After I made my contribution to UNICEF online when Clay returned from Somalia, I did something I never, ever do. I sent in feedback about Clay. I can't even remember what I said. I just got a response today:

Dear Sue,

We feel your same sentiment about Clay! He is amazing advocate for children around the world and we feel so blessed to have him as an Ambassador!

On behalf of the children we serve- we thank you for you continued support.

Warm Regards,



Kadija Minah

Public Relations

U.S Fund for UNICEF

125 Maiden Lane

New York, NY 10038

*whatever it takes to save a child*

I love how he or she worded her response!!!!

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KAndre, See?!!! Seeeee?!! What did I tell you? We CAN fit an infant seat into the Miata!!! Pbbbbtttt!!! :cryingwlaughter:

I'd love to do that again. I emailed our other roomie earlier tonight. That was such a wonderful time in NYC last Spring. I hope it can be recreated this Fall. Let's do it.
I texted our roomie too. Let's do it!!!

Char, only got it done because I had to -- after all we need to follow that guy in the banner to all his shows.

I AM looking forward to hearing about your report!!! Hang in there!!! :hangin:

*waves back gleefully at annabear*

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Scarlett, dear... *bats eyelashes* So that I don't fill up your PM box (or get my PM kicked back...), can you please PM or email me? :F_05BL17blowkiss: I can't find your email addy!
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Is there a thread somewhere where we can post when we are going to NYC and where we're staying so that we can meet up more easily? I so much enjoyed our gatherings last time!

I finally made reservations at Hotel Newton (up in the upper West side) because Cheaphotels.com had a special. I hope it doesn't have bedbugs. I called and asked if the place was clean and the man who worked there said yes.

He said it with conviction, so I'm going to believe him. (Ever hopeful.)

WARNING: Do NOT make reservations at Hotel Pennsylvania. Bedbug heaven.

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Good morning or afternoon - depending on where you are.

Just weighing in on Spamalot. I think it's a great move for Clay. I wonder if his run would have been longer were it not for Parker's pending entrance into the world. I'm not the least bit surprised that they want him back as Sir Robin! He DOES own that role - brought a new dimension to it and redefined it. It was nothing short of phenomenol that a man could make his Broadway debut in a role that was made famous by someone of the calibre of David Hyde Pierce and make it his own! Certainly speaks to Clay's enormous talent - not just as a singer. And contrary to some's opinion, I don't think it was just Claymates filling those seats for those 4 months!

Will he have Jaymes and the baby with him? Who knows. He could also go home every Monday morning and come back Tuesday afternoon if he wanted to. Doesn't matter. They'll figure out what's best for everyone.

I hope to see him back on the talk show circuit soon. And I'm still waiting to see his cute self on Paula Deen's Party!

I think its possible Jaymes and baby may take at least some of his NY run to go back to her home in Canada and let her many siblings have a gander at their new nephew. Since it seems I am one of the few in this fandom who really believe Clay and Jaymes are just dear friends - you know, since he said so - it might be a good time to get used to not being together 24/7. I think it will be hard for him no matter when it happens, but when he's really busy it might be a good time rather than when he's sitting around his house doing nothing.

Here's a lovely post from Cap at RHT. She apparently knows a lot about his car:


Not a very family friendly car, a 2009 Saab 9-3 Convertible. Wonder how many vehicles Clay has?

We have a con.nec.tion! He has a Saab 9-3 and I have a Saab 9-3!

Of course, mine isn't a convertible. Mine is used. Mine doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but still!

YAY to David Hibbard coming back! I cannot imagine another Patsy!

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About the car.... when Clay went to Ruben's show at the State Fair, he borrowed Nick's car so that stalkers fans wouldn't be able to identify his car afterwards. It's possible that he borrowed or rented this car since he suspected there might be paparazzi there.

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About the car.... when Clay went to Ruben's show at the State Fair, he borrowed Nick's car so that stalkers fans wouldn't be able to identify his car afterwards. It's possible that he borrowed or rented this car since he suspected there might be paparazzi there.


. . . um . . .

You know I'm so glad some fans have such strong investigative skills.

Like knowing if Clay drove his own car to the hospital - or borrowed someone's.


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Is there a thread somewhere where we can post when we are going to NYC and where we're staying so that we can meet up more easily? I so much enjoyed our gatherings last time!

Yep: SPAMALOT Rewind Doing Clay on Broadway - Again!

I remember your warning about the Hotel Pennsylvania. I came across a special deal for it last time, $666, which I thought was appropriate since you mentioned it was hell! :hysterical:

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I've been working on some placemats for my Sis. Her anniversary is tomorrow. I won't see her til Friday so I hope to finish them tomorrow. I'm making them reversible and putting two different types of "silverware holders" on the two sides. Hoping they turn out all right!!



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In checking the googles I pulled up headline after headline saying, Clay Aiken Returns to Broadway and Clay Aiken Reprises Sir Robin and it felt like I was watching a Turner Classic Movie. It makes me all tingly. Most of the stories are mentioning his effect on the coin and that is star power of the first magnitude. If you don't like gushing, move along, because I think Clay is magnifique -- I have that on a t-shirt as a matter of fact (along with collegno and other fancy eye-talian words).

I'm sure we all wish Clay had lots of radio play and sold more albums than Carrie Underwood and all that jazz, but I heard tonight somewhere on TV that Carrie Underwood is taunting Jessica Simpson that Tony Romo is still calling her. I clicked off before I heard the second sentence. My God, that's not even interesting garbage.

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I don't think that baby will be separated from Clay already. When people have babies their lives change and I bet they have some very special arrangements. What little we know already speaks volumes: place of birth, name etc. Just a guess but I honestly don't think Jaymes will be upping and going back to Canada for an extended stay anytime soon. The good thing about technology is that the friends and family can see the baby without walking out of their house. The bonding time right now is precious. I mean I have relatives that had babies. They don't just pick up and come home so we can see the baby. And some of us don't even go see them when they are only fifty miles away because they would have to miss one more showing of Spamalot LOL. And I love my cousin and would have dearly loved to see her baby..but oh well, first things first :cryingwlaughter: Maybe I can squeeze it in this time...oh did I digress. And plus there's a lot of rich people involved here. The rich are different. heee. When can a baby fly anyway...anybody know. Clay has time to go with them before the show starts. And there's no album being recorded so this go round should be a snap for him. He'll have more time to spend with that baby than most folks who work 9-5. All disclaimers apply about how I know absolutely nothing about their plans and add BW's stuff too LOL.

Now off to the job thread. I'm such a wimp!!

Even if it's his car...he has more. Wasn't that shown on the day the baby was born. He didn't need room for the baby that day. We see what they were sporting when time to bring home baby. He doesn't have to trade in every car just yet for a van. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I don't believe that about Carrie KF. It's weird, I was never a fan of hers while on Idol but I've really come to like her. Sounds like somebody trying to whip up something...just like they do for Clay. But gush away..cuz this has been a good Clay week. I'm just loving the return to Spamalot. It's sucha good thing for CLAY. At this point I don't care what I want... which as always to see Clay on th stage doing his thang..... he needs this time for him.

waves to Ashleysgram

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I am sick to death of miserable people in this fandom trying to bring everyone down with them. I'm talking about people who can't deal with the fact that not everyone is unhappy - about the baby news, Spamalot, no pop tour, no Christmas tour, album promo, whatever - and go around whining ad nauseum that there must be something wrong with the rest of us. We must be over invested. We must be delusional. We can't see the writing on the wall.

Thank You!!

Oh, you forgot one.

We're not realists...

I'd like to send every one of them a Mr Clean Magic Eraser to get that damn writing off their walls!

They act as if Clay DID something to them.

Good grief...who are the over invested ones.

Whew...I didn't realize how much I neded to rant :rolleyes:

OMG, this is exactly how I feel. I have no sympathy for these people either. All their negative whining drives me nuts......they should start their own message board so they can all enjoy being miserable together.

Clay is my fun hobby....no angst or worries from me. He's going to be around for a long time entertaining me and keeping me forever young.

BTW, I love coming to this board. You all are so much fun.

Maybe it's Jaymes' car.

It takes me so long to compose a post, you're probably off on another topic by now. :DoClay:

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It takes me so long to compose a post, you're probably off on another topic by now.

Ashleygram, this is so funny to me because it's how I feel everytime I post.

Had to come back here to read for awhile because some of the posts at the CB were giving me heartburn. I also don't have much sympathy for the drama queens who go so over the top with their disappointment or disapproval. I do feel really bad though for those who can't see this show but who can still be supportive and wish I had enough money to send all of them to see it at least once.

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eeeeeeeeeee I'm determined to get to the popover cafe this time.

I just read what I wrote above..heee I'm "shipping for lack of a better word" Clay with Parker more than I've ever shipped him with anyone else. Let me get out of this schmoopie state for a moment. :013085001176249046: OK better.

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