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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Still no keys.

Did you check the freezer?!


No. I've never done that, but I have heard of people finding their keys in the freezer after a grocery trip.

Good luck, muski!

Yup. Gymnastic judging is ticking me off!

I didn't know Nadia C. and Bart Conner were married!

She has become a really beautiful woman!

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Good Morning Everyone,

31 Days until "Spam, Wonderful. Spam" :woohoo:

39 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


60 Days until The BAF Gala! :woohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Newborn stories....DD#1 was colicky and was also born with a urinary tract infection; add to that a very painful episiotomy incision and constipation and the first couple of weeks were pretty much a blur of pain, exhaustion, praying the baby would just sleep and that I could poop! Did you ever try giving medicine to a newborn? A lot easier than trying to get a urine sample. My mom was a nurse and cam over to show me how to get it, but I never could get the hang of it...finally just took her to the doctor and told them to do it! After that I never thought I would have more kids, but 3 more followed.

Never had any help with the kids; but after a while you get the hang of things and later 3 were all good sleepers so that helped.

Came home from the hospital with baby #4; MIL was watching them, she left. House was in a chaotic mess; I was exhausted; kids were running around playing; baby was sleeping and I thought I would just rest on the couch when hubby comes in and actually asks me what is for dinner? I think I threw something at him and then told him to order pizza. He got a vasectomy shortly after that (no I didn't use the pizza cutter; it was several months later; used a doctor and everything!, LOL!)


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Well, looks like the Tampa Bay area was spared, once again, but I hope those who are in the path of Fay are okay. I really do think it is a confluence of jetstream and the Gulf stream and the huge yellow clouds of crap belched out by the TECO energy plant down the road in Apollo Beach that keeps storms away from this area. Or maybe it is the treasure that the Pinellas indians are rumoured to have buried somewhere along the beach that does the trick.

My grandson said yesterday was the best first day of school ever - to be told no school today.

My baby was six weeks early, and spent his first six weeks sleeping and eating. Then the crying started. The thing that worked best was just driving around in the car with him until he fell asleep. Couldn't afford the gas, today :-). Only problem was when in-laws came to visit, my MIL was sure I couldn't produce enough milk, since I had not been, um, gifted in the boobage size department. Turns out her huge boobs had not worked very well at all when she had her children. Even tho my baby was fat and boucy and healthy, she demanded that I weigh him before and after, which I refused to do. So we argued and then my milk dried up, and did not re-appear (with a vengeance) until they all went back East. I just remember lots of nights when I panicked because i couldn't remember if I had put the baby back in his crib - I had been showered with horror stories about mothers accidently smothering their babies.

Topic - the song Sweet Baby Ja(y)mes keeps running through my head. I would love to hear Clay sing that!

ldyj said:

It's the beginning of the Elite Eight

heeee....I lived in Bloomington Il. and then near Durham for so long that I automatically assumed this was basketball-related! In Bloomington, they would actually interrupt prime-time TV to show high school basketball games. As an unwillingly transplanted Philadelphian, I was astounded!

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djs Clay has sung Sweet Baby James in concert, I believe it was the NAT Tour...they did a medley of James Taylor songs.


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I never slept with the baby in the bed. I always had them in a cradle beside the bed, until they were old enough to sleep through the night, and then they went into a crib in their own room.

I'm one who would love a family picture with Parker, if Clay & Jaymes decided to release one. :wub:

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djs Clay has sung Sweet Baby James in concert, I believe it was the NAT Tour...they did a medley of James Taylor songs.


Yikes! I forgot! Thanks, and the song does keep running through my head - now I can hunt it down and listen to it! No wonder I can actually hear Clay's voice singing it. I did!

luckiest1, I never actually fell asleep with the baby still in bed, but I still had nightmares that woke me up and then my husband had to go and get the baby (bassinet by the bed at first, then crib in another bedroom) to prove he was still okay. I was just so tired all the time from the seemingly continuous nursing, sometimes I coudn't even remember nursing. The power of old wives' tales.

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I keep trying to remember the first days with DS.

I don't remember a lot. He was small. Although he weighed 7 lbs 4 oz at birth, he was a lazy nurser and lost so much that doc put him on formula diluted cereal at two weeks!!!

He slept the night through one of the three nights in the hospital! He was really a good baby. I do remember being extremely tired.

Two things I remember most about him as a baby . . .

1 - this is so not original - but I just stared at him endlessly. His milliseconds quick facial expression changes just fascinated me.

2 - as he got older there were times when people - strangers at gas stations, grocery stores and whatnot, would get a little upset when they couldn't make him smile! (People are weird) He was too busy "studying" them. I'm surprised he didn't turn out to be a psychologist! hee

I should remind him of that next time we talk!

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I'm about to go back to that world where I had my kids... on the good side, there were always helpers in the house who could assist on anything... on the not so good side, there was absolutely no privacy... on the good side, friends and family were constantly around to help and/or offer advice ... on the not so good side, friends and family were constantly around to help and/or offer advice. Having kids was something I really, really wanted so I remember that it was a happy time for me. A lot of times I tried to do too much and people would have to tell me to delegate but when I was tired it was a happy tired. It also helped a lot that my babies were generally healthy and we didn't have to go see the doctor for anything other than the regular check-ups until they were in grade school and got the chicken pox. I think they grow up too quickly.

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HMMMM, bringing home baby? Well, it started with the C-section. We were in the hospital Sat- Thurs, so most people actually came to the hospital to see my son, so I didn't have to worry about lots of visitors when I got home.

First we had nursing troubles, so we ended up back in the hospital, and left with my son on the bottle. But, he used to throw up everything, so we eventually had to switch him around to soy formula. He was also very colicky- hard to get him to sleep, and he cried all the time. I had exactly 8 weeks of maternity leave- although it wasn't really maternity leave. My employer didn't offer disability or paid maternity leave, so I had to take all of the vacation, sick, and personal time I had accrued and stretch it over the 8 weeks I needed due to the c-section. I had only been working there three years at the time, so the only way we could do it and keep my health insurance in place was to ration the time, and I got paid for only 4 days/week for the duration.

Luckily, I've never been a Suzy Homemaker type, so the fact that the house wasn't spotless was never an issue with me- couldn't care less.

Here's the little dude's very first picture. Notice the nice round head- courtesy of the c-section. Notice also how he's giving the finger. He's been doing it ever since. :cryingwlaughter:


I need to learn how to make pictures smaller!

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Morning all. :hello: Rough night last night. Weird dreams. Migraine coming on this morning. At the moment I'm debating whether coffee sounds really, really good or if it's going to make me :kotz0: ...

Loving all the baby stories. Even though I have 3 brothers & 2 sisters from my dad's first marriage, I'm so much younger and they lived with their mom, so growing up I was basically an only child. I wanted a baby brother or sister soooooooo badly! Always thought I'd have my own family, but at least I've got lots of nieces & nephews.

Add me to that list of wanting to see a family pic, if they choose to share one. Hope they're getting some rest! I'm sure they've got a lot of help right now. :kirtsun_05:

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I must admit - I'm ready for a little more than this tiny glimpse!


But I'm really hoping for a picture of CP3O (Clay's 3 Person Orbit)

I know. Very lame.



annabear, I'm so sorry you are having a bad morning (after a bad night).

Headaches can be so debilitating.

Gentle hug.

And - here - let me turn off the lights for ya . . .

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I posted this link in the YouTube thread but given the current topic being discussed, it may be more appropriate in THIS thread!!! (HINT, nurturing new borns..,)

That was fun to watch!

I have two daughters, and hubby was extremely helpful with both of them. My labors were pretty easy, so I recovered quickly. I told hubby that I would nurse the babies, but that he got to take care of the other end! Heeeee. Hubby was very good at changing diapers, and carrying them around when they got fussy, even in the middle of the night.

I had a difficult time getting pregnant with my first daughter, so I was a little anxious about her when she was first born. Since then I've found out that women who have issues with infertility are often anxious about their babies for awhile (I wonder if this is true of Jaymes and Clay?) Anyway, I was convinced that my little daughter was losing weight, so took her in to the doctor after five days, only to find that she had gained a lot of weight! I had no problems with my milk supply!

I was able to get pregnant with my second daughter with no trouble, but almost lost the pregnancy due to a partial placental abruption. It was touch and go for quite awhile. Then once she was born it was a challenge to take care of a newborn and a 2 year old! I don't know how I would have done it without hubby. Other relatives came to visit, but weren't really all that helpful on a day to day basis. I actually felt better after I went back to work part-time. It helped that we had a wonderful, grandmotherly child care provider. I had the best of both worlds - I was a Mom most of the time, but retained my identity as a professional and got to interact with adults, too.

Anyway, now those two daughters are both teenagers in high school. I don't know whether it's more challenging now or when they were babies! :cryingwlaughter:

*HUGS* to annabear. I've had migraines, and they are no fun!

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Sending you gentle hugs annabear. I know how debilitating migraines are, but thankfully mine stopped after menopause (woo hoo!)

Oh those baby days - they seem like such a long time ago now. With my older daughter (who's 24), I had a picture perfect pregnancy, followed by 32 hours of back labour with a posterior presentation delivery. That is, she was facing up instead of down, giving her less room to "move out"! I had a miscarriage three years before she was born and it took years to conceive again. It had to do more with my ex being on various medications for a few years than my age, since I was almost 30 when she was born. Back in 1984, I was the last of my friends and family to have a baby and a few weeks shy of being an "elderly primagravida" or first time mum as the doctors call you, when I delivered. I remember being absolutely exhausted by the time I got back to the room and just wanting to sleep.

We got to stay in hospital for five days, when I was also trying to figure out nursing. It never did work for us, so she started bottle feeding once we got home. She also wouldn't sleep for long stretches of time - I used to think 3 hours was wonderful. My mum came to help for the first week, then I was on my own when hubby went back to work. We had gotten our first microwave before I got pregnant and it was a godsend - that, and takeout menus!

My second daughter was born five years later when we lived in a small town. We were the only mum and baby in the nursery by the time we went home and they let me stay a full five days because they had no-one else to look after! They were all really sweet and couldn't keep their hands off the baby - she weighed 8lbs. 12.5 oz. and had three chins. They couldn't stop cuddling her. This baby had no problem nursing - even though I'd been given morphine for the delivery (34 hours this time) and she was groggy when they brought her to me, she latched on right away.

My MIL was with us the second time around and it worked out perfectly because she kept older daughter occupied. The little one was also a wonderful sleeper - 5 hours straight on our first night home.

They really don't stay little for very long, but as much as I loved their baby days, I'm loving my freedom now. :)

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I had just turned 19 with my first, and was without a clue. Nobody told me anything and I wasn't prepared for childbirth, or taking care of baby. I had one of those deliveries where the doc said go to the hospital and I'll see you later in the morning. She was born at 5:40 a.m. without doctor, without anesthesia, without my knowing what the hell was going on. But when she was born, the thrill of a lifetime. I was high as a kite for at least a week -- without pain medication. The pain medication calmed me down. She was born right before Christmas, changed her planned middle name to Noelle, and she came home in a tiny red and white Santa's helper onesie with the cap too. She was 6lb. 7oz. and 17 inches, and fit into my daddy's cupped hands. She slept in a frilly bassinet beside my bed for two months until she was ready for her crib. I was scared to death of falling asleep in the big bed with her, having heard horror stories, one being a cousin of my mother's. With my first I did relatively little other than nurse. She was the first grandchild on both sides of the family and I had more help than I needed or wanted. What a relief when everyone left. Then my husband had to start dancing with her in the middle of the night. I went to work when she was 10 weeks. Had to put that sorry m-fking asshole of an erstwhile husband through college, so he could leave three weeks after graduation three years later. What a blessing that was.

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Oh, don't be shy KF, go ahead and tell us how you really feel.



19 - that's young!


Daily quote from Real Simple

August 19, 2008

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

— Maya Angelou

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Entertainment Thread which contains the Random YouTube videos thead...

Heh. I'm gonna be like couchie today...View New Posts link (almost directly centered under the banner) is a great way to see all the new stuff on the board. (Of course, I'm mentioning this because I just posted something in "The Amazing Race" thread...hee)

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Aww, lal, your little dude was very cute! He looks so serious. Hee.

You know how several of you mentioned the other day, waking up and thinking, "OMG! Clay is a father!"? That's me today.

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