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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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Lucky, sorry about your friend. Did you meet her through Clay and do ya'll have more in common other than Clay.

And that girl won't find us from FCA main. How many of you did :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:


There's an FCA MAIN? :blink:

Yeah that!! :hysterical:

So..... I can get a NYC Fox station on my satellite so I was watching it for the weather. They did a bit on how the Broadway theaters turned off their marquis lights for a minute in honor of Paul Newman and the theater they showed was the Shubert! And there was Clay's name on the marquis as big as life! Of all the theaters in NY and they picked that one!!

AndI will be outside that stage door this time tomorrow!! :00000442: Cannot wait!! I wonder what fugly clothes he'll have on then????

And I am taking my camera, although I still don't know if I drag it the theater.

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ooooh....I LIKE this profile...eyelashes, open lips (gah), (never mind the fugly shirt)....sigh....

Here, let me help you with that open mouth, Clay.

muski... I'm sorry dear, but I really like that fugly shirt! I want one! :cryingwlaughter: The picture is quite nice (understatement of the evening)! :cryingwlaughter:

CG... have a great time and think of your fellow deprived FCAers and take some scrumptious pics... or funny ones, depending on what he is wearing... :cryingwlaughter:

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couchie, do you need a voodoo doll of Clay to get over your rage and anger? *g*

will it be life size?

.....and anatomically correct? If so, I'll take one. Shipped overnight, please.

Am I the only one in Claynation that likes the fugly kangaroo pocket, funky gray hoodie? And the double-breasted gray sweater wasn't bad, either. Hates the purple flowered blouse.

And thus concludes my deeply thoughtful, insightful contribution to today's conversation.

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Bookwhore, I liked them too. And if the dolls are anatomically correct, I'll take two please. Need an extra for when I wear the first one out.

Muski, loved that pic.

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Oh, dear God. Could this POSSIBLY be REAL?

rom the Associated Press:



OS ANGELES -- A parents group has complained to the Federal Communications Commission that CBS didn't edit out a penis from the season premiere of "Survivor: Gabon."

One of the contestants had a wardrobe malfunction when he took part in a challenge in his underwear. The Parents Television Council said, "CBS has once again decided to violate the public trust."

CBS is the same network that aired the Super Bowl when Janet Jackson had her wardrobe malfunction during halftime.

The network said that the incident was "fleeting" and "virtually indetectable when viewed in real time."

But the council said, "The number of `fleeting' penises we expect to see on broadcast television is zero."

I hope this parents group never does a slow mo study of a Clay Aiken concert. :unsure::whistling-1: :lmaosmiley-1:

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Lucky, sorry about your friend. Did you meet her through Clay and do ya'll have more in common other than Clay.

And that girl won't find us from FCA main. How many of you did :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Me!!....but actually, s(he) was just looking for some clack. :)

You know, Finding Clay Aiken! The place with the timelines and everything! Hee!


honestly I feel bad beacuse I've spent about 2 minutes on FCA main in the last year and it's not cuz I'm tired of it - I just can't find the time. Last time when I went on there I couldn't even remember my password. And then I couldn't figure out how to post the article. Sigh. And even when I recruited lovely people here to help me..I didn't follow through. I need to whip it into shape. I think that's what I'll do during my vacation at the end of the month. Sorta reorganize myself, figure out what needs to be done and get to work. I mean 9 days in Tahoe..after I lose my money in the casino what else am I gonna do, exercise or something LOL. So if you're still interested in helping or would like to help let me know.

Oh, I'm still willing!.....but I'm no better with the procrastination! :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh, and Claygary, about that playbill - I'm in the dark about which fan won. I wonder if it was announced when I was really busy with work and I missed it?

I see someone that has a a clue answered...'cause I don't! :lol: I didn't see any winner posted either.

Maybe it'll be the French one, which was a great idea~except it's illegal, cause the author is Canadian. :lol:

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I haven't had a chance to read all of those blog entries but from what I have read, she sounds adorable. Some of her posts are really sad and I'd like to be able to adopt her so she realizes that she is not messed up. I like her writing and her enthusiasm.

OK, um, I know you guys have totally moved past me and everything and I really hope you don't mind me dragging this up since I am (once again :P) late to the party, buuuuut... This cheered me up so much! All of your comments that were related to me did! I think I'm going to have to bookmark that page so I can have a pick-me-up whenever I'm down.

(I'll read it while I listen to "When You Say You Love Me" which always makes me... dance!)

OK, I'm done. And, I really, really hope this is OK!

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(I'll read it while I listen to "When You Say You Love Me" which always makes me... dance!)

Ahhh..I got such a good vibe reading your blog this morning. Thanks to whoever helped you find your way here. But watch out - and you'll meet her soon enough...but one of our blinged out mods is so going to love your song choice and she's always looking for new minions in her plan to take over the world!!

wait, come back :cryingwlaughter:


and of course she walks in in the middle of penis talk. LOL.

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Did anyone decide if there would be an FCA get together in Raleigh? I'll be driving in alone so I can meet whenever.

I don't have a gala ticket, but I'm definitely interested in a get-together.

I haven't had a chance to read all of those blog entries but from what I have read, she sounds adorable. Some of her posts are really sad and I'd like to be able to adopt her so she realizes that she is not messed up. I like her writing and her enthusiasm.

OK, um, I know you guys have totally moved past me and everything and I really hope you don't mind me dragging this up since I am (once again :P) late to the party, buuuuut... This cheered me up so much! All of your comments that were related to me did! I think I'm going to have to bookmark that page so I can have a pick-me-up whenever I'm down.

(I'll read it while I listen to "When You Say You Love Me" which always makes me... dance!)

OK, I'm done. And, I really, really hope this is OK!

Hey, you found us. YAY!! Now that you've posted, I hope you'll keep on posting. Honestly we don't talk about penii all the time (well, sort of). Anyway, we'd love to get to know you better, and we share your obsession, obviously.

Couchie, since I'm a Live Journal member who remembers my log-in, :hysterical: I followed your breadcrumbs and sent her a link or two to us, with a swell invite. Considering I've been missing in action for a couple of weeks, that's good timing on my part, doncha think?

I'm baaaack. Gotta go do Mom stuff tomorrow, so won't be back to normal for awhile.

Waving at the lovely Gibby, who said such nice things about me. :F_05BL17blowkiss: We had a great time finally meeting in Denver. Gibby's gorgeous and smart and funny and kind, and knows so much about music, and we of course eeeed and squeeeed lots and lots about our guy. We had a fabulous time!!

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I haven't had a chance to read all of those blog entries but from what I have read, she sounds adorable. Some of her posts are really sad and I'd like to be able to adopt her so she realizes that she is not messed up. I like her writing and her enthusiasm.

OK, um, I know you guys have totally moved past me and everything and I really hope you don't mind me dragging this up since I am (once again :P) late to the party, buuuuut... This cheered me up so much! All of your comments that were related to me did! I think I'm going to have to bookmark that page so I can have a pick-me-up whenever I'm down.

(I'll read it while I listen to "When You Say You Love Me" which always makes me... dance!)

OK, I'm done. And, I really, really hope this is OK!

Hey, welcome!!....I knew you'd find us. :lmaosmiley-1:

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Welcome, clazycoffin!!! I'm so glad you found us!! Hopefully you'll be glad you found us!


Fleeting penis.

There's another kind???

Oh, yeah. Definitely. I prefer my penii to be . . . um . . . visible and long-lasting, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do. :lilredani:

*blushes and waves back at jmh* :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hi clazycoffin! If that picture posted up there doesn't turn her off then nothing will! (I should have said back on the previous page)

We now have over 2000 members? Wow!

I love that Clay Aiken, funky cutting edge clothes and all!

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Hi clazycoffin! If that picture posted up there doesn't turn her off then nothing will! (I should have said back on the previous page)

We now have over 2000 members? Wow!

I love that Clay Aiken, funky cutting edge clothes and all!

well we do if you include the 1000 bots that registered hee.

I'm exausted. I just lost 200,000 watching Lyrics :cryingwlaughter: Me and the guy said exactly the wrong lyrics and I was yelling at the tv to lock in those lyrics. It was Kool and the Gang Too Hot... gotta run for cover, gotta run for shade... And just like him I just knew that was right...and then my cousin goes all quietly..isn't it gotta run for shelter. LOL. Oh well, thank god it was just play money.

I love that show...I swear there's always something there that Clay has done...tonight it was Heartbreak Hotel.

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