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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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Now I'll grab a burrito for me and my younger daughter and we'll watch the debate together---

Debate??? Debate??? Who cares about the debate???

The ONLY contest that matters tonight is the one on FOX!!!!!!!!

PHILLIES v.s the Dodgers. IF, IF, IF the PHILLIES win, we go to the WORLD SERIES!!!!

Who needs a debate!!!!

(I'm so nervous I can't stand it!!!)

You wouldn't happen to teach Political Science, would you? :lmaosmiley-1:

My PSC teacher is a big Phillies fan... Gee, I wonder what he's doing tonight, watching the debate or the Phillies?

If he's a REAL Phillies fan, he's watching baseball because presidential debates happen every 4 years. The Phillies having a chance to get to the World Series happens FAR less often!!!!!

Ducky, its nerve wracking, isn't it!!!

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KAndre groggily logs on...

I'm alive!

And only walking around a teensy bit when I have no witnesses...

See, al; you norther Houstonians neeed to live with my in Greenway Plaza...

Hydrocodne is interesting.

clazycoffin, I agree that he doesn't belt as much and there is definitely some stylistic differences from MOAM to OMWH - I know some others werr missing deep voice clay - I think he's lost a little of a youthful purity of tone - but I think it depends on the song....he did a lot more deep voice clay on the demos (dreamlover and the blood really come to mind) but to me Clay isvery much a lyric tenor at heart...

ETA: Somebody needs to fix this post.

Alrighty, I'm not imagining things! Thanks much, KAndre and hope your drugs wear off soon! Unless, of course, you're really enjoying the trip, in which case I wonder if you could mail me a sample!


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Oooh, ooh! *hops up and down waving arms around* :lol:

I just remembered I had another question! (It's completely unrelated to the first one.)

Can someone tell me who the guest judge/mentor was who played the piano the first time the top 12 sang "What the World Needs Now"?

OK, I swear, I'm going to stop this someday... :whistling-1:

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Let's see if I can remember.

Clay, what do you think, in your past performance experiences, best prepared you for your performance in SPAMalot? You definitely meshed with the veteran cast when I saw you in March.

Or something pretty close to that.


There are pics at CV.


Here's a screencap I made!


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Yay, finally home! What a long drive that was -- every freeway exit close to my home flooded and I left too early to see merrieeee's warning about JFK Blvd. Thank goodness I called her afterwards and she found me a safe route through the backroads! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks for the good wishes!

KAndre groggily logs on...

I'm alive!

And only walking around a teensy bit when I have no witnesses...

See, al; you norther Houstonians neeed to live with my in Greenway Plaza...

Glad you're fine! Speaking of Greenway Plaza, I won these items at our United Way auction:

1. A permanent parking spot at Greenway 3 for 1 year - a steal for $42

2. 2 extra days vacation, yay! (Yes, I was saving some of that for TBAF but Clay can't get me extra vacation days! I hope everyone planning to buy something at the Gala auction gets lucky too!!!)

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Burt Bacharack.

But I probably misspelled it!

Whew, thanks! :D

I hate it when I can't remember names. Drives me crazy (um, er). I kept thinking Tony Bennett and then going, NO.

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KAndre groggily logs on...

I'm alive!

And only walking around a teensy bit when I have no witnesses...

See, al; you norther Houstonians neeed to live with my in Greenway Plaza...

Hydrocodne is interesting.

clazycoffin, I agree that he doesn't belt as much and there is definitely some stylistic differences from MOAM to OMWH - I know some others werr missing deep voice clay - I think he's lost a little of a youthful purity of tone - but I think it depends on the song....he did a lot more deep voice clay on the demos (dreamlover and the blood really come to mind) but to me Clay isvery much a lyric tenor at heart...

ETA: Somebody needs to fix this post.

KAndre, I'm so glad you survived and are doing okay! Heeee, I love the misspellings.

And you made a lot of sense, too! You're right, Clay doesn't belt as much, and isn't quite as liberal with the glory notes. He's also improved his vocal technique (although it was always great!) and has added more nuance to his singing. I hear more expression, greater variation in dynamics, better control, and more nuanced phrasing.

Another thing that is hugely different between MOAM and OMWH is the production, and the type of songs. I love MOAM, but they really tried to 'popify' Clay's voice, and took away some of the beauty of it. They flattened out his vibrato, and didn't bring out the beauty of his tone quality. I find MOAM songs generally to be simpler, whereas OMWH songs are more complex and have much more lush instrumentation. And, Kipper made sure to have Clay's voice front and center, and to let the beauty of his voice shine!

I'm not on hydrocodone, but I'm very pleased that I could put those sentences together tonight. Here's what my day was like: played piano for four choirs this morning, spent all afternoon extracting infinitesimally tiny little bits of data from medical records at the hospital for a government website, and then did some recording with a vocal student for a competition. I think it's about time I took my fried brain off to bed . . .


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Hee, KAndre, you type like I felt last night. Just ask cindilu2. :cryingwlaughter: I wasn't making a whole hell of a lot of sense, hee! Two tough days at work will do that to a gal.

Soooooooo............I'm off to Raleigh! Picking up cindiu2 & Claymatron in less than an hour. It's finally here, EEEEEEEEEEEEE! See y'all on the other side. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good Morning Everyone,

2 Days until The BAF Gala! :yahoo:

8 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer!


45 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday!


80 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!


100 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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Just a quick hi from work (so that I can leave early to pack tonight, Eeeee!!!)

Safe travels, luckiest1, Cindi, and CM! (Hopefully I didn't miss anyone) Have fun at the fair and see you on Saturday!



I envy you all that are going to the Gala. Have fun for us and don't you be flashing Clay now, you hear!
We'll make a deal. If he flashes us, we won't flash him!
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Safe travels, I'll be looking for you all on Saturday. :thbighug-1:

I was glad to see the models wearing those clunky shoes on Project Runway last night as I bought a pair last year and was afraid to wear them. They reminded me of the women tap dancing in YWSOBIYDHAJ. I remember my grandmothers wearing laced up versions. Fortunately mine zip up. They're comfortable so I'll probably wear them. :cryingwlaughter:

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Safe travels & have fun Gala goers! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope lots of awareness & money is raised for TBAF. :clap:

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