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#43: Even more beautiful now, inside and out!


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    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!
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    • What boyfriend wants he gets!
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    • Resistance is futile and once I heard that voice all was right with the world.
    • He's back. We're back. We're home again.
    • Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick!
    • God we have it so bad...yet it feels so good!

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Oh, I have no doubt that Clay was singing to far more than just the people in the audience at the gala. He allowed the clack to run free that night for a reason.

He actually said so himself! More than once!

He referenced people listening in on "some message board somewhere" and "who's got a video camera?" then laughing at "a video camera"!

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Oh, and I had to just GUFFAW :cryingwlaughter: at the freakin' Boston Globe that had a headline that read something like "Broadway Closes on Clay" and then said, 'Clay Aiken will soon be out of a job!" then went on to talk about Spam closing...


Anything to get hits on their site, huh? Yeah, right. Like Clay Aiken will EVER be out of a job. oy.

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It's what I think some fans 'forgot' when the news hit them. Clay gets to be included, regardless, just like all the other people he lives his life to make sure are included. He asks for nothing special for himself---nothing that he doesn't already dream for every single human being.

I love him.


Now you made me cry again!


and then you made me laugh! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Cotton, very nice not-a-recap.

I'm hoping that next year, after paying for my trips to see Clay on tour (*g*), I can afford to go to the Gala. Wonder what other stuff they can auction?


Listen, if any of you can squeeze your dimes tight enough to make the galas, by all means, do it!

There is just something about him when he's working on behalf of the foundation that is just GAH! I think it's the closest we ever get to Clay himself. As much as he can be when he's on any kind of stage! He's doing something he loves. He's surrounded by people who think something he thinks is important is important. KWIM?

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Bringing over my recap:

My decision to go to the Gala in Raleigh was made several months ago when finances were better. Things have changed for the worse since then, but even though I felt somewhat guilty about spending the money, I decided to go anyway. I was feeling nervous about it because I didn't know what kind of atmosphere I would encounter. One of our group is in a difficult place with her fandom, but was still going. I worried that would cast a pall on the whole weekend and that there would be others with the same mindset. How would that affect the mood?

I did not have the kind of ticket that allowed for a VIP reception, a meet & greet, or a picture with Clay. In fact, our table was pretty far to the side so I never really had a close up view of him at all. I could not bid on a live auction item or even a silent auction item. My budget allowed for one $20 raffle ticket.

BUT, I can say with all honesty that being in that room Saturday night was, without doubt, one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had as a Clay fan. There was such electricity, love, and true emotion in the ballroom of the Marriott. Clay was the same Clay he has always been. He offered his love and caring and we gave it back to him. It was truly amazing.

The Marriott was abuzz with excitement all weekend. Fans were always in the lobby hugging and chatting, day and night. It was a coming together of Clay's fans and it was a show of love for the cause of the BAF. The BAF is doing such good work. This is Clay's heart. He is a wonderful, amazing, talented, loving human being. He is making a difference!

I am proud to be a fan of Clay Aiken!

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So from whooping hilarity to schmoopie sentiment in the blink of a misty eye:

Micky7129 on CDB wrote:

He's back. We're back. We're home again.

Damn lucky. And I really do think about just how lucky every single day.

muski... thanks for bringing that over... Bolded part above... Thread title????

Perfect, Cotton! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I especially loved this:

But even more than all of that, there was the reality that he is still the same person. And that most of the fans see that he is still the same person. That his message of inclusion includes him! And I felt him feel that acceptance and love and he blew that message right back at us - like blowing kisses. The breathing in and out of love’s energy. We left him no doubt that he has not lost by opening up. By being true to himself.

That bolded part. It's what I think some fans 'forgot' when the news hit them. Clay gets to be included, regardless, just like all the other people he lives his life to make sure are included. He asks for nothing special for himself---nothing that he doesn't already dream for every single human being.

I love him.

muski... A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y!!! agree with you 100%. I know some fans who worked really hard on the BAF stuff over the years who have left the fandom with his "not-a-declaration." What exactly were they working for????

Cotton... I LOVED your Not-a-recap!!! Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I loved his reaction after the ICSs (Involuntary Clay Screams). Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick! He may have lost some fans, but the ones left are the ones with titanium hearts, rather than where Clay's titanium is... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I think the ClayNation is pretty united for him right now... just wait until tour plans are announced. The grumping will start about where, when, what... but I won't mind quite as much, cause we support when it's important and criticize when it's not. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

keldanker... awwww! Nice recap. Glad you went! If you can say, how did your teetering friend feel after the Gala?

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I loved his reaction after the ICSs (Involuntary Clay Screams). Yes, Clay, we still think you are sex on a stick! Southern Fried Sex on a Stick! He may have lost some fans, but the ones left are the ones with titanium hearts, rather than where Clay's titanium is... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

eta - thread title

schmoopie heaven around here...i love reading all of the recaps and the not a recaps.

But this.. that really got me liney.

I wore my evening with clay aiken shirt when i checked in...and really i've always worn my clay t shirts but it's different now. when the girl asked me if i was a fan of Clay aiken -- I just looked at her and smiled and said.fanatic is a more acurate description.

He is the freakin' best.

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This doesn't have anything to do with what y'all are talking about, but I hope you don't mind a brief interjection.

No matter what, Clay Aiken can cheer me up. Case in point: Riding around with my mother today, we stopped

to get some groceries and came out of the store to discover we had a flat. My mother had to go get some

Fix-a-Flat while I waited at the car. While we were pumping the tire up, I suddenly heard Clay singing "Without

You" on the store's radio. And even though I was standing in a Kroger's lot with a flat tire, I laughed out loud.

Thank-you, Clay! :D I needed a laugh at that moment.

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Thanks for the awesome recap, Cotton!

I wore my evening with clay aiken shirt when i checked in...and really i've always worn my clay t shirts but it's different now. when the girl asked me if i was a fan of Clay aiken -- I just looked at her and smiled and said.fanatic is a more acurate description.

He is the freakin' best.

Yay, Couchie!!! Way to go, girlfriend. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

clayzycoffin - yup, Clay cheers me up just about anytime, too!

This gif is toooooo cuuuuuute!!


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Gibby He is just too adorable! I have so much clack to download and watch...I may have to cancel Christmas this year!


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This morning I got called off of work, so I called my friend who goes to concerts with me and is going to see Spam with me, to come over and see a few things I had downloaded from the Gala. She was really upset a couple of weeks ago about the news but was slowly coming to terms with it. The last thing I showed her was RHW. I sat there watching it not paying any attention to her. At the end I looked over at her and the tears were falling down her face. She looked at me and said "I really do still love him". She says that she feels so much better and is looking forward to Spam and hopefully a tour.

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Augh!! :2: My random-question bug has bitten again!

Does anyone know if there are any recent numbers on OMWH's sales? It seems a little painful hard to believe that it has only sold 180,000 copies...


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The icing came for me when I realized that I'd left my jacket on my chair some good time later (nearly an hour or more I think—but it's a bit fuzzy) and went back to retrieve it. I ran into Faye coming out from somewhere, carrying some things and just started talking to her about the evening and how special it was. She then said to me:

"Y'all make him feel so special."

I thought maybe I was done crying......until I read this. :cry4: God, I love him. :wub:

Yeah, it made me cry too. :::sniff::: Our work is done. He feels special. He is.

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Just wanted to share that my flight to RDU was fully booked and they offered a $250 voucher, a free hotel night, meals and a first class seat on the 2:30 pm flight on Saturday afternoon. Was tempted for an agonizing moment... and then walked away. If that flight had been delayed (or worse cancelled)... there was no way I was going to miss that for the world!!!

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I cannot stop listening AND watching EIDN and RHW. If he EVER again sings EIDN without that lift at the end, I will wup him upside the head... twice!!! :cryingwlaughter: It is just an awesome ending. He always sings better live than on the cds cause he can play with it more. They really need to get that into his recordings somehow.

ETA: That part in RHW where he sings, "In the end, if I'm with you... I'll take the chance," just gets me every time. :cry4: I am watching MB's clack now and at the end of RHW, he does his sign, "thank you" and I hadn't seen that on any of the others I have watched. I'm toast... will someone add some apricot preserves, please! :cryingwlaughter:

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OMG, I just watched jojoct EIDN. OMG. I know exactly what you mean about that lift at the end, liney. It's sublime. I saw that "thank you" at the end of RHW earlier today.

It's a smorgasbord of clack. Who was it talking about desserts? Was that here? I haven't even started in on the auction clack, except for the jacket and the bear.

So now I just finished her RHW. It's almost too intimate. It's gorgeous.

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keldanker... awwww! Nice recap. Glad you went! If you can say, how did your teetering friend feel after the Gala?

Sadly, she still says she is stepping back or away. She seemed to enjoy most of the evening, but closed herself off completely when he started singing. She never stood up, not sure if she applauded, had a sour look on her face. She went to the room immediately after the Gala and went to bed. Did not speak about it the next day. Her heart was not open to the love he offered, but yet he told all of us that he is right here waiting...even those who can no longer include him in their hearts. That is truly inclusive.

Cotton, Luckiest1, Claymatron, Sassafras (and anybody else I missed), it was nice to see you. I'm CravingClay on most other boards so I know that gets a little confusing when trying to introduce myself. I wish I could have joined you all for brunch, but my traveling buddies had other plans.

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I have some pictures from the brunch that I would like to post in the members only area, but I'd like to be sure that everyone is comfortable with that. So could those of you who were there please weigh in on the subject? TIA.

I have no problem with it at all for me, luckiest1~but some of the folks at the Gala did specifically request that MY pictures not be shown online.

I finally have a few minutes here to talk about not really a recap, because you all certainly know, far better than I do probably, what went on at the Gala on Saturday night. Our table was the second-worst one at the Gala :lol: and I SAW absolutely nothing. What I heard and what I FELT in that room was quite another thing. Last year I said that if there was any way on earth I could help it~I would never miss another Gala, and this year's experience certainly reinforced that. I've never been lucky enough to be present for one of the fandom "moments"; but now that has changed, and the singing of RHW and the emotional presence in that room will be etched on my heart forever. I have no idea how he does that, and for hours afterward I couldn't even think about it without bursting into tears again.

What a lesson, what an incredible gift from an amazing teacher who has so much love to give the world..

One of the other gifts of love was a bound copy of the Christmas stories which was included as part of the "gift bag" given to each Gala participant. I hope each of you that was there got yours; and thanks to those of you who allowed your stories to be published. FYI, I don't think it's telling any tales out of school to let you know that Faye was MOST excited to get hers; it's the first time I've seen her really anxious about getting one and thrilled to be able to sneak it out the night before, to make sure she got it. :hysterical: Yes, it may be used as a BAF fundraiser at some point in the future~but believe me, this was a gift of love from Clay and BAF~to you.

I am always inspired, as well, by the message of the reason for the Gala~to celebrate the Champions of Change nominated by BAF. Betsy McNamara and Dan Habib's outstanding movie was partially shown at night, but fully screened in the afternoon preceding the Gala. I am really sorry that most of you missed seeing it; I did purchase a copy, and we can watch it at one of our London cluncheons if you like, for those of you in the area. It is an incredible emotional journey through daily life with their son Samuel, who has cerebral palsy.

The presentation by Rich (?)~I'm so sorry, my part-timers has taken from me his last name~who also suffers from CP and gave us some moving comments on dealing with corporate life as a person with a disability, was also unbelievably inspiring.

The morning Round Table session was awesome; there can be no better person to lead and train the BAF volunteers than Aron Hall. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, and it was great to be able to have the morning with him and with Jerry Aiken. (BTW, don't anyone tell Diane Aiken, but I heard a few people saying they now knew where Clay gets his hots from :lol: Watch out, Jerry! ) Seriously, he's a sweetheart~funny and good-looking and kind and dedicated.

BTW as well~several people mentioned to me that they would have come to the Round Table, but thought there was "no point" because you had to be "connected" or be there since 6 AM to get in. Nothing could have been further from the truth~and I hope you'll be there next time. You'll never regret it.

See you there. :hello:

I also want to say, as always, a special thanks to my North Carolina friends and associates; my time here is always so special to me, and as I told a few people this weeked, it is always incredibly difficult each time that plane lifts off from RDU to take me away. I didn't "reconnect" to them this weekend, because I am never "dis"connected from them. Some day perhaps I'll be lucky enough to BE that North Carolinian so many people here think I AM! :hysterical:

Thanks Cheri, Karen, Sammie, Pam, Dawn, Theresa, Kristy, Diane, Frances, Kath and Jim, Terra, and Faye for letting me be part of your dream.

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Her heart was not open to the love he offered

That is so sad that she cannot get through her hurt to be able to embrace all that he is and has to offer. It is her loss. If I felt that way I could never have gone to the gala.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Clay Aiken in my life. He brings me so much joy. I have sat here all night just watching the Clack and have got nothing done. Do I care? Nope dishes can wait when there is new Clack to be watched.

One minute I am tearing up and getting all schmoopie and the next laughing out loud. What charisma!

I love Clay Aiken!

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awwww! Nice recap. Glad you went! If you can say, how did your teetering friend feel after the Gala?

Sadly, she still says she is stepping back or away. She seemed to enjoy most of the evening, but closed herself off completely when he started singing. She never stood up, not sure if she applauded, had a sour look on her face. She went to the room immediately after the Gala and went to bed. Did not speak about it the next day. Her heart was not open to the love he offered, but yet he told all of us that he is right here waiting...even those who can no longer include him in their hearts. That is truly inclusive.

Cotton, Luckiest1, Claymatron, Sassafras
(and anybody else I missed), it was nice to see you. I'm CravingClay on most other boards so I know that gets a little confusing when trying to introduce myself. I wish I could have joined you all for brunch, but my traveling buddies had other plans.

I am puzzled, why was she there AT ALL if her heart wasn't in it? What was the point... surely the fact she had already paid didn't have anything to do with it.

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