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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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HELP! If anyone remembers some pages back somebody posting a link to a website that had really, really cheap prices for prescription eyeglasses, I'd appreciate a reposting of the link. My mother (who has Alzheimer's) keeps losing her glasses and I canNOT afford to pay the usual price at the optometrist's office every time she does.

Thanks in advance....I really appreciate it.

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Happy Thanksgiving Week, FCA! th_corni-sm.gif

I added to my Thanksgiving list the fact that Clay is on appearance rounds this week. I also blogged about this, including lots of links and photos. Used one of your screen caps, Cotton, and cindilu2's handsome "suit" graphic. The blog is at the OFC and at Carolina On My Mind.

I am still learning how to operate this trigger-happy computer. I have lost lots of work today so have finally learned to save along the way. :whistling-1:

Have a great evening, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Happy Thanksgiving Week, FCA! th_corni-sm.gif

I added to my Thanksgiving list the fact that Clay is on appearance rounds this week. I also blogged about this, including lots of links and photos. Used one of your screen caps, Cotton, and cindilu2's handsome "suit" graphic. The blog is at the OFC and at Carolina On My Mind.

I am still learning how to operate this trigger-happy computer. I have lost lots of work today so have finally learned to save along the way. :whistling-1:

Have a great evening, all! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif


caro, I just posted a few bigger ones at cv.


I'm worn out. I'll try to post them here after I get some din-din!

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I'm loving all the videos today! And I gotta say...him talking about Parker just warms the cockles of my heart. He really does have so much to be thankful for this year. And I'm thankful for Clay being in my life...

OT HELP!!!! Is there anyone out there who can take a Word document (either Word 2003 or 2007) and save it into a jpg file? PWEEZE?!?!?!?

WOW! Loving all this coverage! Hope a few of them that I don't see here got vaulted.... :whistling-1:

ldyj, I can help too if annabear is not able to do them for you. Just let me know.

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Some good news about tomorrow night from toni7babe:

FYI: Some CV friends just called me from NY. They have tickets for Wed night so they stopped by the Shubert box office to see if Clay would be there Wed NIGHT and they were told NO and allowed to exchange their tickets.


I have to add my congrats to cindilu2 - you have the imagination, the creativity and the vision to do brilliantly in your new program!

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I'm loving all the videos today! And I gotta say...him talking about Parker just warms the cockles of my heart. He really does have so much to be thankful for this year. And I'm thankful for Clay being in my life...

OT HELP!!!! Is there anyone out there who can take a Word document (either Word 2003 or 2007) and save it into a jpg file? PWEEZE?!?!?!?

WOW! Loving all this coverage! Hope a few of them that I don't see here got vaulted.... :whistling-1:

ldyj, I can help too if annabear is not able to do them for you. Just let me know.

DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!! About all the news, videos, and happiness!~!!

About the Word to jpg thingie - how do you do that? Would someone please tell me how they plan to accomplish that?

FORGOT TO add my congrats to cindilu2!!! You are perfect for that. I am usually in awe of your talents!! :BlowKiss:

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yay it's fun to come home to clack. Loved hearing him talk about Parker. Is it my eyes or was his hair really dark. Looking forward to the show and I hope it's good.

Just back from the grocery store and the first thing I did was of course grab a cart. And what do I see - a purse with nothing in it but a wallet. I gave the purse to security and then started shopping. After about five minutes I realize I can't find this $100 bill I had in my hand when I got out of the car. I was so concerned about this woman's purse that I lost my own money. So I trace my footsteps out of the store and to my car and what do I find crumpled up where I got my cart? My money! YAY. Thank the goddess I didn't lose my thanksgiving money.

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Wow, couchie. So glad your money was still there! See, it pays to be a good samaritan! :BlowKiss:

What an exciting day in Claynation. All this new clack! So great to hear and see our guy in so many different places. I had to break the news to son #2 tonight........I won't be watching Bones tomorrow. Hee. Rosie all the way! Can't wait!

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About the Word to jpg thingie - how do you do that? Would someone please tell me how they plan to accomplish that?

It's a nifty little program I still have on my computer from my old printer that died a year or so ago - PhotoImpressions. I love it! I can take just about any kind of file and manipulate & save it as a jpg or bmp. Or tif, pcx, tga, psf, png, fpx - whatever those may be! :lol:

FORGOT TO add my congrats to cindilu2!!! You are perfect for that. I am usually in awe of your talents!! :BlowKiss:


Wow! Glad you found your money, couchie!

Videos today were CUTE! :flirtysmile3:

Ok, enough play time... back to work! :hello:

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No worries Cindilu!

Lookie what I found!!!


ETA: Its from here: http://www.popnography.com/2008/11/scene-clay-aike.html

The man is ADORABLE!!! The barber pole shirt, not so much. Where does he find these weird and wonderful shirts?

And am I the only one who read that web address as pornography.com??? Yes??

Wow, couchie. So glad your money was still there! See, it pays to be a good samaritan! :BlowKiss:

What an exciting day in Claynation. All this new clack! So great to hear and see our guy in so many different places. I had to break the news to son #2 tonight........I won't be watching Bones tomorrow. Hee. Rosie all the way! Can't wait!

Oh my. I forgot this would opposite Bones! Hmmm. Wait for clack? Tape Bones? Watch Bones off the west coast feed? Hope I get home by 8:00 so I have a choice???

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And am I the only one who read that web address as pornography.com??? Yes??

no :cryingwlaughter:

And I'm in the same boat about tomorrow night....I LOVE 'Bones'...I think I'll have to wait for CLACK since hubby and I always watch Bones together...I hope I can see the whole Rosie show at some point, though, and not just Clay's parts...

heh...I said "Clay's parts" :sleezy:

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Just checking in briefly to say how cute the videos and the new shirt are! Eeeeee!!! So many clips in just one day!!! And looking forward to more...


I must have a juvenile mind because I just went to see Twilight with Mini-Scarlett (both of us for the 1st time) and enjoyed it a lot. :offtobed:

ETA: Is he wearing the red equivalent of the Frisco blue shirt? ::Heart:: them both!

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I love Clay's parts. Not such a fan of the current hairstyle, but it'll change. For me...it's too flat on the sides and with no hair anywhere on that wide forehead, his face takes on an unflattering shape...but dang, those eyes! :Thud: And woo-hoo for the sideburns! :yahoo: And :yess: that he seems and looks so comfortable in his skin and so happy and....life's good for Mr. Aiken and that makes me happy, too.

(Now if my freakin' tooth would just lay off the throbbing for a while....)

Wow. Who would've ever guessed that I would want any throbbing to STOP!?


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HELP! If anyone remembers some pages back somebody posting a link to a website that had really, really cheap prices for prescription eyeglasses, I'd appreciate a reposting of the link. My mother (who has Alzheimer's) keeps losing her glasses and I canNOT afford to pay the usual price at the optometrist's office every time she does.

Thanks in advance....I really appreciate it.

Muski, find a way to put a sticker on the glasses, with a message like "If found, please urgently call XXX-XXX-XXXX"

It would mean a good chance that those glasses will be returned, especially since they are of NO USE to anyone else.

Those label makers have fabric labels you can sew on the "arm" of the glasses, or on a cord attached to the glasses that she can put around her neck.

I have two cell phones, and I have stickers with my email address and phone number on both of them, plus stickers on all my credit cards, library card, and anything else that can get lost.

It is one of the best ideas I have ever had because I had on occasion rushed off and left behind my credit card on the counter and not realize it is missing until too late. Now, if I leave a card behind, I receive a phone call before I get to my car.

Another time, I was standing in a queue at the Post Office and my cell phone rang. I answered it and a woman - just 3 feet away from me holding a cell phone - tapped me on the shoulder and handed me my car keys, which had my cell phone number on it. I had dropped it without realizing.

I have lost count the number of times the person processing my payment has looked at my card and said "oh that's a good idea, we often have people leave their cards behind and we return them to the bank". (Even if they are good enough to return it to the bank, that may take some time, and the bank usually cancels the card. You are faced with delays and having to wait to receive a new card.)

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Re: tagging things with label makers....

I have one of those Dymo Electronic Label Makers that uses that plastic film with a backing that peels off and then sticks. It's $30.00, but that sounds a lot cheaper than buying more pairs of glasses!

Clay's parts??? :Iluvclaysbutt:

muski - I hope you get your tooth looked at soon - throbbing in a tooth is not good. :BlowKiss:

couchie - yaaay! for the crumpled $100 bill!

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Re: tagging things with label makers....

I have one of those Dymo Electronic Label Makers that uses that plastic film with a backing that peels off and then sticks. It's $30.00, but that sounds a lot cheaper than buying more pairs of glasses!

I have one of those Label Makers as well. The reason I mentioned the fabric labels that can be sewn on is because they last longer than the ones that stick on if the surface is not entirely flat, i.e. the on the 'arm' of the glasses. The fabric labels can be attached to clothing, washed etc. The stick-on label you mention is great for plastic card (credit cards etc) but before I got the labeller, I typed out my contact details and highlighted them in yellow (black text), and copied pasted numerous times. Then printed out my contact details and cut them up, and stuck them on the cards with clear tape.

The time and effort involved in just getting it done is a worth-while 'investment' when you consider the fact that if you lose something outside of your home (or the home of a significant friend or relative), the chances of you getting back your lost item if it is not tagged with your contact details, is pretty much zero.

It's not just the fact that you will save money by tagging items that notoriously get lost, but rather the inconvenience involved when you have lost a critical item like driver's licence, glasses, credit card, keys etc.

What truly floors me, though, is pet owners who think that if they have their pet microchipped, they don't need to put a collar on their cat/dog. I mean, if I find a lost animal and it has a tag with contact details, that pet owner won't be waiting long to get back their precious cat or dog. Microchipping is better than nothing but it involves having to get to the vet to CHECK whether or not the animal is microchipped. And if it is after-hours or a weekend, it could be a long wait for that poor animal.

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I must have a juvenile mind because I just went to see Twilight with Mini-Scarlett (both of us for the 1st time) and enjoyed it a lot. :offtobed:

ETA: Is he wearing the red equivalent of the Frisco blue shirt? ::Heart:: them both!

*high fives Scarlett*

Actually, I saw a comparison posted somewhere of one of the new pics vs a pic from the JNT04 (I believe)....remember the one where he was looking through the loop of a candy cane? They look to be the same red striped shirt (or very similar).

ETA OK here I found it and uploaded it to photobucket:


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Some spam reports from CB via CH via CV (how's that for convoluted?)

from sanebc at CB

Sorry for the delay. My coomputer is acting up. I had to reboot twice. They called and Koko was even more giddy and giggly and shaking all over because she got to touch Clay. She did. She had a picture with him with his arm around her waist (or her arm around his waist, I'm not sure). He asked her where she's from and she said Taipeh, Taiwan. Clay said he'd been there. They were thanking her for coming back after her first disappointment. Koko said she may not be able to sleep tonight (or many more nights). She said Clay looks so young. I'm sure she will give you more details when she posts.

Crazyglue just confirmed with Jerome that Clay will be at Rosie's show in person, not pretaped as some have speculated.

Sweet dreams Koko and everybody.

recap from koko at cb

I don't know where to start. Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh! Somebody pinch me!!!!

He's so cute!!! Sorry! I'm still sooooo disoriented.

My eyes where clued on him all the time; except in instances when I almost kissed the person sitting beside because he was looking in the opposite direction.

Okey, let me start from the beginning......

When I was seated, my hands were clammy and my heart was racing. "This is the night, this is the night..." I heard my head saying. I know the first scene he'd appear was on the tower so my heard raced even faster when he came out. I cannot believe my eyes! Eeeehhhhhhh!!! He looks younger than his age and younger than he appears on TV. During the intermission, I have to squeeze clazyglue's hand which she kindly offered to me because I so cannot contain that feeling. I really don't know how to name that.

Ohhh, geee... what else???? Sanebc already relayed most of it. She did a very good job doing it. I love the faces he made. So comical.And he sticks out his tongue. A lot. But I have nothing to compare it with since it was my first time to watch Spam with him. What I love the most was when he came out on singing the finale song "I to have found my grail", when he have minimal make-up on. Yum! Yum! Yum! Can't say that enough.

BC photo opportunity

I begged Joanne not to let me go onstage and have a photo taken with Clay because I was a nervous wreck. I thought I would faint right there in front of him if he utters a single word to me. And again, thanks to Joanne, she didn't listen to me and insisted I go up. Needless to say, I legs were shaking. By some miracle, I went there and shook his hand when he offered it to me. But in my nervousness, I cannot remember how the handshake felt. He asked for my name and where I came from. So I told him 'Taiwan". He then asked ( to my great surprise he continued the conversation which I thought is a routine for him) , "which part of Taiwan?". And I answered, Taipei. And he said 'I've been there'. A total shock to me that he'd been there and a total shock that we had spoken so much without me fainting.. yet. Nerves set in and I didn't know what to answer to that and the next thing I remember, I had a picture taken with him. He had his arms around my waist so I put mine around his... and I just blurted out, " I cannot believe I am touching you'. To which he laughed and 'click'. That was how our picture was taken.

Time out... I'll continue in a moment. I need to savor the moments.

Anybody heard from our own Spam-goer, justclay12, yet? I hope she had a great time!

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I still click on the Clay Aiken GoogleAlerts and I am starting to wonder why I bother.

Is anyone else sick of seeing Lance Bass' name automatically linked to Clay Aiken, everytime Lance is mentioned?

Frankly, I have no idea who Lance Bass is, and if I fell over him on the street I wouldn't know it was him. I am getting tired of this constant linking up with Clay over the sexual orientation matter, as if it is the only thing that defines him. There are so many amazing aspects about Clay. It is annoying to click on a yet another Google Alert to find that the only reason the alert was sent was because (it was actually about Lance Bass) Clay's name is linked, hence the alert.

(whine for today....)


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I stopped reading google alerts a long, long time ago - like 2006. I have been a much happier person since, and I guarantee you I have not missed a single good Clay mention, ever. Nothing feels quite as good as when you stop banging your head against the wall, you know? We make our own misery. YMMV.

I know 'ratings' only count if you're a Neilson person, but I can't and don't believe in this age they don't have more sophisticated ways of tracking tv viewership. I want more entertainment like Rosie's show on my tv. I want ROSIE'S show on my tv. Therefore, I will watch it live. The other shows will repeat, some ad nauseum. Of course it was a no-brainer for me - Clay is on TV (raise your hand if you're surprised... anyone??? *crickets*) :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

ETA: I don't know if anybody has followed koko's (the lady in the recap above) saga of getting to Spamalot - but it's quite the story. All for the chance to see Clay 'for real'. Amazing!

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