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#44: We think we'll keep him!!!!


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51 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I'll connect with this man in any way at any time.
    • He could sing me the Invisionfree terms of service agreement and I'd love it, so any new songs are obviously going to be coolness squared.
    • He owns us.
    • Just sing to me, pretty boy!

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I mean, really! Look at this picture! Look at those eyes. Look at the hair! Look at the stubble! Look at his Adam's Apple, so right for the picking! And the pokey little chest hairs peeking out from his shirt!!

Gay or not, I just want to ravage him!


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Glasses ok sometimes...

Stubble, good, when not so heavy...

548 fans = 523 different opinions! :cryingwlaughter:

Ok, I have watched both interviews multiple times. Good interviews and good lookin' man!

luckiest... why is the company wanting to cancel vacations? I know some companies get upset when so many take the days they will lose during December cause it leaves things very thin employee-wise. I hope they don't do it to you and your boss. I'm lucky... our company lets it carry over, but most don't.

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OK you now realise we have a picture of Clay in his underwear*g*

Yes, but in true Clay fashion, he's wearing LAYERS! :cryingwlaughter:

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I LOVE the ET online interview with Jan and the edited version that ET showed on tv....I just watched both a couple of times... :whistling-1:

And I'm STILL :blink: at his saying "We"....even when he's answering the question about HIMSELF---his decision to come out publicly, which I have to assume is about HIM---he kept saying "WE'VE been pleasantly surprised", "I'd hate to call it an announcement or anything. WE kinda just avoided discussing things beforehand and now WE just said fine, you do it the way the press likes to discuss it..." It's been very natural and WE'VE been pleasantly surprised" Then he switched to "I"..."That first we I was terrified to come out on stage.."

CSMU and drives me nuts all at the same time! :lmaosmiley-1: WTF? I know that in the past when we've talked about the 'mouse in his pocket' and the 'royal we' thing, many have explained it by suggesting that he's talking about Team Clay or more recently him and Jaymes...I can understand that when he's answering questions about Parker or plans for his music, etc.

But when somebody asks him "How's it been for you since you made the big announcement?", why would he say "WE"?

Yeah...habit, Southern? (not in my neck of North Carolina---not like this), his humility, etc.---just doesn't seem to work for this particular question.

(muski waits for the posts celebrating Clay being Clay and how that's just one of the many quirky things about him that make him so danged cute and how they don't notice that, they only notice how wonderful he is, etc. :cryingwlaughter: Hey! He looked HAWT! Hair was purdy damned good! And his makeup wasn't overdone! And he seemed ultra happy and calm...and was articulate and interesting...and gave good interview! I'm just saying WTF ?!?!? with the "we" stuff? :huh: ;)

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muski, you can only see it in IE - if you use Firefox (or other browsers) it isn't visible. It says 'Hair, shmair. He is gorgeous.'

If you have Firefox right click on the banner, then chose Properties and there under alternate text you will find the message.

It's not as much fun, granted, as having it pop up as you drag your mouse across the banner.

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Which one is Chris Seiber?

The original Sir Galahad...the one that came back with Hannah from London and was in the show with Clay from Jan to March. I'm sure someone will have a picture up any second.

Photos? I have photos!! Speaking of which....

I love stubble pics. These were two I found just recently. Since I've been remiss in sharing, I thought I'd bring them over.



I just love a man with a high testosterone level.


I LOVE the ET Online clip with the heat of a million EZ-bake ovens. I must have watched it 20 times before going to work this morning. He also looked verra, verra nice on my BIG TV when I came home tonight. A good way to start and end a day.

One of the things I love the most about the ET clips is that there is absolutely zero tension in his face. I said the same thing about the Gala pics I've been processing. It had gotten to the point that there was visible tension in his face in every single interview. Bracing himself for some comment or question he felt compelled to dance around was really taking a toll.

Now he looks so relaxed & so happy. That makes me happy too.

:BlowKiss: to Clay

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Anyone heard of DDA?

MUSIC on a (USB) stick

DDA - Revolutionary new music format launches in OZ

DDA is a revolutionary Australian-invented patented music format delivered on a USB stick, jammed with tons of extra digital content.

Sneaky Sound System and Gurrumul will be among the first artists in the world to launch their albums on DDA on 1 December.

DDA has album tracks, lyrics, liner notes/credits, photos and artwork, and can also have hundreds of tracks (over varied file formats) and thousands of photos accessible online, all provided by the artists. Plus exclusive social networking – with the artists and other music lovers.

DDA content can be accessed from any device, from anywhere, exported to any device, shared, imported, downloaded, uploaded, you name it.

HMV, Virgin, Sanity and practically every other music store will sell DDA from 1 December.

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The "we" just seems to be something he's not going to get away from.....in this instance I assumed he meant either he & Jaymes or he & his management. And yeah, everything you said in the fine print, too. ;)

Glasses v.v.good!

Stubble good!

Underwear...... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

luckiest... why is the company wanting to cancel vacations? I know some companies get upset when so many take the days they will lose during December cause it leaves things very thin employee-wise. I hope they don't do it to you and your boss. I'm lucky... our company lets it carry over, but most don't.

Our big boss doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground....heh, sorry but it's true, at least in a business sense. She makes stupid decisions about things she doesn't understand, which come back to bite her in the butt, which she blames on everyone underneath her who, you know, actually has to do the work related to the stupid decisions she made in the first place. So she's in a bind, and it's all our fault, and we should be responsible, and fix it, right now, before year end, screw the time off. :wordpooper:

Heh, can you tell how stoked I am to go to work again today? :hangin:

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Good Morning Everyone,

Love the stubble!

Don't care if he says "We"


Yay! for the new glasses!

33 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! :cry:

55 Days until Golfing For Inclusion!


Everyone have a great day!


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Awwwwwww!!!! Just want to hug him too!!!! (yes I know I'm late to this but I was travelling yesterday)


Joined the OFC contest even though I have those things already because they may be using the information they gather to collect data and count numbers (eg. to feed to a "where should a tour be planned" datamining engine - speculating wildly here). Can't think of any other reason to hold this particular contest other than to collect information. I hope I don't win though because someone else would be more thrilled with this particular "package".

{{{luckiest1}}}{{{aikim}}} Sorry to hear about your workplace woes. I'm posting this not to boast but because 1 year ago I was so frustrated with my workplace situation (and I still am to some extent) but I just wanted to say that things can turn around pretty quickly. Yesterday, I arrived at work at 2:30 pm - really too late even for a "half day of work" and within an hour I received an IM saying "We need to talk". I was dreading it because surely who expects to stroll in at 2:30 and still keep their job but it turns out that people were relieved that I actually showed up, and just wanted to make sure I knew that that bit of tiresome work they attempted to push on me in the past is going away. They've always teased me that they get nervous whenever I go to NY and now I'm starting to believe them. Anyway, things are looking up and are much better than last year so I have hopes that your situations will improve too. Whistles (well, attempts to whistle) ALOTBSOL because there are hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs in recent weeks.

{{{jazzgirl}}} I completely understand about the dentist and hope you don't have to visit again in the near future!!!

I need to send extra-special thank you's to Playbiller and PerusingOne without whom my fun Thanksgiving weekend wouldn't have been possible! :BlowKiss: :blowkiss: :BlowKiss:

I know I owe people things, especially goldarngirl, and will run off to work now so that I can return early enough to send these!!!

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I've always thought that we = "it takes a village" regardless of who the players might be at that point in time. :) Coming out is unfortunately not only a personal decision for him, but a business one.

I must say, though, that I am loving the "we" in respect to his family lately. :)

luckiest1 ain't life grand??? :thbighug-1:

BTW, using a metal spatula as a scraper on the bottom of the oven does....kind of....work. I think in several weeks I'll be able to get the crusty layers off enough to do a sweep with the oven cleaner. :huh:

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Can't think of any other reason to hold this particular contest other than to collect information.

Hee my first thought was they are getting rid of their leftover crap! And yes I entered too even though I already have a lot of it.

Maybe they will have some new "stuff" for us to support Clay buy?

You know I might just stay here today!

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"twiddles thumbs" Just waiting for hubby to get home so he can drive me to work. He had to take my car to work last night; he has a mustang and knocked part of the exhaust yesterday hitting a snow bump. I really hate not having a car.

Plus; we have run out of toilet paper and I can't even make a run to the store...would be nice if the family would tell me when we are down to one or two rolls....I know TMI, LOL!

Don't I lead an exciting life!

The sun is out and there are some birds at the bird feeder, that is always nice to see!


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Man, this has not been the best weekend...anyone know anyone with Goodpasture's syndrome? My musician BIL ended up going to the hospital Saturday and just now got this possible diagnosis...

and I have a new niece, Hannah Alexandra, that showed up yesterday...

and my head hurts from my 4 and 7 years niece and nephew's "brushing hair" this weekend. I think I can have them charged with assault...

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OK you now realise we have a picture of Clay in his underwear*g*

Yes, but in true Clay fashion, he's wearing LAYERS! :cryingwlaughter:

anna... merrieeee... BWAH!!! Layers... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I LOVE the ET online interview with Jan and the edited version that ET showed on tv....I just watched both a couple of times... :whistling-1:

And I'm STILL :blink: at his saying "We"....even when he's answering the question about HIMSELF---his decision to come out publicly, which I have to assume is about HIM---he kept saying "WE'VE been pleasantly surprised", "I'd hate to call it an announcement or anything. WE kinda just avoided discussing things beforehand and now WE just said fine, you do it the way the press likes to discuss it..." It's been very natural and WE'VE been pleasantly surprised" Then he switched to "I"..."That first we I was terrified to come out on stage.."

CSMU and drives me nuts all at the same time! :lmaosmiley-1: WTF? I know that in the past when we've talked about the 'mouse in his pocket' and the 'royal we' thing, many have explained it by suggesting that he's talking about Team Clay or more recently him and Jaymes...I can understand that when he's answering questions about Parker or plans for his music, etc.

But when somebody asks him "How's it been for you since you made the big announcement?", why would he say "WE"?

Yeah...habit, Southern? (not in my neck of North Carolina---not like this), his humility, etc.---just doesn't seem to work for this particular question.

(muski waits for the posts celebrating Clay being Clay and how that's just one of the many quirky things about him that make him so danged cute and how they don't notice that, they only notice how wonderful he is, etc. :cryingwlaughter: Hey! He looked HAWT! Hair was purdy damned good! And his makeup wasn't overdone! And he seemed ultra happy and calm...and was articulate and interesting...and gave good interview! I'm just saying WTF ?!?!? with the "we" stuff? :huh: ;)

muski... after 5 years, I think it's an engrained habit, so you get to continue to get driven nuts by the man in multiple ways... hehehe! I will say in this instance, I imagine the "we" to mean Jaymes at the very least cause he mentioned in the GMA interview and he and Jaymes and others had discussed his coming out now that Parker was in his life.

I, too, entered the contest. I want the autographed AIW and the red hat/scarf set. I only have a creame scarf.

Perma... I LOVE that top picture and I bet Bottlecap does too (tongue, people, tongue) :cryingwlaughter:

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Sorry for the dental woes, {{{jazzgirl}}}. :hug:

You're absolutely right about the job situations having a way of turning around, Scarlett. Still, I know the frustration you're going through, {{{luckiest}}}. We just found out that even though they made a big deal of making a big announcement about no more lay offs after the big cut back in the spring, they let about 30 people go last week. Happy Thanksgiving! There are rumors swirling around now about another 200-300 cuts coming after the holidays. Happy New Year! I'm not exactly worried, just frustrated and hating the waiting game. Anyway, I'm trying to plan ahead and prepare for the worst. I still plan on following the yellow brick road to the Emerald City NYC to see the wizard Clay & fellow FCA buds in January whether our manangement gets a brain or not I have a job... or not... :unsure:

Bad news? PFFFFFFFT! It can bite me! :killer_rabbit:

Btw, I love your Oz tree, aikim! I have few WoO collectables myself, as it's one of my favorite movies of all time.

And I forgot to say, bottle, that Lil Drumstick is ADORABLE!! :bb18:

Glad you got your new glasses, couchie. :lilredani:

ETA: Loved both the online & TV ET interviews! Still wanna give him a hug. :thbighug-1:

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