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#45: He Owns Us...


Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Avoid the crazy, enjoy the good, and chill.
    • How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
    • Clay was a revelation, like fire and music
    • OMG...is this guy CUTE or WHAT?!?!?!?
    • Clay didn't just come out, he kicked down the door.
    • I think Clay Aiken is pretty special
    • Clay Aiken: High Priest of Hotness
    • Dear God: You do good work.
    • The man is priceless!
    • Clay really is a treasure.
    • Adorable times two!

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CG here! My Lurker Friend and I have arrive in NY and in Muski's hotel room. She is at Equus but she was so kind as to leave her laptop password for us!! So I couldn't resist playing a little.

We walked from Penn Station (the hotel is at 51st) and didn't find it particularly cold. The CA girls are a tad wimpy when it comes to the cold! :cryingwlaughter:

Of course, it isn't as cold as yesterday and not at all windy.....

We don't see Spam until Sunday but will meet muski at the theater, which happens to be next door to the Shubert, which will happen to be around stage door time, so we may happen to see our boyfriend!

Then we'll probably go to a bar!

Now its off to get a bite to eat.

Later all who are left!

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And so it begins.... the final (Clay) weekend of Spamalot. I'm trying not to cry, honest I am. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (not too successful, huh?)

I hope everybody has the experience they want - whatever that may be!

O/T, but I just read on my homepage that John Travolta's son, Jett (16) died today in the Bahamas. Reports are that he had a seizure disorder of some kind and they believe he had one in the bathroom, fell, and hit his head on the tub. John was my first 'grown up' crush - and I've remained a life-long fan, even through the less-than-successful years. He has always spoken of his kids with such love - my heart breaks for him, and Kelly. It's incredible to me that even with a tragedy like this, there are small, vile people (I use the term people very lightly) that leave nasty, horrible messages on the comments. It makes me sick.

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That is v.v. sad about John Travolta's son. I'm sorry to hear about it.

I have a Blackberry 8700 - got it a few months ago for free from a friend who worked for Bell Canada. It's an old model, but it has a full keyboard, something I've never had on a phone before. I don't have data access, meaning I can't use it for surfing the web or email (yet), it's just a glorified phone at this point. But it's cool! I have to charge it every couple of days, it doesn't hold a charge very long.

I can't believe I'm going to veg out at home in this wicked cold, watching dvds, reading, listening to music, doing the groceries and the laundry, when I should be hanging out in NYC with the rest of the Claynation. Waaaaaaaaaah. I'll join you in crying, cindilu2. Still, I hope everyone is having a great time there. Have some fun for me! Hopefully it won't be too long before we can all start planning again.

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cindilu2, I've been meaning to tell you that your January calender picture is killing me! :dead-1: Clay's eyelashes look like paintbrushes. I almost hate to open up a window because it means I can't see my background anymore.

:garfieldodie-grouphug: to everybody else who is experiencing the final Spam Weekend remotely.

Except for you, ldyj. I'm worried that if I hug you, you'll take the opportunity to wipe your snot on my shoulder.... :unsure:

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My niece and I just got back from Spamalot. I saw Clay in the show in his last run. I think he is so much better now (not saying he was ever bad) just seems more into the part or something. He is so funny. I kind of wish he would have just closed the show with the rest of cast.

Surprise to me the first time we sat down in orchestra (paid $100 something a piece) could not see half the stage and the women behind us said all of Clay's lines with him. This time we were in the last row. Could see everything and I enjoyed the show so much more.

NO SD :cry4:

so I guess my niece still has to wait. She wonders if she will go another 6 years. I went to the show 3 times. I am 0-3. My niece was with me twice. We think we are jinked.

Tom signed my niece's poster of Clay. A really nice tall lady made sure he would get it (this was before we knew if Clay was going to SD or not so she had it ready). Tom said something about signing Clay's crotch. Funny but I guess he did realise it was for a 12 year old (she laughed so I think I will be okay w/her mom on that one). Than LOL came out. Wow she looks so different on stage and off. The nice tall lady again made sure my niece's poster is signed. The LOL said something about signing Clay leg.

I love tall people :)

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Schmoopie alert...

:BlowKiss: Thanks to all those who take the time to share their recaps/travelogs with us!!! It is so much fun to read them and makes the whole thing more real!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to those who do the gorgeous banners and to those who change them out every week (or so)!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to aikim for her countdowns and I hope she always has to do it!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to luckiest and goldarngirl who make the best Best of's!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to bottle for her photobucket account! GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to cindilu for her beautious blends and calendars! Double GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to ldyj for being the best not-a-mod and couchie for being the bestest site owner!

:BlowKiss: Most of all, thanks to all the people who make up this board! You are the bestest! And, the funniest!

It just seemed like the thing to do as we begin a new year and a new presidency and a new phase of Clay's career. May all of them go better than we can even imagine!!! :BlowKiss:

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O/T, but I just read on my homepage that
John Travolta's son, Jett (16) died today in the Bahamas
. Reports are that he had a seizure disorder of some kind and they believe he had one in the bathroom, fell, and hit his head on the tub. John was my first 'grown up' crush - and I've remained a life-long fan, even through the less-than-successful years. He has always spoken of his kids with such love - my heart breaks for him, and Kelly. It's incredible to me that even with a tragedy like this, there are small, vile people (I use the term people very lightly) that leave nasty, horrible messages on the comments. It makes me sick.

I was also shocked to see the news about Jett. I remember when Jett was born, how proud and ecstatic John was. I knew he had a medical condition but I didn't know what it was until now although I figured it was something serious. My heart truly goes out to the Travolta family.

Mia Farrow also lost her adopted daughter, Lark Previn, on Christmas day, 2008. Apparently Lark had been ill for about a decade. I have been a fan of Mia's for years, not so much for the acting achievements but more for her hands-on humanitarian efforts. There isn't anything more admirable than someone who adopts children that are left behind due to medical conditions. Mia had lost another Vietnamese daughter, at age 21. Tam had a multitude of very serious health issues, including blindness.

It never makes sense, when a young person's life is cut short.

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Happy New Year , guys

I love the wekend crow at Spam. I'm going to miss it when it's over. He's a great success there and it had to have been very hard work. Congrats Clay on a stellar year. We'll be watching for that next thing.

Spam over--- :cry4:

Next thing--- :clap:

Is Clay handsome?--- :hubbahubba:

Am I stupid to be doing these things so early in the morning?--- :cryingwlaughter:

I love CA and I'm proud.--- :yeahthat:

going to get more coffee.

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Good Morning, FCA! :clay:

Loving all the SPAM and stage door recaps from this final weekend! In fact, I borrowed a couple of lines from Scarlett, SueReu, and Zippy to lead into the current blog about Clay's last SPAMALOT shows.

Many thnx to cindilu2, whose calendar with and without dates is part of the photo feature. Thank you to those who visit, right-click, and take time to comment at the Carolina On My Mind blogs.

For the past two weeks, it's been fun putting together entries without the interruption of music lessons. That all ends Monday when the normal here-and-there routine resumes. :whistling-1:

Schmoopie alert...

:BlowKiss: Thanks to all those who take the time to share their recaps/travelogs with us!!! It is so much fun to read them and makes the whole thing more real!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to those who do the gorgeous banners and to those who change them out every week (or so)!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to aikim for her countdowns and I hope she always has to do it!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to luckiest and goldarngirl who make the best Best of's!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to bottle for her photobucket account! GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to cindilu for her beautious blends and calendars! Double GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to ldyj for being the best not-a-mod and couchie for being the bestest site owner!

:BlowKiss: Most of all, thanks to all the people who make up this board! You are the bestest! And, the funniest!

It just seemed like the thing to do as we begin a new year and a new presidency and a new phase of Clay's career. May all of them go better than we can even imagine!!! :BlowKiss:

I wholeheartedly second liney23's "thank you" list! :clap::yeahthat::clap:

th_HappyBDComp.jpgto ClazyBlonde10 with belated greetings to Iseeme!

Have an awesome weekend, FCA! :BlowKiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Schmoopie alert...

:BlowKiss: Thanks to all those who take the time to share their recaps/travelogs with us!!! It is so much fun to read them and makes the whole thing more real!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to those who do the gorgeous banners and to those who change them out every week (or so)!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to aikim for her countdowns and I hope she always has to do it!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to luckiest and goldarngirl who make the best Best of's!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to bottle for her photobucket account! GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to cindilu for her beautious blends and calendars! Double GAH!!!

:BlowKiss: Thanks to ldyj for being the best not-a-mod and couchie for being the bestest site owner!

:BlowKiss: Most of all, thanks to all the people who make up this board! You are the bestest! And, the funniest!

It just seemed like the thing to do as we begin a new year and a new presidency and a new phase of Clay's career. May all of them go better than we can even imagine!!! :BlowKiss:

liney - this is GREAT!!!

Thanks for taking the inside of my brain and typing it out!!

:BlowKiss: Special shoutout to couchie who keeps us all sane and level-headed!!!

I have been working on this for a couple of weeks and in less than an hour I'm leaving to go to NYC and see Clay in Spamalot TWO MORE TIMES FOR THE LAST EVER!!

:BlowKiss:I wanted to share this with you even tho it's not quite finished!!!

:BlowKiss: It should keep you busy for a couple of days!!

:BlowKiss: I plan to finish it when I get back next week.



back next week!!! :BlowKiss:

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Good Morning Everyone,

Liney:hug:...Thanks for thinking of me and yep, I hope for the same thing...maybe by the time GFI gets here there will be more to countdown to!

1 Day until The Closing Night of Spamalot! :cry:

23 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! :yahoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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good morning FCA

didn't check in yesterday but wanted to say...eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I love Spamalot. I really enjoyed seeing old familiar faces. And I liked the new faces. And while the LOTL and the new King were not the old LOTL and the King, I thought they brought their own thang to the parts and I enjoyed their interpretations. Hannah was such an over teh top force with a voice that could thrill me..in a way a lot like Clay. I remember walking out of the theater the first time I saw Spam and right up there with how proud I was of Clay was this woman's charismatic portrayal. It took me longer to do the same for Tom Deckman for instance who to me is just irreplaceable in this show. Meryl plays the part much more subtle.My favorite part of her performance was her whole diva's lament. It was different from Hannah but jst as special in its own way.

It was so good to "see" Clay. It hasn't really been that long but a lifetime of things have happened this year. So just seeing his face in the tower made me smile inside. So happy he did the stage door last night..of course he did because I wasn't there heee. Anyway, today I'm meeting a friend and trying to get into a sold out show. And if that fails we'll just hole up in some restaurant and chat and catch up. Tonight more Spam, wonderful Spam -- and I was STILL catching new things about the show.

I know more FCAers are hitting down today. I look forward to seeing you all.

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I wanted to do a recap but someone told my roomies to make sure I eat and sleep... can't believe how late it is!

So just wanted to wish everyone good morning and here's to a nice day!

*can't believe that we're done with half the shows I was going to see. Only 3 more...* :cry4:

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We walked from Penn Station (the hotel is at 51st) and didn't find it particularly cold. The CA girls are a tad wimpy when it comes to the cold! :cryingwlaughter:

and your point would be? :hahaha:

Liney thanks for your schmoopiness.

I wanted to also thank LadyJ for being here and doing so much for FCA. Smooches.

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*throws snotty Kleenex at bottlecap*

liney, your list was divine...thanks for the compliment too. couchie, to you as well, although I sure don't feel like I have to do very much around here...

Thanks for all the recaps and photos. This weekend is rather bittersweet for me. While I'm thrilled for the best that is yet to come [tm Jaymes, sorta], I'm truly going to miss knowing that Clay is in NYC, preparing for that next show of Spamalot. Broadway has been good for him, IMO, and I think he's truly gotten a new perspective on what being a performer is. Yes, I do miss hearing the voice, especially in a concert setting. But, to me, that's NEVER been all there is about him. That "came for the voice, stayed for the man" has always been very true for me. I'm glad my E-ticket for the roller coaster ride known as being a Clay Aiken fan is still valid.

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I wanted to do a recap but someone told my roomies to make sure I eat and sleep... can't believe how late it is!

So just wanted to wish everyone good morning and here's to a nice day!

*can't believe that we're done with half the shows I was going to see. Only 3 more...* :cry4:

Only three, huh? (((((hugs))))))

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Hi FCA! :hello: Checking in on the crappy Flintsone's version of the hotel internet - Web TV... only 45 minutes of time left, so hopefully this post will go throuh before I get kicked off>

Having a great time! Loved, Loved, LOVED Spam last night! Clay has really grown so much as Sir Robin. Got a stage door appearance FINALLY! I was so glad to see 'Clay'. It may sound silly, but I really wanted to see him not as Sir Robin. Didn't get a pic,but that's perfectly fine - I did manage to get out a thank you &a happy new year and got the same back Got his siggie on a card for a friend. And of course we got to see his CUTE face! :)

I love Clay Aiken!

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cha cha... your 2008 is totally awesome! :clap: I must say that's a heck of a thing to do to a woman on a day when she has 87 things to get done... geesh!!! :clap::clap:

Have fun at the last two shows! Throw him a kiss for me, please!

couchie... good luck on getting tickets!!!

Scarlett... yes, eating and sleeping are important... honest! :cryingwlaughter:

Now, off to the bank and grocery for the first two of those 87 things! :BlowKiss:

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cha cha Your 2008 review is amazing. Is there a way we could save the whole thing when you are done? Or are you going to keep it up on the website forever?

Have some more fun in NYC FCAers while we just work and work at home. :cry4: Really have a great time. :friends:

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Just sent to me by my sister...think I need to print it out and tape to the fridge:

Recipe for a Good New Year! Happy New Year, everyone !

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.

3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.

6. Make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

17. Forgive everyone for everything.

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for__________. Today I accomplished_________.

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it.

Send this to everyone you care about.

God Bless You: "The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:26)

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Back from errands... I forgot the butter. Dang!

aikim... I love that list and agree with 99% of it!!! Thanks. Printing out now.

Glad you liked it...hope I didn't offend with the religious aspects of it.


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