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#49: I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • I still don't have money I just go anyway!
    • I'm hooked .... like a fish.
    • I think there's always going to be something big coming when it comes to Clay.
    • Not only did he take his life back he took the power from them.
    • He is large and in charge and I love it!
    • He puts a happy face on my heart!

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Personally I don't look at it as sensitivity or defensiveness. I just don't believe anything random people say on the internet especially when whether or not it's true has no effect on my life. What happens if I believe it? In six months from some date I have no clue about Clay will do something and of course I'd feel so great because Clay is in the driver's seat. What happens if I don't believe it. Clay will do his next thing anyway. What happens if I just read it and go - shrug. Clay will do his next thing anyway. That's how I look at it and when he does his next thing I'd STILL have no clue if any of that was true. It's not important one way or the other.

My comments were very broad - I wasn't referring to "Ms. BMG" necessarily (although I guess that's what started this conversation). I was just speaking in general about this fandom and the things that tend to hit me (and maybe others) differently than those who are newer to the fandom.

Anyways I am holing myself up in the warmth and peacefulness of my bedroom today, becoss there are workmen down there tearing my kitchen apart. Last I looked there was a big gaping hole letting all the cold air in, where a sliding door will be. I'm not complaining, I've wanted this kitchen renovation for years! But I like my bedroom right about now. :)

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Anyways I am holing myself up in the warmth and peacefulness of my bedroom today, becoss there are workmen down there tearing my kitchen apart. Last I looked there was a big gaping hole letting all the cold air in, where a sliding door will be. I'm not complaining, I've wanted this kitchen renovation for years! But I like my bedroom right about now. :)

Your kitchen; my living room...hubby started taking down the paneling today...going to be a long project since he is doing it himself and can only really work on week-ends; so I am prepared to be living in a mess for a while. Plus in two weeks we are getting my daughter's dog for a week while she is on vacation...so...two dogs and a torn apart front room...going to be a bit crazy!

Happy Birthday Gibby; I thought 50 was going to be hard birthday for me; but surprisingly it wasn't...heading for 52 in Sept....Have a wonderful day!


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Happy Birthday GIBBY, 50 is not bad. It did not bother me one bit. Now 60 maybe a different story. I do not feel like I am in my 50's. I am more active than most of the 20-30 year old people I work with. Whenever I mention that I am going to do a bike tour for several days they all groan, they say that they problably can only bike a couple of miles. I think some of them have not exercised since they left High School.

I have been working crazy amount of time for me lately, so I have been lurking more than posting. Today I got to sleepin, got my house cleaned, did laundry, and just made 2 loaves of Irish Soda Bread for a Irish dinner we are going to tomorrow. Now I can catch up on everything.

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Have you seen these?

I'm not going (Spam is over montage)

Year in review - 2008

canfly.... the Year in Reveiw montage is fantastic! I watched it twice. Thanks for bringing it over! Watch it, everyone, you'll be happy you did!

Gibby... woman, you are beautiful no matter what your age, so don't sweat the number... it is just a number.


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I checked. These are the only 3 songs off of your camcorder. I believe that between us we did most of the show? I did the whole second half on it. I know that much.

The other clips are what I shot on my camcorder while it was starting it's blackouts and the combined folder is what you shot on my camcorder with some blackouts.

These are the only 3 off of your bemoth:

051227_Hollywood_GN_CloseUp_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 28-Dec-2005 04:11 153M

051227_Hollywood_Intros&DSIAFCD_Q&JBday_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 29-Dec-2005 11:40 260M

051227_Hollywood_V9&MGUCL_canfly172&Scarlett.mpg 29-Dec-2005 11:41 163M


Old habits...I'm about to smut here (canfly not clay) so scroll if it's offensive... justclay12, hon, please avert your eyes, k? :flirtysmile3:

So canfly, I don't quite remember this. Did I really shoot some on yours and then on the second half you used mine? It must have been the crablegs. That was the night I met PerusingOne's sister. We went to a crab place for dinner and people were ordering dainty stuff since we were about to go to a concert but I said I wasn't going to make an exception so I ordered the works complete with mallet and bib.

But seriously, CF, we need to prioritize. It's been a slow morning. I shouldn't watch while working on the clips but Pala just lightens everything.

HBD, gibby!!!


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oooh how fun Lucky... what all are you getting done?

Well today, we just ripped the window out in the dining area of the kitchen, and replaced it with a sliding door. It has been one of my stickling points......I won't get a dog of my own until I have a sliding door with which to let it out to do it's business in the winter months. Up until now, when the grand-puppy is here, I have had to get all my snow shit on in -40 C weather just to take her for a pee (because we live in an area where there is a lot of traffic and the dog isn't well trained enough not to take off).

In a month's time or so we will be ripping out the actual kitchen and getting new cabinets and counter tops, sink, flooring, etc. Here's a picture of what it might kind of look like when it's done. Right now it looks like it came out of the 1970s (which I guess it probably did! :hahaha: ).......fake brick on the walls, dark faux wood cabinets, and a bank of cabinets that splits the room in two, backed with those tacky mirror tiles that were popular back in the day. :shudders:

Hee, my poor kitties are still in hiding under my bed. It's been a traumatizing day for them! At least they didn't try to escape. ;)

BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GIBBY! Hope you have a great day!

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Today I got to sleepin, got my house cleaned, did laundry, and just made 2 loaves of Irish Soda Bread for a Irish dinner we are going to tomorrow.

There is just something obscene about that sentence.

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Today I got to sleepin, got my house cleaned, did laundry, and just made 2 loaves of Irish Soda Bread for a Irish dinner we are going to tomorrow.

There is just something obscene about that sentence.

Care to explain, because I don't get it?


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I don't consider using "site" instead of "cite" a typo, it always looks to me like someone is pretending to speak officially and trying to imitate official verbiage and it really just seems a bit clumsy. I just shrug and dismiss, though, no biggie.

For me, the believing or not stuff is because of all the utter agenda-oozing crap that has been shovelled on to the boards over the years. Not in the least bit defensive about it, just matter-of-fact.

Plus I hatessss the way speculation turns to fact and then people take that fact and run with it.

Clay left RCA because they wanted him to do covers.

OHNO!!!!! Evil RCA!!!!!!! Evil Clive!!!! Evil Jaymes!!!!!!!! Bad (some-frickin-how) Faye!!!!!!!!

Clay is stubborn!!!!!!!!!!!! Clay has bad management!!!!!!!!! Clay should listen to meeeeeee!!!!!!

Clay is going to do covers on his own label, becoss he likes 'em.

OHNO!!!!!!!! That is not on the How To Be a Popstar List!!!!! Evil you-know-the-players!!!!!!!!!!!

Then there are sweeping declarations of how some are just going to buy whatever , blah blah blah.

All over some unconfirmed stuff.

But really, no sensitivity involved, just refusal to get engaged.

Heheheheheh.........I took my grandson to the movies this morning, and -

I have beheld Dr. Manhattan's glowing blue penis!!!!!! At least 13 times, according to my grandson, who says he is now seriously disturbed.


I am working on one of my reviews.

I do want to mention that Billy Crudup and Patrick Wilson (or their stand-ins or generated whatevers, who cares!) have really nice asses.

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Stuff on the internet.

Some people have reported things that were, in fact, true but got all kinds of shit when they reported it--being called liars and worse.

Other people just make up shit.

So....I believe news I like and don't believe news I don't like.

But, I'm not invested either way should it turn out I was wrong.

I'm just not into worrying about Clay.

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Stuff on the internet.
Some people have reported things that were, in fact, true but got all kinds of shit when they reported it--being called liars and worse.
Other people just make up shit.
So....I believe news I like and don't believe news I don't like.
But, I'm not invested either way should it turn out I was wrong.
I'm just not into worrying about Clay.

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I think in this fandom there are usually two modes of response to any given situation; the emotional one and the logical one...I try very hard to always base my opinions on logic and what makes sense to me. But there are times when I admit going to for the emotional response...when the baby news surfaced...I was one who absolutely thought it was possible that Jaymes and Clay could have had a romantic relationship and did not automatically assume that it meant Clay was gay. It just made perfect sense to me that two people who had worked as closely as they had for a couple of years and were good friends would have that relationship morph into a romantic one. Of course, a lot of people thought I was full of crap and that opinion bordered on "fan fic", but I like to look at all possibilities. And sometimes there is enough factual evidence to go in either direction, the logical response or the emotional.

Sometimes though; it seems like for some fans the emotional response...as what we saw in 2006, completely overrides any common sense approach. That was probably the worst time on the boards for me because I just don't deal well with over-reaction and I do there is a tendency of some to over-react to every perceived slight, joke, etc. to Clay.

What I love about this board is that there is so much logic and common sense here and people aren't over-reacting everytime Jay Leno tells a Clay joke or Clay does something "out of character" according to some or his career is not going according to the plan of so many of the resident "experts".

It is a fun place to be and a definite oasis amidst the daily drama that is the "Clay Fandom".

Although to be fair, now that we have news to look forward; there does seem to be less angst out there and a more relaxed atmosphere. Hope it continues after we hear what Clay's future plans are.


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Oh, yes! It's one of my favorite people's birthday! Woot! I can put colorful emoties and whatnot all over my post (observe, dear canfly...)

To GIBBY! My NYC double date for Sir Robin! My 'Quick! can you talk now?' phone buddy. My "OMG, what do YOU think about the latest "NEWS"?" idea-bouncer-offer! My gorgeous buddy-that-made-me-OOOO-envious-when-I-first -saw-her-because she's-hot-and-blonde :hubbahubba: Clay friend!

HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY, BABE! You've never looked better! :BlowKiss:



:bdayparty2::cake: :kiss:

And because I KNOW what she wants... :sleezy:th_Claydelicious2-new-1.gifHOT_DAMN-1.gif





And so, Gibby dear....from Clay and me to you!Lips.jpg

Edited by jmh123
fixed the traveling picture code
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Heheheheheh.........I took my grandson to the movies this morning, and -

I have beheld Dr. Manhattan's glowing blue penis!!!!!! At least 13 times, according to my grandson, who says he is now seriously disturbed.


I am working on one of my reviews.

I do want to mention that Billy Crudup and Patrick Wilson (or their stand-ins or generated whatevers, who cares!) have really nice asses.

djs... BWAH!!! My 17 yr old DGS went to that movie last night and didn't say a thing about it... course, I'm not sure he really went... he wasn't really gone as long as he should have been, but that's my DD's problem... :cryingwlaughter:

muski... do you use "Preview Post"???? :cryingwlaughter: S'ok... for you I will travel to the right, specially for Gibby's B'day celebration. :BlowKiss:

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Happy Birthday Gibby!!! And many more!

Stuff on the internet.

Some people have reported things that were, in fact, true but got all kinds of shit when they reported it--being called liars and worse.

Other people just make up shit.

So....I believe news I like and don't believe news I don't like.

But, I'm not invested either way should it turn out I was wrong.

I'm just not into worrying about Clay.

:clap: Great way to look at it! And, for me, it keeps the blood pressure in check and the fandom more fun!

What a beautiful day here! Not sure if we did but we were supposed to hit 52 about 3 pm... Blue sky, sunny, no coat!!! Hurry up Spring, I'm a gettin' anxious!!!

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Have a great one Gibby! It's just a number, after all. It's how you feel that counts, and you look fantastic!

Count me in with those who think a fan wrote the BMG comment. I don't think someone in the know wrote that, or that it's anything but fanfic. :my2cents:

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A little bit OT.

I recently saw a Congressional hearing on C-Span where they were interviewing the new Secretary of Education. He's very articulate and passionate about education and seems to have has a wealth of experience. Anyway, the interesting part was that he was talking about some of the education stimulus money being used to create curriculum and train teachers in all classrooms to work with children with disabilities as well as typical children. He was stressing how the money would only be available for a short time, so they needed to train teachers because the training would last. He also said that all teachers should be trained to work with any child in the school system.

It all made me think of Clay & TBAF.

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What is it they say, Gibby? 50 is the old age of youth...and the youth of old age. You're just a baby, babes. May the next 50 bring you everything you dare to dream of.

"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things."

-- Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Murray Hopper


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The university that I am going to stresses the importance of inclusion for all children. And I go to school in WV, which isn't actually know for it's open-mindedness, so I'm hoping most schools are training teachers this way now.

And happy birthday Gibby.

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Hello, FCA! :BlowKiss:

Late but I love the banner, 00lsee! :clap:

Watching wall to wall basketball ... have a new Carolina blog that takes a virtual spin back to the 2007 SRHP Orlando IWTKWLI duet/trio and ends with a new pix of grandson Kai.

Pretty neat about your university, justclay12!

Happy Birthday, Gibby! :lipstick:

Have a super weekend, all! :clay:

Caro listen.gif

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