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#50: He puts a happy face on my heart

Couch Tomato

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You mean she didn't get it from singing in church? (She's a devout Catholic)

Oh, I know that! But she also sang in pubs. I don't think you need to worry about composure when people are snickering at you in church, is all.

I do give Amanda Holden props for knowing what to look for in that song - she is waiting for that run, and she jumps up and cheers for it when it is done perfectly.

Holden's face fascinates me, it is like a Noh mask.

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She is typical of many women in England. Looks are just not important. She reminds me of some of my relations. Susan Boyle that is, not Amanda Holden!

Even though I don't drink I do miss the pubs and the social aspect.

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referring to the thing I sent about Clay and Ellen resembling each other, I ONLY MEANT that that's ridiculous, maybe the blonde hair for the minute he was blond, but the laugh was a scoffing laugh, like rolling my eyes and laughing...I guess that's hard to convey in a text...I don't think it was mean, I just sent it because I thought, "RIIIIIIGHT!!"Yeah, sure!!

I hope noone got pissed off that I sent it. Man, one sure needs to be careful what one says. I forget this.

Can I still play here?

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Penny, don't worry about it -- and you are MORE than welcome to play here! I appreciated you bringing that over, and thought it cute/funny. And clayzy, I wouldn't worry about it either.

Love both of ya, you know?

Did I mention that I loved his latest blog? I think that's totally awesome that he's happy with his management team -- and if he's happy, I'm happy.

Ya'll knew I would say that, right?

After a very long day at work yesterday (the workshop I was planning went well, even though I had not one but TWO presenters back out due to illness at the very last minute), drinks with two coworkers after work (which was GREAT), today I spend time with my Mom. Tomorrow I'm planning on doing NOTHING.

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referring to the thing I sent about Clay and Ellen resembling each other,
that that's ridiculous, maybe the blonde hair for the minute he was blond, but the laugh was a scoffing laugh, like rolling my eyes and laughing...I guess that's hard to convey in a text...I don't think it was mean, I just sent it because I thought, "RIIIIIIGHT!!"Yeah, sure!!

I hope noone got pissed off that I sent it. Man, one sure needs to be careful what one says. I forget this.

Can I still play here?

Oh, I thought it was compulsory to piss-someone-off, otherwise you can't play... :BlowKiss:

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couchie, I'm not sure I understand the worry about enough gala ticket to go around, unless a whack more people this year have decided to go than last year. There were 500 "cheap seat" tickets on sale last year, and there were a few still up for grabs the day of. Maybe more people have decided to attend because there hasn't been a tour announcement, as some expected? Anyways, I'm not particularly worried. Maybe it's just me and I'll eat my words on June 30th. LOL

I agree that there's likely no cause for concern, although for BAF's sake.....I hope it's a sellout as usual!

In the interests of accuracy though :) Last Fall there were 535 attendees at the Gala; of those, there were at least 5 tables that were Gold tables (50 seats) and at least 10 that were Silver tables (50 seats) + the presenters and their "entourage" (about 10 seats, let's say) and the head table (10 seats). So at the max, there were only 400 $250 seats available.

As luckiest1 said,though, there are often last minute tickets available as people's plans fall through for whatever reason. I know that last year there were more tickets available last minute than usual because of the September "non-announcement".

If you ARE planning on coming, I would definitely put some planning into it before tickets go on sale, so you are ready that day.

Here is the photo of the big cock, LOL, but I don't see anything on any of the 59 photos about an epipen. FromClaygary, you can't see them again? I thought we solved that problem by being logged in? AFAIK these photos are public to anyone who is logged into Facebook.

Yes, problem solved if they are all in the same album, thanks!....but my impression from this poster was that this one/these ones was/were not (she didn't provide a link, or I would have). Maybe she's making it all up :shrug:. Usually a reliable poster I believe, though....and it does sound like Reed's sense of humor/innuendo to me!

heee....skip if you are tired of Susan Boyle, I am just trying to explain the interest......

It is the juxtaposition of seeing Susan Boyle and hearing her talk, and the quite cynical and rude snickerings of the audience and the long-suffering but polite looks on the judges' faces - and then, honestly, just the first few notes of her song sounded as good as, if not better, than most you would hear on Broadway. The judges were shocked, and even if you don't care for Susan, it is very entertaining to see Amanda Holden's facial expression trying to fight through what seems to be a lot of Botox. One of my favorite parts is when Holden knows there is a five note run coming up - she is waiting to see how Susan does that, and when it is effortlessly knocked out of the park, Holden stands and cheers.

It is the combination of the video and the voice that has captured people, and the back story.

But yeah, they are not expecting her voice because this is a quite no-holds-barred talent show. The next favorite is a father-son team with jiggly bellies doing a brilliantly funny take-off on Michael Flatley (Lord of the Dance). They made it to the next round, too!

I hope for everyone's sake that it IS what it is presented so far to be; for me, I guess I've become an old cynic. There is just something about this all that doesn't ring true in any way for me. Could be wrong. Often am. See above! :lol:

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Maybe I am just being a grouch or maybe I am just missing Clay too much, but I am so not interested in Susan Boyle...seems every board I go to that is the topic of conversation and I swear I feel like doing a "Jan Brady" and yell "Susan, Susan, Susan" at the top of my lungs!

Sorry for the whining...carry on.


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Haven't been able to post much here because RL has been crazy for the past few months. I've had a lot of school projects I've had to do, and I got my to teach a whole class of 5th graders a few times this semester, which was not nearly as stressful for me as it was last semester. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. And I start student teaching in the fall and I'm really looking forward to it. This time it will be 4th graders.

I'm also working on moving and I am extremely thankful to my daughter who has been doing most of the work right now since between my school and work, I haven't had the time or energy. We move next week, and my son is moving in with us, which has good and bad elements in it. The bad being that my son is a pig. He will have the whole bottom floor to himself but I told him not to even think about letting it go like he does at his apartment now. It's amazing how disgusting it can be when two young men share an apartment. Yuck.

I saw that youtube of Susan Boyle and thought she was awesome. I think what really strikes you is the same thing as with Clay. You don't expect those voices to come out of them. Don't know if I'll follow her through youtube or not, partly because I only have time for one obsession, but also because a lot of times I'll see someone that really impresses me, like that Charice girl. But then after a few songs, it's usually just meh to me because they usually only do one style really well and I get bored. Same like Josh Grobin. Think he has a great voice but after a couple of songs, I'm done. Clay is one of the rare singers who can do so many things with his voice and always keeps things fresh. He can express so many emotions with his voice and sing so many styles. And the way he sings certain phrases or uses different intonations, I never get bored listening to him. God, I want to hear him sing again.

And with the epipen comment, I think it was on someone else's FB or MS. I think one of the dancers had an allergic reaction so I didn't really take his comment as suggestive. But it did add another piece to his and Clay's relationship for the simple fact that he carries an epipen, which he apparently doesn't need for himself or he would have taken it with him. I love those two guys together. They are so perfect for each other that it's scary.

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Can you imagine if American Idol Season #2 was happening right now instead of back in 2003? YT was 'relatively' unknown back then.

YouTube was started in 2005. It was developed, beta-tested for six months, and then officially launched in November 2005. It succeeded pretty quickly, and then it really took off, and it was purchased by google for 1.65 billion dollars one year later.

I hope noone got pissed off that I sent it. Man, one sure needs to be careful what one says. I forget this.

Can I still play here?

Please! Just concentrate on the ones who enjoy your posts and ignore the occasional unhappy reaction. It's the same anywhere.


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I'm afraid I tend to get a bit "contrary" with things like this. By the time the 4th or 5th person gushingly suggests I watch something, I'm ready to pass.

For example...after working in a library for so long I'd rather just not read a book that is on the NYT bestseller list. I don't care for the notion that we all have to read the same books at the same time. And no, I don't care how many great books I miss out on. At the end of the day there are still so many books and so little time.

Just one of my personality flaws. :cocktail:

I own it.

edited to rearrange...

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I hope for everyone's sake that it IS what it is presented so far to be; for me, I guess I've become an old cynic. There is just something about this all that doesn't ring true in any way for me. Could be wrong. Often am. See above!

Oh, no worries, even if the story is not completely true, she does have a lovely voice. Yes, she has had voice instruction, from someone in town, no one is claiming she just now started to sing. It is more that her appearance and age would not let her even get a toe in the door, if she was looking for a label or a show.

I guess if she was lip-syncing it would be a surprise. But there is not anything here that would devastate me, I just love the music. If I can buy a whole CD of the caliber of Cry Me a River, I will be happy!

It has been a long long time since I believed much of what fans report about Clay, I just enjoy the talk about him. I never understood being actually upset about anything Clay-reported. I save my cynicism for politics, it really is needed there desperately!!!!! :-)

For example...after working in a library for so long I'd rather just not read a book that was on the NYT bestseller list.

Heeeeee......I feel the exact same way about that list, and about Oprah's picks.

People are just sharing what they like - sort of like puppy pictures.

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Penny don't worry. I didn't see any unhappy reactions. My comments weren't about the picture but the expectation that Clay is being dissed. And I've been having a general feeling of DAMN it's been six years already why can't we stop it over other things I've seen recently. And I'm not talking about any other board as I don't go to any other boards. I'm talking about fighting the good fight out on the internet, even that little Rosie diss. I love that you brought it here. It's how I get my Clay news. Please don't stop.

DJS I definitely understand the interest in Susan. It's a fantastic "story." Also from the one clip I saw I loved when she said "come on Simon!" Just was saying that if I've heard her ten times without seeking her out at all, then that's a telling sign of how big she is as I don't do pop culture stuff (other than for work which isn't visual). So she's come to me in my daily life. Honestly I can't believe the last time that happened... well Captain Sullenberger heee. And my other comment simply meant -- CANCEL THE COMPETITION IT'S OVER. LOL. I don't believe anyone else has a chance and I don't care how many more people are to come.

Thanks for explaining Britain's got talent though...I've never watched the American version so wasn't quite sure how it worked. I did know it wasn't really a long show..just a couple of months.

FromClaygary and Lucky...thanks for explaining the gala. I guess I just remember the nervousness on ticket buying day last year and for some reason I thought they had like 200 single tickets. How much are silver and gold tickets or do you have to buy those with a group? So Yay. I won't worry. So do most people come in just for the weekend. Do you get there early. What is there to DO in Raleigh and surrounding parts (rhetorical -- I'll look it up) cuz when I spend money to fly somewhere I like to actually stay for a bit and do some stuff. I may try to tie this to an Orlando vacation. I have an exchange week in my time share that I have to use before the year's end and maybe I can get the timing to work for it with the gala. Now off to see the weather patterns that time of year..it's been crazy lately with all the tornados and floods. Just give me my earthquakes, and firestorms - that's all I can handle. :cryingwlaughter:

Big cock :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Looking forward to Clay's honor coming this week. wonder if we'll get a new picture of Parker since this is some sort of parenting award? I hope it's a rousing success. Parker is over 8 months old!

Looks like it's going to be a nice sunny day here. Have a good one.

Jamar LOL..edited to rearrange? But that's how i was about idol. I almost didn't watch season 2 cuz I was sick of hearing about it from my family and friends. My sister practically begged me to watch which I remind her about TO THIS DAY. hee.

Fear: I don't think it has to be true to be a great story. I mean it's reality TV. And it's reality TV at it's finest because it created a moment and a sensation. I don't EXPECT absolute truth in a reality show nor do I expect all these news outlets to get the facts right. We all know how that works.

ETA: hee I keep finding things to talk about. I've discovered that Oprah and I just do not have the same taste in books. I've loved 2 books she's recommended and many more that I hated so I gave up. The two suggestions that I enjoyed were Poisonwood Bible and Charms for the Easy Life. Back in the day when it started she seemed to like the "pick yourself up from the bootsraps (from being poor, abused, etc) and make good" kinda books and really that just isn't my style.

Waves to JustClay!!

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Haven't been able to post much here because RL has been crazy for the past few months. I've had a lot of school projects I've had to do, and I got my to teach a whole class of 5th graders a few times this semester, which was not nearly as stressful for me as it was last semester. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. And I start student teaching in the fall and I'm really looking forward to it. This time it will be 4th graders.

I'm also working on moving and I am extremely thankful to my daughter who has been doing most of the work right now since between my school and work, I haven't had the time or energy. We move next week, and my son is moving in with us, which has good and bad elements in it. The bad being that my son is a pig. He will have the whole bottom floor to himself but I told him not to even think about letting it go like he does at his apartment now. It's amazing how disgusting it can be when two young men share an apartment. Yuck.

I saw that youtube of Susan Boyle and thought she was awesome. I think what really strikes you is the same thing as with Clay. You don't expect those voices to come out of them. Don't know if I'll follow her through youtube or not, partly because I only have time for one obsession, but also because a lot of times I'll see someone that really impresses me, like that Charice girl. But then after a few songs, it's usually just meh to me because they usually only do one style really well and I get bored. Same like Josh Grobin. Think he has a great voice but after a couple of songs, I'm done. Clay is one of the rare singers who can do so many things with his voice and always keeps things fresh. He can express so many emotions with his voice and sing so many styles. And the way he sings certain phrases or uses different intonations, I never get bored listening to him. God, I want to hear him sing again.

I know what you mean. I followed Charice through YouTube in November. I wanted to hear her sing mellow tunes she said she likes to do. But fans want her to sing like those famous singers and she has to please them so there wasn't much variation and I stopped. Then I "discovered" Clay in YouTube and I was really impressed that he can look different each time he has a new hair style AND can sing any song like the original singers but in his unique voice and style. My sister agrees with you too. We watched several videos.

Edited by jmh123
separating the comment from the quote
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And now for something completely different. A laugh or two for those of you who have computer problems every so often.

Hilarious! Reminds me of when I got my first desktop. It was a cheap Emachines which I thought I was getting free after a whole bunch of rebates. Of course the hook was that I had to subscribe to AOL for three years which actually meant that I was paying approximately $400 for my free Emachine. Live and Learn!

I was scared to death of that thing. It kept freezing on me, and then I had no phone because it was using my phone line. There were times that I actually thought of hitting the dam thing with a hammer because I needed my phone. I would go over to next door neighbor and use their phone to call my son to come help me with computer. Then I would have to suffer through the same scolding of "when are you going to listen to me and stop downloading junk?" (Clack Junk? How dare he?) Whenever my neighbors went out of town for the weekend, they would bring their cordless phone over to my house so that I would have a phone in case I screwed up my PC. Their Uniden cordless stayed charged for over three days. One morning I called them from my bedroom phone to see if they were back and could not figure our why their phone was ringing in my house. I had just woken up. I was regreting getting my "free" PC. I thought, that should teach me a lesson to not get stuff just because it is "free." Sorry to say that I still do, it although not as often. Bad habits ARE hard to break.

This went on for quite a while until someone told me "unplug your PC." How simple is that? Of course, I was afraid that I would break my PC doing that, but I got to the point that if it broke, I would be free at last. So I begin unplugging, and I unplugged a lot. That does fix a lot of stuff. With my laptop, I will take out the battery if it freezes on me. It has not happened yet, but I have learned that I can be brave and fight back when my electronics decide to take over. Take that! No power for you!

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Hummuna, hummuna, hummuna... :tasty: And where does that last picture come from???

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And now for something completely different. A laugh or two for those of you who have computer problems every so often.

That is such a hoot, the best skit I have seen those two do!

Re ignoring recommendations for books, videos clips. new talent etc etc etc. I sure do understand that, I know enough about myself to know that I don't like Sci-fi and I don't mind being among the relatively few who will go to their grave having never watched the Star Wars trilogy despite many gushing about it. I also don't think I will die regretting having rarely seen movies about war and pure violence for the sake of war and pure violence as a form of entertainment. I also know that if a (reasonably) reliable source recommends something, I will take a look because, for example, I have a friend who sends me recommendations and 7-8 out of 10 times, would have not wanted to miss what she recommended. The same goes for recommendations of new ideas relating to food and possible health benefits and tips that I may otherwise never have come across on my own. It's about making a small effort to share a feel-good experience or information that can change someone's life. It's about giving freely, and everyone can freely choose what they want to take, and what they want to pass on... OR ... pass on (no, the repeat isn't an error !!! )

Having said that, those who have the slightest interest in Charice will be impressed with her official website http://www.charicepempengco.com/. This is a true Cinderella story of a young girl who was initially shunned by a singing competition but was brought back into the Wild Card (there's something about those Wild Cards!!) but was beaten by two boys. She was told she wasn't good enough, not pretty enough. And look at her now, her mentor is David Foster, and her supporters/fans read like a Who'sWho list. Yes, this story is the entire opposite of, say, Kelly Osbourne who got into singing and recording because of her parents' connections when she would never have gotten past a primary audition in a level-playing field.

If you are a Jennifer Holliday and/or Fantasia fan and have been wondering what the hinted surprises are regarding Jennifer Hudson's tour, you'd be in for a treat. See the Random YouTube Thread


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Hummuna, hummuna, hummuna... :tasty: And where does that last picture come from???

clazy Are you on Facebook? If so, open your Facebook page and click on this link:

Photos on Reed Kelly's public facebook

Ha ha, actually, I meant the one of Clay. I've never seen it before.

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That was from 2005, when Clay was at a Kenneth Cole fashion show.


He was one of the celebrity guests, and was photographed for People magazine.



This rather wicked look was also from that show.


Which someone (I don't remember who, unfortunately) made into my favorite photoshop of all time.


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Ooh, I like! Pale, but not a lot of really obvious makeup. And I love the popped collar! He looks so natural and pretty there!

Not the photoshop, obviously. :laugh2: I love the yellow eyes in that, though!

But I really, really love that People picture... Ah, calm and sexy and that little sorta smile... I'm in lurve. :flirtysmile3:

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