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#55: My Eyes Adored You


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59 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Lots to look forward to. Clay being Clay. It's all good.
    • His heart's big enough for the whole world
    • Big heart, big feet, big......Man
    • Clay's going to sing. Life is good.
    • It's going to be the Summer of Clay
    • If Clay's happy, I'm happy. I don't care shit whether he rocks, sways, or jiggles.
    • What more could a girl (or guy) want?
    • Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper.

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I see on Twitter that someone who is attending the Broadway show Memphis says he/she has a better seat than Clay.

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Hey thanks Ameraiken! Mathematical speculation sounds a whole lot better than No shit, Sherlock! I appreciate it.

Liney, I'm curious. WHICH picture?



keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


wanda... that's funny! I wonder if he bought his own tickets.

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From CV:

I have a clothing report from someone who is there. He is there with Reed. He is wearing a black wool fuzzy sweater. It's like a turtleneck with a zipper that then lays flat if you unzip it? Sort of like the green fuzzy sweater but not the green fuzzy sweater. She didn't notice what Reed was wearing but he has a nice smile.
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I was telling a co-worker about the photos of Clay and Reed, I was telling how I and all the fans are happy to see him happy and in love! She laughed and said how cute it was to see how I was a real groupie! I emailed the pics to myself to show another co-worker, she said he looked cute but wasn't her type, lol!

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Have to LOL at the picture.. Clay all covered up and Reed in his speedo. But they seem so simpatico!

You read my mind Couchie :hahaha:

Thats something Clay and I have in common - when everyone else is stripping off for the beach I am covering up more than normal.

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keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

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11 Days until GFI!


37 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention!


59 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 and 1/2 months until The New CD/PBS Special!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

Clay looks incredible in his island clothes -- and no cargos and plaid in sight. I think Clay and Reed probably do what all tourists do and give the camera to a willing stranger. That, or Jerome was taking pictures! :cryingwlaughter:

I do see a smoking hot body under Clay's linen clothes. The upper arms and thighs are muscular, the chest and shoulders are broad, and the waist/middle is small. Has he been working out with Reed? Well, of course he's been working out with Reed, 'cause you gotta KNOW that Reed gives him a good working out and I'm not talking about in the gym or studio (necessarily).

Whatever, we'll probably never see that body. Opposites attract, no doubt (didn't he do that song in the DCAT Classics?). Clay can be defined as extremely modest, and Reed flaunts his gorgeous body. My sister says he's borderline exhibitionist, and I like seeing what he's exhibiting.

Clay is managing to have it all - a fulfilling love life, a beautiful son with his "dearest" friend, a long and winding road career, and the good works he spearheads for the disabled and disadvanged, while teaching understanding and giving to the healthy and wealthy. What an amazing human being he is.

ETA: While I was posting this, I'm singing this song that invaded my head. "Where or When" that's a Rodgers & Hart song from the 30's or 40's and was a hit for both Dion and The Letterman in the early 60's. For those who think young people don't like classic songs, I can testify that the first time I ever heard Where or When was on the radio, while sitting in the backseat of my parent's car on the way out of town, and the cascading emotions of this song, music and lyrics, brought tears down my face, and I didn't know why. My mother turned around and was alarmed that I was crying, thinking something was wrong. I made up something because I was too embarrassed to admit that I was having an emotional reaction to a song on the radio. I was 11.

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Home today with a massive sore throat and a headache. That means a good old cold in my immediate future. Yuck.

From butterflyshine at CV:

I was at Memphis the Musical tonight (www.memphisthemusical.com), I have become quite a fan of the show and have gotten to know most of the cast. Bryan Fenkart, Chad Kimball's (the male lead)understudy was going on as Huey tonight. I had promised that I would be at the show. He announced it last night via twitter and facebook that he would be going on for Chad. Apparently, Chad was ill enough last night to make the decision. So, I picked up a ticket for this evenings performance. I was sitting in row AA which is the added row at the Schubert as they are not using the pit. You are literally right at the stages edge. So rather than stare at the stage while the house was filling, I was people watching. Who do i see walking across the back of the theater and down my aisle but Clay and Reed. Such a silly grin appeared across my face. They were sitting 4 rows behind me. I had made eye contact so I got up and did a quick hello complimenting Clay on his blog and he said thank you. I did a quick follow up about soon, and was gently, but firmly told to enjoy the show. Guess I should have lead with the Bobby Darin question wink.gif

Clay had on a black wool fuzzy sweater, quite possibly one from a Spam interview. It would be a turtleneck except that it has zipper in the neck allowing the neck to lay flat. He had long sleeve tee under it, blue jeans. His hair was natural, not spikey, but not real long, a bit shorter than in the banner, and much more reddish blonde. As was reported he was there with Reed.

I believe they stayed seated for intermission, I bolted to go to the ladies room, they were seated when I returned. After curtain call, they went back stage and I caught glimpses of Reed when the stage door was opening. From what I could see Reed knew a fair amount of the dancers in the show.

Not much else to add, except it was an eeeeee moment seeing Clay at the theater.

Also if you have a chance to see Memphis, do it is an excellent play....

This post may travel.

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keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

Quoting myself for afterthought 2 on the linen PANTS!... DAMNIT Man, Move your hand!!!

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So, so, SO far behind, so I apologize for the non-timeliness of these quotes:

Everyone, please send good vibes my way tomorrow. I have lost sight in my left eye and am going to the eye dr tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking it might be a detached retina. Even with having to undergo surgery if it is, I just want to see well enough to drive and work. My right eye is fine, but making a left turn or moving into a left lane is really scary right now. Thanks!!!

Glad to hear after this that the good vibes worked....I was thinking when I read it that you and I were going to have to tie ourselves together for the rest of our lives; I have a not-too-bad yet left eye! :lol:

Both of my eyes, though, are going; my news was NOT as good as yours. I will lose sight in both in the (?) future.

Interesting. I have terrible floaters, and have had for years. I will be sure to mention it at my next appointment.

Take my word....DO NOT wait until your next appointment! Mine might have been saved if caught earlier.

If you ever saw a camel get up, you know what I mean. Looks like an explosion in a knee factory, with lots of grunting.

OMG that was my laugh of the WEEK!!! :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

WOW! Well now I know what to do when I win the lottery! That site has a sweet 16 party listed as an example of a private event. And to think I was over the moon for a boom box with a cassette player when I turned 16??? :hysterical:

...and me for the transistor radio I didn't get! :lol:

I just hope I get whatever station airs it in this part of the world.

Me tooooooooo!! Has anyone up this way managed to find it?? (this is regarding PBS by the way)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

My afterthought: Damn, it would look even better wet!! :)


International Media (the producer of the PBS special) has just posted their youtube site on FB. As it's a given Clay will be on there when his special happens.....Intl Media Youtube

LOVING!!! all the action over the last few days....hope something happens today before I have to leave for work at 4 PM!

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butterflyshine was asked on CV about Clay's hair and she replied:

parted if not by plan then by nature, he likes to run his hand through his hair and with his cowlicks it naturally parts. I would say he is more mature looking than "boyish" good looks, he certainly looked very handsome. As is Reed. They are a cute couple. BTW, guys Reed is skinny...I was standing beside them waiting to exit the theater and was able to look sideways at Reed, his skinny...very slender...Clay, and this is going to sound kinda funny, but when they are side by side...Clay is bigger, not fatter, but broader and bigger boned...not sure if that makes sense....so yes, I had a couple side long glances as they exited...it was a good night.
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I love that picture too..but if I had to caption it the first thing that came to mind was:

"I melt everytime we kiss (and wish we were now!)"

Think that is the sexiest lyric Clay has ever sung!


Kim, I don't recognise those lyrics, what song were they from?

I absolutely can't wait much longer to hear more about the cd, I will burst! Clay is looking mighty fine! I bet some people will be surprised at how he looks now when he does his promotion. He looks so well built. I hope he is eating more healthy now too, I bet Reed does.

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I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way.

Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents.

ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

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Home today with a massive sore throat and a headache. That means a good old cold in my immediate future. Yuck.

:thbighug-1: I feel for you. I've been fighting sinus crud for over two weeks now.

ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

Agreed. I love that song.

Yay!!! :snoopy: For news!

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keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

Quoting myself for afterthought 2 on the linen PANTS!... DAMNIT Man, Move your hand!!!

Speaking of hands...where is Clay's other one :D


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keeping.... this picture.... ohh laa laa - two sex on a sticks! My fave of them all. I wonder who they were traveling with who took all the pictures?????


My first thought when I look at that picture - sssssssssssmokin hot couple!! My second thought? That's a LOT of water. No wonder Reed's holding onto him so tight ;-)

My afterthought: Damn, he looks great in that outfit.

Clay looks incredible in his island clothes -- and no cargos and plaid in sight. I think Clay and Reed probably do what all tourists do and give the camera to a willing stranger. That, or Jerome was taking pictures! :cryingwlaughter:

I do see a smoking hot body under Clay's linen clothes. The upper arms and thighs are muscular, the chest and shoulders are broad, and the waist/middle is small. Has he been working out with Reed? Well, of course he's been working out with Reed, 'cause you gotta KNOW that Reed gives him a good working out and I'm not talking about in the gym or studio (necessarily).

Whatever, we'll probably never see that body. Opposites attract, no doubt (didn't he do that song in the DCAT Classics?). Clay can be defined as extremely modest, and Reed flaunts his gorgeous body. My sister says he's borderline exhibitionist, and I like seeing what he's exhibiting.

Clay is managing to have it all - a fulfilling love life, a beautiful son with his "dearest" friend, a long and winding road career, and the good works he spearheads for the disabled and disadvanged, while teaching understanding and giving to the healthy and wealthy. What an amazing human being he is.

ETA: While I was posting this, I'm singing this song that invaded my head. "Where or When" that's a Rodgers & Hart song from the 30's or 40's and was a hit for both Dion and The Letterman in the early 60's. For those who think young people don't like classic songs, I can testify that the first time I ever heard Where or When was on the radio, while sitting in the backseat of my parent's car on the way out of town, and the cascading emotions of this song, music and lyrics, brought tears down my face, and I didn't know why. My mother turned around and was alarmed that I was crying, thinking something was wrong. I made up something because I was too embarrassed to admit that I was having an emotional reaction to a song on the radio. I was 11.

keeping... I keep quoting you... I like the way your mind works (see bolded above) cause I thought the same thing... no pouchy tummy!!! YUM!!!

I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way.

Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents.

ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

Keeping.... agreeee about the person who spoke to Clay. Commenting to him that she enjoyed the blog is one thing, but to ask him a question obviously was a no-no, since he dismissed her immediately. That implies a relationship that he didn't want since he was not "working." He's very into separating working time from private time as much as he can and I support him in that completely.

FromClaygary... I'm sorry about your eyes. I have the bare beginnings of Macular Degeneration, but it's so far in the future that I think with vitamins and early treatment, my eyes will be fine as long as I need them to be. I have an aunt with MD and she got some kind of a series of shots that improved her eyesight a lot. They are making strides in vision care all the time. It's amazing what they can do nowdays.

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annabear, I hope you feel better soon. I've only had this one day, glad I stayed home, but I know me with colds, I'll have this for a week.

As for the fan encounter last night...would I have done that? Probably not, although frankly I'm not sure what I would do in that sort of instance. I'd like to think I'd say "hi" to him, but not much more than that. I think what this encounter did, though, was make clear that a line was probably crossed for Clay, and I think the questioner may have realized that, especially at this point.

Did that make sense? Maybe I need more cold medicine....

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annabear, I hope you feel better soon. I've only had this one day, glad I stayed home, but I know me with colds, I'll have this for a week.

As for the fan encounter last night...would I have done that? Probably not, although frankly I'm not sure what I would do in that sort of instance. I'd like to think I'd say "hi" to him, but not much more than that. I think what this encounter did, though, was make clear that a line was probably crossed for Clay, and I think the questioner may have realized that, especially at this point.

Did that make sense? Maybe I need more cold medicine....

Makes perfect sense to me. I know for a fact that I would not have approached him or even said "Hi"...love getting reports of what he is doing...but from afar. Hope you feel better!


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I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way.

Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents.

ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

Actually what he said was 'You will want to be checking here EVERY day for the next several days or so.' (Caps belong to Clay) To me that implies there would've/could've been news yesterday and today (and tomorrow). I've long come to accept Clay's rather liberal sense of time though. :hahaha: He's always worth waiting for!

ETA - I absolutely agree on the Clay encounter though. Boundaries, people. Boundaries. Who knows though - maybe OFC mods have special dispensation. :rolleyes:

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I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way.

Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents.

ETA: claycherie, "I melt everytime we kiss" is from Where I Draw The Line, which I think is one of the finest songs Clay has ever recorded.

KF The person that spoke to Clay used to be a mod at the OFC so I am wondering if there is some sort of history there. She may have communicated with him in the past and met him before. She lives in NYC.

Talking of bad eyes. I have a tiny bit of vision on the edge my one eye. The eye is essentially useless. I have adjusted to it as it has been 30 years since I went blind in that eye overnight. My new car has a system where it tells you if anyone is in your blind spot and since on my left side everything is in my blind spot, this works great to help me drive. A little orange light appears in the side mirror to warn me a car is there. I love it and would not want to drive a car without it now.

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