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#56: Clay's going to sing. Life is good.


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • A burgeoning roar of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
    • Behold the Allure of Aiken!
    • Guys, it was just so, so, so good.
    • The man is a star and we saw him go super-nova.
    • Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.
    • Shoot, I'm still suffering from post-concert giddiness, and I wasn't even freakin' there!
    • I really think it is now his time and yes it is about damn time!
    • And we love every minute of his many talents.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Still not sure about the CD title...maybe it is the acronym...not crazy about TNT and if you abbreviate it TAT which I have seen all I keep thinking of is "tit for tat", LOL! I know I am probably just over-thinking it...moving on...

14 Days until Clay speaks at the HRC Convention!:yahoo:

27 Days until The Taping of The "Tried and True" Special!:yahoo:

36 Days until The First Day of Spring!:glasses:

4 months until the New CD/PBS Special!


Clay Addresses the Key Club in July!:yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I don't think you're over-thinking, Kim. I think we all may be over-acronyming. I like reading "TRIED AND TRUE" because it rolls off the tongue and tells the story. No acronym can do justice to the messages embedded in "Tried and True." I'm sticking with The Full Monty Moniker.

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Clay is up early today! He has started a thread under "The Man" called "Non-Scientific Survey" and is looking for input on how many are going to be purchasing pre-sale tickets.


I found it... but wasn't sure HOW to post. I need a ticket but I really would like to be able to sit with somebody. Not sure if the opportunity to take clack will happen or not and I'd have no intention of doing the whole thing because this is a unique experience that I'd like to enjoy but....I'd still like to have somebody to sit with!!!

I can't try for tickets on Tuesday when they go on sale. I'll be in class and we're doing a special activity and I have a parent coming in, so just can't.

Is there anybody here who has NOT partnered up with anybody, who can buddy up with me??? I need somebody to try for a ticket for me. I can even give you my login at OFC to do it if somebody wants to go, needs a partner but isn't an OFC member. Tribeca has nicely offered to get me a ticket, so I'm not totally stuck...but she's not going and I'd really like to have somebody to sit with!!!

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I still haven't completely ruled out going so I'll be trying for tickets on Tuesday.

The VIP package sounds completely amazing. I wish that he'd give an opportunity for his non-rich fans to have something like this, too. I think it's great to raise money for NIP and all, I really do. But that shouldn't preclude them from offering even one package like that to a regular fan who can't afford to pay thousands of dollars for it.


ETA: I've met Clay, and I am most grateful for having had that opportunity, even if it was during the cattle-call versions of meet & greets on the JBT. *g* But things like this, with real 'perks' and honest-to-god interaction with the man seems to be the exclusive arena of those who can pay (and pay big bucks). It would be nice to get a little of that 'extra' value from the fan club once in a while, like random draws for something like this. I'm aware that there may be opportunities at future concert tours etc - still don't see why it should preclude it from this one. It's not an NIP event, it's Career Clay. Offer something to the people who are here for that, too.

Heheh, and while I'm bitching and whining - I've yet to hear of a single Canadian who received the email about the pre-sale. Clique just continues to suck. <_<

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couchie -- kimiye at the CH has posted some really good information in the AV/Tech help thread. Start with this post here. All kinds of good links for programs to download and such to clean up your computer!

Sorry to hear about that...

Hope everyone who was sick yesterday is feeling better...

cindi, I mostly agree with you, but I'm sure there will be other chances to meet Clay in the future, and experience opportunities like this in the future. Keep your chin up!

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Way to go, Canada! Loved the opening ceremony! Y'all have a blast in Vancouver!!! :clap::clap:

I'm running but thought I'd pass along this info ...

I usually program my DIRECTV for noon to noon of the next day. Guess what I discovered -- a Bill Maher Special ("But I'm Not Wrong") was taped in the very same Memorial Hall of the Progress Energy Center Friday night and will be shown on HBO several times Feb. 13-16. If you'd like to see the locale of Clay's show, check out your HBO schedule for the next four days!

I added the info to the Carolina blog. Even if Bill Maher is not your cup of tea, you can watch the surroundings. :)

Here's a Broadway World link I'll add to the blog when I finish this post: Clay Aiken To Perform One-Night Only Concert at Memorial Auditorium, 3/12

Hope you feel better, georgiesmybaby and clazy. :hug:

Have a great day, all! :rainbowsmile:

Caro :listen:

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cindilu2 Nope still no e-mail and even tho' I know the contents of the e-mail, I am still annoyed that it has yet to be sent to Canadians.

Doesn't Clique know how many of us are Clay fans?

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Carolina Clay, thanks for posting that broadwayworld.com article link. It's fantastic! I especially like this sentence:

The performer extraordinaire is gearing up for the release of his new album, "Clay Aiken: Tried and True."

You know, I was thinking about some things. (Dangerous, I know...) First of all -- Clay appearing in Spamalot on Broadway brought him more than just attention at the time. He's now part of the "family," as witnessed by this article. He's getting a new avenue of publicity for almost everything he does, whether it's connected to Broadway or not. That's great.

Also -- how many people have signed up on Twitter to follow the Decca Label Group? I have -- and I've signed up so that I get their messages on my cell phone. I think this past week, I've had about 25 or so tweets from them, regarding their latest publicity (in this case, the Canadian Tenors). I can't imagine what that will be like when Clay's CD drops. I'm expecting my phone to beep every 5 minutes or so!

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The VIP package sounds completely amazing. I wish that he'd give an opportunity for his non-rich fans to have something like this, too. I think it's great to raise money for NIP and all, I really do. But that shouldn't preclude them from offering even one package like that to a regular fan who can't afford to pay thousands of dollars for it.

Totally agree. It feels like all the really good perks in the past few years have gone to the same group of fans, over and over and over again....namely, those with money. The average, paycheque to paycheque fan has no hope. It's very frustrating. I am not putting down those who can and do pay the big bucks to support the foundation and win these types of auctions - more power to them! If I had the money to do so, I'd be right there too. I just wish that those for whom that will never be an option (unless we win the lottery) were given a chance at the good prizes once in a while.

ETA: Wow, great Broadway.com article! Particularly like these parts:

The singer is promising fans an exciting 2010 with this special one night performance being just the beginning.

"I truly have the best fans in the world," says the singer. "Their support has been unwavering and I can't wait to share the new music with them. Not only will this be an exciting show with special guests, but as a true thank you to them, the fans will get the first chance for tickets and a first listen of the music I've been working so hard on over the past year."
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Loved K.D. Lang last night! I thought it was the best part of the opening ceremony.

Am I the only one who is still itching for the International Media promotion to start so I can read even more superlatives about our guy. :wub:

Nope, not the only one :wub:

And I see we were able to flush canfly out of her cohabitation on FB :hello: Now if we can just manage to get Scarlett off long enough to post...

Hey, maybe this will work. I wonder if he still has her camera -


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I kind of get tired of acronyms too...find it so annoying reading a post with acronyms and having no idea what the person is talking about. Not sure I like TNT any better, but then I am one...probably the only one...who isn't thrilled with the CD title...but if I keep posting it in the countdown every day it will grow on me, LOL.

With this being taped for television, I am betting they will be pretty strict about clack...not expecting any and I would prefer people not even try...why risk getting caught and causing a commotion for Clay, etc....just enjoy the show...we are all going to see it when it airs anyway.

Still feeling a bit sorry for myself that I can't go...praying like crazy that Clay tours this summer...been way too long since I have seen him in concert!


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ok I think I have a major computer virus. What should I do to clean it? Even my McAfee is running at a snail's pace.

Ldyj beat me to it, but it won't hurt to repeat it: Kimiye's post on how to get rid of nasty bugs.

Kimiye's post is on CH to which I have no access. Is it anywhere else? I like to keep up on various ways to deal with computer problems.

I think that I read that the venue allows no recording but it stands to reason that since it is being taped for broadcast it wouldn't be allowed, especially if, as I hope, at some future date a DVD of it would be available.

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Thanks guys.. I think it's back. I had 35 infections! I'll go thank Kimiye!

I deleted my twitter account a few months ago. I understand its worth but it's just not my thang. I guess I'm not a person that likes short little messages. I'm long-winded LOL.

That's me too. I never signed up for twitter though cuz the only reason I'd want it is for Clay news, which other people bring to the boards anyway. I don't even spend much time on FB unless someone requests me as a friend. Then I go to check how crazy they appear, and if they seem fairly safe, I'll accept them.

As far as the VIP passes, I would also like to see something like this go to one of us less well to do fans. I'm truly glad that they can raise money for NIP this way, but it does seem like the same people get most of the opportunities for the really good stuff. With that being said, I'm just happy that I'll have a chance to go to this, and that we should be getting lots of opportunities this year to see Clay. It looks like it's going to be a good year.

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Kimiye's post is on CH to which I have no access. Is it anywhere else? I like to keep up on various ways to deal with computer problems.

You can read CH whether or not you are a member, except for the Den, so you should be able to read it. She's a member here, so if she wants to bring it over here somewhere as well, that would be great.

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Scarlett has been doing a lot of posting on FB. I think interventions are needed for her and Canfly. Damn facebook games.

I miss Scarlett. Are they farming? It seems almost everyone has a farm on FB. Not me. I already have enough addictions.

Kimiye's post is on CH to which I have no access. Is it anywhere else? I like to keep up on various ways to deal with computer problems.

You can read CH whether or not you are a member, except for the Den, so you should be able to read it. She's a member here, so if she wants to bring it over here somewhere as well, that would be great.

The link goes to the log-in page. I am not a CH member, but I sure would like the virus information.

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First of all, kimiye's post: try this link. I logged out of the CH, and then copied the link, so it should work now.

Secondly, semi-off topic: kd lang's version of "Hallelujah" from the Opening Ceremonies last night. She has an AMAZING voice IMO, and I'm definitely with Fear that I'd love for her and Clay to do a duet. Also, to make this on topic: Clay, if he was able, probably watched the opening ceremonies. He definitely should know "Hallelujah" now!

Oh, and kd's "style" lately is to sing without shoes, no matter where she's at.

ETA: Quick Link to kd's video for the Canadians

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Sorry, my link was crappy, whether you're a CH member or not. I hit the wrong button and just copied the resulting link without paying attention. Turned out it was the link to quote and reply. D101.

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