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#15 the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature

Couch Tomato

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    • Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!
    • Yet when we get together it's like I'm with my sisters - only without the issues. smile.gif
    • Clay is successsfully running with the big dogs.
    • And oddly, we all manage to share the same boyfriend, with only minimal hair-pulling and name calling.
    • Pass the koolaid, I'm thirsty.
    • The Eyes Have It!
    • he's soooo photogenic...almost sinfully, unfairly so: laughing, smiling, crying, looking pensive or naughty or goofy -It just doesn't seem to matter, does it?
    • Just can't keep a good man down.
    • "Clay wants to see your bushes".
    • Hopefully, he was out having fun or buying more new jeans, writing some new kick-ass songs, recording some kick-ass songs, having some kick-ass super-sex.
    • veins flowing with personality, thighs dripping with character.

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And he can do all that and still have a drink every now and then :bier: , swear once in awhile, tell a dirty joke every now and then, be bawdy, lose his temper, take a peek at the Playboy channel and have hot sex with some lucky bitch!

Lucky bitch!

Re: Woo's street sign post from 1000 pages ago... When I was a kid one of my best friends lived on FLICKER ST. Heh. It hardly ever said FLICKER. :lol:

...and speaking of smoking weed...

It's the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park. I'm not going, but it sure looks entertaining.


Be prepared for a ride!!!!!

Oh, I'm prepared... I just don't think I'm going to be one of the lucky ones. :whistling-1:

How big it is remains to be seen.

I knew muski would beat me to this... heh.

jamar... a pressie:

Right-click and Save - Your Milli Vanilli song :F_05BL17blowkiss:

My sister has company for the weekend... Somehow "I" have become "we". I coulda swore I never got married and I definitely don't recall giving birth. :scream:

Later, peeps! pimpsmily.gif

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Claygasm' post='39138' date='Sep 1 2007, 12:22 PM']

By just being a normal guy, he can set a good example that is attainable to most people. He is a good role model IMO not because he is a goody-two-shoes, but because he's not and is still a good guy - compassionate, caring and intent on leaving the world a better place than he found it.

And he can do all that and still have a drink every now and then :bier: , swear once in awhile, tell a dirty joke every now and then, be bawdy, lose his temper, take a peek at the Playboy channel and have hot sex with some lucky bitch!

CG... loved your whole post, but this part the mostest. So many really smart, interesting posts this morning. I could have WORD'd the whole 6 pages of this thread.

And, this, after a "few" pages of the best smut I've ever seen outside of Muski's writing... I LOVE FCA!!!

Newbie question... how do you change font color? Thanks!

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Newbie question... how do you change font color? Thanks!

The color chart is in kind of a weird place - on top of the banner, but it's there, and it works. Here's how to find it while in the reply box: Click on the A (between the 'strikeout' and 'web link' icons). Highlight the text you want in color. Scroll up to the top of the screen, and you'll see a color chart. Click on the desired color.

Voila! Text in color!!

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I posted this link over at CV and thought you guys might enjoy it too as I had a big shit-assed grin on my face through the whole thing. It's a video montage of a young girl and her friends seeing Clay "live" for the very first time. Needless to say, they're a might fangirly. (Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

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Beautiful images, Claygasm. Very purdy indeed! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and omigod!!! I'm still laughing over that one!!!

Love you, canooky!!! MUAH!!!!!!!!

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AAIT *g*

One of my bestest memories of that very special time. **sa-woon**

Aww :F_05BL17blowkiss: Back atcha!!! Meeting you and xxx and toni along with legions of others. It was the best!!! My first "road trip" and hopefully the first of many to come. It's also the weekend I met the luscious and lovely gareem and lovethatguy and had so much fun that we're hooking up to do Chicago this Christmas together! I love this fandom. And I love that sweet "hunk of Southern Comfort" who has brought us all together! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Best, most fangirly thing I've ever done in my life and something I'll never forget!!!


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I do believe I've again changed my mind on my all-time favourite pic of my Man!!

From zippy at CB


GAH!!! That smile does me in!

*sigh* That grin does me in too....

Happy Clay. Happy in more ways that one....

I posted this link over at CV and thought you guys might enjoy it too as I had a big shit-assed grin on my face through the whole thing. It's a video montage of a young girl and her friends seeing Clay "live" for the very first time. Needless to say, they're a might fangirly. (Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

That was incredibly adorable.....It's so much fun to watch someone who is getting to see Clay live for the very first time. I wish I could have been there for keepingfaith at Frisco, but the reports I've heard were very, very good.

{{{{{{Okie4Clay}}}}}}}}} OMG, that's so sad. I remember seeing her husband the day after the Tulsa party at the hotel. He was dragging party supplies to the car while I was waiting for my shuttle. What a sweet man.

What a great discussion today....as jmh said, too much to quote. Let's just say my neck is tired from all that shaking my head up and down....

One thing I wanted to mention, though -- I loved CG's list, and totally agree with it. I think what made so many people think that he couldn't have done those things was that he self-proclaimed as a Christian. [begin soapbox] IMO, so many think that being a Christian equals being a boring stick-in-the-mud. Listen -- I'm a Christian too, and I can claim every single thing on CG's list as well. Not all Christians are stodgy! Some of us have fun too. [/soapbox]

The "role model" discussions seemed to either be "he's got to be perfect and can't do ANYTHING" or "he's so freakin' raunchy in his private life," IMO....and meanwhile, I think Clay is somewhere in the middle. Also, I think the key is that he TRIES to be a role model. His success (or failure) in that regard almost always depends on the person who is watching him. I'm with couchie in that I admire him for at least trying in the first place.

Thank you to whomever gave the links to the BCR stuff on YouTube (I'm too lazy to look it up, sowwy). :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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AAIT *g*

One of my bestest memories of that very special time. **sa-woon**

Aww :F_05BL17blowkiss: Back atcha!!! Meeting you and xxx and toni along with legions of others. It was the best!!! My first "road trip" and hopefully the first of many to come. It's also the weekend I met the luscious and lovely gareem and lovethatguy and had so much fun that we're hooking up to do Chicago this Christmas together! I love this fandom. And I love that sweet "hunk of Southern Comfort" who has brought us all together! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Best, most fangirly thing I've ever done in my life and something I'll never forget!!!


Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!

How do I nominate this wonderfulness for a thread title?

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Ack lost my post thanks to a miskey - how does that happen - you hit a key and suddenly your post is missing and you are on another page?

Postwhores! For shame.

Elvis - I think sometimes people forget that Elvis was a true stereotypical country boy - I doubt he did well in any school and certainly was not exposed to anything worldly. I don't mean to indicate that only smart people have college education, I always considered my parents smart because they were selfeducated. It is just that Elvis really did not have much experience and his world really fell apart when his mother died, I think she was the only one who was not a synchophant. Clay would never be an Elvis, with problems. His future is yet to unfold, but it is promising, everyone who works with him likes him, so I think that bodes very well.

Happy, I don't know that Clay was so unhappy in the earlyt days, just too busy to think, with moments of panic. It is nice that he feels free to come into the audience, did I tell you that at Cary, he danced with the woman in the row ahead of us? What a fun guy.

Pictures - nice

Christmas - bring it on! - Oh, wait, first I have to see Sedaka, then the ice show! Oh, and get the hot water heater fixed and take showers again!-

Since everyone seems to be snoozing now - let me add - Justin Timberlake as a role model - uh, no.

SPills the beans on sex with Britney, Blames Janet Jackson and leaves her to take the heat for an obviously rehearsed action and can't say enough about how great taking drugs is - becomes a hero on Rolling stone and they share drugs during his interview - charitable work - not anything that doesn't get his name out there.

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Newbie question... how do you change font color? Thanks!

The color chart is in kind of a weird place - on top of the banner, but it's there, and it works. Here's how to find it while in the reply box: Click on the A (between the 'strikeout' and 'web link' icons). Highlight the text you want in color. Scroll up to the top of the screen, and you'll see a color chart. Click on the desired color.

Voila! Text in color!!

Thanks, Gibby!!!

liney I just did it for you. The "thread title suggestion" thread is also under the "Let's Talk about Clay" section. If you need a better map for a location, PM me or another admin or mod.

Thanks to you, too, ldyjocelyn.

As a thank you present... one of my faves...

HAWT and HUNG!!!


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I posted this link over at CV and thought you guys might enjoy it too as I had a big shit-assed grin on my face through the whole thing. It's a video montage of a young girl and her friends seeing Clay "live" for the very first time. Needless to say, they're a might fangirly. (Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

That was the cutest thing ever!! Thanks so much for posting it. :lilredani:

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I had a great time reading and catching up tonight. Like others have said there have been so many excellent posts by this time there are too many to quote. I'll just say that starting with Jenna's post in the last thread including just about every thing else I've read, I too, have been nodding my head in agreement.

When I see comparisons of Clay to some of the greats, ie Elvis, Sinatra, The Beatles and others, I think the comparisons can mean different things to different people. I like to think back to what Merv Griffin said (RIP Merv) it was something to the effect that, the greats all had it, as soon as you heard the voice you knew who it was, you knew it was Streisand, you knew it was Sinatra or Elvis, and he felt Clay had that type of voice and star power.

I was an Elvis fan, still am I guess, I was influenced a lot by my older sister, who was a big fan. Sometimes when I listen to his CDs even today, I find myself thinking, as a musician he was underestimated too. Being known as the king of rock and roll he sold millions and millions of records, and it never brought him accolades for his music. His only grammy's were for his gospel albums (someone correct me if I'm wrong about this)

So, for a while I think I may have been convinced that Clay was his generation's Elvis, a southern, good mannered momma's boy who really has a way with a song. I'd be happy if the similarities stop there. I want Clay to have a happy life with as much normalcy as possible.

Who knows if Clay will ever be recognized as one of "the greats" I, think he will, and I want to be around to witness it and enjoy the ride along the way.

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(Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

LOL... yeah that sounds like me. This was way back during AI2 tour I think - Anaheim. I was sooooo not going to be one of those fans that were just plain crazy over Clay.... until I jumped out of a moving car. heh. Yep, he needs to bottle it.

I enjoyed catching up. Claygasm, great photos. I really give much praise to everyone who has the talent to take great photos of Clay. Fiddling with the camera takes away my enjoyment of the moment. Kudos to those that can do it and provide us with hours upon hours of future fun and memories after the concert.

Spent the day helping my sister prepare for a yard sale. SOOOOO exciting. She rewarded me with her idea of bbq - hot dogs. But at least I found MY two BOURNE movies over her house. They've been there so long she thinks they are hers but you better believe I left with them.

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(Can't imagine acting that way myself and don't believe whatever you might hear about me and Clay's bus when I first spotted it in San Diego - I was very mature the whole weekend!!)

LOL... yeah that sounds like me. This was way back during AI2 tour I think - Anaheim. I was sooooo not going to be one of those fans that were just plain crazy over Clay.... until I jumped out of a moving car. heh. Yep, he needs to bottle it.


Spent the day helping my sister prepare for a yard sale. SOOOOO exciting. She rewarded me with her idea of bbq - hot dogs. But at least I found MY two BOURNE movies over her house. They've been there so long she thinks they are hers but you better believe I left with them.

So couchie, this jumping out of a moving car business is a story we need to hear!!

YSRN's sister and yours seem to have something in common, except in her case, it's YSRN's house that appears to have been co-opted. :cryingwlaughter:

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Since we have many new members, thought I'd give a little tour. FCA is made up of 9 different areas.I'll concentrate on the first two and do a couple a day so you'll know what's where.

WELCOME FORUM contains 4 sub forums

ALL ABOUT US: This is the area will you will find our board philophy and posting guidelines. We have an announcement thread but we haven't made an announcement since March 2006 heh.

I added an FAQ thread tonight...and will put some of the answers to the frequently most asked questions there. How do I use quote...and the color palette need to be answered for starters. (topic originally added to board feedback but thought this section would be better).

MEET and GREET] - IMPORTANT as this is where new members CHECK IN and where old members should be going to welcome them :cryingwlaughter: If you use VIEW NEW POSTS you'll know when there is activity there.

Interesting enough there also seems to be some sort of meet your FCA forum team but of current mods and admins only Ansa and KAndre have posted anything. I guess the rest of us have a little assignment.


This is where people can go to ask questions and offer comments, suggestions and feedback. Of course you can PM any of us directly as well.


Well, this has a charm thread and have no idea why it's there. It shouldn't be so it will be moved after I figure out where it goes or if it goes.

The Soooooooooper Sekrit Clay Information thread -- well I won't give away anything on main heh. But, if you ever see the word HOLLA on main - just follow the link to the sooooooooper sekrit info to be found inside.


Let's Talk About Clay OK this is where you will always find the latest main thread - it is always pinned to the top of this forum. And, the last few threads will always be unpinned in this thread. We move them to archives eventually. Also IMPORTANT? This is where you will find the thread suggestion thread. If something strikes your fancy, post it there. That's a guarantee that it won't be missed. I'll usually do a search and add other requested lines, BUT unless you actually wrote thread title..it will be missed. The best way to guarantee something you like is on the next poll, take it over yourself.

There are a few other threads in there...most of which get little use. We'll re-evaluate them and move them to a more appropriate place. Although we do talk about most things on main - we seem to be missing some sort of Clay Music thread - a permanent place to put fan reviews of his recording etc. We'll talk about that.

Fast Forward Clay News

Looks like LdyJ and others are reposting important Clay articles here. I think anyone can post there so feel free to report an article there (in full) if you bring it to main. Thanks

And that is enough lesson for tonight.

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Good Morning Everyone,

54 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center! :whoohoo:

65 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special! :whoohoo:

85 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! :whoohoo:

111 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! :whoohoo:

114 Days until The Skating Show Airs! :whoohoo:

Everyone have a great day!


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I see couchie has been busy with her admin hat last night!!!!

Going around the boards I happen to stumble on this the first Japanese Clay site created by one of the girls that attended his concerts this summer.

Last night I spent a lovely night watching Fort myers clack from Scarlett. I never used to download her xvid clack because my old computer couldn't play it. But now my laptop is powerful enough so I thought to hell with conserving HD space...so I downloaded them last night...OMG...I am now spoiled. What clear and crisp video...and the audio was excellent and the camera work masterful. Thank you scarlett for all you do to get this clack and making it available for free. So what concerts did you go to?

For those that can't used her xvid files...the wmv files are just as excellent and her mp3's are highly recommended for the ipod. Now I am waiting for the rest of her clack to get uploaded...no pressure...I can wait..just wanted to give you props.

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