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#18: He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!


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43 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Cheerful snark, cheerful criticism, cheerful smut, cheerful acceptance, cheerful sporking, cheerful threats, cheerful maniacal laughter....
    • There are so many different kinds of beautiful...
    • He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant.
    • You never know when that rush of emotion will hit you when it comes to Clay!
    • All it says to me is that Clay's critics are full of s***, six ways from Sunday.
    • Clay Aiken:glorious voice, excellent comic actor, master of character and man in tights!
    • This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more...

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Any golfers here?


January 7, 2008

Golfing for Inclusion

Mirasol Country Club, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (www.mirasolclub.com)

Golf Page Coming Soon

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Busy, busy day here at work. My head hurts! No wonder my boss needed me! I don't have enough hours in the day to do my work - and he was doing it all before I came along!

And now I have to do something after work I don't want to do so, so I am sitting here in my now quiet office catching up. Will have to read the blog later tonight.

Here is the direct link. We need that emoticon for our board!


I know!!! I love that...its so appropriate!!!

but as someone pointed out...did he really deny it??? So right now I doubt it is true but wouldn't be surprised if it is...

I was wondering if the one problem he may have with this production is having a convincing British accent...but having a limited engagement on Broadway would be great IMO...

I read his post and knowing some of the things I can imagine were posted in the Spamalot thread, he could be referring to some of the weird speculations. It sure doesn't sound like a denial. If he wanted to deny it, he would, IMO. He could have put it in his blog - or on the thread. My guess is it is true he auditioned, but nothing is set in stone and until it is, he will neither confirm nor deny.

I just tuned into Tyra's show and she just dropped Clay's name like a hot potato right in the middle of a fashion moment. She was telling her audience how you could go to lunch at some of the finest restaurants and it would cost half the price of going to dinner...then she said "not to be a name dropper, I just went there the other day with Clay Aiken, (and his picture appeared on the screen), she then went on to say how he said in his southern accent "I'll pay" and she said of course you will and that she had paid the first time they went to that restaurant (Jean Georges).

Maybe muski is a seer? :hubbahubba: She was all kinds of fangirly telling the story. That was really interesting!

The IMPORTANT thing is - was the picture from when Clay was on Tyra, cause he was all kinds of HOT when he was on Tyra!!!

Shit, I forgot to charge my cell phone and now its beeping at me. I must get out of here or I will never get home tonight!

Later gators!

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Hee. Blender still thinks "Invisible" is the 11th worst song ever. Psst, keepingfaith, look at what they have at number 48.

If anyone sees a brain rattling around anywhere, send it my way. I'm pretty sure I've lost my mind because I've been talked into at least 3 more Christmas concerts. Scarlett is soooo evil.

ETA: I only brought the Blender list up because Yahoo had it linked on their homepage this afternoon.

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My husband is in Raleigh right now for an investor conference with his internet board. I'll be going there tomorrow for dinner but I'll probably leave right after it so no Ruben concert for me. Playbiller and I are having a race to finish our kitchens. I have so much junk, I had to rent a storage unit. Anyway the cabinets don't empty themselves and the new ones come in next week.

If Clay is in Spamalot, I guess I would be there. It seems I am going up North so much playbiller doesn't even have to change the sheets in her spare room. *g*

ETA: So what happens when you are at the top?

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How cute is that Tyra clip??? Now I realllllllllllly wanna go to Jean-George, cuz she said she bought Clay Aiken there.

Hmmm. I wonder how much you hafta tip to see THAT menu??? :hubbahubba:

ETA: So what happens when you are at the top?

There's no place to go but down???

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Just read that fricking Blender article rating Invisible #11. Opinions are opinons but for some reason they always make those nasty personal comments about Clay.

What assholes! Just makes me sick. :kotz0: :kotz0:

akim, I'm a golfer but not a rich one!

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Just read that fricking Blender article rating Invisible #11. Opinions are opinons but for some reason they always make those nasty personal comments about Clay.

What assholes! Just makes me sick. :kotz0: :kotz0:

akim, I'm a golfer but not a rich one!

Didn't this already happen, like 3 years ago? These guys need to get a life. I bet he hasn't had lunch with a supermodel lately. :=P


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OMG Golf!!! I am in the biz! We have a con.nec.tion!

I just googled the country club and if you have anywhere between $800,000 and $4 million you too can live there and belong to the club! Pretty nice place! It is huge!

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Hee. Blender still thinks "Invisible" is the 11th worst song ever. Psst, keepingfaith, look at what they have at number 48.
I read a number of those blurbs and whoever wrote them is an idiot. Oh-Bla-Di-Oh-Bla-Da was never one of my favorite Beatles songs, but the "reviewer" totally missed the entire idea of it -- maybe you had to be there. I think it's one of the few that KAndre was positive about. I'm know I'm alone with the Beatles love among the eHP -- although I do believe Karen Eh? could help me out ... but she's Back in the USSR Baku.

Beatles song I'd like to hear Clay sing .......... Hey, Bulldog ......... hands down.

I love his post today to the ultimate. He's been playing in that thread ... and loving being a tease. He could mean anything with what he said, and with what he didn't say. I've read sporadically through there and found the usual angsty hair-pulling about how being on Broadway would hinder the proper promotion of a new CD ... or how this will interfere with production of the new CD -- you know, all the experts on his career. That may be what cracks him up and what he thinks is CRAZY.

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Hee. Blender still thinks "Invisible" is the 11th worst song ever. Psst, keepingfaith, look at what they have at number 48.
I read a number of those blurbs and whoever wrote them is an idiot. Oh-Bla-Di-Oh-Bla-Da was never one of my favorite Beatles songs, but the "reviewer" totally missed the entire idea of it -- maybe you had to be there. I think it's one of the few that KAndre was positive about. I'm know I'm alone with the Beatles love among the eHP -- although I do believe Karen Eh? could help me out ... but she's Back in the USSR Baku.

Beatles song I'd like to hear Clay sing .......... Hey, Bulldog ......... hands down.

I love his post today to the ultimate. He's been playing in that thread ... and loving being a tease. He could mean anything with what he said, and with what he didn't say. I've read sporadically through there and found the usual angsty hair-pulling about how could he could be on Broadway and properly promote a new CD ... or how this will interfere with production of the new CD -- you know, all the experts on his career. That may be what cracks him up and what he thinks is CRAZY.

hmmm...you have a point there...well we will know for sure. Sooner or later...hee

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Hey play - looks like you don't have to drive down here to light my pilot light! It was all nicely lit when I got home - which was just now.

I'm tired - but at least I can feel my heat coming up!

I think I would rather be feeling Clay's heat coming up..... :whistling-1:

WHAT??? How did muski get in my post????? :huh:

The Tyra clip was cute, and I loved that they have lunched there a couple of times. But Tyra did seem to be having some trouble keeping her VERY short skirt down....

I still think there is truth to Clay auditioning for Spamalot and that he is neither confirming or denying because there is nothing to confirm or deny - yet.

I think his promoting Ruben is wonderful. I too love the Cluben. I would LOVE them to perform together at least once and would LOVE them to record something together. I love their duets.

How wonderful is it that Clay has at least two seemingly life long friends from AI - Ruben and Kelly (ok, so Kelly and he weren't on AI together but they never would have done the IT if it weren't for their AI connection).

As to "next week's" big announcement - no clue. Could be about Spamalot. Could be about the producer for his next CD. Could be more details on the Christimas concert thingy. Could be he's announcing his marriage to one of his many pregnant girlfriends! :cryingwlaughter:

Hey - we've never had the "official" announcement on the OFC about his narrating AIR! Could be that!

Gives the Clay Nation something to speculate about anyway!

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I think I would rather be feeling Clay's heat coming up..... :whistling-1:

WHAT??? How did muski get in my post????? :huh:


I want to know what Clay said in the spamalot thread but have no interest in reading it. So I'll go download the Tyra clip instead.

So far my weekend is free. No babysitting. No driving folks around. No going into malls. This is unusual. I think I'll spend the weekend doing Clay stuff...it's been a long time since I've had one of those.

Good morning Karen Eh!!

Ha LOL at Solo getting dragged to three more concerts. Poor baby!!

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Awww - they put Starship's We Built This City on Rock and Roll as #1 worse song. When I went to see them a couple of weeks ago at the state fair, you wouldn't have guessed it was #1 worse song by the fist pumping, singing every note crowd-they loved it.

I love the little hip swivel when Tyra said Clay Aiken. No doubt about it, she's fallen under the Aiken spell. :cryingwlaughter:

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Hello and Happy Friday, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Does anyone need a Sendspace of the Tyra-Clay blurb? It doesn't take but a minute to make. I'll check back in a bit. :)

Cha Cha -- love your AYSTAFG page! :clap:

Have a great weekend! :00000442:

Caro listen.gif

Thanks Caro!!

here's the link again in case anyone missed it.

and thanks for the sendspace download!!


KIMMEL tonight: Jimmy had Anne Heche on and they were talking about her fans. Jimmy called them "HecheMates - you know like ClayMates? Have you heard of Clay Mates?" She said No. He said "they are a fierce group of fans who follow Clay Aiken around. don't cross him, or they'll kill you." **paraphrasing here, it was something similar!!** Anne said hers were nice. Jimmy said, "Oh, they're nice! Just don't cross him or...."

Did I mention I love Jimmy Kimmel?? And I love CLAY AIKEN!! :dancingpickle:

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:believeitornot: my vegas tickets have found a happy home.

:crapsign: I mean, :whew: The tickets were a little damp when I finally made myself put them in the envelope. You know; goodbye kisses, tears; the usual stuff.

I won't just be missing Clay in all his Las Vegas glory; I'll be missing face-to-face intros and conversations with new friends and old friends,

and 2 am "you just had to be there" laughter, and post concert huddles over fresh clack... :cry4:


but there will still be Minneapolis......I booked my flight today :xmas07a:

Come to Minneapolis FCA'ers!!!! I have parkas and warm socks for everyone!!!!!!

Today, one of my closest friends got her post-surgery pathology report from the lumpectomy she had had done three weeks ago to remove what the specialist called a tiny scrap of cancer in her right breast. The news was not good. In the next several weeks she will be undergoing a radical mastectomy along with removal of most of the lymph nodes on the right side. Since there is strong indication of metastisis to the liver as well, aggressive chemo will start almost immediatly after the surgery. She is fifty and one of those very alive people who live every moment.

For me, crisis strips life down to its bare essentials pretty quickly. Love. Laughter. Faith. Family. Friends. And sometimes, no often, music to keep the darkness at bay.

I hope you don't mind me sharing.....

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zena, :hugs-1: to you and yours.

I think his promoting Ruben is wonderful. I too love the Cluben. I would LOVE them to perform together at least once and would LOVE them to record something together. I love their duets.

Yeap, looking forward to some Clack, er, Rack? Crack?

I hope Mr. Soon really does blog something next week, otherwise the fandom might drown under the weight of all the "expert" speculation about what he means. :wordpooper:

EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Atlanta audition today, with some new interview footage. Can't wait!


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Oh-Bla-Di-Oh-Bla-Da was never one of my favorite Beatles songs, but the "reviewer" totally missed the entire idea of it -- maybe you had to be there.

They picked O-Bla-Di? Well that tells me how much credibility they have then. Pfffffft.

Beatles song I'd like to hear Clay sing .......... Hey, Bulldog ......... hands down.

Really? That's not one I'd ever considered. I tend towards some of George's songs, with Something at the top of my list, I think. But since he's apparently said he's not a Beatles' fan, I doubt it'll ever happen.

I have to remember to set the tape for AI Rewind today, since I am going to be at an Amanda Marshall concert tonight. This has been a long time coming, so I'm looking forward to it!

*waves* to FromClaygary

I want to know what Clay said in the spamalot thread but have no interest in reading it. So I'll go download the Tyra clip instead.

Awww, it's worth the look, really. If you search back (I'm being lazy) I did provide a direct link to the post, so you won't have to weed through any of the CRAZY speculations. :lmaosmiley-1:

Have a good day, everyone!

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Good Morning Everyone,

13 Days until Clay is Live at Lincoln Center!

19 Days until Clay is on AYSTAFG!

24 Days until Clay Tapes The Skating Special!

44 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts!

70 Days until Christmas in Merrillville!

73 Days until The Skating Special Airs!

86 Days until The BAF Golf Outing!

Everyone have a great day!


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