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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


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56 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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Was reading the WFI inclusion totals on the CB just now (they did phenominally well..$87k so far and I believe still counting) and came upon this post. Since so many of the Houston crew live here, I thought you might think of ways to advise her. Houston seems to be fine, but other Texas cities need help supervising volunteers. Had they been available, totals would be even higher than they are. Here's her post:

I am thte WFI Texas Coordinator as well as a City Team Leader. I wrapped in the Houston area this year, and we also had people wrapping in Dallas and Austin. Unfortunately our Dallas leader had to cancel wrapping at some of the stores in her area because she did not have enough people to help wrap. This was money taken away from BAF.

I'm looking for help, suggestions, whatever here. I sent out emails to everyone who I had email addresses for who came to the Houston CD release party and the Houston pre-party this past summer asking for help in wrapping. I put notices up at the CB and a couple of other Clay sites. I got back maybe 2 replies. Last year, one of the replies was from a 14 year old Clay fan. Her mother and her both have now helped wrap for 2 years and are dear friends now. In contrast, This year, I had over 50 kids who contacted us through Volunteer Match who wanted to help. I had to send notices to almost all of them saying we already had our times filled, and this is because we did not have enough adult volunteers to supervise these kids. I had to turn down the National Honor Society at a local high school and another volunteer club at a school.

What can we do to encourage more people/fans to help. Even helping for one afternoon, or a couple of hours, is helpful. Its not hard to do. We supply everything. You just have to come and wrap and supervise the kids who might be there to wrap. Or if its just adults, just enjoy the company and meet new Clay friends. Please give me suggestions for how to encourage more people to wrap. Those of you who have never wrapped, is there a reason why you don't want to? Can we help you in any way to make it easier for you to volunteer? If Dallas had been able to get even 2-3 more adults to wrap, she would not have had to cancel some of her stores.

We need more help. Please consider wrapping next year. I'm the Texas Coordinator. If you are from Texas, please contact me even now to let me know of your interest. Or contact your state coordinator or BAF for more information. You won't be sorry you did.

Her name is listed as "Jan." Thought some of you might know her, or might be able to suggest people who could help her.

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Actually, my first thought on Ms. Robber was that she got the shirt from some place like Goodwill -- yes, Goodwill. I can see someone who bought a t-shirt on the tour a few years ago deciding that she wasn't so much of a fan anymore, and donating it to charity. But who knows?

I think it rather strange more than anything else. OK, maybe a little funny. Heh.

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Bottlecap, I hear what you are saying, but I think some are not laughing at her but the circumstance which may have led to her arrest. There may or may not be a sad story behind her crime but the idea of wearing a Clay Aiken shirt while robbing a bank is just wildly funny to me. I consider it similar to a robber who may have left his/her wallet behind with id in it. JMO

I think that as a group we sometimes need something to laugh about. After all the FC and CBM stuff, I know I needed a good laugh.

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If the Lord has mercy and the crick don't rise, I'll get my South Bend album finished tonight/tomorrow/Friday/by the weekend. I'm having a good time in there, I must say.



Ooooh, yummy pictures! I loved how Clay looked at the beginning of the tour. :hubbahubba:

Scarlett, your hat lives! heee.

I fell asleep sitting up on the couch last night and can't believe I just slept all night. Normally I'm up at least twice.

Wheeeee! Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yes, couches (and couchies :) ) are very comfy. Been doing a lot of that lately too!

A small Birthday books update has been placed in the book list thread, here...
Wow, great job, Rohdy!!! And what a nice bookplate.

eHP, I have told hubby about Feb 4th and I think I can make it. Look forward to seeing everyone. :)

Eeeee, can't wait!

He Blogged!!! :cryingwlaughter:

(does one sentence a blog make??) :imgtongue:

alspazz is here?!! How did I miss you before? {{{Hugs}}}}

Clay's such a cutie. I bet he IS working his tush off.

Just needed to quote this. :)

Why did I log off after lunch? Could have had a much happier afternoon after reading that... but it's such a cute blog it was worth the wait!

Does anyone know how to keep blog comments from cutting off in mid-line? I wanted to say "I hope you get some rest too." but that random snipper turned it into:

"I hope you get some

rest too."

He's going to think I'm smutting on his blog.

I really would like to help with WFI but doesn't this happen in November/December? I'm usually not in Texas unless I have to work or have a graduation or something to attend. (Also, I tend to wrap rather unconventionally)

If I weren't drowning in Clack work I'd upload some rehearsal clips to YouTube just to picture what sort of things Clay's doing right now -- I have some Miss Saigon, Les Mis (that turntable was a killer!) and The Secret Garden (in case there are other fans of these shows, I can copy them for you but it'll be a while)

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I feel a little out of step this evening. While it would be highly amusing if the woman really was accumulating a ClayFund, I keep wondering if she was trying to pay medical bills or keep from losing her house or something...

ahhh bottle.....I'm actually laughing at the collective us cuz lord know if I could get away with it I'd rob something. I'm scared of prison though. Have been ever since we were showed "scared straight" in junior high school!

I get home from work and what did I find..deep freed chicken strips from wing stop. What am I gonna do with her.

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Guys, I know how hard it is with WFI. I'd be the last one to ask for help with the stuff, especially since you guys are some of the best clack gatherers in the universe.

No, I thought maybe you would know people in Texas interested from a social or activist point of view. In one case, she just needed an adult to supervise kids who do the actual wrapping. Or several people to volunteer to do it for a day or so. There are people who are not necessarily Clay fans, but who enjoy participating in these things, and that was my only reason for posting it here.

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"I hope you get some


He's going to think I'm smutting on his blog.

BWAH, Scarlett! And that would be a problem because....?

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

uh... :huh: ...eHP?


er... :blink: (gulp)...I...uh...

Now it's possible that I WON'T make it to Houston! All this time I thought my company would pay for this professional development conference. Turns out they will only cover a third of the total costs associated with the trip. That leaves my association membership dues renewal, my airfare and three nights' hotel up to me.

And I don't have moolah right now.

:cry4: :cry4: :cry4:

I have until Jan. 11 to register, so if I can find some $$$ before then, I'll be there....if not? Well, you locals can still have...(sniff) a.....(sob) good time...waaaaaah! :cry4:

....without me.... :(

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I feel a little out of step this evening. While it would be highly amusing if the woman really was accumulating a ClayFund, I keep wondering if she was trying to pay medical bills or keep from losing her house or something...

I really do understand what you're saying. It's just the way this came about. We never see anyone wearing a Clay Aiken shirt - the one time we do, it happens to be a former librarian plastered across the news for robbing banks in the wake of a heck of a lot of snark about doing just that in order to have a "meet & eat" (TM Jemock) with Clay.... that's some kinda irony there.

Those are some mighty fine pics from South Bend that Scarlett so nicely brought forward from Kareneh. I'd almost forgotten that he didn't wear his glasses the entire tour. Mighty fine!

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No, I thought maybe you would know people in Texas interested from a social or activist point of view. In one case, she just needed an adult to supervise kids who do the actual wrapping. Or several people to volunteer to do it for a day or so. There are people who are not necessarily Clay fans, but who enjoy participating in these things, and that was my only reason for posting it here.

Actually, you're right! I know some people I can coerce convince to help. That's a great idea!

Muski, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

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Does anyone know how to keep blog comments from cutting off in mid-line? I wanted to say "I hope you get some rest too." but that random snipper turned it into:

"I hope you get some

rest too."

He's going to think I'm smutting on his blog.

OK, THREE good BWAH's today!! :clap: :lmaosmiley-1: :naughtywag:

This CMSU completely, Scarlett! If you'd tried to do that, I bet you couldn't! :lmaosmiley-1:

Listen, I bet he really needs a good laugh right about now!

Guys, I know how hard it is with WFI. I'd be the last one to ask for help with the stuff, especially since you guys are some of the best clack gatherers in the universe.

No, I thought maybe you would know people in Texas interested from a social or activist point of view. In one case, she just needed an adult to supervise kids who do the actual wrapping. Or several people to volunteer to do it for a day or so. There are people who are not necessarily Clay fans, but who enjoy participating in these things, and that was my only reason for posting it here.

I'm not in Houston, but do wrap regularly at Christmas with two WFI organizations....I do have one suggestion to pass along, something I hear from a lot of people a LOT when I ask them to come out and help....perhaps you wouldn't mind passing it along, clayzedover?

Offer lessons before the season on how to wrap.

Many people think they don't do it well enough to be paid to do it. In fact, it's really simple to teach someone how to do a good wrap...a 1-hr lesson once or twice would probably do it.

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Sorry, some stuff just pushs buttons, ya know?

BTW, if my past job-related experience in dealing with the aftermath of bank hold-ups is any guide, note-passing amateur bank robbers very seldom get more than a grand or so each time, so work that number into any criminal plans y'all are hatching.


(And you might need a faster get-away vehicle than a bus. Jest sayin'... :whistling-1: )

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Does anyone know how to keep blog comments from cutting off in mid-line? I wanted to say "I hope you get some rest too." but that random snipper turned it into:

"I hope you get some

rest too."

He's going to think I'm smutting on his blog.

Always gettting into trouble with Clay...

Well, I have nothing funny to say about the woman (although she did say her ex-husband was supporting her, I guess she had some money, just not enough) But I do have to say if this story gets out it will reinforce the middle age women side of things. I don't think many people know about Clay's connection to librarians though.

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Just to add a wee little bit more strangeness to this incident - does anyone else think the officer leading the gal into the courtroom looks like Jamie???

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I'm not in Houston, but do wrap regularly at Christmas with two WFI organizations....I do have one suggestion to pass along, something I hear from a lot of people a LOT when I ask them to come out and help....perhaps you wouldn't mind passing it along, clayzedover?

Offer lessons before the season on how to wrap.

Many people think they don't do it well enough to be paid to do it. In fact, it's really simple to teach someone how to do a good wrap...a 1-hr lesson once or twice would probably do it.

Now see....I think I can wrap....but would kill for some bow making lessons.. :whistling-1:

As for the poor Michigan lady....I thought it was kinda sweet that her shirt matched her pants. At least she didn't have to wear jumpsuit orange.

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I got a laugh out of the photo of the woman bank robber. I'm not gonna think about it any more than that. Sometimes "we" as a fandom can blow things way out of proportion. It's only a t-shirt, for goodness sake.

Thanks to those who have sent hugs. It's actually been both sons this week - 19 yo with gastroenteritis was in ER yesterday, 16 yo was in for endocrinology bloodwork this morning. To top that off, 19 yo lost his wallet at the theatre tonight (he was feeling a bit better and decided to go see a movie with his g/f). When he realized it was missing he went back to the theatre, and thankfully someone had turned it in, ID and credit cards intact.....but missing the $110 from the billfold. I am thankful that he at least got the ID & cards back. Poor kid has had a rough couple of days though.

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I feel a little out of step this evening. While it would be highly amusing if the woman really was accumulating a ClayFund, I keep wondering if she was trying to pay medical bills or keep from losing her house or something...

I felt a bit sorry myself bottlecap, until I read where the woman did time back in 1999 for using someone else's bank accounts...after that, I just had to laugh at the absurd. (but this whole thing shows what a kind person you are)

Scarlett...your blog response has given me another great laugh for the day. Thank you! *muah*

...now for another shot of NyQuil and back to sleep. :imgtongue:

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It's just a t-shirt! Lordy, lordy, lordy. But yeah, the Nation will keep at it 'til it really is a story, no doubt. Legend has a way of becoming fact.

luckiest1. OY! what a week! In the grand scheme of things though - replacing all the cards and ID is a whole lot more than $110 worth of aggravation. Glad he got that back anyway, and was feeling good enough to go out! I'd give some ((((hugs)))) but I know they'd blush. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well, I think it's funny. Maybe I'm dense but frankly I don't know how this could become a harmful story for Clay. And even if I had the foresight to think of what it could be, I'd hate to think we can't laugh cuz of what might happen. Too bad she wasn't gun totin' granny..that would have been even funnier.

Lucky and sons! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hope the bad stuff is over.

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I'm with the crew who thinks Jimmy Kimmel will run with this. BWAH! He always says stuff about how his fans would kill for him, etc.---surely he'll mention this in his monologue? Or even do some sort of photoshop thing like when he showed naked pizza delivery guy, Clay Aiken? Ha!Ha! (tmCHA) I will NOT be surprised to wake up tomorrow with some Klack of a mention...heeeeeee! :cryingwlaughter:

Wonder what Clay has to say about this? :lilredani:

Wonder if he'll be getting massages every day after all that rehearsing? :hubbahubba:

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Was'nt there a article about peoplw who were arested weearing a a shirt of a celebraties and stuff on The CB sometime ago when. And then someboy posted about hoping they never see someone wear a clay shirt. OMG this is irony right here.

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copied from the CH posted by winkydink :cryingwlaughter:

Somehow, Clay found the time to faux-blog:

Great Krispy Kremes, people!


Now, I realize that the prospect of watching me masticate is SOOOO enticing to some of y’all that payin’ $5000 for the chance is a sore temptation, but….


As my Mama used to write with her red Sharpie on my lunch-bag: “Thou shalt not steal.” (She usually wrote that when I PRAYED for someone to swipe it! HAHA!)

And it’s not that I’m unhappy with the free publicity (because at least I know my Official Tour T-Shirt has my name spelled correctly!); it’s just that I prefer my PR not to include a major felony charge! I do wonder why this cra…enthusiastic fan didn’t wear a more recent T-shirt, though (available at www.clayonline.com)? [Memo to Mary: E-mail the jail with this info. Thanx!]

As long as I’m bloggin’:

I noticed some scar…interesting things while rehearsing today. Like, the front row is really close to the stage! And there’s only one exit! Onto an alley! [Memo to Mary: Get prescription re-fills. Thanx!]

But I’m having an AMAZING time, treading the boards, breaking a leg, and whatnot! And the whole cast has been SOOOO accepting of me, for which I am very grateful! They even gave me a little stuffed chicken, for “my” family crest. I named him “Waldo” (yeah, I know your words!).

I’m having so much fun, I’m not sure I’ll make it to Florida this week-end! [Memo to Mary: E-mail Uncle Jerry to delete my name. Thanx!]

For my stalk---athletic fans: Keep practicing your golf! Did I mention I won’t be playing? There’s a water hazard!

The rest of y’all can bid early and often on that “Some Monday When I Know You Can’t Make It” Dinner! Jerome is SOOOO looking forward to his carriage ride with you! Bring I.D.and all your board names! HAHA!

Sir c

Currently listening to: My Mama praying for me because of some *language* I’ll be usin’

Mood: Like my father, too bold!

I think she wrote it....... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter::clap::cryingwlaughter::clap::cryingwlaughter:

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