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#23: Lordy. He is one more hunkalicious dude!


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • It is more than just the vox and the humor and the gahness!
    • Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.
    • In so many ways, Clay has made me throw my sanity to the wind.
    • Clay is just standing out there with his naked voice, balls proud, singing his heart out without a safety net.
    • "Them desire prospered New Year"
    • He's one yummy man from any angle I look at him.
    • I just betcha "Sir Robin" is going to fit his Clayness like a second skin.

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My gif folder in photobucket has grown by silly leaps and grinding bounds today! :hubbahubba: With the "first Saturday" at CH letting people to post pics and gifs there and then the goodies here, I'm right clicking and saving 'til my fingers are bleeding! :cryingwlaughter:

Spamalot is lucky to get this versatile actor with a voice and impeccable comedic timing and great cheekbones and beautiful lips and expressive hands and long, lean body---a formidable package, indeed. :whistling-1:

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Hi everyone, been lurking lately, but I have been reading along every day. Been cleaning Christmas closets and putting all that stuff away, but I've also been having fun putting songs in my IPod.

It's funny the things you learn while importing songs onto your Itunes library. I was transferring a Glen Campbell cd, STOP LAUGHING, and came accross a song called Without Her, written by Harry Nilsson. The original album was from 1967 and of course it sounds nothing like Without You, but it sure follows the same theme. Just interesting, at least to me.

Regarding AI, I haven't really watched much since the middle of season 3. I loved the concept and think the first 2 seasons captured an innocence that doesn't seem to be there anymore. I think each season has had some contestants with more professional experience than others, but I've gotten the impression that there has been more "casting" of people with fairly strong professional resumes in the most recent seasons. I think what drew me to season 1 and 2, was the feeling of the boy or girl next door getting a chance to live there dream. It may still be true, but I just don't get that feeling from it anymore.

ETA: thanks for posting the St. Louis pics Muski there aren't that many from St. Louis out there, so I right clicked and saved those pretty quick.

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Hi...I'm sorry to throw this question in without catching up, but can anyone suggest a (free) video upload site that accepts BIG files. I'm trying megaupload (the file is 429,000 KB) but it is slooowww...


GAH...gorgeous photos, y'all...

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You want CUTE, Gibby???

Check this one out!


Why is Clay saying, "no thank you", just before he gives that oh-so-adorable grin? Anybody know?

claygasm, i love that gif. i have a whole file of them. now before clay, i had no idea what a gif was, nor did i know anything about message boards, nor did i have any interest in them. however once the finale was over, i had to get on the internet and find out as much as possible about that cutie man with the amazing voice. been lurking ever since, although i did start posting here and there about a year ago. this is the most i have posted at one time though, partly because i had a long christmas break and i'd rather post than do housework.

Oh, yeah, I resemble that remark! Heee.




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My quote thingie won't work, but to add to the explanation of the gif, Clay had said it was very hot on stage. The man who said it was comfortable where he was seated turned out to be someone's father from the CB--can't remember her name.

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Sitting here in the living room with hubby and daughters. Enrique Iglesias concert on tv...he was singing "Hero" and brought a woman on stage---moved her to stand in front of him, put his arm around her chest and then they....swayed. Her butt was against his front. Then...at the end of the song...he moved her to face him---she grabbed and squeezed his butt (repeatedly) as he sang to her...then he took her face in his hands and kissed her. Not a quick peck, but a kiss as the platform they were standing on lowered below the stage.


I said, "Now...see...Clay brings people up on stage, but he doesn't do THAT!"

Nobody paid any attention.

Then a little later I said, "You know, Enrique Iglesias wrote one of the songs on Clay's first CD."

Well! Alex attacked me! "WHY do you HAVE to bring CLAY into every conversation! GODDDDD! I swear, you always...." blahblahblah.

Pissed me off. I was, at the time, putting titles to all my photobucket pictures so of course Clay was making me hot on my mind.

I swear...I'm really tired of being victimized for my support of such a fine upstanding young man.

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Aw, Couchie...it just gets old sometimes and I guess it just didn't hit me right. Enrique up there prancing around (and showing no vocal skill) and she's singing along as though he is ALL THAT---she said she has his songs in Spanish on her iPod and she can sing along...and was talking about how hot he is, etc. Just pissed me off that she jumped on me when I DID mention Clay's name. Just hit me wrong tonight.

Whatever. I think I just need some hot sex. Get rid of all this pent up tension, donchaknow. :cryingwlaughter:

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I have a smaller version of the "no thank you" gif that I've used at a different board for half a year now (I finally changed it yesterday to the Spamalot one...)


And speaking of other cool gifs (hey, I'm that part of my photobucket ANYWAY....)









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Good Morning Everyone;

It must have really warmed up overnight, the snow is all gone, but still wet and dreary out. Hubby and I are going antiquing today...it will be nice to do some other shopping besides Christmas shopping.

1 Day until The BAF Golf Outing!

12 Days until Clay is on Broadway!

Everyone have a great day!


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Know what I love about this picture---besides the gorgeous guy, of course--?

Look at one of the dog's tongue....Like Father like Doggy!


who is that Julia???

Julia who? And when was this taken? Looks like this year's outfit, but the hair seems long....

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I said, "Now...see...Clay brings people up on stage, but he doesn't do THAT!"

Nobody paid any attention.

Then a little later I said, "You know, Enrique Iglesias wrote one of the songs on Clay's first CD."

Well! Alex attacked me! "WHY do you HAVE to bring CLAY into every conversation! GODDDDD! I swear, you always...." blahblahblah.

Pissed me off. I was, at the time, putting titles to all my photobucket pictures so of course Clay was making me hot on my mind.

I swear...I'm really tired of being victimized for my support of such a fine upstanding young man.

Awww, don't feel bad. I am the master at bringing Clay into any conversation. It's become a running joke in my family. But I am waaaaaaay past letting their criticism get me down about it. Sorry you had a bad time last night.

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Good morning all ! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The Jaguars wan last night and I am one happy camper !! :manynanas:

All these gifs are so cute, I just love the way he moves, He is just so sexy to me. :hubbahubba: The cute ones get me too. :hubbahubba: He just gets me in all kinds of way ! :cryingwlaughter:

AI - Last year was so bad that I don't think I will be watching this year. Ever since 2003 and that night when AI broke my heart. I have been very cynical about anything they say or do!!!

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who is that Julia???

Julia who? And when was this taken? Looks like this year's outfit, but the hair seems long....

DeMato...from AI2....and it was taken last year (ie, 2006) when she came to one of the JNT concerts.

Eeee-hah!! Something I actually KNOW for a change! Excuse me while I go quietly celebrate off here in the corner... :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Personally, I think she's still after his body...much like the rest of us. :hubbahubba:

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He's so CUTE


I'm off to.... do something.... don't know what yet! Have a good day y'all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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