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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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I foolishly bought a ticket for the matinee next Saturday afternoon, thinking at the time, that I couldn't hang on until April 1st.

Hey Karen Eh! I'll be at that matinee. I'll see you there! ;)

After all, April is very far away - and so is Baku!

Oh, as to the dust bunnies... Don't worry about them. If I know your company, as long as you have found the corkscrew, all will be fine! :juul:

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Just saw this really cute really young guy with a fantastic voice on AI rewind. Too bad I can't vote for him. I might just have to spend five years of my life following his career. Oh thats right I already did. I seemed so much younger then too.

Regarding "expert" opinions. I had hoped that the fandom was beyond following certain fans and taking their word as truth. But it seemed that nothing had changed. :polon: Until a few posters spoke up. JJ, your post was great as were several others by putting one person's opinion into perspective. I'm beginning to have hope in the future. :7:

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My dust bunnies had grown into Killer Rabbits and something had to be done to tame them before I get my company tomorrow night.

Ha! KarenEh...I copied this and was reading the rest of the posts so that I could paste and comment...then I saw this from Claygasm:

Oh, as to the dust bunnies... Don't worry about them. If I know your company, as long as you have found the corkscrew, all will be fine!

...which was pretty much what I was going to say... :cryingwlaughter:

Went to Super Bow party and didn't network at all. Had a very good time being alone in a big, loud crowd...cool. Drank beer by myself. Ate free food by myself AND got a free manicure while watching the game. (the sponsor's generous gesture to the 'clients' who attended this little soiree) Am resting in my room now before being squired at another evening thingamuhbob by my hotel contact from my meeting in San Francisco...actually, I'd rather just stay in tonight...

Fey---never liked that word because of its connotation, not denotation. I imagine that there are many who will jump at the various ways Clay flings his hands and flutters those long fingers ( :hubbahubba: ) and shuffles here and there, and make them into gestures of someone less than masculine.

I wanna see the freakin' play, dangit! :cry4:

Oh, and re: the restaurant tomorrow night. I don't know about Birras, but I passed Zula's on the way to my Super Bowl fling and looked at the menu in the window. Whoa. If Birras is cheaper, I'm all for it! :clap:

My dust bunnies had grown into Killer Rabbits and something had to be done to tame them before I get my company tomorrow night.

Ha! KarenEh...I copied this and was reading the rest of the posts so that I could paste and comment...then I saw this from Claygasm:

Oh, as to the dust bunnies... Don't worry about them. If I know your company, as long as you have found the corkscrew, all will be fine!

...which was pretty much what I was going to say... :cryingwlaughter:

Went to Super Bow party and didn't network at all. Had a very good time being alone in a big, loud crowd...cool. Drank beer by myself. Ate free food by myself AND got a free manicure while watching the game. (the sponsor's generous gesture to the 'clients' who attended this little soiree) Am resting in my room now before being squired at another evening thingamuhbob by my hotel contact from my meeting in San Francisco...actually, I'd rather just stay in tonight...

Fey---never liked that word because of its connotation, not denotation. I imagine that there are many who will jump at the various ways Clay flings his hands and flutters those long fingers ( :hubbahubba: ) and shuffles here and there, and make them into gestures of someone less than masculine.

I wanna see the freakin' play, dangit! :cry4:

Oh, and re: the restaurant tomorrow night. I don't know about Birras, but I passed Zula's on the way to my Super Bowl fling and looked at the menu in the window. Whoa. If Birras is cheaper, I'm all for it! :clap:

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Kind of late with this--but just had to say--loved Tom Petty. Always loved "Free Fallin." The thing that really struck me was--here's this guy my age up there performing and you look out into the audience and there are all these PYTs.

Then you have this cute guy Clay Aiken who is about half my age and you look out into his audience and.......there I am and lots more just like me. (Yes, I know he also has lots of young fans, too. :) )

What great exposure for Tom Petty--he is starting a tour in the US and Canada and, you guessed it, tickets go on sale tomorrow.

I'm taping Jane Austen, but the way this game is going, don't know why I am watching it and not PBS.

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My goodness! If I didn't know better, I would think some people's opinions about subjective stuff were given more weight than others!

As I have said before, if you just look at posts in a historical vein, they become both predictable and funny. All of 'em.

For the record, I think looking for character development in a Monty Python skit is way over-analyzing. Especially from a non-Python person. But they may very well speak to and for non-Python peeps everywhere! So, Huzzah!

I would have more to say, but I am busy deciding if the Dead Parrot skit is really a ringing denouncement of pet stores everywhere, and if the exploding vomitous obese gourmand in The Meaning Of Life is a clever shot at fancy restaurants and pretentious critics.

Or maybe they are just opportunites to be grossly funny.

Perhaps the original Spam skit has its roots in Sinclair Lewis' expose of the horrors of processed meat.

Really, though, over-reaction to a faintly negative opinion, and it is just an opinion, is giving way too much importance, it is like depending on certain fans for hair reports.

I loved the super bowl commercial about the horse race, but I wish the jockey had been Shaq, just because I love his smile.

Um, even before Monty Python, I was afraid of rabbits and their big chomping teeth.

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From CV:

Clay was gorgeous and hysterical!

The Knights That Say Ni gave the super bowl score tonight and also sang parts of two Tom Petty songs.

As the Knights were going off the stage, they usually say something about going to look for tickets online. Tonight they said "let's go see if there were any wardrobe malfunctions at half time"! The character Tim, the one with the killer rabbit, also gave the super bowl score when he first appeared. toni said that Clay had a very intense face during the bottle dance and had very commanding foot stomps

Not too many people out at the stage door so he was very talkative and everyone got autographs. Clay was very accomodating and gracious. Someone asked him if he was tired and he said he wasn't.

Crowd was not quite as loud as matinee when more fans were there. They were very receptive though.

toni, rocky's mom, dancermom, invisible, and scarlett all say hello!

toni and invisible both have video and pictures from the stage door and will get them up when they can.

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OMG weeeeeeeeeeeeee this game is good

I know!!!! and that does not always happen

as far as I'm concern...just another persons' opinion. I never considered anyone in the fandom to be an expert. But I think I can understand why the reaction is so strong.


that was good!!!

I didn't really care who won...but I just love it when the under dog wins ...

all I care about is a good game...

Sorry to the Patriots fans...you had a great season though.

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While I do think it would have been cool to finally have a team with an undefeated season....I think I'm more happy that another Manning got a Super Bowl ring.

That makes me tear up.

merrieee, thanks for bringing over the reports. I love that about the Super Bowl score during the show tonight.

Is someone keeping a list of all the changes that are being made during the Knights of Ni section?

One more edit....from the recap thread at the CH:

tiggy52winkle at CB wrote:

Back from a magical day in NY seeing Clay in Spamalot. Had lunch at Junior's and guess we're the only 3 people in the world who didn't care for the cheesecake. We had tickets in the back orchestra for the matinee and they were great seats so don't let row T scare you. The theater is quite small and the view was great! One of my friends was in the 6th row and it was her first show. She reported that Clay indeed has a hole in his tights! Can't wait for March 1 when I'll be in the 2nd row and can check it out for myself!

He has really added so much more to his performance since opening weekend when I last saw him. As the guy in the tower he is playing with the strap on his helmet and it's so cute. He looks so relaxed in the next scence where he is collecting money for the dead bodies. So relaxed, in fact, that he dropped the money the other guy handed him but he just bent down, scooped it up and went right on about his business. (we've seen that quick scoop action in concert when he's dropped the mic!) His little dance steps with Lancelot are too cute for words. Others have said it and I'll reiterate, he is positively leacherous in the scenes with the scantily dressed girls. Grabbing at them and leering, he's almost licking his lips! LOL!!! When the girls popped out of the pram he said, "Come to Daddy!" I had the binoculars out and even though I couldn't hear him say it (he says it kind of under his breath so only those up front really get to hear it, but I could see his lips very clearly...OMG!)

He used a totatlly different facial expression as the drunken guard and it was even funnier than the first shows. The faces of each character he plays are so different that it is truly amazing and another sign of the true acting talent that Clay possesses in spades! When he is run through with Lancelot's sword and falls flat out you can see his chest moving up and down and it's enough to make you fall flat out too! His feet are turned out even lying on his back playing dead!

Brother Maynard is hysterical and he uses this high pitched voice that adds to the hilarity. When he comes riding in with the minstrels playing and singing "Brave Sir Robin" the look on his face is just pricesless. So smug and confident. But as the song progresses with the nasty ways that he's not afraid to be killed the expressions he pulls and the looks in his eyes will make you roar. And when he dismounts the imaginary horse and that long leg goes up and over in the air showing off the tights....gulp! In one of the scenes he's riding the "horse" in slow motion and he kept going lower and lower to the ground with each forward and back move yesterday. Positively erotic (and a nice view of the tights again!) When the knights are dancing and clicking their coconuts, OMG! The sexy expression on his face will make your heart just race....but he saves the most lethal looks for the piano scene and then the stomp, shake, snap steps just prior to the bottle dance.

The Knights of Ni added the "If I was Invisible" reference and of course we all screamed in appreciation. Clay looks positively gorgeous at the end of the show dancing around in that white tux. Yummmm! His dancing seems so effortless and every turn and clap are spot on. Not a single misstep. He looks like he is just having the time of his life up there and I know that we could wish nothing more for him.

Lots of men in the audience, couples who are out on dates, young people, the majority of people were NJUs. We talked to the couple that sat behind us; he was a big Python fan from way back but his companion really wasn't into it....we told her she would be by the end of the show. Well, she laughed the entire time and thoroughly enjoyed herself. It's so much fun watching people react to the show and to Clay in particular. His big number always draws lots of applause, laughs and cheers from the audience. The whole cast is wicked funny and talented and it just makes your heart swell with pride and admiration to see Clay more than holding his own with these seasoned professionals. Broadway is not for mediocre talent and that is a huge testament to Mike Nichols confidence in Clay that he chose him with literally no acting background for a major role in this show.

Before the show the three of us decided that we would have to stay for the evening show as well so tried for orchestra tickets but couldn't get anything together (the theater was packed!) down close so decided to get standing room only tickets for $21.50. They were just fine! There's a cushy velvety ledge to rest your arms on and after sitting for a couple of hours on the car ride to NYC, sitting for lunch, the first show and a scrumptious dinner at Sardi's, it was actually nice to stand up for awhile. There are numbered spots and our spots were on the left side, right in front of the merchandise table. The only time we had to bend a little to look up was the first scene when Clay was up in the tower. Other than that we had a wonderful view of the entire stage. This is a very inexpensive option and I can say now that I would get SRO seats again with no problem.

Finally got my playbill AND poster signed so will stand back and let others have the fun of that experience next time. There were tons of people by the stage door in the evening, more than at the matinee it seemed. Clay didn't have a jacket on in the evening so got to see how sleek his body is looking these days with all the exercise he's getting on stage. He looks too gorgeous for words! Get thee to Spamalot if you can! It's worth every last dime you'll spend.

I like hearing about the SRO seats. I'm sure I'll try for those one night when I'm there.

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It was nice to see the game be a nail biter! The Giants may have knocked out my team, but I usually root for the underdog if I don't have one in the game! While it's sad for the Patriots' fans, they have won before so it's nice to see someone else get the trophy!

And that Giants' catch (sorry don't know one player from another unless they're a Packer!) was outstanding! WOW!

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as far as I'm concern...just another persons' opinion. I never considered anyone in the fandom to be an expert. But I think I can understand why the reaction is so strong.

After what happened last time combined with what went down a little while ago I don't think most fans are going to be so accepting of so called "expert opinion" anymore. I thought the comments were respectful.

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