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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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skybar22, I don't have a link to the Merrilville "All Is Well" video handy right now (although now I see that ldyj found it),) but I do have "the moment".

That was one of the most amazing bonding experiences I've ever experienced. I had been in Waukegan the night before when he missed that last note. It was agonizing, especially after the year he'd had.

The next night in Merrilville, the whole audience leaned forward, collectively holding our breath and WILLING him to get it, and he.just.NAILED.it. We all just leaped to our feet cheering like crazy.

Taking pictures of Clay is such a pleasure, but you get a lot of shots that aren't worth a darn.

And then sometimes, you just get lucky. One of my favorites EVAH!!


irishbookgal titled that one "Joyful and Triumphant" when she saw it.

Yeah. That.

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For skybar:

I think that would be my third choice as well. It was chilling to be there.

Oh YES!!! That was definitely a note sung straight to the heart.

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Oh I missed the homework assignment!

Three favorite pieces of clack?

I keep nodding my head to so many already mentioned. WB MOAM will always be my favorite Clay moment. I was there and treasure that moment. I was so glad we have the clack.

Merrriville AIW - so special and joyous.

I can't think of what would be my 3 favorite pieces of clack!

Our clack cup runneth over and I am glad.

My friend and I have decided which trains to take. I just wish I had hip waders or a small boat to take with me! But tomorrow I get to see that CUTE guy who plays Sir Robin in Spamalot and that makes me happy!

Now I have to get to bed so I can get up tomorrow, pack and get out of here!

'Night all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Ok, I have enjoyed all of these clips tonight so much. I especially enjoyed the Invisible/giggleyw/panties/AI2 one that couchie put up. I had never seen that one before and I must say, what really got me was the way he sounded introducing RUUUUben at the end of the clip. He has a such GAH aweful grrrowly voice there! It made my girly parts all tingly :P

And many of my favorites seem to be posted already. So it's been great watching them. I have two that I want to add but I can't do pretty links. Hope you enjoy!

Invisible on Jimmy KImmel Live 2006



Tulsa Concert Banter 2007 J*just after "Footgate"


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O.M.G.... I was at Pala and thought I would pee my pants I was laughing so hard! Some people who were not there and just watching the video thought he did it too long, but if you were there, it was just right!!!

1. I LOVE Clay's Sedaka Tribute Solitaire. Superb! And purdy!!!

Sedaka Tribute

2. Almost anything from Long Island, but especially his "Clay Aiken, bringing families together" bit with "Mom". He was so courageous that night.

3. NAT... when he came down the steps with his shadow, little John, who mimic'd Clay's every move.

Clay Duets - John Martin - Fabulous

I think I have the video of just Clay and John on my work computer, but this is close.

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Three favorite pieces of clack? Only because y'all know how well I follow rules:

1) Always and Forever, AI2, January 2, 2003: The boy knocked me on my ass. He literally stopped me in my tracks, first from the song choice and then...the resonance, the clarity, the tone, the pitch perfectness in his voice singing acapella - I still tend to play that clip every freakin' day.

1a) To Love Somebody, AI2, May 6 2005: Clay strolled out on stage, casually elegant in black, with a royal blue tie to highlight, and the music of one of my favorite songs of all time started up; and a glorious voice soared out - and for the first time, my girly parts said, "Oh yeah, chick - that's a man to do". And he looked at me through the TV. And I realized that his eyes were a frickin' gorgeous green - and oh my lord he was just pretty. No ifs, ands or buts, he was just PRETTY. And totally hot. And the only thing that was wrong with his performance is that it stopped. He looked like a complete and total star. And he could no be denied by anyone - Randy admitted he was brilliant, Robin Gibb simply said that was the way the song should be sung - Paula vaguely made sense, and even Simon couldn't deny his talent. There was absolutely no anxiousness about this performance - hell, win American Idol? He needed to be crowned God-Emperor.

1b) Pimp Clay in the "Ride Wit Me" pimpercial. I just frickin' love pimp Clay. Love, love, love. Love.

2) Because in many ways, it's all about me, there is a clip that not many have named 040708_GrandForks_CrouchedOnMyButt_JulieRose_large. He ain't singing, he ain't dancing, people are asking about the state of their butts and you can't see me - but he's holding MY hand and talking (and flirting with me. Bliss. It was sheer bliss.

I gotta think of what clips will make up my last sorta single choice...

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I have my third and final piece of homework teacher.

Red Bank, Best of Banter pt. 9

If anyone's looking for me I'll be in Youtube land for the next several hours. Haven't done this in ages. Sooo much clack, so little time :lilredani:

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Hey, no fair! KAndre cheated!!!!!!!!! And I laid awake all night, agonizing over my final choice.


3a. Kyrie from the Independent tour. I haven't found the perfect clip yet, but one where the joy on his face is palpable, when he ascends those steps and looks out over the crowd, and then jumps up on the stage and wails the end of the song. Preferably in the blue on blue outfit, with a fedora. Heh, I'll keep looking for the one, but here's a youtube link to Aflack's Road to Independence Kyrie to tide you over (although is seems really out of sync for me). It's a best of the best, with some really funny commentary.

File is called RTI_Kyrie_Aflack.mpg

Can be found here: http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Montag...endence_Series/

3b. Invisible from the Raleigh Evening performance of the NAT, Oct. 18, 2004. I think spotlightlover captured the jump best, so I will use hers (and it also includes the part before the song that always tears me up, even though I'm not from Raleigh, and was one of those damned foreigners who "stole" the hometowners seats. :P Can't find me a youtube, but.......

File name is 041018_Raleigh_Eve_Invisible_spotlightlover_large.mpg

Can be found here: http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Concer...spotlightlover/

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What fun the Three Clack Favs . . . and I've missed it!

I actually was gone all day yesterday. I applied for a job, y'all! :cryingwlaughter:

At Piggly Wiggly!

Nepotism at it's best! heh have any of you ever heard of Dream Dinners? Piggly Wiggly grocery stores bought the franchise and Sis is opening the 2nd store! There's one in Columbia, SC and hers is in Myrtle Beach, SC, to open April 3rd. It's chaos! PW still kinda feeling its way and this is the biggest, most expensive PW to ever open so all TPTB have their panties in a was! Poor Sis! She's just s titch stressed! So - we'll see - if PW allows the nepotism and how long I last driving an hour fifteen for $10 an hour!!!

Anyway, I'm just helping her out.

So . . .

I don't have links for these, but . . .

1) - My NUMBERONEALLTIME fav - Kyrie Opening Night IT!

Where is he? Where IS he? OMG OMG OMG There he is coming in THROUGH THE AUDIENCE!!!

The man is a showman! No doubt!

2) Bridgette and "Mom, did you hear what she said?" That whole bit. B. leaning ALL OVER THE MAN! Priceless.

3) Houston - the first time hearing LAA live!

3) All Done Darlin'

3) Raleigh Gala - All of it - the GAH hair and beard - the RING SCHTICK!

I could not believe I was sitting there witnessing him letting his hair down and showing us this devilish side I bet his friends have always seen! My jaw was on the floor!

He was one sexy, drop dead HunkaMan that night!

I have things to do. I have a l'il trip to get ready for. :whistling-1:

But if I get time later, I'll hunt for clips!

I've enjoyed viewing the few I had time to see. (Sing it! Thanks for that!)

It's storming, y'all! Yikes!

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Some recaps of last night's show.

farouche at CV:

My son and I are back in our room. No stage door, although the barricades were up. Rick (Lancelot) came and signed, shortly after Jerome came out and said that it was raining so signing might not work. (I do think it was difficult for Rick to sign anything and the programs were getting wet.) Jerome didn't say Clay wasn't coming out, so quite a few people waited. (I actually thought he might just come out and say "hey" and then flee back inside, but he didn't.) Jerome never came back out, but then they took down the barricades.

I'm really tired and I'm starving, so this will be a short recap.

I was very glad that Tom Deckman was back b/c I think the scene with him waiting to be rescued is my favorite part of the play. He just cracks me up. Patsy was back also and I tried to watch him more; I think he is a bit under-appreciated. I still don't enjoy the King. I've tried.

Clay has definitely changed things up a bit since earlier in the run. He had some nice delivery changes to the coconut/swallow scene and overall he seems more relaxed. He engages in more "stage business" and has added more to his pants soiling scenes. Oddly, I didn't think he looked as relaxed as I expected during the bottle dance. I didn't see much of a change since I last saw it in January.

He was cracking up at something during the finale/audience sing along. I got the impression it had something to do with Hannah; he kept looking at her.

Sterling said it was "good" -- not a lot of detail about what he liked.

I met Smitten, since she was sitting next to us, but didn't see anyone else.

Hmmm. What else? The orchestra was completely full. The mezzanine also looked pretty full and there were definitely people in the balcony although I couldn't tell you how many.

ETA: The peasant was from B101. She wouldn't give them her last name so they called her [insert first name which I don't remember] Blank. In other words, instead of her last name, they used the world "Blank." I don't think she knew there was a possibility she would get dragged up onstage. She seemed surprised.

d4kkkks at CB:

Clay looked professional last night as an actor and as a dancer. He seems so effortless. He even gave some extra dancing moves. He is in good spirit. Everything he does on the stage looks so easy for him last night. He is so adorable and hug able. The three big notes,(yodeling, haying, final "Find the Grail" song) are truly amazing. I only have my eyes for him when he is on. I enjoy every minute of it. Until......

They unveiled the clue. I held my eldest niece's hand, closed my eyes and I heard the Hebrew announcement "BI OI"! I felt my heartbeat faster. I looked down. All I heard are very loud enthusiastic cheering from the audience, especially from my 4 nieces. Still looking down, Patsy came down to me and did the scene routine. I stood up; he found the grail in my seat; King Arthur said something; Sir Robin invited me up the stage. I felt like a robot; I just saw myself walking up the stairs, like climbing to the stairs of heaven, up on the stage standing and I heard King Arthur asking me if I was nervous (because I was worried that I might embarrass my Nieces and Clay). I don't remember how I answered him. I had to ask my nieces. I smiled and nodded."yes". He asked my name and my last name.

After the mini ceremony I heard my name announcement as "THE WINNER FOR BEST PEASANT IN NEW YORK CITY IS ME" !!!!!!!

Patsy pronounced my last name funny & cute. I looked at the audience and I can only see the front row seats since I was on spotlight. I heard a very loud cheering from everyone. I just felt someone is guiding me toward Clay and the casts. When Clay and the casts were all singing, I know I couldn't stop myself not to look at Clay and I heard the audience laughing. But it didn't stop me. All I can remember, I continued looking at him . In my blurred moment, I don't even remember Clay's face clearly. All I know is that he was singing to me. I smiled & paused as they turned me for the Polaroid picture on stage, which after Clay gave to me. He said something but I forgot. I know I said "Thank you". They were guiding me off stage. I felt I was walking alone in cloud 9. I looked at my eldest Niece as she came to me and assisted me in going down the stair. Mrs. Evelyn Clasicas seating in A101 congratulated me.

After the show, I am asked my Nieces how I did on the stage. They were all very happy and proud of me. All the Asian Claymates and even the Claymates from Oregon who were there congratulated me and wished me "Happy Birthday" as well. Sir Lancelot, told me I did a wonderful job on the stage. Herbert said "Congratulations" and "Happy Birthday". After all, I hope Clay feel proud of me too

I am Blessed. It happened on my Birthday. I like to thank everyone and all who wishes and support me in spirit.

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Good Morning Everyone,

1 Day until Daylight Savings Time!

14 Days until Spring!

57 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

59 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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Well so far every clip someone has picked has become my new favourite! I did not start d/l Clack quite a while into my fandom so some of these I have not seen! God he is good and can sing just about any dang thing!

I have one or two that I just love, like SOB to his Grandfather, any AI Solitaire, the whole concert on LI because he was so sick an he spoke to ME and almost everyone where he dissolves into fits of giggles!

So just keep bringing the pretties and I will continue to study dilligently and maybe by the time the next tour starts I will have narrowed the field!

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One of my favorite pieces of Clack and I don't know where to find it, was at the Charlotte NAT when Clay couldn't get the band to stop playing and he just laughed until he almost cries as did the whole audience.

That was also where he did the famous leg lift on the petite young woman who he was concerned was under eighteen and then his relief when he found out she was older than that.

One of my favorite concerts was the JNT 06 in West Point. He was hilarious although he couldn't stand long due to the vertigo. He asked some women in our row if they were from Switzerland due to the nurses caps with a red cross on them. I guess they were from the clambulance, if there is such a word.

So many great memories of a wonderful singer and funny, funny man. :cryingwlaughter:

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IT Kyrie Opening Night is labeled thusly at CV Vault . . .



I'm downloading and will do a sendspace if anyone needs it.



Raleigh Ring Clack is . . .



I can't remember where Bridgette leaned all over our guy!! :cryingwlaughter:

Must go out to get hair done from my Dates with BF!

And shop for quart baggies and small toiletries to satisfy Homeland Security! Plus my hairdryer died.

If you could see my hair you would :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: at the thought of me buying a hairdryer. It's about an inch long all over my head!! Okay, there maybe some 2 inch bits! *g*

I'll be a CottonTop again next time you see me!!! (well, almost, it has to grow another month or so so she can cut all the color completely out!


I'm on TOP!

My favorite position! :whistling-1:

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Oh my, so many great memories in our 'three' selections. I think maybe we need Brother Maynard to educate us on the exact meaning of the number three though. *ahem* :imgtongue:

I just watched the Wilkes Barre 'Invisible' video. I'd forgotten how much I loved the tour version of that song, with the electronic echoes and the high 'smaaaartest man'. And in that version, the 'HAA!!!' right in the middle of a line as a pair of panties hits the ground beside him. It's so cute to watch him walk back and forth across that stage and do his little hip shake/thrust and see the awe on his face as the audience goes wild. How far he has come in his performance, and yet there is just something so compelling about the innocence of that tour. *sniffle*

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Just slugged my way through the snow to the bank, where I bought my US cash for my Spamalot trip, and then the grocery store, where Clay sang ATD to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in the frozen food aisle. :lilredani:

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O.M.G.... I was at Pala and thought I would pee my pants I was laughing so hard! Some people who were not there and just watching the video thought he did it too long, but if you were there, it was just right!!!

1. I LOVE Clay's Sedaka Tribute Solitaire. Superb! And purdy!!!

Sedaka Tribute

2. Almost anything from Long Island, but especially his "Clay Aiken, bringing families together" bit with "Mom". He was so courageous that night.

3. NAT... when he came down the steps with his shadow, little John, who mimic'd Clay's every move.

Clay Duets - John Martin - Fabulous

I think I have the video of just Clay and John on my work computer, but this is close since it's Saturday.

Found my links as best I could, so brought them up here so you don't have to hunt me down... :cryingwlaughter:

I, too, LOVE any IT Kyrie. I saw it 4 times and still love that song cause of the memories it brings!


Just slugged my way through the snow to the bank, where I bought my US cash for my Spamalot trip, and then the grocery store, where Clay sang ATD to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in the frozen food aisle. :lilredani:

luckiest... Clay sang ATD to meeeeee at Home Depot last week. Ain't it fun!!!

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Thanks for the trip down memory lane; too much clack to pick out favorites and my head is too stuffed up to even think clearly. So it has been reading what everyone else finds to be favorites.

Perma I was in Merrillville when he hit the note in AIW and it is something I will never forget..I think it really hit home for me the connection between Clay and his fans and the power of that love. I wish I had known you were there that night, I would have loved to say hi!

BSOB is one of my favorite pieces of clack and I do watch that one often, not just at Christmas time.

My fondest memory is Invisible from St. Paul. The very first video I ever downloaded and I remember how proud I was of myself since I was pretty new to computers at the time and I was scared to death that I was going to blow it up or something. I remember watching that with the biggest grin on my face even though part of it was sideways; the first shirt tug and the OMG girl. Such a fun time in the fandom and it was just the beginning.


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