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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Please do not feel guilty because you are able to go to many shows. I love reading the recaps since I will not be going. I never understand why anyone would begrudge someone for seeing shows. If I lived nearby I would see what I could. Just continue to see as many as you can and report back with every little detail.

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Spent the day reading Spring Training blogs and I know some of ya'll think it's just ClayNation...but it ain't. I would never if I were a player or a players family member dare venture into the comments section on one of those things. Some sad sick people out there. And I don't believe they are all bitter 13 year olds either. Bitter 31 year olds maybe.

Yeah the basketball ball boards are bad too. I'm thinking of going to Yankee stadium while I'm in NY and maybe exercising a few demons :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: T

Wandacleo, hee yeah us workers from home need a support group. I swear I was all geared up to work 6 hours yesterday and the first call came at 9:30 am. Can I babysit for a couple of hours.... and the next thing I knew it was 7PM and the day was pretty much over. I tried to work while the brat was here but the first thing out of her mouth after 10 minutes was I'm bored. I don't envy you mothers LOL.

CG -- got to play to win is what I keep telling myself. I usually just do it when the entire company does it. Wouldn't want to be the only one who can't quit when a number hits.

so how many shows does Clay do a week? 8? are there matinees besides saturday and sunday

Has anyone seen A Bronx Tale on Broadway cuz I loved loved loved the movie.

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Oh, one more tidbit from this afternoon -- King Arthur almost missed the shrub/cave while lobbing the hand grenade. Yes, that huge thing. The grenade ended up right near the edge, a couple more inches and it would have hit the floor and perhaps bounced off. (maybe he's been taking lessons from Clay? /jk) LOL! :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: jamar, however I think Clay can beat Santana in the "cutest little butt wiggle" category.

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play, we come to the clay aiken boards to exchange information and share fan moments. Who's going to give those reports if those who do go will stop writing about their adventures, Clique?

I hope you never stop. More power to those who can go many times.

What good does it do to try to make others feel guilty?

I agree with this. There have always been some fans who could go to more concerts, or tapings or Galas. I always look forward to all of the recaps, I especially appreciate the recaps from Spamalot because we don't have the almost instant gratification of Clack. I'm glad there are people filling up those seats, and that they are willing to share as much as they are able to remember from their experience. So please, don't ever stop.

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OK, I will not demure again. That, too, is annoying. I do understand CG's problem - here is the rub, without work, money is even more limited. So you take your choices and prioritize.

I know. And its annoying! I just want to be independently wealthy - like those people who just won that mega million lottery for $200+ million!

And just to be clear - I do not begrudge anyone who goes to see Spamalot as often as humanely possible! I would do it in a heart beat if I had the chance!

How come every time I watch the Oscars all I think about is how much I would love Clay to sing a movie song that gets nominated for an Oscar and that he gets to sing it before the 100 bazillion people watching all over the world.

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OK, enough, moving on.

I must say, there is more stage door clack than ever, and the best part of that is Clay looks so different there than he does anywhere else. it is like having our own private Clay.

Research done - someone suggested I look for 1392 or whatever on the magnets, nope, not there, just Monty Python's Spamalot.

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Please do not feel guilty because you are able to go to many shows. I love reading the recaps since I will not be going. I never understand why anyone would begrudge someone for seeing shows. If I lived nearby I would see what I could. Just continue to see as many as you can and report back with every little detail.

Actually I really enjoy the recaps of those who go multiple times, because they can give us progress reports on what's changed, what Clay has done differently, how much he has improved/improvised. It also would be interesting for those who have only been once, they can keep tabs on what's changed etc.

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I had assumed we were all adults.

What? Are you new here?


:cryingwlaughter: Ididn't mean that comment to apply here but on that other board that was a bit sour-grapes to Play. Of course theres nothing wrong with us twelve-yr-olds-pretending-to-be-grown-up-ladies having our say too!

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And did you notice that she actually pinched her own butt at one point? I kid you not.

Ha! I thought she had a wedgie! :cryingwlaughter:


I hope Clay sleeps from the time he gets home tonight until he has to be back onstage Tuesday night! :F_05BL17blowkiss: (I've already texted him to tell him I can take a raincheck on the hawt sex we had planned.)

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Well, I survived my trip but I am REALLY glad I didn't have anything to do today!

Got home about 10 am after spending the wee AM hours on a bus traveling back from NYC. I'm still kind of burned out from the trip, but it was great to see the show again!! This was my third time.

I can't believe my luck tho. The one time I get to the barrier (after the matinee show) in the front row and Clay doesn't come out. :(

I got autographs and pictures from Rick (Lancelot), Tom (Herbert) and David (Patsy) tho.

The show last night was great. The only way I could tell Clay might be a little sick was because I thought his energy was a little tiny bit done from what I was expecting. He didn't miss a beat tho!!

Will post some pix a littl later, have to go back to bed now!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Playbiller Please don't hesitate to tell us all about going to see Clay--as many times as you can! I'm thrilled that you can others can go--the more times the better.

If people are jealous, that's really a problem between them and their parents (who should have taught them better) and not a problem for you.

I love your reports.

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Playbiller Please don't hesitate to tell us all about going to see Clay--as many times as you can! I'm thrilled that you can others can go--the more times the better.

If people are jealous, that's really a problem between them and their parents (who should have taught them better) and not a problem for you.

I love your reports.

I'm just going to WORD this one. I won't get to go so I love hearing from you and anyone else who gets to go. I love the updates on how he is doing and what the Knights of Ni are up to each night. It's fun to hear your perspective Playbiller. I'm not at all jealous but I do wish I could see this for myself. I'm happy though, not sad. I love that Clay is doing this show and he is fitting into Broadway so well. There will be many things I will miss and have missed but it doesn't diminish my joy in knowing Clay is having success. If it were not for you and others I would miss out much more. And a big thanks to Scarlett for all the wonderful clack over all these years and everyone else who contributes to the sharing of what I can't get to.

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Mama's sister, my ittybitty Aunt Hilda had a heart attack, but due to her other health issues, is not expected to leave the hospital.

She weighs 63 pounds, has complications due to her terrible auto accident years ago, is in congestive heart failure, but is not a candidate for any of the usual corrective procedures.

ittybittyaunt2.jpg In this picture . . .

Dog=75 pounds

IttyBitty Aunt = 83 pounds.

She was talking yesterday and asked about everyone - asking by name, asking how they are doing, telling stories - until she just didn't have the breath to talk. And even then she still wanted to talk!

I'm doing well one minute and weepy the next. I mostly mad at myself for not going to visit her more. I know guilt is not a productive emotion. I know it. Intellectually. I can't change yesterday. I know.

But I will say this. (goes to the discussion about PLAY going to *coughafewcough* shows)

Do it now. Whatever it is you've been thinking about and keep putting off.

Call that classmate you've lost touch with but think about occasionally.

Call your mother. Or you uncle. Sister. Aunt. Friend.

Take that pretty new dress, or shirt or skirt you got for Christmas and folded neatly, put in a drawer to save for a special occasion.

Unfold it.

Wear it.

Enjoy it.

If you can't go to NYC, go see a touring Broadway show.

If you've always wanted to go see a favorite sports team, find a way.

I'm a world class procrastinator.

If you are, too - Make a list of things you want to do, people you've been meaning to have lunch with, something you've wanted to try.

And start with one thing on your list.

And do it.

I'm off to see Aunt Hilda earlier in the day and catch her before the day wears her out. And maybe she'll have breath enough to tell me one of her stories. (She loves to talk and the congestive heart failure is crowding out her breath making that difficult.)

Go kiss somebody!

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If other boards are suggesting that people who attend multiple shows not share their experiences....well.....in Monty Python speak, that's just SILLY! I know that if I lived in the same city as a repeat Clay show, I'd probably be there every freaking night (or as many as my Visa card would allow). As it is, I'll be breaking the bank to get my butt to NYC only 1 time (with 2 shows), but them's the breaks. Exactly 15 days from today until I board the plane. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So has anyone been perusing the Claynation to see if they've figured out who the British man with Jaymes was? :cryingwlaughter: Seems logical that it probably was the producer. Cool.

ETA: {{{Cotton}}} I totally subscribe to the "do it NOW" way of life. No better time than the present. Spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, because they won't always be here. I definitely have my regrets in that regard, but I also am glad for the times I sat down with my grandparents and picked their brains about 'the old days'. I wish I'd spent more time with my dad, who passed young (he was only 60). I hope you find your aunt in a talkative mood today. Hugs.

Recently, I got a written lecture from my birth mother (as opposed to my real (adoptive) mother) in the form of an email. Now, I haven't seen the woman in person for over a year, and talk to her on the phone maybe once every couple of months. She is not involved in my life or my kids lives to any extent. Yet she thought she had the right to tell me how disappointed she was in me for going out and spending money on concerts and other things I enjoy, when I should obviously (in her mind) be scrimping and saving for my retirement. Needless to say, I wrote her back and set her straight. As far as I'm concerned, I work for my money, I take good care of my kids, so if I want to go out and enjoy myself once in a while, I have every right to do it. Now, we're back to talking about the weather. No point in telling her how great my Vegas trip was, or how much I'm looking forward to NYC, because she obviously doesn't.get.it.

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I think Clay can beat Santana in the "cutest little butt wiggle" category.

Oh sure. But Johan's is more predictable. Before EVERY freakin' pitch...up to a 100 pitches per game.

Ididn't mean that comment to apply here but on that other board

Yeah. I meant new to the fandom. Hee.

And did you notice that she actually pinched her own butt at one point? I kid you not.

Ha! I thought she had a wedgie! :cryingwlaughter:


Wedgie schmedgie. She REALLY loved her hair that week.


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Good Morning Everyone,

13 Days until Daylight Savings Time!

26 Days until Spring!

69 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

71 Days until The New CD!

Everyone have a great day!


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I think my favorite line of the Newsday review is this:

"Aiken blends into the sophomoric adorableness of the show"

Once again....he wasn't attempting for "star turn," he was attempting for "team player," and he succeeded. I love that.

Cotton, thanks for the reminder. I'm one of those people who is ALWAYS torn between "do it now, life is short" and "plan for the future." It's a struggle, to be sure....but you know, every so often you've just got to say "WTF!" [tm Risky Business].

I do not begrudge ANYONE who can (and does) see shows a gazillion times. Do I get jealous? Well, sure, mainly because I'd like to be doing that too, but there's no way I CAN. But I seriously don't begrudge anyone who does it, and I certainly wouldn't suggest to anyone that they shouldn't post a review because of that.

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Newsday review is in!

Favorite quote . . .

This is not a debut for cowards.

Clay Aiken Fits!

This is not a debut for cowards. I luv Clay and I'm so proud. Didn't one of the play producers say he was fearless? Can you imagine jumping into all that and excelling like Clay did? Yay Clay!!! Yay us!!!

ETA-- Another thing that is so important is that Spamalot is getting some new great reviews.

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