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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Good Morning Everyone,

15 Days until Clay is on QVC!

21 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot!

23 Days until On My Way Here is Here!

Everyone have a great day!


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UM - my favourite version is Clay's David Foster Gala, for sure, with the Raleigh CFC Gala a close second (too bad the quality of clack is not as good for that one!) Also loved the JBT versions........really, any Clay version, for me, blows all previous versions out of the water. But I'm biased like that. :P

OK, I have to admit I'm jealous as all hell of everyone in NYC this weekend. Here, it's been alternating between rain and snow, really dreary. Off to do some housework and laundry, ugh. But I have my own countdown going.....3 weeks minus a day, and I'll be back in NYC too! :clap:

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This appears to be the webisode that is supposed to air on Broadway.com tomorrow...found by claikendee at the CV...scroll down to where it says Spamalot Webisode in the list of videos:



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I knew Vincent very well so I knew he missed some words. He missed it in two parts...the first time he did the chorus and the verse he was talking about. I wasn't upset at Paula during the show because I thought she mentioned the missed lyrics to point out how well he handled it and to soften the blow she knew Simon couldn't wait to give. She also gave him two standing O's and said his UM was the best performance of the competition so I was very happy with her then. Thats why I was so upset with her ET round up cos she only talked about how Clay messed up. She forgot to say how he recovered and gave the two best performance of the night.

UM...I remember getting so disappointed when I finally heard his demo. This demo was one of the last to get shared on the net and so many people were talking about his version. But frankly...it is one of my least favorite demos. When he said he was singing it I was truly nervous for him. The arrangement was bad...but his vocals and that high falsetto was just spot on. I remember cheering as soon as I heard it...its thrilling. No wonder DF kept making him do it during the gala.

Klo...at the time I thought she did an ok job but watching it again I noticed how much vocal flaws she had. I thought her inseperable was overwrought at the end and she had a hard time handling the riffs. Her voice really sounded ragged. I do like that Burt Bacharach song she sang...she just was not able to handle the song.

What I remembered about Klo is that she always got mixed reactions because of her personality, even before it was well known to the Clay fans that they were best friends. I do think that I ended up liking her more because of their friendship. But I know one of the first times she got in trouble with the internet fans was in the first or second week when she was in the bottom three and was proclaimed safe. She got so thrilled and she turned around and went back to the others without showing any sympathy for those that was left on stage. Lots of people were very critical of her then cos she was very insensitive. I really had a hard time warming up to her but I respected the fact that she made an effort to improve herself and I did think she deserved to be in the top 3. But I didn;t like her attitude in the interviews today. I got the impression she thought she deserved to be in the finals and that she got sabotaged. I disagree cos Paula and Randy gave her some undeserved praises IMO. I felt that in the top 3 she would have to make a huge mistake to get criticized cos the judges wanted to preserve some suspense leading to the final two. In their goodbyes....I agree that Clay and Ruben looked more crushed than Kim.

BTW...I saw at CH that David Foster gave an interview about AI with Access Hollywood...mainly about Micheals elimination. Whats interesting is that he said that mostly the audience gets it right and the best singer wins but at times it becomes a popularity contest and the wrong person gets it and he gave Ruben and Taylor as examples.

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This appears to be the webisode that is supposed to air on Broadway.com tomorrow...found by claikendee at the CV...scroll down to where it says Spamalot Webisode in the list of videos:



ARRRRRGGGGHHHH...I live on the wrong side of the border again...its not accessible to Canadians...sniff.

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BTW...I saw at CH that David Foster gave an interview about AI with Access Hollywood...mainly about Micheals elimination. Whats interesting is that he said that mostly the audience gets it right and the best singer wins but at times it becomes a popularity contest and the wrong person gets it and he gave Ruben and Taylor as examples.

Simon wanted Ruben to win though.... I watched the Tonight Show just before the Finale... when Katie Couric had Simon on as a guest. And she asked him who he thought would win and he said quite confidently "Clay". But then he said if he was voting, he'd vote for Ruben. (LOL that show was hilarious, Katie did a great impersonation of Pawler, with the hand-clapping thing Pawler does etc etc).

So what happened regarding KLo, so that we aren't supposed to like her anymore???

This appears to be the webisode that is supposed to air on Broadway.com tomorrow...found by claikendee at the CV...scroll down to where it says Spamalot Webisode in the list of videos:



ARRRRRGGGGHHHH...I live on the wrong side of the border again...its not accessible to Canadians...sniff.

Drat! I live in the wrong country too!

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So what happened regarding KLo, so that we aren't supposed to like her anymore???

I have never been one to be hating on KLo, but I have to say I thought the whole "Reunion Tour" snafu gave me pause. Especially since she phrased it as a fact and not just as something she would like to do. But I would have to say that her going on to Perez Hilton's little show to dish on Clay and declare that they are no longer friends pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me. I just can't have much respect for her after that.

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This appears to be the webisode that is supposed to air on Broadway.com tomorrow...found by claikendee at the CV...scroll down to where it says Spamalot Webisode in the list of videos:



AARGH! Why do I keep getting video of New Kids on the Block or Sara Bareilles?

Now I'm getting OneRepublic........

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Reunion tour.

Last summer Kim came out with her album promo there was a press release where she stated that she, Clay and Ruben would be doing a "reunion" tour in the spring of 2008 where they would be sharing the stage and singing together and sharingthe stage (subtext - and profits) equally with no one being the star. Well people dion't like sharing Clay and some even resent the occaisional song allowed tothe back ups (even though it allows Clay to better pace the show).

The fan outrage was pretty strong and when Clay, oblivious to all this, went on line to post a nice little blog, a few viciously attacked in response to his nice litttle blog for going backwards in his career. I think since some fans are trying to work for Clay's success as if it were their own, this step backwards was sabatoge to thier plans. Well, Clay came back and said - What?? This is never going to happen! Aparenyly he did not call Kim before posting this. The hoopla died down, but many were angry with Kim for posting this falsehood in the meanwhile there were all those silly rumors about Clay doing Spamalot. Like he would ever do that, ha! Another disaster in the making, he would not even be the star! Ha! Bad career move.

Someone must have written to Kim or she is a member ofthe OFC and she was not happy with the abrupt way Clay responded and posted a blog of her own stating that this was a nice discussion the 3 of them had when they were filming the comments for rewind and Clay said for her people to contact his people. She then said she had called him for a while and he had not returned her phone calls, so she announced the tour because ?

Ruben acted brilliantly throughout this whole thing and tothis day by saying and posting nothing.

I don't hate anyone, so I would not hate her, but it does make me question her judgement and I do believe we have seen a flash of Clay's reputed temper, he claims to have a temper, but his examples are always funny not scarey.

I will wait until tomorrow for the webisode. I am starting to feel like there are too many detectives around. Better watch my step. This will make for a nice surprise tomorrow.

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...my absolute favorite version of this song is when Clay sang it at the David Foster Gala.


aikim... YES! I totally agree... David Foster Gala, ab.so.lute.ly the best version of UM. I actually don't like the song all that much and usually just skip it on the JBT when I watch it (please don't drum me out of the corps), but I LOVE to watch the Gala, period and will watch and enjoy completely Clay singing this song on that stage.

So what happened regarding KLo, so that we aren't supposed to like her anymore???

claytonic... ditto what roseviolet said. A bit more detail... when they all got together for Rewind, they really enjoyed themselves and KLo made some comment that it would be so fun to tour together. They all agreed it would be fun. Next thing you know, KLo releases a press release that they are going to tour together. So, Clay made a statement that the media had gotten it wrong and they were not touring together. Now, he did not say that she had made the mistake, but diplomatically said the media must have quoted her wrong or something. Well, she fired back with a statement that if he had returned her calls she would have known he wasn't planning on doing the tour. Then PH's show where she said he wasn't her friend anymore. [/end of saga as I remember it]

I was always suspicious of the bowl of choices, figuring the song they wanted them to sing was the only one in the bowl. HATED the suit! That's one suit that if he auctioned it off, he'd get very little for it, cause I don't think there are very many who liked it. I, too, would not have known there was a problem with Vincent if Paula hadn't said something.

I liked his performance of Mack the Knife, but never listen to it. I liked the visual.

I remember the first time I watched the AI UM, I LOVED it so much I rewatched it 4 times before I would leave it. (I didn't watch the regular show, just in Clack). One of the reasons I don't like UM is the tempo. I loved the faster tempo. Obviously he didn't cause he never has done it that tempo again.

Thought the medley with the three of them was very good, tho my absolute favorite medley/duet is the one Clay and Ruben did in the finale, Ain't No Stopping Us Now.

I'm going to see Leatherheads today with some friends. I don't go to movies very often unless it Harry Potter, so this is a rarity for me.

ETA... or what Playbiller said. LOL, tho I disagree about Clay's temper in this. I thought his response was carefully thought out not to blame her for putting out a press release without all her ducks in a row.

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I will wait until tomorrow for the webisode. I am starting to feel like there are too many detectives around. Better watch my step. This will make for a nice surprise tomorrow.

Oh no not me. I have this uncontrollable urge to see any and all stuff "Clay Aiken" that appears. I want it all and I want it now! It is a sickness, I tell you!

The new webisode is great. I'm loving his clothes, so GQ.

I cannot wait for the weekend after next to go with my buddies to NY City! I think we are going to see one smokin' hawt guy who is appearing on Broadway! I hear this guy is talented and can sing and dance at the same time! You might have heard of him lately....every day there seems to be some kind of stuff about him on the web. I heard someone say it was called promotion! What a concept!

Oh by the way this guy is also....CUTE!!!!

Oh and DF Gala UM was the best. I love it when David keeps making him re-sing parts!

As for KLo she doesn't even appear on my horizon. Even during AI2 she was, to me, a non entity and I only paid attention to Ruben because he, I felt, was Clay's only real rival for the title.

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I have always been ambivalent towards Klo. There is something about her personality that I always found grating. Its weird cos she seem to be this strong confident woman that I should admire but there also seem to be a lot of arrogance mixed into that. Anyway...I did like her for her friendship with Clay and Ruben and in the past she has been great at keeping things about Clay really quiet and even when she was baited by Djs...she would always say nice things about Clay or defend Clay. Although she did say he was a slob as a roommate.

There are things that I later found out about Klo that wasn't that great...like her affair with Nigel's son who works in the AI production during and after AI. I also thought that when she wanted to have a reality show based on her engagement with a childhood sweetheart it showed her desperation and her willingness to do anything to get ahead. That show and engagement never went anywhere.

I for one didn't think the reunion tour would necessarily be bad. I thought a nice short run would be fun for the three friends if that is what they wanted. The fact that this was just wishful thinking on Klo's part and she made the announcement without consulting with the other two was pretty low IMO. Although I think clay could;ve handled that blog with a bit more delicacy...I do not blame him for being angry cos it really felt like she was using trying to push Clay and Ruben to do it and that was using their friendship to get ahead in her career.

With regards to her going on PH show...I have to give her credit for not saying more to hurt Clay. I bet Perez was hoping for more dirt to use on Clay.

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Meh. Kim has her own career to look out after. She probably got tired of Claymates and interviewers always asking her about Clay and his career, instead of hers. Personally I like her. I have her song, "8th World Wonder" and love it. I also love the cover song she is doing on her next CD called, "Fall!" I will say, though, that I love the original version sung by Clay Walker, much better. I've had that song downloaded for ages. It's beautiful. You can compare for yourself. She is much prettier than Clay Walker, though. LOL

Kim's version:


Clay Walker's version:

As for Vincent? Well, I think the whole show is scripted to make good TV and that Clay was never going to win. Looking back you can see the manipulation. It is so blatant now. I bet all four songs in his bowl were Vincent. Or at least 3 out of 4. A song about Vincent Van Gogh, who was gay. You can see by the bad lightening in Vincent and the last minute song change, that they were wanting to put Clay in a bad light. As well as when they put him in the PINK room, later on. They were clearly using the gay card to turn off the voters. Then to call him a crooner and give him Mack The Knife to sing. Come on. How obvious was that. I hate them for it and will never forgive them. As soon as the show dies, I will be a happy camper. Why yes, I hold a grudge. Why do you ask? :imgtongue:

Nothing better than a bloody mary at 10:25 in the morning. Plus the fact that I learned yesterday that One Republic is going to be right next door to me, literally, on May 23rd. Now you know, already, how much I love the song Apologize. He sounds sooo much better recorded than live, I suspect. Especially after hearing his version of OMWH. Anyway, I'm going to go see them. Even if only for the Clay connection.

For all you eHP people in Houston. There are several articles about Houston and radio. I saw them a few days ago, on Radio & Records and maybe on All Access. Here are the links to those sites.



Think I will refill my drink and go watch "I Am Legend..." That is after I check out the new webisode and GQ clothes.............*G*

G'Day mateys

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I tend to look at that whole Clay/KLo/Ruben thing more like Playbiller - because nobody was bothering much about it except Clay's fans - and a number of them went so far beyond nasty to Clay AND KLo AND Ruben - that there were no winners in this. I do think that the lack of communication between the three and their reactions were exacerbated by some of Clay's fans, especially when they are in attack mode. And I don't think she responded well to the fans commenting on HER website "Who the hell did she think she was?" I frankly am OK to mildly approving of KLo, because to me she almost defines that old chestnut, if a man does it, he's assertive, if a woman does it, she's a bitch. I think she's controlling, but that's not necessarily a bad thing - I think she put the info about the sex tape out there so it was under her control, as much as possible. She didn't deny it, she's not trying to hide it - and many of us are probably more lucky than not that some of the things we've done haven't been recorded. She makes the most of whatever opportunities comes her way and she wants a career and is willing to work at it to get it. And what Kim did isn't exactly uncommon in Hollywood - for example, How to Piss off Steve Martin. And even though she says Clay and she are no longer friends (and she's entitled to that, as she knows him better than we do), she didn't actual diss Clay on Pigez' show - because lord knows he would have aired it with glee.

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I for one didn't think the reunion tour would necessarily be bad. I thought a nice short run would be fun for the three friends if that is what they wanted. The fact that this was just wishful thinking on Klo's part and she made the announcement without consulting with the other two was pretty low IMO. Although I think clay could;ve handled that blog with a bit more delicacy...I do not blame him for being angry cos it really felt like she was using trying to push Clay and Ruben to do it and that was using their friendship to get ahead in her career.

This is pretty much me.

However, I will say that I was always a huge fan of KLO and found her just like I did Clay on that season. Attitude? Hell yeah. I love attitude. I call it spunk. I rooted on them all down to the end and I felt she deserved to be in the top2. When I found my TWoP posts 2 years after the fact on google, there were times during that season where I clearly liked her performances more. And the first Klack I ever got was of her AI performances. So I didn't like her because of Clay and won't give up on her because of Clay although I want to slap her silly sometimes. In a way it does feel like she's desperately trying to hold on but not in a calling bingo kind of way. She's had some really really good gigs and has had success on radio (so why can't she sell an album?!! - so much for radio) and I guess the longer you can hang on there is always a chance the perfect opportunity will come your way. The main reason some of my passion for the girl left is because her albums are just not what I want them to be..she's singing pop fluff most of the time and well that's not my thang. Only Clay can get me to like stuff that I wouldn't ordinarily...he's special!!

I think one of the reasons I don't get all bent out of shape about any Idol and how Clay was treated because I think the loss spurred my fandom. I felt he deserved to win and when he didn't that's when I started to keep track of him, and learned more about him, especially the funny side (which I didn't really get from Idol)...well that's when I fell into this obsession. It wasn't Idol..it was after idol. Before Idol ended, I thought the IE thread at Twop was crazy and I stayed in the performer's thread. "Yeah I like the boy but those chicks are nuts!" I often wonder if he had won, would I be here. I honestly don't know. Yes I would buy his albums but probably would have been one of those NJU ya'll talk about so much :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

To everyone coming home.... have a safe trip. JAMAR where are you?

In two weeks I'll probably be sitting somewhere with the eHP and CG waiting to see Clay for the very first time! whoo hoooo!

In response to Clayzor..I don't think the show is scripted (to the extent that everybody is saying lines and the winner is preordained) and don't think they'd do anything to risk the show after all the money is in the show, the commericals, the merchandise, not the winners. It will survive a bad season. It will survive a bad winner. It won't survive out and out cheating.

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I will wait until tomorrow for the webisode. I am starting to feel like there are too many detectives around. Better watch my step. This will make for a nice surprise tomorrow.

Oh no not me. I have this uncontrollable urge to see any and all stuff "Clay Aiken" that appears. I want it all and I want it now! It is a sickness, I tell you!

The new webisode is great. I'm loving his clothes, so GQ.

I cannot wait for the weekend after next to go with my buddies to NY City! I think we are going to see one smokin' hawt guy who is appearing on Broadway! I hear this guy is talented and can sing and dance at the same time! You might have heard of him lately....every day there seems to be some kind of stuff about him on the web. I heard someone say it was called promotion! What a concept!

Oh by the way this guy is also....CUTE!!!!

Oh and DF Gala UM was the best. I love it when David keeps making him re-sing parts!

As for KLo she doesn't even appear on my horizon. Even during AI2 she was, to me, a non entity and I only paid attention to Ruben because he, I felt, was Clay's only real rival for the title.

xxx4clay posted a yousendit of the new webisode for us lonely Canadians (I downloaded and made a second one for FCA)

Here you go Spamalot Webisode

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I was predisposed to accept Kim Locke in the beginning, but as time passed, my feelings changed. Now, with or without Clay's friendship, she would still rub me the wrong way. For the record, as far as I'm concerned, there is no real "we" in the fandom and there is no "supposed to like/dislike" list. Those who enjoy Kim's music and personality are always free to do so. However, it should not surprise her supporters to meet with strong feelings about her on Clay Aiken fanboards.

I love "Mack the Knife" simply for that last note...with the trumpets wailing in the background and Clay holding that loooong last note with such power.

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The KLO-Reunion Tour still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have never been a fan of Kim; although I will admit, I was kind of hoping for a Kim/Clay finale. I thought having Clay do a duet with her on her debut CD was a blatant attempt to garner sales from the Clay fans and I really hate that kind of manipulation.

I can understand why Kim wanted to do the tour with Clay and Ruben, but I think she handled the whole thing very badly and for all the crap she has thrown at Clay about how he is not a good friend; well, that is two-fold and I don't think she has been a good friend to Clay.

Was Clay angry at Kim, yeah, I think he was, but I also think he was pretty pissed at the fandom when he posted his blog and suddenly was blindsided by the nasty comments in his blog and on the boards. I have to say, that is one day when I was very ashamed of this fandom. I will never understand why some fans will never give him the benefit of the doubt and always assume the worst from him. I could not believe some of the things I was reading about him and then when he blogged and cleared things up; it was back to "Oh we love you Clay" when two minutes before these same fans were complaining about how he was ruining his career. I can't stand that kind of two-facedness (is that a word?).

Sorry for the rant, but like I said; I think this whole episode really showed a bad side to the fandom.


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Was Clay angry at Kim, yeah, I think he was, but I also think he was pretty pissed at the fandom when he posted his blog and suddenly was blindsided by the nasty comments in his blog and on the boards. I have to say, that is one day when I was very ashamed of this fandom. I will never understand why some fans will never give him the benefit of the doubt and always assume the worst from him. I could not believe some of the things I was reading about him and then when he blogged and cleared things up; it was back to "Oh we love you Clay" when two minutes before these same fans were complaining about how he was ruining his career. I can't stand that kind of two-facedness (is that a word?).

Yep yep ..

whoo Thanks for the webisode. Thanks Goldarngirl!!

I'm loving these constant hits of Clay. The anticipation is wonderful. OK if you had your choice, what is the one thing you want to see Clay do to promote this CD?

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After Clay revealed during the Prime Time Interview his sister Deb's suicide, there were many in the fandom who believe and probably still believe that AI chose that song knowing about Clay's family history in order to throw him off; sabatoge him, etc. There was a lot of outrage and how dare they's. Now, I am not sure if AI knew about that or not; doesn't seem like something Clay would volunteer; I know AI does background checks, is that something that would show up? It would not have been my first choice for a song for Clay to sing, but it fit the box they were trying to stuff him in...ballad boy. Like I said earlier, I thought he did a wondergul job on it and would not have known there was a mix-up if the judges had not mentioned it.

You're kidding? People honestly thought that AI was so out to get him that they dug deep into his past, found out about his sister's suicide and decided to give him a song about suicide just to mess him up??????? That has to be the most ABSURD theory ever!!!!! All TPTB wanted from AI was RATINGS! They didn't care who won. They had to know that a Ruben/Clay finale would garner the biggest ratings so if anything at that stage they should have slanted everything to make sure Clay and Ruben ended up in the finale. First and foremost, AI is a TV show and TV shows only want one thing - BIG RATINGS! I think sometimes this fandom gets so caught up in conspiracy theories they lose sight of that. No one will ever convince me that they weren't praying for a Ruben/Clay finale.

FWIW, I think they only do criminal background checks on the contestants so I doubt his sister's death would have been something they would have found out about unless he told them, which somehow I doubt.

bottlcap -- glad to hear from you, and I can't wait for your full report. I also just noticed your siggy -- I love it.

Topic du jour....

Vincent: I wasn't an online fan then, so I knew nothing about missing/added lines, the possibility of only 2 or 3 songs in the bowl, etc. It's not my favorite performance of his, even though he sang it beautifully. I think there are two things I like best about that: 1) as muski said, "what a pro!" I thought he handled it very gracefully, even with the mess-up. 2) Today, he still seems to me that he's not bitter about it all, and I find that refreshing.

ITA. I KNEW Clay had messed it up. It APPEARED he had forgotten the words or missed an beat or something. And no matter what excuses people make for him, the fact is, he messed it up. People do that. Clay has done it! Heaven knows we all KNOW he frequently forgets words to songs! But he handled it well, didn't make excuses for himself, picked himself up and went on to deliver a great performance (IMO) on "Mack the Knife". I bet he won a more than a few votes by acting like a pro - and a grown-up.

Mack the Knife: I must love "lounge singer" then, because I thought he nailed the song perfectly. I loved the look too. In retrospect, I kinda now see this performance as "Grease, part 2" -- fantastic vocals, served with a wink and a nod and a laugh. I still love it.

You are me.

UM: Love ya Clay, but this song will always be a Righteous Brothers song for me. I loved him hitting the high note, and thought this was thrilling. IMO, he's really refined his performance of this over the years. ITA with aikim that the Foster gala was probably his best performance.

I don't know why, but I have just never loved this song but I do agree that the Righteous Brothers did the definitive version. Who said they thought the arrangement was theatric? I think it was too - but I think every time he sings this song its a bit theatric.

In case anyone didn't know it....

Clay Aiken is...


Off to fly home.



So Twin - you like him???? Can't wait to hear your full report!!

You know, as much as I love being an online fan of Clay's now, I think I am glad I wasn't during AI and the immediate aftermath. I watched AI without being invested and without hearing about conspiracy theories and I think it gave me a much more objective view of that season. Even now. It was fun. I just watched it every week and enjoyed it. When it was over for the week I went on with my life until the next week. I thought then and still think to this day it was a fair competition. I don't believe TPTB "fixed" it. Did they have a preference who won? Maybe. They were human after all and undoubtably had a favorite. But did they "fix" it so their personal choice won? No way. They just wanted ratings - and they got them. Should there have been more phone lines? Probably, but they only had season 1 to go and there were plenty of phone lines for season 1. But insufficient phone lines hurt both Clay and Ruben and may not have affected the outcome at all. I always feel badly for Ruben when some insist he didn't win fair and square. Why couldn't people just let him enjoy his win? I have always loved Ruben for being a class act because he never seemed to mind sharing the limelight with Clay and despite Clay zooming past him in the post-AI world, he never complained or said nasty things about Clay. He never seemed bitter. He just was Clay's friend and always seemed happy for his success. And I love Ruben for that. In a way, if Ruben is to be on the AI finale this year, I hope Clay isn't (he can be on the week before!) because I want Ruben to have his moment in the sun without being upstaged by Clay - as unintentional as it might be.

The results were what they were. And that was 5 years ago. So I have to ask - why do people still care????? I care about the here and now, and from where I sit, who won AI2 and whether or not the win was fair seems completely and utterly insignificant. Clay is doing pretty well these days and that's all I care about.


Anyway...I did like her for her friendship with Clay and Ruben and in the past she has been great at keeping things about Clay really quiet and even when she was baited by Djs...she would always say nice things about Clay or defend Clay. Although she did say he was a slob as a roommate.

Yeah - but CLAY has said he was a slob as a roommate! I was listening to an old radio interview the other day and he said she was always after him to do his dishes he left sitting in the sink for ages or t o pick up his clothes off the floor etc. He IS a slob! (He and I have a connections!!)

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Here you go Spamalot Webisode

Run, don't walk, to download this clip. EEEEEEEEEEEE! Clay looks so utterly handsome - and COOL - sitting on some steps, talking and looking around in GQ clothes. Maybe this was a part of the album shoot? At any rate, he's gorgeous, and it's the best part of the webisode!

Thank you, goldarngirl!

I love all versions of Clay's UM, even the AI one. I had a moving, singing avatar of him hitting that high F on "I neeeeeed your love" for awhile after AI. I was, and still am, so impressed by his vocal technique in that song and his ability to sing so fully in falsetto on a high F.

I love the Mack the Knife performance, too. In fact, it's one of the clips I have in my pocket pc, and I watch it fairly frequently. His vocals were amazing on this song. And he looked so happy, bouncy and in his element on that stage during that song. I love the last sustained note. Whew, he was amazing!

Hey, KAndre, are you a fan of Amici Forever??? I am! I love their version of UM, too. It's in Italian! I took voice lessons for awhile, and sang their Italian version. The Italian words have a lovely way of slipping off the tongue and sounding so romantic and pretty.

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I am not averse to the idea of a reunion tour. I think that would of been rather fun. It was how she announced it in her Billboard interview as fact and her label followed it up with a press release! Radio stations were already talking about it. I think Clay's response was clearly a reaction first to being blindsided by the announcement and then the need to quash the rumor firmly before it got out of hand.

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Claygasm No I am not kidding about the Vincent theory. Sometimes I just shake my head.

Ruben and Clay...I think the Ruben pimping was done purely to make a competition and boost the ratings...they knew that Clay was running away with the thing and had to make it look like there was a race.

I was pretty disappointed in the finale because I wanted Clay to win, but I think that was due to jammed phone lines, Clay's were, Ruben's were not and more people got through on Ruben's lines.


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I think it was a forgone conclusion that Clay would be in finale. Who was in doubt was Ruben if you believe the Newsweek article about Simon being upset that KLo was outsinging him in rehearsals. So I've always thought most things were done to get Ruben to the finale not to make sure Clay didn't win. With the technology at the time, the final ending came to luck IMO. Get out of my head aikim.

Gibby I agree...he looks fantastic in those shots... (I'll ignore green sweater hee)... have anything in that outfit turned up? I'm not so good with clothes... hee..

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