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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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I think I'm finally ready to also just throw away all the video of Clay's performances. I probably have everything on DVD already and plus it's in the vaults. Why do I need to take up 3 shelves on my bookcase with this.

I have two sets! Mine, and those of the woman whose clack executor I became. ACK! I just hate to throw something like that away, but I could really use the space.

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Libraries and librarians are constantly struggling with this "cutting edge/the way we usually do things" dichotomy. How are we to compete with being relevant when the technology is constantly changing? And how can we reconcile that to training and experience of 20 years in the job? It's very difficult. I think the recording industry is going through the very same thing.

Oooo. Very good analogy. I started my library work just on the cusp of the internet. We were already automated but not networked. Today I work with people who started with the paper! So many changes! Really when people ask me what I do at the Library (Tech Services) I always ask how long it's been since they've been in a library before I even try to explain. Hee.

The recording industry has seen major changes just in the 5 years I've been following Clay. But I honestly can't think of an industry that hasn't.

Hmmmm......my eensy teensy post caused a little discussion.

Told ya. :lilredani:

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I just had the best commute home! I was talking to my bud keepingfaith on my cell phone and we were so busy eeeing and squeeing about seeing Clay next week I didn't even notice the traffic!

I am already starting to pack.....maybe it will make the time go quicker!

I tried to access the album from the Sony site and I cannot find OMWH. It doesn't show up on the left of my screen at all and a search doesn't bring it up either.

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Well, at least it will save me some money!

Unless when I am there he looks at me with those gorgeous green eyes, commands me to buy and I become his bitch yet one more time.....

CG... you know you're gonna cave if he does that... those green eyes are mesmerizing!!! THUD!!! You will now find out how strong your will power is around Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

Yup! I hope the Broads do the whole play... I love their art and their interpretation of the play! I only saw one little detail I think they got wrong. Not Dead Fred is not an old man, he says he'll be Sir Fred and mimes playing a flute, then ends up being the minstrel that plays for Sir Robin. Love the drawings!!!

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Try this link for the OMWH pre-order page from the Sony store. I got the SonyBMG Store e-mail the other day, and clicked on it right away to see if they were offering any bonuses or magnets or whatnot, but alas, no.

Boy, that was easy! Amazon password, three clicks and it's on its way!!

Thanks for the link bottle!

clayzor - maybe you are signed in to your acct? and that's why it showed up for you?

YSRN :whistling-1: I had nothin' to do with that!!

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According to recently obtained info by lylekira at CV, looks like the five QVC tracks identified yesterday are accurate.

Heeeee, I'm looking forward to a good quality look at this:


And this:


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Gibby... O.M.G. that is majorly gorgeous!!! Kudos to whomever created that! It's on my desktop now... S.W.O.O.N.

ETA... are you trying to kill me???? I LOVE that video and hope to see Clay dressed like that some day in concert! Double S.W.O.O.N!

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:hubbahubba: GUH. that (very) tight-fitting shirt and jeans. It outlines his pecs very well. Wonder what we can do to make him want to wear something like that again.

from Corabeth

A quickie from RMD

The next webisode will be at www.gather.com.

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I doubt I'll buy the CD from QVC. I'm not interested in When I Need You or the TITN video. I never quite got the appeal. Sure Clay looks great, but it doesn't look like him, to me. I suppose acting happens on music videos, but they don't appeal to me generally. They interfere with my own images of the song. If it turns out that any of the songs are live versions, I'll definitely buy it. If sales are slow, and I really don't expect that, I might jump in just for support.

The worst part is that QVC is 30 minutes from my home and I can't go. :cry4:

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I doubt I'll buy the CD from QVC. I'm not interested in When I Need You or the TITN video. I never quite got the appeal. Sure Clay looks great, but it doesn't look like him, to me. I suppose acting happens on music videos, but they don't appeal to me generally. They interfere with my own images of the song. If it turns out that any of the songs are live versions, I'll definitely buy it. If sales are slow, and I really don't expect that, I might jump in just for support.

The worst part is that QVC is 30 minutes from my home and I can't go. :cry4:

Are we sure that it's THEE video or a live performance of the song.

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Are we sure that it's THEE video or a live performance of the song.

I don't think we're really sure of anything. I was just considering the narrowest possibility. I think there are ways this tracklist, if it's accurate, could hold suprises: reworking of the old songs, live versions, maybe a different video performance of TINT. I'm leaving my mind open to the possibilities, of course. There are just so many ways to get purchase this CD with different perks that we get to be choosy. Not a bad position to be in.


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So, remember I was a little concerned about dragging my Mom to see Spamalot three times in one week? Welllllll......I bought the tickets to the third show the other day and wouldn't you know it, some REALLY great ones turned up this afternoon for Sunday night. Before you know it (and before I told Mom we are doing three shows) we are doing four. In the interest of not having to listen to how she went on this BIG trip to New York where all she did was see Clay Aiken poop his pants every night.....I've decided to sell the tickets I'm holding for Thursday night....my heart isn't in it, but they're up for grabs. Row D in the Right Orchestra, Seats 4, 6 & 8. These Thursday night ones were the second set of the four I bought and they're at Will Call.

I guess it makes sense to sell them since I paid for two tickets for every show and that's enough outlay to keep me off th $300 picture podium. Besides my aunt spilled the beans on the cost of the pix so there's no way I'd get away with sneaking that little gem home unnoticed in the hand luggage. Somehow that little piece of insanity would accidentally slip out 'round a camp fire or something and John's glare alone would over toast my marshmallow. With my luck, I'd drop the tax receipt into the embers as I tried to pass it to him....you know...to prove that it was all for a good cause etc etc etc.

I do think I will get a signed poster, though. That would make an excellent framed keepsake of the wacky winter and spring of 2008. And I have a lot of wall space to fill in that gigantic empty house I'm living in now.

I should go to bed, I guess. We're flying out in the morning. Can't wait to see it again!

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Honestly, I do think that CD's are a dying format, and that physical additions to the product itself may slow the demise, but can't ultimately stop it. The thing is, compared to digital downloads, CD's are simply too bulky. I haven't bought a non-Clay CD in years because I'd much rather listen to music on my iPod than on my CD player. On the other hand, I actually spend more money on music downloads than I ever did on CD's. Now, my music dollars are spread across multiple artists instead of just a few. I do wonder if we're entering a time when it's possible for many artists to earn something off their music, but for very few to actually earn a fortune.

I can definitely see why the labels are trying harder to get a piece of the concert and merchandising business. Increasingly, it's the most profitable part of the business. It would be interesting to see if there will be a time when labels will only sign artists who agree to share the ancillary income.

The digital age certainly is changing much of how we do things. Videotape sales must be down as more people have Tivo or DVR's. Reference books may not be as popular, now that we can look up so many things on the internet. Quite a few services, from Netflix to iTunes, allow customers to download movies on demand. Several companies including Amazon and Sony are working to develop the digital book industry, and honestly, when I see the huge stack of books I have in my home, I sometimes think it would be nice to have them all in a single electronic device. Because we're now able to store and send large volumes of data in relatively small packages, we're tending to do that. On one hand, it means a loss of physical, tangible goods. On the other hand, it's quite a bit more convenient.

That is so true, Jenna. The one thing I am not sure I can ever get into are the digital books. There is something so wonderful about holding a real book, thumbing through the pages, even the smell.

But I will probably be eating my words one day in the not so distant future!

The final bribe that is making me do it is the complete Homefront television series on DVD. It's my favorite show ever.

Homefront is on DVD???? OMG I love that show!!!!!!!!!!

Claygasm wrote:

Unless when I am there he looks at me with those gorgeous green eyes, commands me to buy and I become his bitch yet one more time.....

*ohh, ohhh...pick me! pick me!* :PickMe-1: :thsign27:

That's about the size of it!

Well, at least it will save me some money!

Unless when I am there he looks at me with those gorgeous green eyes, commands me to buy and I become his bitch yet one more time.....

CG... you know you're gonna cave if he does that... those green eyes are mesmerizing!!! THUD!!! You will now find out how strong your will power is around Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

Willpower around Clay? Is that even possible?? But I will try and be strong.

Well darn, one thing I do remember about my copy of ATDW from Sony/BMG, it came a day or two before the release date. Hmmmmm.

Hmmm indeed. You are right. Mine came early too.

But I really want a magnet!

Some are speculating that the TITN video in this set will not be THE video of sexy loveliness but rather something more along the lines of the video shown when he sang TITN during the NAT or perhaps his AI footage. I think this speculation is based on the fact Clay allegedly hated the original TITN video. I wonder if it will be a new video set to TITN? Maybe a compilation of Clay video through the last 5 years?

Not that I wouldn't just as soon see it be the video of sexy loveliness, but if he really didn't like it and felt uncomfortable with it, why would he choose to release it now?

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Not that I wouldn't just as soon see it be the video of sexy loveliness, but if he really didn't like it and felt uncomfortable with it, why would he choose to release it now?

Didn't know about the spec CG but that makes sense..I was just wondering the same thing. But five years ago was five years ago. People change and maybe he doesn't feel the same about it as he did then. IF it's THE video. Still not sure of that so it's difficult to speculate. I feel the same way about words he said five years ago... would never hold it to him now.

This post brought to you by the word IF.

I'll make you a copy of Homefront when I get it.... I think she said it was missing 2 eppies but I have those on tape..pretty good quality so I'll convert them. Best show ever!! I actually have the whole thing now on video tape...but some of it is of really poor quality. Doesn't matter to me I love it so much that pull it out when I need a good laugh or cry. But I got most of them taped when they aired it on TVLand one year. I wish they would put it out on DVD.

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I'll make you a copy of Homefront when I get it.... I think she said it was missing 2 eppies but I have those on tape..pretty good quality so I'll convert them. Best show ever!! I actually have the whole thing now on video tape...but some of it is of really poor quality. Doesn't matter to me I love it so much that pull it out when I need a good laugh or cry. But I got most of them taped when they aired it on TVLand one year. I wish they would put it out on DVD.

MWAH!!!! You're the best!!

Ok, this is odd.....

From auntdementia at the CH:

That sucks about Kimmel on the 15th. There is a musical guest scheduled:

Performing: Dierks Bentley

Date: Thu, May 15, 2008

Location: Los Angeles, CA map

Arrival Time: 6:15 PM

The poster at the CB, Claygal is a friend of mine who lives in CA. She posted this on the CB and told me about it as well: she called 1iota when this first broke. The lady she spoke with told her Clay would be there on the 15th, but would NOT be performing.

Why would he go on Kimmel when he has a brand new album out and NOT perform????


From the CH about QVC:

xcerpt from email to Debk at BB4CA:

Clay Aiken's new release "On My Way Here" with BONUS 5 track enhanced CD-consists of 4 audio tracks and 1 video track.

Songs include:

"On My Way Here"


"Everything I Don't Need"

"Something About Us"


"Where I Draw The Line"

"The Real Me"

"Weight Of The World"

"As Long As We're Here"

"Sacrificial Love"

"Grace Of God"

"Lover All Alone".

BONUS disc includes:

"When I Need You"


"Measure Of A Man"

"I Will

Carry You"

"This Is The Night(video)".

Total:51:38 Bonus 19:20.USA

Ship To Customer 05/17/08.


There is NO current information about availability for ordering. While there is an item number assigned, it has not yet been Purchased or put into stock at QVC. I can't imagine they'd have a show without the ability

to order it. What normally happens with New Releases of anything is that they'll conduct a pre-sale, but will not ship until the release date of the album.

There have been cases in the past where QVC has exclusivity and will pre-release (and ship) an album a few days to a week before the general release. No such info available, however, and it's unlikely I'd be able to wrestle that info out of someone before the show.

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Not that I wouldn't just as soon see it be the video of sexy loveliness, but if he really didn't like it and felt uncomfortable with it, why would he choose to release it now?

CG... cause he no longer feels as uncomfortable about it and knows a lot of his fans loved/love it. IMO, he is a lot more at ease with his own sexiness and being a sex object than he was when he did that video. When he did that video he was wearing the WWJD bracelet and vowing not to cuss and to maintain certain values. This man has now cussed, mildly, and said "balls" in front of a teenage girl, etc. He still has wonderful values, but isn't as narrow in them as he was when the video was made originally. He has let his bawdy sense of humor come out and play in public and while he still may not love the video, he may not mind it as much or feel it unappropriate to his image as he obviously did then. JMHO

Course we don't know which video it is, so Speculation R Us. :cryingwlaughter:

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I just read at CV that Josh Groban's new CD is coming out the same week as Clay's.

There is alot of speculation as to whether the Video of TITN is the original one that Clay disliked immensely or if it would be a live performance from one of his concerts. I'm sincerely hoping it's a live performance. I did not like that original video - it just didn't seem like Clay at all. It's supposed to be a love song or a happy song (IMO) and he looked like he was in pain throughout. Again - JMO.

Actually I think re-releasing MOAM, etc. isn't a bad idea.

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I like your speculations, liney! I'm thinking that Clay may have changed his mind about the video, too. I'd love a good copy of it. Of course, it could be something totally different, but I hope not!

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I just read at CV that Josh Groban's new CD is coming out the same week as Clay's.

It's a DVD of a live concert I believe--not the same thing.

True, but according to a post at the CH, he will be appearing on GMA May 6th - so I guess Clay won't be.

I still don't get the not singing on Kimmel thing. Its understandable when he doesn't have an album to promote, but when he does?

And he's not singing on Tyra either - right?

Hope he's singing on Leno!

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One place had him performing on Kimmel, iota says not, but the guy who is performing has a concert in Atlanta the next night, so iota may have it wrong. Another wait and see.

ETA.. I'm downloading all my CW now to start picking the top three before Christmas in July comes around. LOL

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