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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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I so agree with everything you wrote especially the bolded part. I know my cousin feels like it is all falling down around her and they are just too slow in coming up with new ways to deal with all the new technology. Instead of trying to fight it they are being dragged along and the way they deal with it is by cutting staff and closing offices to keep up with the status quo. I've not followed Clive's career so dont' know much about him outside of Clay which doesn't give me a complete picture, BUT, it will be interesting to see what the company does to stay relevant. I mean IMO the ipod is one of the best things ever invented, second only to the internet and my ability to download anything I want. Now, how are THEY going to make me want to spend money on their product. I do it for Clay cuz I want to support him. I don't feel that way about anybody else.

That's why I feel that it might boost physical CD sales if quality merchandise is part of the deal, i.e. something they can't download!

The phenomenon with Miley Cirus in terms of huge $$ being generated is because the target market for merchandise is absolutely massive. Movies+TV+music+merchandise... what a gold mine!

The electronic age has had a similar effect on book shops as well. So many bookshops have closed down, and I notice my library isn't as popular as it was 15-20 years ago. I used to collect reference books, I spent a small fortune building my reference library at home, and I finally got rid of them because anything I need to know, I now use the net.

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QVC -- Does anyone know if the QVC CD+bonus deal is really going to cost $25? I was thinking about ordering maybe 2 or 3, and that will cut down on shipping costs right?? I hope they aren't $25 each!

I also heard that we can maybe preorder from the website? Or is that wrong?

Clive -- it's about time!! YAAAY! I hope this means things will be better but who knows? I just hope Clay gets what he wants.

NEW CD --- I watched an older video last night and now I can't get the part that goes like this ----

---- "Turn around and seeeeeee

---- "what love's done to meeeeeee"

out of my head. I can't wait to hear that song in its entirety!!

BONUS TRACKS --- can we make up our own?? Do you think this is why he texted us about what he should sing?

I'd love to hear

---- Long and Winding Road

---- Love Me Tender

---- To Love Somebody

---- Catch the Wind (Donovan)

---- Here Today (Paul McCartney)

---- Great Balls of Fire

SPAM ALERT! I have two tix available... one for May 3 eve show, 2 nd row center mezz; the other is May 4 eve, Orch Row O, face value. PM me for details!

oh! and EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee! One more sleep til I head for the train to NYC with mr chach!

eta: re the whole making money issue.... y'all realize Clay is making money on all these text messages we're sending him, right? I don't think he's doing it just because he thinks the fans would like it! And this QVC thing is huge... That will make him a ton also. (I don't know how exactly, so don't ask me!!)

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Awwwww....hubby just sent me a dozen roses here at work. I really do love him.

As you all know, I work in a library. Libraries and librarians are constantly struggling with this "cutting edge/the way we usually do things" dichotomy. How are we to compete with being relevant when the technology is constantly changing? And how can we reconcile that to training and experience of 20 years in the job? It's very difficult. I think the recording industry is going through the very same thing.

One of the hardest things is deciding what emerging technology needs to have a focus....knowing that it could burn out in a few months. And that seems to be where the record companies have the biggest problems. It's also the same way with knowing what talent is out there -- who knows what tomorrow's general tastes will be the focus.

I honestly think that Clive did a pretty good job with what he did, and he knew how to accomplish it. But after a while, things changed on him somewhat. I think he'll still be a focus in the industry -- just not as important.

Having said that....that article kinda turned me off too. I think ti's just my reactions to the "cool kids" and what they want. I'd rather have "timeless," thankyouverymuch.

That's why I feel that it might boost physical CD sales if quality merchandise is part of the deal, i.e. something they can't download!

claytonic, I think for some people, that totally works. But there are a butt-load of kids out there who would be like "it's soooooooooo hard to drive to the store." Ease and convenience are what they look for, IMO.

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Hmmmm......my eensy teensy post caused a little discussion. Well, that's okay. I don't care if some people always find something not to their liking - but I think I'd rather be happpeeeeeeeeeee. I guess I'm just wayyyyyyyy toooooo easy when it comes to Clay! I know zip about the recording industry and how it works. I always just trust that Clay knows what he's doing or that he's compromised somewhere along the way to his satisfaction for the moment. And yes, I realize this and others are message boards and people put their thoughts in writing. That's what I'm doing right now! Heh! Heh! I'm not even going to try to explain what I meant with that comment. It's no big deal. Sorry if that irked anyone. I guess. Well heck - let me give it a shot. There are posters on other boards that are well-known for not liking ANYTHING - and sometimes they come around and sometimes they dont. Predictable? Well heck yes. Whether it's his hair, his songs, the words of the songs, the arrangement, too many strings, not enough strings, etc. I always just get the feeling that it's a way of their internet life to criticize and dissect. It's kind of like the internet allows anonymity and you can say whatever you want - so some say things they would probably most likely never say face to face with others. The sad thing is, I (and maybe others) usually go "oh, here we go again" and I skip the post. Sometimes there are very valid points in that post but I don't bother to read it because it's the same ol' same ol' (kind of like the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome!) So - I don't know if that makes sense but.....that's kind of where I was going with the comment and it wasn't directed to anybody at this board. I don't really hardly KNOW anybody at this board yet. (do I have to go stand in the corner or take a time out?)

Going back to the radio versus internet anything....it has to be challenging to folks that have been in the industry for a long time to figure out the best way to market a CD. Seems like Clay is hitting alot of areas that he hasn't before - and that's good! But I wonder where David Foster is in all this upheaval at RCA. Didn't he leave Warner and go with Sony or something like that? I would love to see David produce a Clay CD. I would also like to see Walter Afanasieff involved in a Clay project.

Thought we needed a picture:



From Corabeth at CH


This has nothing to do with the QVC bonus but I did confirm that the WalMart bonus track and the iTunes bonus track are different. I replied back with clarification questions about the Kimmel dates, will let you guys know if I hear anything more.

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Iseeme..I actually quite feel the same way which is why I don't read anywhere else. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: When I see an exasperated post I don't take it personally cuz I been there done that and it's usually not about what the opinion is but the feeling you get reading them all. heh. Well that's my take on it anyway.

But do love the convo that flowed out of this morning which is also common around here.

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Iseeme - you have to sit on the naughty stool --- 1 minute for each year of your age!!! (tm Supernanny) :cryingwlaughter:

But as you say, some folks are predictable, hell, I probably am too.

(I'M an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-er and a squeeeeeeeeeee-er!!)

And I love seeing my thoughts in print!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:



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Iseeme - you have to sit on the naughty stool --- 1 minute for each year of your age!!! (tm Supernanny

:cryingwlaughter: Oh crap! I might be off in time for Christmas!!!!

Isn't there supposed to be a Billboard interview out today? I've been looking everywhere (including the Billboard website) and nothing yet. I guess I imagined it.

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Iseeme - you have to sit on the naughty stool --- 1 minute for each year of your age!!! (tm Supernanny

:cryingwlaughter: Oh crap! I might be off in time for Christmas!!!!

Isn't there supposed to be a Billboard interview out today? I've been looking everywhere (including the Billboard website) and nothing yet. I guess I imagined it.

I was just gonna say, "grab your ipod, you've got about an hour* to kill!" :F_05BL17blowkiss:

*give or take 15-20 minutes!! :D

I hope the Billboard interview shows up soon!! :D

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claytonic, I think for some people, that totally works. But there are a butt-load of kids out there who would be like "it's soooooooooo hard to drive to the store." Ease and convenience are what they look for, IMO.

It won't work for a lot of people, and that would include me because I am not a merchandise person now ... but 20 years ago, I might have been interested in having something that I could hold in my hand, especially if, for example, it was a booklet the size of the CD and it contained pics and stories from the artist about the making of the album. Just something that is EXTRA to just the CD. Or a bonus CD with interviews etc with the artist about the making of the album, something that is NOT available as a download. For example, when I bought my Dreamgirls DVD, I chose to pay an extra $10 so that I could get the one with the bonus DVD, about the making of Dreamgirls and it included auditions etc. It was interesting.

The record companies need to have some serious brainstorm sessions. The tragedy is that if CD sales keep dropping, fewer records will be made because all kinds of costs have to be met. There are so many people involved behind the scenes that need a paycheck too. The way things are going, the only way artists will be able to earn a decent living is through live gigs, be they large concerts or small intimate venues.

As an aside, more and more artists are producing their own CDs and selling their work on MySpace. I know of a few Aust Idol finalists who are doing just that. And a record store I was talking to told me the same thing.

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Hmmmm......my eensy teensy post caused a little discussion.

Hee... well, yeah, that's what's supposed to happen. Otherwise, we'd all be talking to the wall. But yes, go stand in the corner for your forty lashes! :lol:


:songstuckinhead: OMWH. I didn't even like it all that much when I first listened to it. That's just my personality. I usually don't. Because I have performance anxiety or something. I downplay every.thing on the first time. (Just ask my boyfriends! Heh! Yeah, it was a'ight! polishing_nails.gif )... but then, later... I go... ohhhh, wow! Especially if there are visual aids. Me likey visual aids! It helps with the digestion. So.... I guess that's what you can predict from me.

Clay's supposed to text us and tell us what songs we picked (or the top one or something) too. I better charge my phone!

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Awwwww....hubby just sent me a dozen roses here at work. I really do love him.

As you all know, I work in a library. Libraries and librarians are constantly struggling with this "cutting edge/the way we usually do things" dichotomy. How are we to compete with being relevant when the technology is constantly changing? And how can we reconcile that to training and experience of 20 years in the job? It's very difficult. I think the recording industry is going through the very same thing.

Happy Anniversary ldyj and hubby

I think the library and book industry in general is a good comparison to the music industry. I have a friend, an avid reader, or should I say listener. She loves to listen to books on tape, she used to go to the library and check out her books on tape and was a happy camper. Now she can download the books on tape from her library (free) and doesn't have to leave her house. She goes through blank CDs like crazy, but she loves this. This has to impact book sales and library usage.

We have become an instant gratification society, technology and the internet feeds right into that. Along with instant gratification, there is the issue of short attention spans. People move on from "what's hot right now" to what'll be hot next week or next month. Career artists and fan loyalty are not as prevalent as they once were. I think TV shows are another example. Shows don't get much of a chance to find their audience before they are cancelled. Reality type shows seem to capture a wider audience than dramas or sitcoms.

Things keep changing and changing so fast, I can see why it would really be difficult to stay on top of the changing landscape of the music industry. Clive Davis and every record label exec out there has probably been frantically trying to figure out how to

revive a struggling industry.

On the other topic of the QVC bonus selections. I'm probably down for buying at least one, and I'm in the group that just WINY is enough for me to buy it. I think I'm pretty predictable that way. I look at it this way, I have had hours upon hours and days upon days......I guess by now it's years upon years of wonderful entertainment provided to me by Clay Aiken, I will aways happily plunk my money down to purchase his CDs, and every bonus track I can get my hands on.

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Heh. When laughn and I were in NYC last week, we were discussing whether or not it would be more efficient and cost effective to each give Jerome $20.00 to give to Clay directly, instead of messing around with all the various downloads and CDs. Cutting out the middle man and whatnot...


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On the other topic of the QVC bonus selections. I'm probably down for buying at least one, and I'm in the group that just WINY is enough for me to buy it. I think I'm pretty predictable that way. I look at it this way, I have had hours upon hours and days upon days......I guess by now it's years upon years of wonderful entertainment provided to me by Clay Aiken, I will aways happily plunk my money down to purchase his CDs, and every bonus track I can get my hands on.

atinal... I soooo agree! I throw money at him whenever I can, but since I don't have enough to travel for stuff and he doesn't tour out here too much, It feels good to order any ole thing he offers and figure I'm helping him keep the puppies fed and the grass mowed around that mansion of his. :cryingwlaughter:

Heh. When laughn and I were in NYC last week, we were discussing whether or not it would be more efficient and cost effective to each give Jerome $20.00 to give to Clay directly, instead of messing around with all the various downloads and CDs. Cutting out the middle man and whatnot...


bottle... but, but... I like opening my Clay packages and having that hawt CUTE guy in my hands (at least his picture). :cryingwlaughter:

Well, I hope the music industry can figure out how to stay in the game. New, outside the box thinking is needed everywhere these days, since things are changing so fast all over the place. We have to let go of what always worked and think of what can work now. I see Clay as coming in at the tail end of the "old way" at the labels and this time he seems to be doing more "new way" stuff. Glad he's adaptable. He's a very smart man!

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Oh great. So it's finally Friday night and we're supposed to go to Beale Street for a little fun, music and booze and what happens? Major thunderstorms! Lightning! Mucho raindrops! AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

whatever. If I don't care about getting drenched, I'll still go...if I don't feel like it, I'll just stay in my hotel room with Clay and a bottle of cabernet....

Sounds like a win/win to me! B)

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From Lyekira at CV by way of the CH:

Looks like the QVC 5 bonus track thing has been confirmed. Debk at BB4CA son works at QVC and he confirmed the same tracks and the TITN video that was reported yesterday. I'm trying to get her permission now to post the email from her son here.

Yes I am disappointed. Very disappointed. But then again, you all knew that since I am so predictable! ;)

Well, at least it will save me some money!

Unless when I am there he looks at me with those gorgeous green eyes, commands me to buy and I become his bitch yet one more time.....

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Honestly, I do think that CD's are a dying format, and that physical additions to the product itself may slow the demise, but can't ultimately stop it. The thing is, compared to digital downloads, CD's are simply too bulky. I haven't bought a non-Clay CD in years because I'd much rather listen to music on my iPod than on my CD player. On the other hand, I actually spend more money on music downloads than I ever did on CD's. Now, my music dollars are spread across multiple artists instead of just a few. I do wonder if we're entering a time when it's possible for many artists to earn something off their music, but for very few to actually earn a fortune.

I can definitely see why the labels are trying harder to get a piece of the concert and merchandising business. Increasingly, it's the most profitable part of the business. It would be interesting to see if there will be a time when labels will only sign artists who agree to share the ancillary income.

The digital age certainly is changing much of how we do things. Videotape sales must be down as more people have Tivo or DVR's. Reference books may not be as popular, now that we can look up so many things on the internet. Quite a few services, from Netflix to iTunes, allow customers to download movies on demand. Several companies including Amazon and Sony are working to develop the digital book industry, and honestly, when I see the huge stack of books I have in my home, I sometimes think it would be nice to have them all in a single electronic device. Because we're now able to store and send large volumes of data in relatively small packages, we're tending to do that. On one hand, it means a loss of physical, tangible goods. On the other hand, it's quite a bit more convenient.

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WOO HOO - didn't see this posted here yet:


From RCA Marketing

I asked him when he was taping Kimmel and about the confusion over the Leno appearance.

Kimmel will be May 15

Leno will be May 12

There is supposed to be another webisode next week but he's leaving for vacation so my info will be sporadic although he said he'll be on email while he is away.

Also, for CDR parties, they are sending posters, window clings and for a grand prize, one signed CD booklet per party.

So now we have Leno on the 12th. Given some of the snotty jokes he's told in the past year....eh! But it the show has a wide audience base and Leno is always nice to him when he's on the show.

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From the CH:


When I Need You was not on ATDW. I believe it was probably recorded either for MoaM or ATDW which may be why he chose to sing it in concert. So, that is a new recording for everyone.

From RCA Marketing

I asked him when he was taping Kimmel and about the confusion over the Leno appearance.

Kimmel will be May 15

Leno will be May 12

There is supposed to be another webisode next week but he's leaving for vacation so my info will be sporadic although he said he'll be on email while he is away.Also, for CDR parties, they are sending posters, window clings and for a grand prize, one signed CD booklet per party.

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The digital age certainly is changing much of how we do things. Videotape sales must be down as more people have Tivo or DVR's. Reference books may not be as popular, now that we can look up so many things on the internet. Quite a few services, from Netflix to iTunes, allow customers to download movies on demand. Several companies including Amazon and Sony are working to develop the digital book industry, and honestly, when I see the huge stack of books I have in my home, I sometimes think it would be nice to have them all in a single electronic device. Because we're now able to store and send large volumes of data in relatively small packages, we're tending to do that. On one hand, it means a loss of physical, tangible goods. On the other hand, it's quite a bit more convenient.

yep yep... I have two huge boxes under my bed full of video tapes; soaps and basketball games. Yes I'm predictable. Well there is this woman who has been wanting my soap tapes for years and finally I am determined to get them mailed off to her so she can do what she wants to them which is turn them into digital files. The final bribe that is making me do it is the complete Homefront television series on DVD. It's my favorite show ever.

I think I'm finally ready to also just throw away all the video of Clay's performances. I probably have everything on DVD already and plus it's in the vaults. Why do I need to take up 3 shelves on my bookcase with this.

So yeah Jenna, I can testify! heee

ETA: There was confusion over Leno performance?

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I got an email from SonyBGMStore today. With a link.

For those who just can't spend enough money on Clay. Here is, yet, another place you girls can spend your retirement money on....OMWH is available for pre-order. At the rate of $9.99 you can afford to buy at least 7, on this site alone. :cryingwlaughter:

This should count as more advertising for Clay too, shouldn't it? I swear that boy never gets any marketing or press, what so evah...........


I always enjoy reading your thoughts JennaZ. :clap:

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The confusion was over the Kimmel date - was it taped on the 14th and aired on the 15th or whatever. People ran out and bought tickets - hopefully to the right night!

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I got an email from SonyBGMStore today. With a link.

For those who just can't spend enough money on Clay. Here is, yet, another place you girls can spend your retirement money on....OMWH is available for pre-order. At the rate of $9.99 you can afford to buy at least 7, on this site alone. :cryingwlaughter:

This should count as more advertising for Clay too, shouldn't it? I swear that boy never gets any marketing or press, what so evah...........


I always enjoy reading your thoughts JennaZ. :clap:

I couldn't find OMWH on that page anywhere!! And I tried several different things, including a search for Clay. Still no OMWH! Did you have a different page that didn't show up here? :thankyou:!

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He shows up for me when I click the link. You have to scroll down to the end. He is on the left hand side. Last one.

ETA: I don't know what is showing up for you, but try searching for pre-orders. Perhaps that will bring the page up for you. Otherwise, I don't know what the problem is.

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