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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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Playbiller I am sorry if I misunderstood you; the so-called fans can do whatever they like, I am just not interested.

Well that siting just fueled the "I hope is on AI crowd"; sheesh, give it up already!

(and if he is on, I will be very disappointed)


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See the subtitle on the top of every page?

Frankly, if someone ain't a fan, they need to wander somewhere else.

And yes, we do let people define their own fandom in what ever way their little heart desires.

But this ain't a democracy either. If we find your "fandom" is ruining everyone else's fandom (no, not some or one) - but everyone's else's - it's bye bye. If someone hasn't been run off, they aren't ruining "everyone else's" fandom.

Dance, dance, dance!

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All this Clay will be dropped talk - does anyone think Gavid DeGraw will be dropped from J Records cause his 2 week sales are about the same as Clay's!

I don't think so!

ETA: If these boards aren't fan boards, what are they?

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They brought in a top notch producer for this CD. Clay chose songs he liked. He worked his cute little ass off recording while doing Spamalot. I just don't see him doing all that to release an album that they knew would likely just die a quick death due to the timing of its release. The thing that frankly worries me the most is the bad publicity this will generate. I can see it now "Even the Claymates aren't buying this album!" I also worry that really low sales may influence radio stations that are now or are considering playing OMWH.

CG...I'm with you here. And when I saw the 81% drop in ranking, I immediately rolled my eyes because I can just SEE the blogs and "news" blurbs about how his was the biggest.

But we knew that already, didn't we? :hubbahubba::whistling-1:

On another note: My hubby just called and wanted me to go with him to watch a softball game...that doesn't have my daughter on the team :blink: . A softball game between 14 year olds. But not my daughter. He wants to go because a friend's daughter is on the team and because it's an excuse to go to a sports event. Any sports event. I said thanks but no thanks.

And he said, "Please?" and I said, "No, thanks." I mean he didn't want to go with me two years ago to Clay's JNT in Oakland--not because he has something against Clay. He's just not into that kind of concert and going to listen to some Christmas music---even with the family---wasn't his idea of a fun outing. That's how I feel about this game. So both of us are just fine, you know? :lilredani:

I wonder how many people rushed to google the name of that Burbank restaurant? :lmaosmiley-1:

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KAndre temporarily pries one eye open and sleepily dances about...


a Kitty Cat!

And I dance, dance, dance!

Dance, dance, dance!

Ya know what? Since I don't think Clay and his friends are somewhere beating their breasts and weeping aloud over his career, and I think I should expend probably about 1/100ths the thought on Clay's career that he does...I will treat him like the other artists in my collection - just enjoy the enjoyable parts and know that the unenjoyable parts don't actually have shit to do with me. And avoid herds of unentertaining, whiny, bitchy people who have managed to convince themselves that they or what they say or think on what is (or should be) basically a hobby (because unless Team Clay/RCA/Roger Wydo-something or other/fans is paying your butt - this really is not your job), is actually "serious" or "important" and their rights to beat people over the head with these thoughts and have them validated (and frankly, isn't what all that sharing is about? Validation of your thoughts? Otherwise, you could just whine happily (or unhappily, as the case may be) to yourself.)

I love Clay Aiken bestest of all my entertainers right now. And for my taste, too many of his fans are treating him like a freakin' flash in the pan. Strike now or disappear forever! Feh, I say. If me and my posse twenty years from now have the joy of flying in to see him in a little club in Raleigh with great acoustics (and fans who will actually shake their ass or make devil horns as appropriate - heh), we will enjoy the fuck out of what is instead of weeping over what isn't. And spend more time with like-hearted heifers.

KAndre... WORD to your whole post... and a another plea to be the West Coast member of the eHP so I can join you in that little club!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: By the way... I'd be surprised if it comes to that, but I like to be prepared for any and all evenualities! :cryingwlaughter:

The single made it to 30 today and got a bullet. That's a good thing. More radio play should follow. If he gets in the Top 20, then when he releases his second single and does his promotion for it, the second single should get played more easily and more sales should follow. Then a tour.

Why would a tour supporting this album be any different from the one supporting ATDW? The SRHP tour seemed successful to me. I don't remember too many venues being very empty. A few were close to sold out. What is funny to me is that some of his most successful venues were casinos last time. LOL

Diane Sawyer said Spamalot would open doors for Clay. I believe it. It's gonna take time for that to come to fruition, tho, IMO. I've got time. I've got interviews and clack to watch and a CITH song to finally finish rating for some message board I belong to if I could just remember which one it was... :cryingwlaughter:

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Hee Play...we are definitely a fanboard!!!

I really think that part of that support is being around for the down and up times and just having faith that his kind of talent will not fade into the woodworks...

CG...ITA on the reason why Clay wanted it out right after Spamalot. One option of course was to bring it out in the fall and let the lead single gain momentum on radio before the drop. But I think it was difficult for them to rely on that since he has such a bad track record on radio and they just want to keep the momentum going and take a break leaving the fans the CD to tide us over the drought.

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Hey...I'm intrigued by the fact that there's a member listed on the page down there named "dummie"...but I KNOW she hasn't posted before. I'd REMEMBER that one! Hey! You! Say something! :lilredani::) I LOVE your board name.... :cryingwlaughter:

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Well that siting just fueled the "I hope is on AI crowd"; sheesh, give it up already!

(and if he is on, I will be very disappointed)

Hey, my hope didn't need to be fueled because it was already be burning, and I will be a little disappointed if Clay's not on AI.

:whistling-1:I'm all alone... [tm King Arthur and bottlecap]

In any case, I expected Clay to spend some time in LA even after the late night shows were done, just because so much of the entertainment biz is there. I suspect he has a number of irons in the fire that need tending.

Hey, I'm just jazzed because I finally got my QVC order. Waves to laughn - see you in a few!

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Lordy, I don't even venture to the OFC! As The French Taunter so eloquently and expressively says,

"I duh wunna talk (listen) tuh yuh no more!" :cryingwlaughter:

I love you. That's the most appropriate comment I've read in days!

I'm pretty sure that it's not an accident that the same people are stirring up the same shit and the same people are falling for it, and in it. Nope, no accident.

Hello, my name is keepingfaith, and I'm a Clay Aiken FAN.

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Isn't Clay working on the AOL sessions stuff?

There are many ways to support Clay, I don't rally care which tactic people use as long as they are doing something, it could be just sending good vibes, anything but tearing him donwn and blaming him.

As I recall many a poster claimed it was brilliant to release the CD in the wake of Spamalot. Hmm, maybe, in hindsight they decided ti wasn't = So when does Clay get anny allowance for hindsight? We are not talking abuot a stupid guy here. The boards have been belleding fans sing the angst of aught two, what the hell did they expect constantly tearing down ATDW?

I see we have our usual lurkers that are reporting our every thought to other boards. Me, if I comment about a board, I will post on that board as well, I am working on a doozy. The problem with working on a politely worded reply is that by the time I have it written another 20 pages have gone by and I have a committment to do something else and the topic has changed, bunch of post whores on all the boards, sheesh. I guess some people can just sit at their computer all day, but I have a kind of life and I have a very demanding dog. Today our toy of choice is some lint from the dryer. We are playing lint toss. I watch holly catch and then kill the lint. It is actually quite fascinating to see her treat it as if it were real prey.

ETA - KF, no it is no coincidence, but I warned you, even the FC people are planning to get in on this.

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I see we have our usual lurkers that are reporting our every thought to other boards.

Seriously? Why the fuck does anyone else care what we say here? I was basically told today that I should find a board where the atmosphere mirrored what I wanted - which is somewhere where the people actually give a shit about Clay. So here I am. If I can't say what I want here, I may as well just give up the online fandom altogether.

Oh wait. That's probably what they want. :cryingwlaughter:

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Fun, Community, Affection

Yes this is a fan board but I've always believed that fan boards are for the fans, just meaning if Clay were an actual member it would be a completely different place. (well one would think but OFC kinda discounts that hee) And not just in how criticism was voiced but would you really ask Clay which butt picture is his favorite? :cryingwlaughter:

However, I also believe that it's where you have fun, build communtiy and suport the object of your affection. Those are the key words in our board philosophy.

I know everyone is kinda frustrated but things will work themselves out. I just know it. And in the meantime, I thank ya'll because some of the posts I have read over the past couple days have really lifted my spirits.

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Up for some speculation? Savannah's Restaurant where Clay was sighted is on the first floor of the Warner Record Building.


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I'm sad about the numbers too, but I think I am more sad about the way the fandom has allowed itself to be splintered into something that vaguely reminds one of a fandom. I read posts from people saying they don't belong to a Clay fan message board to "help Clay". What? Times have sure changed haven't they. I understand that we the internet fandom can not do it alone, but I do believe that the tone of the internet fandom has a lot to do with keeping the excitement level

When I said dark forces, I was not speaking about gnats, but so called fans who are where ever angst is, they come and leave their little time bomb remarks and then sit back and laugh at the to-do. The cheer leaders of 2006 are back.

I have a question for Couchie and Ansa - is this a fan board? Are we here to support Clay or just to hear ourselves yammer? It was brought up on another board that they are not a fan board, so now I would like to know where to find one.

Yeah, that was me. Thanks for noticing what I say on other boards. I haven't allowed myself to be splintered from anything... I am the same as I've always been.

I am a fan. You don't get to define that for me.

I don't use the message boards to "help Clay". I don't think that me talking to you or anyone else in this fandom is one bit helpful (or hurtful) to Clay Aiken. No matter what I say. If YOU want to use the message boards to help Clay, feel free. I won't ever try to stop you. I won't speak poorly about you on other boards, or to other people behind your back. Or in front of you even.

I "help" Clay plenty. I buy his product. I support his music. And his charities. And his concerts. And whatever else he asks me to do. Not that I need to justify myself to any of you.

Do you actually think spending time on THIS fan board talking about/judging fellow fans is "helping" Clay? Is that how you define a "fan" board? Is that why you spend time here worrying about what I (and others) do on other boards, or even here... To "help" Clay?

I don't particularly agree with, or even find intelligent, the fans who come out of the woodwork (I don't believe in using "some fans" to hide behind, but I'm gonna respect couchie and Ansa's rules here and not name names, otherwise I would) from other boards in packs and ONLY AT TIMES LIKE THESE to pontificate about Clive and RCA and all that is wrong with the recording industry just to stick it in public and try to make sure we all know what they know. First of all, their arguments and supporting blogs and articles are opinion pieces and anyone who links to a blog that says some of the offensive shit I've seen from following the links is a joke anyway. Good luck with that. BUT, if they want to wallow in their own offensive misery, I don't care. I know how to scroll that shit, just like I know how to scroll when ya'll start dragging my ass along with the other "some people" through the mud every.single.day. When you quote me though, I'll be right here to defend myself.

As long as fans are not LYING to other fans, trying to convince me to think differently, or falsely judging other fans for some rumor they heard, they can go for it. In Clay's own words, he does not mind the critiques. Not that I'm even critiquing him. I'm just supporting the right of others to do so if they wish.

My dad used to beat us up for not being happy. Nice huh? Made us real happy -- he just bullied the fucking happiness right into us. It took him an entire lifetime to realize that nine people at a dinner table all enjoy a meal in a different way. We didn't all have to have our hands in our laps with smiles plastered on our faces Stepfording along about how perfectly the broccoli was steamed. Now, finally, after 30 years, he can pour himself a glass of wine and enjoy the diversity of his grown children. He had to move out and gain some perspective for about 20 of those years first tho since the bullying and beatings and rantings about us not being happy his way didn't work. Too bad he missed out on all his kids' childhoods.

Seriously? Why the fuck does anyone else care what we say here?

Are you kidding me with this? Isn't that what you are all doing here? Look up. ^^ Pot. Kettle. C'mon. You can't see that?

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From the CH:

QUOTE("Claymaniac in PA")

Clay Aiken and Perez Hilton together at Warner--what a team! NY Times:


Mr. Lavandeira has been negotiating a deal that would provide him with his own imprint at Warner Brothers Records, a division of the music giant Warner Music Group, he said. This was confirmed by several other people associated with the talks who spoke on condition of anonymity because no deal has been made. The talks are preliminary, and an agreement is not certain, but Mr. Lavandeira could receive $100,000 a year as an advance against 50 percent of any profits generated by artists he discovers and releases through Warner Brothers, these people said.

In case you are thinking maybe the deal soured, maybe it did, but read this: LA Times, dated May 17, or a bunch of other stories about the same artist, who was dropped by Maverick (a subsidiary) and then resigned by Warner thanks to Hilton. He appears to still have considerable influence there. I fail to see how Clay's going with a label that is in love with Perez Hilton is a good idea.


eta... Just to add more info re Savannah's... it's a popular restaurant, with many media companies within a few blocks. The restaurant is on the lobby floor of a building on the far corner of the Warner Bros. lot. (You can enter from the street, however, not just from the lot.) Disney is right there, as is Disney Channel. ABC and NBC are right there. Touchstone is now ABC Studios and is on the Disney lot. DIC (a successful animation studio) is a few blocks away. Other, smaller production companies are located within walking distance.

Speculate away.

Curiouser and curiouser (tm Alice in Wonderland)


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I find 50% of any profits to be a bit ridiculous. Like the rest of the insinuation.

Although if we could set the exploding heads to, say, Nessun Dorma, and supplement that with tastefully exploding fireworks and Bellagio-class fountains, it would make a really awesome youtube event.

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YSRN I agree with the most part of what you said, but you know what every fan board has its problems and is not perfect. I don't belong to the CH, but I read there and I have seen them rake some fans over the coals pretty good. Before people start pointing fingers at FCA, they ought to look at their own houses. The reason I am here is because of the conversation; intelligent, logical...I'm sorry but I read at other boards and it is like they went back to the archives of 2006, dusted off their old posts, slapped 2008 on them and called it a day. I said it before and I will say it again, lazy thinking.


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Hey, honey's I'm home!

I went out for a little while but I keep hearing strains of a string quartet playing "Nearer My God To Thee" so I thought I would come back to my home away from home.

By the way the eHp has an auxilliary branch but it is called the nseHP. Not so evil Houston Posse. You can however work up to full minionhood. Just ask Kandre for the details*g* I believe dancing kitties may be involved!

Now I am going to go listen to the best voice on the planet...David Archeleta....I keed, I keed!!

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You obviously missed the rest on my posts YSRN

There are many ways to support Clay, I don't really care which tactic people use as long as they are doing something, it could be just sending good vibes, anything but tearing him down and blaming him.

I don't expect people to do what I do, some may want to , others obviously don't. I would like to believe people who have time can do the same things, but they don't What I don't think a fan board should do is feed the trolls.

See, I know not all fans have money and can't afford to buy CDs, or tickets or what ever. Not all fans have time, they can't blog or post or even play stuff on myspaces. There are many ways of supporting someone just as there are many things that you can do that are not constructive, like throwing around blame without actually having any facts. But calling Clay names, or blaming everyone but themselves, well, what ever..... I have been watching the exodus of fans for years and tried to communicate it to people, but they were deaf ears. For some unknown reason strangers have felt free to write to me in PM and I could track the exodus as they became up-set. I post on many non-clay boards and have seen people who have described themselves as ex Clay fans who could not put up with the contstant non-joy. Sure it is great to complain, but there has to be a place to get over it. And here people vent and then post pretty pictures and I can move on.


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Are we commenting about anyone in specifics or describing an atmosphere that is not fun for us? I did ask about the fan board because it has come up before and I did read about it on the CH and it is in the front of my mind and I am composing a post for the CH but I am still 4 pages behind, so I can't post. I don't know if I will ccatch up before I pack up and don't have computer access, but I do have a post in progress. I did mention a small group in specifics because I was warned about their reemregence the other day. Since everyboard is talking about them, why should we be different.

Or you could just scroll by my posts, lord knows, I have to do it often enough pretty much everywhere.

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I love Clay Aiken bestest of all my entertainers right now. And for my taste, too many of his fans are treating him like a freakin' flash in the pan. Strike now or disappear forever! Feh, I say. If me and my posse twenty years from now have the joy of flying in to see him in a little club in Raleigh with great acoustics (and fans who will actually shake their ass or make devil horns as appropriate - heh), we will enjoy the fuck out of what is instead of weeping over what isn't. And spend more time with like-hearted heifers.

20 years from now, we'll probably be bringing our own great acoustics!

However, about Burbank... I just want to blow a raspberry at those *certain* people who balked at going to Universal for the opening of the Simpsons ride last Monday in favor of getting mocked for wearing clothes at a spa. *whistles innocently*

You are all invited to camp out at my place when he starts doing those club dates, or Hometown Connection II, or whatever. Be warned, I do mean camp out literally.

My sleeping bag is always ready -- 'course I'd rather camp out near the Shanghai Museum with you (you're the one who PM'ed me about that, weren't you?) Maybe a trek to Xian as well?

But this ain't a democracy either. If we find your "fandom" is ruining everyone else's fandom (no, not some or one) - but everyone's else's - it's bye bye. If someone hasn't been run off, they aren't ruining "everyone else's" fandom.

Definitely! We have ways of making you vote for us. Or at least of making you abstain.

KAndre... WORD to your whole post... and a another plea to be the West Coast member of the eHP so I can join you in that little club!!!

We were waiting for you at the Kimmel line. Someone had an extra ticket!

Clay'll be fine. Last weekend, my bestest friends said this (after calling me out on a few other things and presenting me with an Oscar-like statue labelled "Hollywood Princess" for turning Solo's birthday weekend into a let's-do-Scarlett's-favorite-things weekend, what can I say, I needed to practice on my pouting and tossing and flouncing and arguing and general scheming. The beach was great, wasn't it?!! Liney, if you can either swim or endure shoulder-deep water, you're definitely in!!! Oh, and "Harold and Kumar" has some redeeming social value -- it's a graphic protest against stereotypes!

Wait, I forgot what I was going to say about Clay. My friends told me this, "No matter what happens you always manage to get yourself rescued in the end." I think that's true, no matter how long it takes this time. And it's true about Clay as well, I think. I'm looking out my office window and the last rays of the sun are shining through. Not quite sunset yet, but it'll be here soon. I love sunsets even though they make me sad. And it's not just because the colors are close to my heart, but because a sunset need to come before a new day can dawn.

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And now for something completely different

Spamalot - gross is up 5.7 to over 600K, but the average ticket price is still low. The show is still quite discounted. I think it averages around 700K+ when Clay was in it and it was during the bad, bad weather. Until this afternoon, the rain is usually more of a drizzle than pouring, so it isn't even particularly bad spring weather.

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This is my home. If I come here to vent, so be it. I belong to just about every major board out there. Today I attempted to post some thoughts on one in what I thought was a pretty respectful manor. And I was piled on and told, in so many words, to go find somewhere else to post, somewhere where the atmosphere was more to my liking. So I did. Maybe I brought some anger and resentment over with me. I was not a happy camper. Sorry if it offended anyone. But I stand by the point I made elsewhere - all the bitching and moaning on the message boards, when there is so much to be celebrating instead, is a real turn off to many people, particularly new fans who may have bought OMWH and are either googling Clay or have typed in a url they found on the CD case. I never said that the boards were created to help Clay (although the word "fan" seems synomymous with wanting to help and support the object of one's fandom, to me). I said that we needed to find a way to stop driving people away from the online fandom, because that was hurting Clay. I know some people disagree that that is the case but I have spoken with many, many fans who have told me they were driven away because of the angst, so it's not just my assumption, it's fact.

In any case, I'm done with it. My own fault for giving one last kick at the can, thinking that maybe, after all the crap that we went through together with ATDW and everything that came after it, some fans might realize that we need to do things differently this time. But back to my happy place. I think all the angst about Clay being dropped is totally ridiculous and premature. And the idea that it would be a good thing if he was? Blows my mind. Again.

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