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#33: Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"

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53 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • So, how about that Clay Aiken?
    • The guy is just endlessly fascinating, isn't he?
    • Artificial insemination, well at least we know he had a hand in it.
    • If you claim he's got titanium balls, why not let him use them?
    • I'm happy to let Clay do whatever he wants.
    • I have ears and a brain and a heart, and I like what OMWH does to them.
    • Magical Mercurial Music Maker!
    • Clay--still the one.
    • In general, his voice just DOES something good to me. It makes things seem...better, somehow.

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*waves to all the newbies! welcome!*

Thanks for the music info, keepingfaith!

Actually the first time I met you Scarlett was the JNT05 Clearwater, when I passed you your radio shack. Since then I believe we met in Syracuse and again in Kalamazoo, perhaps other places but those are the places I remember. Yes we do still travel together. When we go to the Michigan concerts, it is not unusual to have three or four cars following one another.

Oh, yes, I remember now. You handed me the thingamajiggy. Thanks so much! MUAH! You did so much better than Solo who on that same night lobbed a tiny mike that contains a gyroscope over the heads of 6 people instead of handing it to me gingerly, since she claims to throw better than Clay and couchie together. I also remember talking to you at Kalamazoo, in Syracuse I was still in a fog over the Philly show. Haven't answered your Leno PM but I'm going to try to cap it; will need some good thoughts, though, since Comcast has been weird lately.

Was a bit shmoopie at missing the chance to room with Cindilu, luckiest and couchie (tho' she was planning to make me sleep on the wet spot) but was v. happy it turned out so nicely for you!!!

I think I slept on the wet spot. ;) We missed you too!

LOL! Couchie's legend continues!

For something a little different (in other words, I spent all morning composing this stuff and I'm posting it now come hell or high water!) <snip>
:cryingwlaughter: cryingwlaughter: cryingwlaughter:

Still ROTFL! That's not quite how I remember some parts of it and will be posting my version too; you're just lucky that I have to clean up tonight because Solo's dropping by tomorrow afternoon and I hope to give her some floor space to step on. If we can get Solo and PerusingOne to recap, we can do a whole "Rashomon" take on that weekend. Can't believe you did sushi without me, though! Could we have some tomorrow night, pretty please? -- I've been dying for some Tako since Kimmel and my polarizing Uni (people either love it or hate it).

Scarlett... It's your turn, now!

Yes, it is and I promise it'll be soon! Just not this weekend since we have even more adventures because Solo and PerusingOne are driving/flying over.

...Will he lose the butt without the nightly bottle dance to keep it in shape? OMG, no! :cry4:

I'd sworn off smutting for the rest of the year but this was too good a lead-in to miss... Bottle, how are you so sure he isn't still doing the nightly bottle dance?

About ringtones and calltones, I posted this at the CH but just wanted to repeat that a lot of phones can use ANY mp3 file as a ringtone or calltone. I don't play so much with ringtones, but as an example, these are Solo's calltones for the eHP:

Scarlett - Theme from Angel

KAndre - Karen from the Beach Boys (used to be Everybody Wants to Rule the World)

keepingfaith - Faith by George Michael

PerusingOne - Dirty Little Secret

merrieeee - I Can See Clearly Now

her mom - Mama Mia

ETA: Eeee! I don't have to clean tonight I just persuaded Solo and KAndre that Solo and I should just crash at KAndre's place tomorrow night -- her pad with the great home theatre system and w/c is 20x cleaner than mine. Also, we'll be able to use the iGallop!

ETAA: Iseeme, in case it's really broken maybe you can use the remote that came with a DVR or VCR or sound system instead? Those should also work with your TV.

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If I hear about that wet spot one more time .......................... I'm gonna start banning people :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Perusing one flyingin for the day to pick up her KMart posters :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Anybody in the area that wants to hang out tomororw afternoon / evening, let me know. Probably just go to fisherman's wharf/Ghiradeli Sq.

Loved reading everything today...have to go back to read KAndre's recap...I would have been fired if I had read that "book" at work. LOL in advance cuz I know it is probably funny as all heck.

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[if we can get Solo and PerusingOne to recap, we can do a whole "Rashomon" take on that weekend.

About ringtones and calltones, I posted this at the CH but just wanted to repeat that a lot of phones can use ANY mp3 file as a ringtone or calltone. I don't play so much with ringtones, but as an example, these are Solo's calltones for the eHP:

Scarlett - Theme from Angel

KAndre - Karen from the Beach Boys (used to be Everybody Wants to Rule the World)

keepingfaith - Faith by George Michael

PerusingOne - Dirty Little Secret

merrieeee - I Can See Clearly Now

her mom - Mama Mia

OMG! Don't tell me someone was raped in LA! Your reference reminded me of seeing Rashoman Rashomon during a Kurosawa festival in LA back in the 80's.

Solo's calltones are CMSU!

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If I hear about that wet spot one more time .......................... I'm gonna start banning people :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Perusing one flyingin for the day to pick up her KMart posters :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: Anybody in the area that wants to hang out tomororw afternoon / evening, let me know. Probably just go to fisherman's wharf/Ghiradeli Sq.

Loved reading everything today...have to go back to read KAndre's recap...I would have been fired if I had read that "book" at work. LOL in advance cuz I know it is probably funny as all heck.

Too envious! Is there any way you could send her off with a couple of Dungeness crabs and some Ghirardelli dark chocolate for the poor soul who's picking her up at the airport on Sunday? Nooo? *aims a virtual kick at the Transportation Authority* Terrorists don't eat those things! Oh fine, fine, just have them for me and then post a recap. *sniff*

[if we can get Solo and PerusingOne to recap, we can do a whole "Rashomon" take on that weekend.

About ringtones and calltones, I posted this at the CH but just wanted to repeat that a lot of phones can use ANY mp3 file as a ringtone or calltone. I don't play so much with ringtones, but as an example, these are Solo's calltones for the eHP:

Scarlett - Theme from Angel

KAndre - Karen from the Beach Boys (used to be Everybody Wants to Rule the World)

keepingfaith - Faith by George Michael

PerusingOne - Dirty Little Secret

merrieeee - I Can See Clearly Now

her mom - Mama Mia

OMG! Don't tell me someone was raped in LA! Your reference reminded me of seeing Rashoman Rashomon during a Kurosawa festival in LA back in the 80's.

Solo's calltones are CMSU!

Well, what happens in LA.... /jk! LOL! By "Rashomon" I was just referring to the multiple stories/points of view/what-is-truth sort of thing. Eeeeeing at another Kurosawa connection! We really need to have that have the movie weekend at merrieeee's. Oh, merrieeee!

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This is REALLLY off topic, but does anyone have any clue as to why a remote for the TV would just stop working? And yes, I just changed the batteries and that didn't help. It isn't "talking" to the TV.

Thank God it wasn't a Kimmel or Leno night.......

did you accidentally push the vcr button or something like that? or the tv button? On my remote, if I push the tv button (to turn on the tv) and forget to push the cable button again, none of the buttons will operate the cable box.

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One year ago, in May 2007, I knew absolutely no one in the fandom. When I joined FCA last year and merrieeee realized that I live in the Houston area, she invited me to lunch one Saturday last May and I drove 60 miles across town and met merrieeee, KAndre, Kareneh, Scarlett, and Solo standing outside a barbecue joint. Soon 00lsee and PerusingOne arrived. After what I would learn to be a typically loud and boisterous eHP lunch, we departed for Hobby Lobby, and I was officially inducted into the group when KAndre forced me to buy glitter. My compliance bestowed everlasting minionhood. Yes, I bought several colors of glitter, what of it? Next I found myself at merrieeee's house where PerusingOne opened her travel bags and produced this contraband known as Cheez Doodles, which were devoured by the lovers of cheez, which apparently is everyone in the eHP other an me. It's the "Official Snack of the eHP" -- only you can't get it in Texas.

Plans were made to meet in two weeks to work on nametags. Clay soap. and slipknots for tiny horses. For that work session, I summoned my sister, an arts & craps aficionado who possesed not one, but TWO glue guns. By the time the evening ended -- oh wait, the evening didn't end -- by the next morning I was committed to seeing Clay Aiken for the first time ever in Dallas. The eHP makes offers you can't refuse. Be forewarned if you haven't met them, they are highly addictive.

So when July 4th FINALLY rolled around, I trek back to merrieeee's, and after Scarlett finally showed up, and I met Playbiller for the first time, and after KAndre happily accepted the red, white and blue sparkly/glittery cap (because we minions have responsibilities), it's off to my Virgin Clay Experience. That afternoon in Dallas, KAndre and I make a run to Love Field to pick up muskifest and Claygasm.

After spending the night in Dallas at the home of a total stranger, who was the most congenial and lovely person, it's back to Houston with Playbiller and I drop her off at the Hyatt in downtown Houston, but not before going the wrong way down a one way street. I have worked in downtown Houston for over 25 years. I know it like the back of my hand. So, I suppose the fact that I was going the wrong way on Clay Street evidenced the complete fog I was in. I know Play was relieved when I pulled up at the Hyatt!

The next day I went to a pre-show confab and met many, many people, and hooked up with ldyjocelyn who would be spending the night with axe-murderers my sister and me. Following that unforgettable concert, ldyjocelyn invited my sister and I up to her room, and that's where I first met HeidiHo -- whom I would later meet in another hotel room in NJ! (I love you, HeidiHo!)

Next morning it was on to Tulsa and as soon as we got to the hotel we ran into our roomie Clayzorback -- who is the cutest thing and most dynamic and fun person to be with. Yeah, security was calling the room that night, probably because I could never learn to laugh quietly .. especially after the best damned martinis in the world! Clayzor is not only a gourmet cook, she makes a bad-ass martini. And then I met sheiladownunder and thoroughly enjoyed hearing of the escapades of Clayzor and sheila as they searched for ice on an upper floor. Hmmmmm.

I flew alone to Florida last August and was picked up by another stranger who wouldn't be a stranger for long -- Kimiye! (Oh Kimiye, I really look forward to seeing you in Houston soon!) Kimiye and I arrived at the hotel at the same time the eHP were literally falling out of their car, having just returned from another roller coaster experience and finding a new cell phone for KAndre who left hers at Busch Gardens. Florida was just a gas all the way around -- Clay was magnificent and funny and wonderful and it was all just FUN. I got to know the lovely Ficus, such a sweetie she is. I also got to know/see/sit by/observe some of the notorious fans and some of the nicest fans -- and even had a FC experience that was such bullshit I still can't believe anybody swallowed that crap.

I didn't make any Christmas shows because that old thing called WORK. Dammit. But did enjoy another eHP dinner in February when muskifest was in town, and we all got to meet the lovely Desertrose. Hope to see you again soon, DR!

I went to NY with the eHP in April and saw Spamalot five times, and it wasn't enough!!! I finally got to meet the fabulous Couch Tomato, eeeeeeeeeeee, and her friend whose screen name I don't know (if she has a screen name), and the beautiful ShellyC, all the while wandering around the city with 00lsee (such a doll, she is) and the amazing merrieeee-Jane, and rooming with HeidiHo, who I think I'm now engaged to. The rest of the eHP were riding wooden roller coasters and eating PhillyFood! At Spamalot I was able to reconnect with Claygasm and Playbiller, although too briefly.

So welcome to all the newbies. The way things have gone for me in the past twelve months, there's a good chance that you could be sleeping with me in a strange town before long! So be nice! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:cryingwlaughter: You know... my ex lives in Austin. Ya think he would like a visit??? No.... dang it, cause I would love to meet the eHP on their ground. Hell, it's a blast just reading about their get togethers! :cryingwlaughter:

ITA. I think Clay's stature as a recording artist has always been somewhat inflated by the fandom. You can credit the AI machine for the lion's share of MOAM sales. That CD had all of AI and the aftermath and controversy as publicity. But after an first week of sales, his sales went down, down, down - and rather quickly. IMO, Clay was NEVER a superstar recording artist so to expect him to be treated like one or sell like one IMO is unrealistic. I have always thought he was more of a cultural phenom than a music phenom.

Great post, Claygasm. I totally agree.

I do think that Clay has made a choice to sing the kinds of songs that feel authentic to him, knowing that they may not be the most radio-friendly or commercial songs out there. He has often said he is not cool, and quite frankly, he doesn't seem particularly interested in becoming cool. It's quite possible that his musical tastes will never be perfectly aligned with widespread popular tastes. He is going to be himself, and if that means he doesn't become a superstar, so be it.

It's a risk, and at this time, it certainly can seem a bit scary. However, I've come to believe that it is more important to him to feel true to himself than to have success in the music industry. I still think he's ambitious. I'm sure he wants to continue to be able to tour and sell CD's. But I just have this feeling that the stubborn streak in him that caused him to become a vegetarian for two years may also make him unwilling to change himself just to achieve airplay and/or "cool" status. Clay made the kind of album he wanted to make. If it succeeds or fails, it's on his terms, and I think he understood that going in.

Personally, I tend to doubt that Clay will ever drift too far away from the kind of music he makes now. Those who want "rocker" Clay, IMHO, shouldn't hold their breath. I think all we can do is appreciate him for who he is, even if he never becomes the next Elvis.

But I also believe that anything is possible, and with the right set of circumstances, he could be a superstar. It might take just the right song in the right situation, a perfect role in a perfect project, or some unexpected, unplanned set of events that cause people to take note of his gifts. However, I do think it can happen. He's too talented to be written off entirely.

Jenna... you don't post often, but when you do it's a wowser! WORD!!!

Interested to read about everyone's "lowered expectations" and I'm not going there in my mind, because it's always been about how important Clay is to ME. Tell me who are the superstars today. Nigel Lythgoe said that the AI Finale this year would have "the biggest star in the world" -- was that George Michael? Maybe in his opinion. But I don't know anyone else who thinks so. Is it Beyonce? Timberlake? Celine Dion? Madonna? There's no consensus about the biggest and best of anything, and especially something as subjective as music. And since Clay is the ONLY person I've traveled to see, that makes him the biggest star in the world for one kf. That's not subject to change.

As many times as it's been repeated that the record business is on the way out, so many get up in arms about record sales. Clay made a major move this year. He expanded his celebrity and experience to a starring role on Broadway in a highly acclaimed limited run. He has cred as a singer, he has cred as a personality, and now he has cred as a first-class actor and comedian. And his friends in the business are the movers and shakers. If someone needs to reel in their enthusiasm because he didn't sell more records than Neil Diamond and Toby Keith, so be it. If you want to go crazy because he had a 78% fall off in the second week, well Madonna had a 71% fall off on her second week. So? The business is tanking and at a rapidly expanding rate of tanking.

I mention Clay Aiken to very few people who don't know who he is. He's in the collective consciousness. And he's out there still learning, growing and showing us more of himself. OMWH is excellent music. If some of the LA-scene critics don't like it, I'm not surprised because it isn't Top 40 club music, which is what they're interested in . So what? Is anybody saying Clay Aiken can't sing? I haven't heard that. Are they saying he's not putting out the music they like to listen to? Yeah, some are. But I don't listen to the tripe they like either so we're even. I discount their opinions, with cause. To each his own. And Clay is all my own in my world of music appreciation. Please do not disturb this adoring fan.

Fans always come and go for whatever reason, and I wouldn't spend 5 minutes of my time trying to determine why. No one seems to be able to foretell the future, any more than they can agree on the past.

So my suggestion is to, in the immoral words of Adam Clayton Powell, KEEP THE FAITH, BABY!

ETA: I learned my lesson on critics many moons ago. There was a time when I gave critics more power than deserved, and as a result I bought many albums that I gave away or threw away. I went to see many movies that I left wishing I had my $5 back. I bought too many books that were left unfinished because they were Terrible! I soon learned that there were a couple of critics that I had respect for, but I still wouldn't give them undue influence. And there were many more critics that in writing why they gave a movie only one star, or a thumbs down, would mention a criticism of it that compelled me to see it. These comprise some of my favorite movies. Hasn't this happened to anyone else? I've always thought that critics are a passing thing for people as they figure out where their individual tastes and inclinations are in relation to another's critical assessment. Then when it comes to these flash-in-the-pan internet reviewers. How can you trust that? Whether you're inclined to agree and disagree, just any self-proclaimed arbiter of taste on the internet should be viewed with a jaundiced eye.

Keeping... another great post! So many great posts tonight! Thanks to everyone of you! FCAers are the best and funniest in the land! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I believe Clay will be entertaining us for as long as he wants to... and, I believe we will be entertaining each other when we are toddling along with our walkers and earhorns... we'll just have to get the equivalent of a pool boy to carry our Clay gear around and who wouldn't like that, I ask you??? :cryingwlaughter: Sounds like a great future to me!!!

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I volunteer for the Pool Boy Search Committee.

No just kidding. I've seen the errors of my cougar ways.

ETA: Just for the record, I was cougar before cougar was cool. It was only after I gave it up that it became The Thing. Now there's only one man who could bring me out of retirement.

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Good day, all.

Tijala, welcome home. Did I see that you're from Spokane? I grew up in Sandpoint and my sisters live in Spokane. We're practically family already!

Not Tijala....but it was me you got the Spokane from, so let me correct that. No, not Spokane, she lives in Montana; but it was in Spokane that we met.

I love Sandpoint AND Spokane! Two of my favorite places when I lived out West. Going to PM you, actually....I have a bit of a favor I won't bother the board with.

I saw that Saltwaterdog thought I was from Washington also. I live about 300 miles from Spokane, and try to get over there as much as I can. I do live in Montana...in the land where men are men and sheep are cautious. Actually we are civilized...we even have paved roads! There are no Cluncheons or anything of the sort here. *I'm All Alone....*

FromClagary, if you live where I think you do, my dad and uncle were born there and were Mounties at one time. And yes, I'd love to get to that neck of the woods sometime. As I said a few pages back, I intend on winning the Powerball and may actually get to attend a Gala with you and me myb. [/delusional]

BTW, that quilt she mentioned that I won is phenomenal. I hope everyone someday is able to see what lovely work she does.

...Will he lose the butt without the nightly bottle dance to keep it in shape? OMG, no! :cry4:


Now that's just about the finest ass I've ever seen. :hubbahubba:

And BTW Bottlecap...you don't scare me...yet.

It's taken me awhile to get caught up, but I will say that I'm not worried about Clay. I really have nothing to add, as ITA with most of what's been said. He has a good head on his shoulders and presumably good people advising him in his career. Do I wish that OMWH had better numbers? Absolutely! It's a crime that this work of art isn't being heard by more people. While taking into account the economy, which BTW if gas goes up any higher, I'm going to have to take out a bank loan to fill up my tank..., and other factors, I think he's done alright. After looking over HDD the past couple of weeks, I'm not worried about him. He's going to be just fine.

*Hums...Always Look On The Bright Side of Life* :whistling-1:

Thank you all again for the warm welcome you've given me.

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I saw that Saltwaterdog thought I was from Washington also. I live about 300 miles from Spokane, and try to get over there as much as I can. I do live in Montana...in the land where men are men and sheep are cautious. Actually we are civilized...we even have paved roads! There are no Cluncheons or anything of the sort here. *I'm All Alone....*

FC says :cryingwlaughter: Actually, I found you a couple of kewl compatriots....in Minnesota! :lol: That is, I FOUND them in Minnesota...they LIVE in Montana. :lol: They're both from the Billings area. I have GOT to find that piece of paper with their email addresses!

FromClagary, if you live where I think you do, my dad and uncle were born there and were Mounties at one time. And yes, I'd love to get to that neck of the woods sometime. As I said a few pages back, I intend on winning the Powerball and may actually get to attend a Gala with you and me myb. [/delusional]

FC says: Get out!! What a small world! I'm in Barrie, which is just about half an hour north of Toronto; for those of you that don't know the area, it's cottage country central. We're right on a fairly large lake, a little town of approx 125,000. I love it. It's been the best move I ever made. Quite different from Calgary!

BTW, that quilt she mentioned that I won is phenomenal. I hope everyone someday is able to see what lovely work she does.

FC says: Aww....thanks! I love to do it, and am quite sad that BAF has stopped fundraising initiatives which contain Clay's image. I understand why....but I do regret it. BUT....I'm working on something different, which I'm having fun with, that is also fundraisers.

...Will he lose the butt without the nightly bottle dance to keep it in shape? OMG, no! :cry4:


Now that's just about the finest ass I've ever seen. :hubbahubba:

FC says: Yeahhhhhhh... :hubbahubba:

And BTW Bottlecap...you don't scare me...yet.

It's taken me awhile to get caught up, but I will say that I'm not worried about Clay. I really have nothing to add, as ITA with most of what's been said. He has a good head on his shoulders and presumably good people advising him in his career. Do I wish that OMWH had better numbers? Absolutely! It's a crime that this work of art isn't being heard by more people. While taking into account the economy, which BTW if gas goes up any higher, I'm going to have to take out a bank loan to fill up my tank..., and other factors, I think he's done alright. After looking over HDD the past couple of weeks, I'm not worried about him. He's going to be just fine.

*Hums...Always Look On The Bright Side of Life* :whistling-1:

Thank you all again for the warm welcome you've given me.

So good to have you here!

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footloose, I owe you something BIG for those pictures you brought over. Gorgeous!

And thank you KAndre for your recap of the eHP's Kimmel adventure. I'm looking forward to Scarlett's side of the story with great anticipation. Somebody have a Corona for me at your lunch next week, okay? I'll be in Houston on or about July 9 - 10 to pick up my car. We have to get together then for sure.

Welcome, Tijala! :nature-smiley-014:

I updated my blog Sally Rand McNally this afternoon/morning....I think it's only 7:30 am central right now. Been waiting all day for someone to wake up got bored, so I wrote something. Not much just something. Man, it's hard to get started again once you get slack and kind of enjoy it.

I can't believe I spent the better part of this past week making non-Clay travel plans. We are actually going to take two vacations as a family....not one....but two! Taking my daughter to New York in May created a deficit on my son's sibling equality spread sheet, so I guess we are ALL going back for a few days at the end of July. John included. I have to wonder about John sometimes. He isn't a fan of New York City....his only experience being that I've made him drive through Manhattan a few times on our way home....BUT....he didn't believe me when I told him his son wanted to go to New York and so we were going. He thought that a 24 year old guy would find New Hampshire more to his liking.

Two things I know for certain. John works too hard. And he doesn't know that Clay's run in Spamalot is over. I know this because I got the 3rd degree about what plays we might see when we are there.

I have carefully planned a big wide open space for the fall....because while searching the internet camera sellers for a handy dandy slip in my pocket little camera, I found this other one.....that I think will be perfect for concerts. Ain't that just the way it works sometimes! I think I'm going to have to have myself a little used camera sale one of these days. Not only does John work hard....he works hard to get the money to buy me cameras. And it is getting a little ridiculous. My old standby rationalization is that you don't shoot a whole round of golf with one club, do you? But at this rate, I'll have more cameras than there are clubs in his bag. OH....I went to see Spamalot a bunch of times. I took one picture.....this one with the pitching wedge. Sheesh! Yeah.....I REALLY need that camera.


OH....OH.....Who's going to the gala?

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Good Morning Everyone,

Beautiful sunny day here, the birds are singing and I am off to a "Clay" lunch later with momof3boys and jazzgirl.

3 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions!

5 Days until Leno Repeats!

6 Days until Kimmel Repeats!

31 Days until The Music Pass is available!

Everyone have a great day!


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Damn, you're good with a pitching wedge! Though I thought that was da baseball...

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Scarlett's "side" of the story too - because she is just filled with the capability of making the most crazy-ass things sound perfectly reasonable....

Sibling equality spreadsheet? KarenEh, your child is brilliant!

KAndre immediately opens up Excel and starts entering a variety of TOTALLY unfair situations starting about 47 years ago...

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I do think that Clay has made a choice to sing the kinds of songs that feel authentic to him, knowing that they may not be the most radio-friendly or commercial songs out there. He has often said he is not cool, and quite frankly, he doesn't seem particularly interested in becoming cool. It's quite possible that his musical tastes will never be perfectly aligned with widespread popular tastes. He is going to be himself, and if that means he doesn't become a superstar, so be it.

It's a risk, and at this time, it certainly can seem a bit scary. However, I've come to believe that it is more important to him to feel true to himself than to have success in the music industry. I still think he's ambitious. I'm sure he wants to continue to be able to tour and sell CD's. But I just have this feeling that the stubborn streak in him that caused him to become a vegetarian for two years may also make him unwilling to change himself just to achieve airplay and/or "cool" status. Clay made the kind of album he wanted to make. If it succeeds or fails, it's on his terms, and I think he understood that going in.

Personally, I tend to doubt that Clay will ever drift too far away from the kind of music he makes now. Those who want "rocker" Clay, IMHO, shouldn't hold their breath. I think all we can do is appreciate him for who he is, even if he never becomes the next Elvis.

But I also believe that anything is possible, and with the right set of circumstances, he could be a superstar. It might take just the right song in the right situation, a perfect role in a perfect project, or some unexpected, unplanned set of events that cause people to take note of his gifts. However, I do think it can happen. He's too talented to be written off entirely.

Love this post, JennaZ. :clap:

anyone still up for GMA pix?

from CV...pardon cheesy tags

stunning profile

delicious stubble

handsome in many ways


from Corabeth

RMD has just confirmed 5/27 for AOL Sessions in an email.

Yay for more goodies - thanks footloose! :flirtysmile3:


I'll be checking out your blog later today, Kareneh. In the mean time, Lordy! Thank you for using whatever you had at the time to capture this profile shot. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.... :wub:

Beautiful sunny day here, the birds are singing and I am off to a "Clay" lunch later with momof3boys and jazzgirl.

Have fun, aikim, and give jazzgirl a hug from me! :bighug:

Nice sunny day here, too. A lot of our farmer's markets are starting up for the season today, so I think I'm going to head out and buy some fresh, home grown, organic fruits & veggies. Everyone have a good one! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Gorgeous day here, too. Already done the groceries and some other errands......heading out shortly to a guitar recital for my son. Other son has a prom to attend tonight. Busy, busy, busy! Looking forward to tomorrow when I can relax!

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Kareneh... thanks for the beautious picture. Your wedgie did good! :cryingwlaughter: Good to hear from you! Your vactaions sound like fun. Consider taking them to Spamalot anyway, it is a very funny play.

And... shhhh... don't tell my kids about that speadsheet! My oldest will be 40 next week (takes a moment to deny that this is happening) and still brings stuff up that was unfair. Did you know that I ruined her life cause I made her go to bed at 8:30pm and therefore she missed half of the $6MM Man/Bionic Woman shows when all her friends got to see the whole show??? Horrific!!!

Gorgeous day here, too. Already done the groceries and some other errands......heading out shortly to a guitar recital for my son. Other son has a prom to attend tonight. Busy, busy, busy! Looking forward to tomorrow when I can relax!

luckiest... cool... recital and prom on the same day. Have fun! I have a recital today, too. My DGD's first ballet recital.

Can't wait for Sessions! Even if it's not live, it's new!

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Checking in from "sunny" California - where it's pouring in bucketfuls. Great way to start the 3 day weekend. BUT, we really need the rain. The snowfall wasn't good this winter (could have fooled me since I had at least 2 feet of snow in my driveway for over a month) and the forests are really, really dry/ We're all worried about forest fires!

My remote still doesn't work - and the one in the downstairs family room doesn't work either. Must call the cable company today as the remotes are theirs. Sheesh.

Sounds like y'all have a great time on your travels. Suffice to say there are no cluncheons in my neck of the woods....

Anxious for the AOL Sessions. Wonder which songs he'll sing besides OMWH!

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I haven't had time to read here in awhile. I have been pre-occupied with a certain sexy singer man who can sing and dance and act and be funny sometimes all at the same time. :hubbahubba:

I love the feel of this board, the opinions, the funny and all of the stories. I have been so impressed with OMWH since the moment I got it in my hot little hands. The thing about this album for me is that at first listen, I felt that it was a very sound, mature, eclectic, piece of work. There is not one song that I can say that I don't like. Even when I try to skip to another song, I don't. Each song has something special in it that I can't wait to hear. I think Clay is proud of this album. I think he got to do what he wanted for the most part. And I absolutely love it. I haven't had an album that I can listen to the whole thing in years.

I have no doubts that Clay will turn up again with something up his sleeve. I hate that he doesn't get critical acclaim....those people are deaf. But I love what I hear. I think Clay is so full of ambition and talent that he will always be able to entertain. He loves singing and that will always be a part of his life. I want it all for him and I want it to be easier than it has been, but I have no doubt that he will keep being Clay and find a way to be heard. I cannot wait for him to tour this music. He will absolutely KILL on these songs! :hubbahubba:

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My cable remotes stopped working and I called cable company and was told that they were updating their system and gave me a code to punch in the remotes and they started working again. They worked me through this on the phone.

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The only reason that OMWH is not getting the reviews that it deserves is because the so called "critics" need to wash out the shit that has been building up in their ears from most of the music that is popular today. I bet that most of them have not even listened to OMWH, but review it from whatever biased perception they have of Clay. I do wish that Clay would stop saying he is not sexy or cool because he feeds into that bias. The man is hot. The vocals on OMWH are definitely sexy.

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Thanks for the awesome profile pic, Kareneh! I'm with you on springing for the newest electronic toys. Although I'd better be done for awhile after all the stuff I bought this year, because we have to put a bit more money in both DD's college accounts. Yikes, my older daughter will be graduating in a year!

Speaking of graduations - I played for a high school graduation this morning, and it was a hoot. It's good I have a sense of humor and can laugh at things that go wrong, because there were a number of problems. It's verrrry windy here today, and the graduation was held outside on the football field. I played BOTW with a choir. I used sheet music since I only rehearsed it once with the choir and didn't have it memorized . The damn wind kept blowing my music all over the place! I finally put the music in a three-ring binder, duct-taped the binder to the piano, and got myself a roadie to hold the pages down so they didn't blow shut while I was playing. The drummer and bass player got roadies for their music, too.


Then the custodian who moved the electric piano to the field stupidly ruined the jack on the plug-in pedal. This caused the notes I played to blur whenever the pedal was plugged in, even if I didn't press down on the pedal. Playing without the pedal wasn't an option because of all of the octave jumps in the song. Yikes! I ended up playing with the damaged pedal and controlling the blur by rearranging the piano part and toggling the volume button. Sort of challenging because you play the piano with both hands and don't really have an extra hand to use to toggle the volume button up and down!


Then there was the sound of the wind in the choir mics, which added quite an interesting touch to the sound system. :00000462: BWAH!! Ah, well. The crowd loved it, and screamed and clapped at the end. And now, I'll have BOTW going through my head all day. It's such a great song! I still love watching Clay's BOTW from AI3. It's the ultimate version of BOTW for me.

And now, we are packing for a little trip to the mountains this weekend. There's no internet connection up at the mountain house, so I won't be able to check in again until Monday night or sometime on Tuesday. I can't wait to see what kind of pictures I can take in the Colorado Rockies with my new camera! It will be fun.


Have a great weekend, ya'll!

ETA: Hey, Muski, we went to Indiana Jones last night, and really enjoyed it! I hope you guys have fun together. It's even more fun if you sit at the very back of the movie theatre and cuddle and ... er ... well, I'm sure you can fill in the rest! :imgtongue:

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It still blows my mind that KarenEh is HERE but actually half way across the world! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hubby and I are going to see Indian Jones today! :clap: Can't tell you the last time we did something without one or more of the kids along...

(well, except for THAT, of course... :blush:)

So Carrie's going to an all day festival/fair with a friend and then spending the night. Except she had some chores to do before she could go. Friend is coming at 10:30 to pick her up. Carrie started the chores at 10:05.

Please explain. Thank you.

Somebody up there had the words "Clay" "ass" "wedgie" in the same post. Just wanted to inform you all that I am first in line to help him with that situation. :lipstick: And you beyotches had better not try to cut in line, either! :thdom2:

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Somebody have a Corona for me at your lunch next week, okay? I'll be in Houston on or about July 9 - 10 to pick up my car. We have to get together then for sure.


I took one picture.....this one with the pitching wedge. Sheesh! Yeah.....I REALLY need that camera.

*squishes Kareneh!*

Can't wait to see you again in July! Have a great time on all your adventures!

Oh and they're not golf clubs, they're visualization tools. (Isn't your DH in the exploration business? They usually understand the multiple visualizations part)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Scarlett's "side" of the story too - because she is just filled with the capability of making the most crazy-ass things sound perfectly reasonable....

But...but... Isn't that what we're about? Embarking on what people would call the most crazy-ass things, pushing the limits, ignoring warnings of how it can't be done, hasn't been done, isn't right, isn't proper, has never been done before, too difficult, will never work, too complicated, is against the laws of nature (ok, maybe not that far but just enough to defy gravity) and in the end show everyone how easy it turned out to be that we not only made it work but we owned it completely?!!!

Watched the IJ4 movie yesterday since my co-workers decided that it would be great as a team-building activity and hey I'm easy, or at least I wasn't about to insist on working on the afternoon before a long weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed it! I've loved Steven Spielberg since way back when he was only appreciated by kids and a bunch of strange-looking but very loyal and enthusiastic fans. It still rankles that E.T. wasn't recognized for the extraordinary film it was, losing the Best Picture Oscar to Gandhi, which while a good film and fitting squarely into everyone's image of an "Oscar-winning" one, just didn't compare. I love seeing E.T. in all the critics' "Best Films Ever" lists nowadays, ranked at #25 or higher but it was so frustrating back then when people dismissed it as fluff and refused to see its technical merits. (BTW, if ET hadn't won at least it would have been better for it to have lost to "Tootsie", another wonderful film from that year that didn't have the "stature" and "image" of Gandhi) It took a long, long time to get from E.T. to Schindler's list, my other favorite Speilberg film about tolerance but I guess the journey to success was just as important as attaining it.

Have lots of fun, Gibby and luckiest! (well, separately)

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