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#33: Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"

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  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • So, how about that Clay Aiken?
    • The guy is just endlessly fascinating, isn't he?
    • Artificial insemination, well at least we know he had a hand in it.
    • If you claim he's got titanium balls, why not let him use them?
    • I'm happy to let Clay do whatever he wants.
    • I have ears and a brain and a heart, and I like what OMWH does to them.
    • Magical Mercurial Music Maker!
    • Clay--still the one.
    • In general, his voice just DOES something good to me. It makes things seem...better, somehow.

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The story is surprising, for sure. But I can't say that the concept of Clay having a child with Jaymes offends or disturbs me, and I can honestly see it as a possibility. That's not to say that I believe the rumors are true. All these confirmations and denials are by peripherals, and I need more direct evidence. However, I can imagine Clay helping out a good friend by helping her conceive a baby. I can also imagine him having a relationship with someone but, for various reasons, deciding not to make the relationship public.

I suspect that Jaymes was caught by surprise by this statement to TMZ, and is still processing it and determining how to deal with it. Likewise, it's possible that Clay is unreachable or that he and his people are still deciding the best course. If he does know, Clay, being a gentleman, may choose to follow her lead in managing this situation.

I don't need to know right away. I don't feel he owes us an explanation, and I'd be a fan whether he was the father of the child or not. However, somehow, I think we'll get an answer eventually.

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And as for waiting for Clay to disclose his innermost feelings about a situation wherein he may be the father and/or father figure to a baby coming into this world in a matter of weeks, don't hold your breath. He's withheld much less meaningful stuff.

I don't want his inner most thoughts. Just a simple yes or no would suffice!

Any of us can see the same things happening and have different interpretations. For example, where you saw goo-goo eyes, I just saw eyes. They took an elevator up to a floor together - not his room. His "entourage" probably was all on the same floor. For that matter, who said they even got off on the same floor? Walking Durham - a friend can't walk Durham? She calls him Clayton - his real life friends call him Clayton. There used to be reports back in 2004 that he stayed at Kelly's when in California. So he stays at Jaymes' when he's in California? Friends can't stay with friends? Kelly and Ruben stayed with him in NC!

Sure, you can look at all those "facts" and turn them into shipping - proof that they are more than just friends, just as people did with Kristy and Kelly and Tyra and most recently Hannah (remember the woman with the accent in Whole Foods?). But you can also look at those "facts" and see just friendship.

I am not denying they have a close bond. They are very close friends to be sure. But more than that? I don't think so.

While I have always thought he would end up with an older woman, I just cannot imagine him involved with one old enough to be his mother!

That said, I suppose its possible that because of their very close friendship he would donate his little swimmers to help Jaymes out, but as I have said before, that is just not something I can wrap my mind around. Right now the only people saying for sure that Clay is the daddy are folks who got their information from TMZ. A source which I bet has more credibility than TMZ - Jaymes' former sister in law and friend - says its not true.

So logic tells me to go with the sister-in-law, not TMZ. Only if I hear differently from Clay and/or Jaymes will I believe they are having a kid together.

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What's bugging me is that a lot of the fan whining I see (ok, yeah, I peeked out again. so sue me) is v.v. similar to the mentality some have about his decision not to answer questions about his sexuality any more.. "If he would just make a statement saying "yes or no" everything would be better". Easy to say, but pretty simplistic. I'm sure he and Jaymes are making the decision that is right for them in regards to speaking or not speaking to the press, and I hope they aren't factoring fans into it a whole hell of a lot.

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Where did they get that picture of Clay he is almost invisible!

I can think of a LOT worse pictures they could have used!!

(I think that's from the Planet Hollywood handprinting.)



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Ok, so I failed miserably at my attempt to stay off the internet for the rest of the afternoon! People have now started calling & emailing my mom about the babydaddy story. :rolleyes:

Congrats to Clay, Hannah & Spamalot! :clap:

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Well I haven't had any Eureka moments about Clay and Jaymes. I honestly never paid her much attention just like I don't pay much attention to any of the non talent friends of Clay. I bet if you had put up 3 brunette 40ish women photos two days ago I couldn't have picked her out. Meaning..I pay attention to Clay's stage sharing family and they get to be rated on their own talent. Jaymes is an artist too but I don't care about producers and song writers and mixers and ... I've never known who those people were on any other album I own. And the various Amanda I couldn't pick out of a lineup either. I've just never cared.

I am back at the "the only real source is TMZ" so am doubting it but I don't care if it's true or not. Hell I'm still smiling about it so maybe I'm leaning on the hope it's true side. We'll know eventually!

Congrats to Hannah and Clay. Definitely deserving.

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If this press shit keeps Clay from attending the private reception for awarding the winners of this award, I'm gonna be pissed. I could see him not going in order to spare the rest of the crowd the circus that it would be if it were known that he'd be there. That's shitty.

I'd really love for Clay to be able to just flat out enjoy his kudos without some shitty cloud hanging over things. :badmood:

This post brought to you by "Shit Is The Word"..... :glare:

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And as for waiting for Clay to disclose his innermost feelings about a situation wherein he may be the father and/or father figure to a baby coming into this world in a matter of weeks, don't hold your breath. He's withheld much less meaningful stuff.

I don't want his inner most thoughts. Just a simple yes or no would suffice!

Well, there are two things to consider - the unavailability of Clay - would you accept that?

Or maybe Clay wants the mother who is has her body in jeopardy to be the one to speak - would you accept that?

Or maybe Team Clay is working on a way to phrase the answer to satisfy all the diverse needs of the fandom, because if nothing else, the responses have been diverse!

See, we are not only talking about fans and their interests. In this specific incident, Clay is not the center in reality, it is Jaymes. She is the one with the growing body and she is the one who will have more about her personal life revealed on E! this evening.

Is there any acceptable scenario where Clay has yet to respond. Please note that it has not even been 24 hours.

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You don't have to get snitty about it!

I'm not discussing this anymore. I think he owes us a response. I also think he should get rid of the blond hair. What I want and what I will get are two different things.

That I can accept.

But I do have a question. Why do people HOPE its true? I can understand being happy for him and Jaymes IF it is true, but why HOPE its true and be disappointed if it isn't true? That I don't get at all.

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You guys that are waiting for a reputable news source ... could you point me in the direction of one? Personally I can't tell the difference between TMZ and FOX or CNN or MTV or MSNBC or E or CBS or ABC or VH1. They've all passed off huge lies about life and death, war and peace -- bald-faced lies, or slight of hand, misdirection lies, or the preponderance of one false opinion lies ... so when someone really discovers that reputable, trustworthy source of information, please share.

There is no such thing as credible news anymore. When you have Newsweek and Time quoting the likes of Perez and TMZ as a legitimate news source, then you know the world has gone to hell.

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Muski asked:

wait! What did I miss? What's this about Seacrest?

Oh, he is the producer for the Kardashian TMI thingy, and the new Denise Richards TMI thingy and I thought I read about another new one, plus a show about moms helping their sons find True Love with personally selected wimmen - I think he will manage to saturate the cheaper airwaves with so much "reality" that it will reach critical mass and people will get bored. Like Trading Spaces - it spun off so many interior designlets that viewership went down due to over-saturation. Everything blended together, nothing was special.

TV is like that, like James Fenimore Cooper's stupid Indians - they jump on the boat after it has sailed by. (I have said this elsewhere, but Mark Twain's critique of the Deerslayer is almost as funny as Eddie Izzard's take on people guessing computer passwords - and that is high praise from me!)

Yay! for the Broadway awards!!!!!!!!!

If this press shit keeps Clay from attending the private reception for awarding the winners of this award, I'm gonna be pissed. I could see him not going in order to spare the rest of the crowd the circus that it would be if it were known that he'd be there. That's shitty.
Yep. But they will all be shouting "People need to know!!!!!!"

He doesn't owe ME anything.

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I hope it's true because I can't get the vision of happy daddy Clay out of my head right now. I'd love it if he and Jaymes were in love and a couple, with a baby on the way. Or if they love each other as friends and have decided to have a baby together. If it's not true, I will not be disappointed, I will just move on to the next happy vision of Clay in my head. :)

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You guys that are waiting for a reputable news source ... could you point me in the direction of one? Personally I can't tell the difference between TMZ and FOX or CNN or MTV or MSNBC or E or CBS or ABC or VH1. They've all passed off huge lies about life and death, war and peace -- bald-faced lies, or slight of hand, misdirection lies, or the preponderance of one false opinion lies ... so when someone really discovers that reputable, trustworthy source of information, please share.

There is no such thing as credible news anymore. When you have Newsweek and Time quoting the likes of Perez and TMZ as a legitimate news source, then you know the world has gone to hell.

Exactly my point about my WTF feeling about this being "reported" by TMZ. I know it happens every freaking day, but I don't usually pay attention to it. This time around, paying attention to it, it truly disgusts me how fast things are reported as fact with such little basis and from such piss poor sources.

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You don't have to get snitty about it!

I'm not discussing this anymore. I think he owes us a response. I also think he should get rid of the blond hair. What I want and what I will get are two different things.

That I can accept.

But I do have a question. Why do people HOPE its true? I can understand being happy for him and Jaymes IF it is true, but why HOPE its true and be disappointed if it isn't true? That I don't get at all.

I am not being snitty, maybe tactless and overly curious. I actually want to know, I think I am more curious about individual people and their critieria than I am about Clay sometimes. I know some people question why I am so interested in details of opinions sometimes, but it is like understanding how someone else's mind works on one detail might give me more understanding of them in the future.

When I was in college, I ws talking to a rather wealthy, but unpopular girl and she was telling me about when she "came out" as a deb. It was an alien topic to me, so I was fascinated by the joy she radiated talking about the details. When she left a bunch of other girls laughed and said it was great how I got her to make a fool of herself by keeping her talking. It hurt a me a lot, Ilistened because she was interesting, her joy was magnetic and so unlike her most days. I came away understanding and not liking the laughers and liking the girl I was not like at all. People who are very different can be far more interesting than people who are the same, they open insights to different worlds.

The concept of Clay owing fans much beyond a good performance and a sincere effort is alinen tome and i am really trying to understand if there are qualifications or what. I just don't get it.

Open questions to all

I think this is one week when we have not had any Clay sightings, aren't there usually sightings somewhere?

Can he really speak before jaymes says something? He may be the celebrity drawing attention, but she is the pone being exposed and istghe babymama for sure.

Where does Team Clay fall inthis - can they issue a statement without him?

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I was thinking how this whole situation reminds me of some of Clay's song lyrics......

hence ..... this.........


And it also reminds me of this......

Especially the part around 1:40 where Rick says, "it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world..."

"Here's Lookin' at YOU, kid."

eta: oh wow. top of the page again! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I hope it's true because I can't get the vision of happy daddy Clay out of my head right now. I'd love it if he and Jaymes were in love and a couple, with a baby on the way. Or if they love each other as friends and have decided to have a baby together. If it's not true, I will not be disappointed, I will just move on to the next happy vision of Clay in my head. :)

Yup this is where I am at. Clay has said so many times before that he would love to have a family. Children are very important to him so the idea that Jaymes baby is Clay's is great for me. Whatever their relationship is...I truly believe Clay will be a very supportive and nurturing father. If this is not true...I;m ok with that too.

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playbiller, that was really sweet about how you were with the rich girl and enjoying hearing her talk about something that made her happy. Personally, I couldn't relate to it either since I am not, nor have I ever been rich. Plus thewhole coming out thing kind of icks me out, but I do like when people can open up about something that makes them happy. I wish the majority of my family could be the same for me, but unless I'm joining them in bitching and moaning, or talking about someone else, then they don't want to hear it. Which explains why I no longer spend time with those members of my family. My kids love me and accept me, even if I drive them crazy sometimes, and my friends are fine with me, so screw the rest.

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Where does Team Clay fall inthis - can they issue a statement without him?

Oh dear - I think for TC to make any sort of statement would be astoundingly tacky. This is Jaymes' life. The whole "issue" is not anyone's problem, it is not a publicity ploy, it is real life. If someone was publicly stating that Clay was a dad, I can see where he might refute it, but if a sleazoid gossip site ferrets it out, IMO to even address it is unnecessary. Did anyone break the law? Nope. Is there anything here that would affect fans who already bought tickets, made reservations, whatever? Nope. But TC seems to be there for business stuff, not incredibly personal stuff that doesn't even involve them.

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The story is surprising, for sure. But I can't say that the concept of Clay having a child with Jaymes offends or disturbs me, and I can honestly see it as a possibility. That's not to say that I believe the rumors are true. All these confirmations and denials are by peripherals, and I need more direct evidence. However, I can imagine Clay helping out a good friend by helping her conceive a baby. I can also imagine him having a relationship with someone but, for various reasons, deciding not to make the relationship public.

I suspect that Jaymes was caught by surprise by this statement to TMZ, and is still processing it and determining how to deal with it. Likewise, it's possible that Clay is unreachable or that he and his people are still deciding the best course. If he does know, Clay, being a gentleman, may choose to follow her lead in managing this situation.

I don't need to know right away. I don't feel he owes us an explanation, and I'd be a fan whether he was the father of the child or not. However, somehow, I think we'll get an answer eventually.

I agree with this. ET has been really nice to him lately so I'm hoping they will get the first baby pictures if this turns out to be true. And no I don't think thats using the baby. It's just the fact of being a celebrity. Celebrating the birth of a baby is positive news. I just hope that the papparazzi don't force Jaymes to give birth somewhere else away from her doctor.

I hope it's true because I can't get the vision of happy daddy Clay out of my head right now. I'd love it if he and Jaymes were in love and a couple, with a baby on the way. Or if they love each other as friends and have decided to have a baby together. If it's not true, I will not be disappointed, I will just move on to the next happy vision of Clay in my head. :)

I hope so too. Jaymes is a beautiful woman and it won't take Clay long to catch up to her in years. I'm kind of excited about this and I hope none of this publicity is putting a damper on Clay's and Jaymes' enthusiasm. (Disclaimer: If true)

Clay hasn't had a break from his fans for a year or more and a break is definitely due to take care of his personal affairs. If this is true I'm hoping the baby will make an appearance at the Gala. Selfish much?

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