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#36: It ain't my life, just my passion!


New Thread Title Poll  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like our next thread title to be?

    • Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...
    • And the biggest protection of all will be love
    • Tell me another person that's ever gone through the Idol mill with such gifts.
    • Clay is the master lemonade maker
    • If you don't get Clay, no explanation is possible, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
    • And--just on general principles--I love Clay.
    • muchos gracias to a globe-trotting, lazy-ass, dog-loving, soft-rocking dude!
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • the class clown got to be the star
    • Whenever he's ready, I'm ready for whatever he's ready for.
    • FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores
    • when the sweetsingerman finds a style he likes he buys a dozen!!!!

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There are two more matches supposed to be posted tonight on the LBFCA Video Tournament.

Tournament is here http://lbfca.diaryland.com/index.html .

If you want to access the board forum, which moved to a new host yesterday, it's here. The Purple Pages I'm not sure if the old links still work or not. The forum can be accessed from the LBFCA Main Page, as before, but if you ever used a direct link, it might not be working now. All of the tournament information is at the tournament link, but there might be some background stuff posted in the forum now and again.

JBT stuff? What's that? :D

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One comment about Fairytale Weddings. I don't get it either. mrchach offered our girls a flat amount of money in place of a wedding. (so far, no takers!) The three that are married (3 down - one to go :D) chose to have a real wedding, but we really tried to keep the cost down, and even the fanciest one (the one with Frank Sinatra :)) was probably only a fraction of what a lot of people spend.

There's a really un-PC thing going around, I just got it in email yesterday. Someone had a really fun wedding where they were dressed in a sort of camoflauge print and it was near water and the cake had cattail decorations on it. I don't think these people would be pleased if they saw what someone had written for captions on their wedding pictures! Some people just don't have the money and don't want to go into debt either. As someone said, sometimes the wedding is the high point of the marriage!!

My wedding wasn't a big expensive wedding, but it felt just right to me and didn't cost a fortune. (Although any money you don't have is a fortune!) Thirty-three years later, we are still going strong!! (Now if we can just get this Morgan put back together!! :D As of last night, it's got brakes, working fuel pump, wheels and rear fenders! We are getting there!!!)


Pic of Jaymes - it doesn't look like the same outfit to me either, the first one has shorter sleeves and a zipper. But they are so similar!!! I still wonder if any of this rumor is true at all!! As evidenced in this DOVE AD Campaign where you witness (around 0:40) the elongating of the neck and shoulder area and lip plumping etc, it would not be very difficult to make someone's tummy look larger. I still wonder if Little August Foster-Aiken will show up at all. (check out the other photoshopping vids too.)


So in the meantime - let's look at some more nice photos of CLAY-BY!

here's a July calendar made by Shari


eta: ULP!!! the thread just arrived........

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I have an important announcement to make.

It won't take too long :wordpooper:

just am sitting here in my office smiling :lilredani:

cuz As Long as We're Here is the best darn song ever sung :rainbowsmile:

I want to have a fairytale wedding with it and have its babies :arrowed:

eta: eeeek and not trying to be insensitive to the fairytale issue. I am just perfectly good bliss with this song. How many times can you have something on repeat before the ipod explodes!

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picture - Does it mean the enemy has won in that the T initial people have all the Clay fans talking about the picture? I do not expect anyone else to feel this way, but the picture makes me feel uncomfortable because it is another picture that would not have been taken or shown if it could not be used against Clay. I don't think Jaymes is that public a person. This is another thing that I believe makes Clay dig in to have some private life. Ever since the Amber thing where she was seen with him and within a few hours she was called on "using " Clay and a famewhore, I think Clay is aware how he draws unflattering attention to the women around him. On the other hand, I look at how Clay must really attract these woman as many are willing to put up with the crap.

play, you're not alone here. I agree. Whether that's Clay's baby Jaymes is carrying or not, it squicks me out that TMZ or any other paparazzi cesspool is invading her like this because of her relationship with Clay (whatever that is! :cryingwlaughter: )...I imagine Clay has thought a LOT about what it now means for any woman to be paired with him in real life. What a shitty 'price' to be famous.

Yeay! I just had a meeting with the big boss and it went well! Whew! I was a wreck yesterday (for many ahem reasons heh) I can breathe now.

Oh, that makes me think of

"When you're with me...I breathe eeeezeee" I think I should reward my good meeting with a few Clay Aiken tunes, don't you? :lilredani:

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My morning meeting is finally done! It was actually a good meeting, but I had to sit for a long time, and that made me uncomfortable. Of course, with my knee, walking isn't much of a joy either. *sigh*

My wedding was a fairy tale on the cheap. I did have the big white dress, and hubby was in a tux. But -- a cake and punch reception in the church hall after the service, which is practically unheard of anymore. What? No 5 course meal? Uh, no. Find your own dinner. We also didn't have anything videotaped -- only pictures. My main thing that made the day special was the music during the service -- my handbell choir worked with our organist and we had FANTASTIC processional and recessional music.

WIDTL is very close to my top favorite on the album. (It switches between this, ALAWH, and WOTW...) I love the whole structure of the song -- IMO it's very classic "pop song" in it's format. I find the introduction very hynotic and ear-catching.

I think what is interesting regarding Clay's performance is that I'm used to his voice being very smooth most of the time. So, when he hits the words "fate" and "pain" in the first verse, (and "rain" in the second verse), there's a fantastic roughness that he's not used very much in his recorded music. L.O.V.E. that.

Yes, the bridge is "Either you're gonna rescue me, or you're gonna be the death of me." Killer stuff there. One of the high points of the entire album. I can listen to that phrase over and over again.

Classic glory note from Clay in the final chorus. It may not be a "THAT'S Clay Aiken?" moment, but I love that. IMO many know him as a "glory noter" and it could bring them in...

I think this would be a killer second single. But what do I know? I'm just a fan. *g*

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skybar22 at the CH :

IMO, Clay is getting what he needs by doing exactly what he is doing, taking care of himself. I may be alone here but I personally feel the need to give him lots of space right now. I expect nothing and want nothing from him. The guy has been going almost non stop for 5 years with one thing or another. He took a break in '06 that sounded like a real challenge in holding it all together. He deserves some time away from it all for whatever personal reasons he has for doing that. It's none of my business and I'll wait for him to come back and share with the world whatever he chooses to share even if it is just news about his next project or a request for UNICEF funds to help the children he so lovingly reaches out to.

Without privacy a person loses oneself to the outer world. I think Clay is doing precisely what he needs to do to remain sane and whole. He always surprises me by his ability to integrate himself and find his balance. That can only come with time for self reflection, away from the limelight. I think his growth comes from these times when he takes a break. Yep, giving him his space sounds about right to me, not that I have any say in the matter.

skybar, I love what you wrote. I agree with you.

I have an important announcement to make.

It won't take too long :wordpooper:

just am sitting here in my office smiling :lilredani:

cuz As Long as We're Here is the best darn song ever sung :rainbowsmile:

I want to have a fairytale wedding with it and have its babies :arrowed:

Couchie, ALAWH is my favorite and the lines " When you're with me..I breathe easy..You are my need..right now love me.." gah..... I swoon like a teenager. :wub:

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I had a big, beautiful wedding, and I am not ashamed. It was big (180), because both I and my husband have a lot of family and friends, people we love and care about, who we wanted to share this day with. For us, the wedding was not just just a day to legally tie the knot. It was a happy, fun, reunion and I personally would have been sad if we had been forced to limit the numbers substantially. I would have done so if necessary, but fortunately, my parents were willing and able to have the kind of event we all wanted. No one considered it a waste of money.

But this was my situation. Not everyone has close relationships with large extended families. Not everyone enjoys a large, fancy affair. Not everyone really wants a big wedding. And that's fine, too. The truth is, people are different, and their idea of what the ideal wedding (or life is) is differs as well.

I can understand why some might want a fairytale wedding for Clay. I can also see, however, how he could be perfectly happy without one. Personally, I'm not sad for him because I don't know that he's sad. Maybe he's thrilled. Maybe he's in love. Maybe he's fulfilled. I can't get emotionally invested when I really do not know.

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Mmm, I missed the ALAWH discussion, but those lines are my favorites as well. I don't think I posted this? Hee - these things are totally useless beyond the pleasure I get from making them. I have no clue what to do with them once they're finished.


And this one from a schmoopy day...


I too made a July calendar from that graphic, as well as a cutsie one...

Click as you wish...

Loving July (regular screen)

Cutsie July (regular screen)

There are widescreen versions, as well as versions without dates on my yuku page.

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MUAH to cindilu for the calendars! I will switch my wallpaper on the laptop when I get home tonight!

Ya'll realize that we could keep the song of the day thing going over and over and over again until you tell me to stop? Hee.

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Aw heck, I'm just going to add a new post here....

Just finished watching the first two of the LBFCA clips. For me, it was easy peasy -- TV medley in a heartbeat. While I do love him dearly singing WY, I think ya'll know that I'm totally in love/lust for the funny performer known as Clay Aiken. That particular version of the TV medley has always been a favorite of mine, because he was just so into it that night. The only thing missing from it was the jacket take-off.

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djs...I think this part of your post applies to everyone, with any opinion, depending on the point of view of the reader:

Muski - yep. Exactly! Which is why I am honestly puzzled when people take exception to being disagreed with or argued with. That is the nature of a board, or it should be.

Eggs-actly. LOL. And when you post a post with controversial content, expect controversy. I've never ever seen a whole message board (or even half of one) bow down and say, "Oh my god, you're right," in response to a controversial post, no matter how well worded, and no matter how often the same content is posted.

I had a big, beautiful wedding, and I am not ashamed.

Please don't be. Gosh. If I say I don't understand it, that doesn't mean I think there's something wrong with you for doing it. I assume the others feel the same way. We're the ones that are outside the cultural norm!! From your description, it sounds like yours did what these things are supposed to do--it was a ritual commemoration of an important life passage shared with the people closest to you both.

Sometimes it's just hard for me to grok these things. I drive a 1992 car. I'm frugal. I have to be. I've never been a girlie-girl. I haven't had on heels since I was 17. Paying $10,000 or more for a dress or hundreds of dollars for a cake is just something I have a hard time wrapping my mind around, for me. My sister got married in our bad yard. (Hee, I just googled and found out that the average price for a wedding dress is $1500. That is so comforting to me. I always thought they were tens of thousands of dollars. LOL.) Not to mention that I've never been married.

Ya'll realize that we could keep the song of the day thing going over and over and over again until you tell me to stop? Hee.

I think we should. At least one more go-round anyway.

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Well, lookee here what I found!

Hot Time in the Old Barn Tonight

It's a sendspace for the 192Kbps mp3s of the complete Tulsa 070707 concert. If the CH and CU wants to put them up, there will also be the full wav files (a whole gig!).

Waves at the eHP-- listening to this brought back so many memories! I wanna do another road trip!

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Mmm, I missed the ALAWH discussion, but those lines are my favorites as well. I don't think I posted this? Hee - these things are totally useless beyond the pleasure I get from making them. I have no clue what to do with them once they're finished.

Hee, I always wondered what you did with them. Not that they aren't fabulous, and creative........ :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Cutsie July (regular screen)

There are widescreen versions, as well as versions without dates on my yuku page.

Thanks! My work monitor loves you! My workmates, probably not so much. :cryingwlaughter:

OK, WIDTL, finally.........work was a bit hectic today, so I never got the chance. Random thoughts: I have a hard time getting the lyrics straight when I sing along with this one, especially the " I wanna let you in but I don't know how, I've been here one too many times" part. The lines run together and it confuses me! LOL I love the "something beautiful brings on the pain" lyric. Love the harmonies on "either you're gonna rescue" and then the "you're gonna be the death of me" right after. Probably my favourite part. I think the change of key right afterwards is effective.

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From CH:


I hope there is Clack of Clay playing basketball.

UNICEF Ambassador, Clay Aiken, says organization is making a difference in Somalia despite difficult circumstances

American entertainer visits north-west Somalia and urges the world to remember Somali children

Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday 1 July 2008 – A five-day visit to north-west Somalia (the self-declared republic of ‘Somaliland’) has UNICEF Ambassador, Clay Aiken, moved by the work that UNICEF is doing under challenging circumstances. ‘In a country that’s better known for conflict, insecurity, drought and floods, it’s truly remarkable that UNICEF is still able to make a difference to the health, education and well-being of Somali children’ said Aiken.

The ambassador traveled to Hargeisa, Gabiley and Boroma to see first-hand, UNICEF-supported projects to promote child health, safe water, sanitation and hygiene, primary education, child protection and girls’ empowerment.

Somalia is a country in which less than 25% of the population has access to basic health services, less than 30% attend primary school and only 29% have access to a safe water source. It's also a place where 98% of girls are circumcised and has amongst the highest maternal mortality rates in the world.

Playing basketball with girls in the enclosed facility of the Somaliland Cultural and Sports Association (SOCSA), Aiken saw the opportunity given to females by the UNICEF-supported organization. ‘Here, girls are able to learn about leadership and health, acquire life-skills and play sports within a safe environment. Even the youngest girls that I’ve met at SOCSA, impressed me with how confident and articulate they are as a result of this project.’

At a camp for 1500 internally displaced families in Hargeisa, Aiken met 11 year old Abduraman, who helps to support his five siblings and blind mother by working each morning to collect stones. He uses his earnings to pay for school which he attends in the afternoon. ‘Somalia has some of the lowest enrollment rates in the world, but every child has the right to an education. UNICEF is working to help ensure that even working children get to go to school.’ UNICEF has also provided the camp with child protection monitors, teacher-training and school materials.

In Boroma, Aiken saw how the town’s water system is functioning thanks to UNICEF support. Under a public/private partnership, the system provides clean water to 95% of the town’s population including schools and hospitals. Aiken also visited maternal and child health clinics to see nutritional feeding and immunization activities along with projects supporting children with disabilities, the eradication of female genital mutilation/cutting and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

‘Now that I have seen Somalia for myself, I feel it is important for the American public to remember that the Somali people have the same dreams for their children that we do. Somali families still want the best for their children and people really want to help bring about change. Though the situation in Somaliland is less dangerous for children than in the south, the country is one of the most desperate in the world. The country has been without a functioning government for almost twenty years. Fortunately, UNICEF has always been there and continues to provide the support needed to make a difference. No other organization is more capable of making such a difference than UNICEF."

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I've been out all day, and was wondering if I'd come home to find more news from UNICEF or not. I'm highly impressed by the emphasis on girls' and womens' issues in that article. My credit card is standing by!

I noticed the article was bylined Nairobi, Kenya. I wonder if Clay also spent time there when he was in Africa, or if the author just happened to be based there.

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Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Y'all can thank me for getting my ass out for the first bike ride of the year, cuz that is surely what caused the Unicef article to be posted. :cryingwlaughter:

Question: what is female circumcision? Do I even want to know?

So it appears that Clay is maybe taking some time off in Africa? The article lists Kenya. Cool.

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yaysmiles.giffor CLAY...

cause he's...Hot,_hot,_hot.gifexclamationpoint.gif

need BBall pix!!! :lilredani:

WIDTL -- I love this song it's one of the ones I always repeat...... don't have time to analyze right now - I am threading the sewing machine!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

:wordpooper: just a thought of the rotating Song of the Day thingie....

Can we do it in the track listing order next time? Starting with OMWH, then Ashes, EIDN, etc?

Here's something fun to play with - it was posted at the CB:


It makes a mosaic of whatever photos you feed it. I used photos from my Photobucket account. Registration is free but I made one without registering. (You can use up to 36 photos for each mosiac.) On photobucket, you have to use the direct link code.


CMLC from the CB made these...



ok - if you get the impression I don't want to work on the sewing machine, you could be right!

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Just saying "Hi", not much to add to the conversation. Articles like the above really put things in perspective...even when Clay is not around, he has a way of slapping us upside the head and saying "quit whining"...wonder if we will see a video diary of Somalia on Sunday Night.


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Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Y'all can thank me for getting my ass out for the first bike ride of the year, cuz that is surely what caused the Unicef article to be posted. :cryingwlaughter:

Question: what is female circumcision? Do I even want to know?

So it appears that Clay is maybe taking some time off in Africa? The article lists Kenya. Cool.

How to make this not too icky. I'll just spoiler it.

Sometimes the labia and clitorus are removed. Then in some areas of the world, you're sewn up tight so you won't be fooling around, but natural processes like menstruation can be impaired. When you get married, the opening is increased in size with a sharp instrument. Childbirth is not facilitated by this, infections are common, the objects used for the surgery are not always sterile. There's no anesthesia. And, of course, women do not enjoy sex.

It's not a good thing. At all. Here's a good synopsis: BBC news.

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Being an only child and born between generations so that I was the only baby in both parents' families for years, I had to handle this "I have dreams for you bit" for ages and it was the weirdest! While I appreciated the love and care of all my relatives, all the other stuff -- organza and wool dresses that itched horribly but I couldn't rip them off because it would offend the aunt who gave them, exotic food that made my then-sensitive tummy rebel, being allowed to meet and play with only "the right kind of kids"... the list goes on and it still makes me shudder today. My biggest dream while growing up was to have a taste of "dirty ice cream" -- the homemade kind that was hawked by street vendors.

Talked to good friends from other boards over the phone, and what I've heard is that there's a lot of sadness over a presumed (IIT) loss of the picture-perfect storybook life for him. Belle and Iseeme have expressed it here but it seems to run a lot stronger on other boards, with people really hurting almost as much as though they've lost a loved one. I hold my friends' hands over the phone because I care for them and it saddens me to hear them but because of my past experiences I am still a bit put off about fairytales being woven for someone else.

Scarlett... I have one friend on another board who cannot yet bring herself to listen to his cd, but at least is still posting, but I think mainly cause of the friends she has made. I mean, I love the man, truly. I consider him like a son that isn't so I can enjoy his sexiness. :cryingwlaughter: While I was shocked at this news we don't even know the truth of, I sure am not upset with him over it. I feel so sorry for those who have been hit so hard by this.

True we really don't know Clay, but what I know of him through LTS; his interviews; his work with UNICEF; his worth ethic and his devotion to his family and loved ones...I would say he is definately a man of character and integrity and that is what I trust in. Does that mean he is perfect; of course not...he is a flawed human being just like the rest of us and probably, like the rest of us, has made poor choices in his life; whether personal or business...hindsight is always 20/20 and we all have that.

To me Clay is a stranger...I have not met him; I don't know him...but he is someone I admire and someone I enjoy being a fan of...and when someone says they are hurting over a supposed decision he made...well, that comes across to me as a little too invested. That kind of hurt I would reserve for my child or husband, not a celebrity that I barely know.


aikim... except for the "stranger" part, since he is almost a son... hehe, I agree with you completely! Thanks for the tiny picture!!!

Well, for me - he is an enigma. A mystery.

But I still trust him. My son is a mystery and an enigma, too.

I mean I've known him for 33 years. I've lived with him. I raised him. But still he and I are very different. Plus he's a guy! So - I don't always know how his mind works.

But I trust him in that he is a respectful person (most of the time - except when he loses his temper!) and reasonably intelligent. So I trust that he's not going to do something that will make me lose faith in him.

I trust Clay, too. I trust that he is who he has shown he is from the very beginning. He tries to live "right". I believe he tries to be honest and fair. I believe he respects himself and others. Until they give him a reason not to respect them. I have seen up close how Quiana feels about him. I have met Diane and Faye. Even though I don't "know" Clay, I have listened to him when I believe he was speaking from the heart.

I do NOT think he's perfect. But I believe in him.

Not to live as I want him to. But I believe he will continue to live by his own code. But I believe he has a code. I believe he's ethical.

And I quit worrying about him a long time ago. A long time before the mess of '06. I believe he has proven way more capable of making life and career decisions that are right for him than I would be.

I look forward to what he will do next. I look forward to 5 years down the road. I believe he will still be entertaining long after I'm gone.

I would have never in a million years even thought of something like SPAMalot. Never! And look at what he did with it.

I've seen evidence of who Clay surrounds himself with. And that is another thing that tells me he's a man of character.

Baby "news"?

IIT, it's his life. Noone can dictate what forms love may take. Who knows the nature of the relationship? I surely don't. And if J and C are in love, more power to them. If he agreed to father a child, to share parenthood with J to help her have her last chance at being a parent, then I'm sure he thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and made the best decision he could - for him and Jaymes and the baby.

I can barely run my own life. I'm sure not going to judge the way he lives his.

I don't really care how he looks when he's passing through LAX. I think he dresses like DS in his off time. I don't really care that much about his hair.

Although there are times when he looks so damned good he makes me melt! :hubbahubba:

So - yeah, on some level I believe I 'know' Clay Aiken.

And I kinda like him!


Cotton... I'm on bended knees with a glass ring to ask if I can marry this post and have it's babies! IIT! :cryingwlaughter:

Mmm, I missed the ALAWH discussion, but those lines are my favorites as well. I don't think I posted this? Hee - these things are totally useless beyond the pleasure I get from making them. I have no clue what to do with them once they're finished.


And this one from a schmoopy day...


I too made a July calendar from that graphic, as well as a cutsie one...

Click as you wish...

Loving July (regular screen)

Cutsie July (regular screen)

There are widescreen versions, as well as versions without dates on my yuku page.

cindilu... my monitor loves you! I especially love the words on the Loving Calendar! Thank you!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I love WIDTL for all the reasons already listed! I think it would be a great single and am crossing fingers it will be one day. If AC will accept Clay this time around, I can see single after single from this cd.

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It's not a good thing. At all. Here's a good synopsis: BBC news.

Thanks. I didn't expect it to be good, obviously. I've read about female genital mutiilation before, and I am so glad it is one of the issues being addressed. I'd just never heard of it referred to as female circumcision before.

Ooooh, a goatee? I need to see a bigger picture. I'm not usually a fan of goatees, but Clay has been known to make me like all sorts of things I don't usually like. Heh.

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Slightly larger version of the pic that aikim posted the link to:


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