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#38: The man just oooooooooozes awwwwwness


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60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be our next thread title???

    • I love him. I want him to have a life.
    • Parker Foster Aiken, The little man is ... as loud as his daddy
    • Well, Yes, that is my baby, extended version
    • Clay creates family everywhere he goes.
    • "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"
    • Maybe Clay is holding that little guy on his chest, kissing his head. I don't care about anything else.
    • Yes, That Is My Baby or would Jack Black be coming after us for copyright infringement, LOL!
    • He's a Daddy! And that's just Joy on a Stick!

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Here's a little something fun to pass some time while we wait for some f*%king news!!!! (tm wandacleo).....

Courtesy of Honda: The CR-V Crave Reader

It's fun to try and get it to guess what (or who... innocent.gif ) you're thinking of. Some of the guesses it comes up with are :hysterical: !

Well that was pretty funny...I answered the questions with Clay in mind and it came up with "honk if you crave a soul mate" !!

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I got 'soul mate', too, Lotus! :flirtysmile3: But only after it guessed 'cannibal' and 'raccoon'.... :blink:

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Couchie, you can declare it to be Friday in FCA Land! C'mon!!! Then we can break out all the drinks... :tomato:

bwah.....I'm moving to Baku!! and to everyone else with a comment.. imagine a stick my tongue out emoticon..hee couldn't find it.

thanks for going crazy cotton. :coolpics:

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I love the little lock of hair hanging down over his forehead and the shadow it creates.

You can see he has his shirttail hanging out of the back of his sport coat, too.


Too bad I didn't get any pics of that! :lmaosmiley-1:


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Thanks for the great photos, Cotton! Yay, he's finally learned to master that double Windsor knot in his tie that I've been trying to teach him for 4 years!

Better hope he doesn't learn to tie his own bow!!!!

Nah! Why do it yourself when you have an enabler? :hysterical:

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goldarngirl, just uploaded the jazzymedley, cw, wtow and angela's wciak here.

HBD, annabear and Claydydi! :bday:

Thanks for all the beautimous pictures you bring day after day, annabear!!! Wishing you the best in this coming year!!!

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Hey Couchie its Friday here too. I'll just have a little drinkie extra for those who are on Thursday shall I ?..Hic.....


ACK!!!! I need some f*%king news!!!!



Jeez Wanda!........ I only want baby news............

IIT etc etc etc

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goldarngirl, just uploaded the jazzymedley, cw, wtow and angela's wciak here.


TY will grab first thing tomorrow.

The mp4's for these have been uploaded in addition to the earlier mp3's and xvid's. Link

News? I'd be happy to see a clip of him reading or watching the news... or even snoozing under a newspaper/magazine.

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Uhhhh - isn't Clay allergic to shellfish? Wouldn't they have checked that out before the show? And in the last picture you can see he's talking and the audience is laughing! This is going to be GREAT!

I agree, this looks like it's going to be a good one! But didn't we see him eating something that resembled shrimp on that Mo Rocca thing, too?



EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thanks for all the caps, he's looking great.

goldarngirl, just uploaded the jazzymedley, cw, wtow and angela's wciak here.

Hee, I'm not goldarngirl, but thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: You know she can't work on 'em til I watch 'em, right?

It's annabear's birthday? Happy Birthday to my New York roomie! :dancingpickle:

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*squints at luckiest's post...* I could have sworn that said

You know she can't work on 'em til I watch 'em, right?

If I had your job, I wouldn't mind working late on Friday AND Saturday!!! Would even do OT everyday for free!!!

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*squints at luckiest's post...* I could have sworn that said

You know she can't work on 'em til I watch 'em, right?

If I had your job, I wouldn't mind working late on Friday AND Saturday!!! Would even do OT everyday for free!!!

Is there ANY way to get paid for this job? Like, enough to live on? Please say yes.

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Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Birthday Annabear!

78 Days until The BAF Gala!


Everyone have a great day!


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I wonder about Clay's seafood 'allergy'. I have absolutely no reference for this, but I'm sure I remember him saying once that he was 'allergic' to chocolate (or was it caffeine? lordy it sucks getting old, lol), but that he still ate it sometimes. I believe his description of the reaction to it was 'like giving birth out of his chest'. Maybe his seafood reaction is similar? Won't kill ya, and worth the suffering every once in a while? *shrug* I gots no idea. Tree nuts seems to be the truly dangerous one for him. Anyhooooo - maybe he'll mention it some day.

Happy Birthday, annabear!BDflowers.gif

And for anyone interested - I am still on a nostalgia kick, so for this month's calendar I went back to one of my most favourite August's ever. Thanks to KarenEh for the lurvely photos.



If you would like widescreen, or either version without the dates, they are on my yuku page.

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I wonder about Clay's seafood 'allergy'. I have absolutely no reference for this, but I'm sure I remember him saying once that he was 'allergic' to chocolate (or was it caffeine? lordy it sucks getting old, lol), but that he still ate it sometimes. I believe his description of the reaction to it was 'like giving birth out of his chest'. Maybe his seafood reaction is similar? Won't kill ya, and worth the suffering every once in a while? *shrug* I gots no idea. Tree nuts seems to be the truly dangerous one for him. Anyhooooo - maybe he'll mention it some day.

Happy Birthday, annabear!BDflowers.gif

And for anyone interested - I am still on a nostalgia kick, so for this month's calendar I went back to one of my most favourite August's ever. Thanks to KarenEh for the lurvely photos.



If you would like widescreen, or either version without the dates, they are on my yuku page.

Oh, you rock!! I'se been waiting!!

....and re the allergies....yes, I agree. I'm allergic to many nuts as well and have to avoid them and anything near them and anyone eating them and....well, you get it...like the plague.

But I'm also allergic to fresh milk products (ie, not cultured milk like cheese etc) and I have to have an ice cream fix every now and again, and do without any serious repercussions as long as I don't overdo it. Same with some seafood for me.....and I'm sure some of Clay's allergies are likely the same way. He's OK as long as he doesn't go crazy.

Mint, for him, seems to be as bad as the nuts; he had a serious reaction one time as I recall to mint in something you wouldn't expect mint to be in.

That's the dangerous thing with allergies...people adding an ingredient you wouldn't expect, to something you're normally OK with.

e.g. "Salad can kill ya".

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