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#39: "The little man is healthy, happy, and as loud as his daddy"


Thread Title Poll  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • New car...See Clay in Spamalot...New car...See Clay in Spamalot..
    • Clay makes spending money on him so enjoyably easy ... and irresistible.
    • I am still here and I still adore this man and have no idea why.
    • Clickables and lickables!!!!!!!!! Life is good again.
    • He's this wonderful mystery. With a great package.
    • With Clay Aiken we've already won the Lotto!
    • Never boring. Always expensive. And worth every cent!
    • He simply makes me smile when I see him.
    • Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!

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Here at work we just gave a staff person a grand sendoff. He and his long time partner (of 17 years) and their daughter just left to go 'get married'! Now that same-sex marriage is legal in California, they decided to do it up on paper. The two men are incredibly gorgeous---we call them the GQ Couple---and their daughter had on a beautiful pink dress and sparkly pink slingback shoes! (She's 10)...So we all lined up and threw rice at them as they left the office!


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Stay safe playbiller. Even the weatherman on the local news just mentioned that Manhattan and parts of NJ were under a tornado warning. Save the dog and the Clack!

I live in NYC but I was at my brother's house in Northern-Central NJ when the storm hit. I was actually driving back to Manhattan when the downpour struck and it was terrible. A bunch of cars going 5 MPH into the Lincoln Tunnel. lol It took me an hour and a half to get back home instead of the normal 35 minutes. It was terrible. The visibility was the worst. We hardly get tornados even though they usually say there is a warning, but I'm always afraid one day they'll be right. The one thing I'm petrified of is tornados.

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How scary for you, Peyton!! When that tornado hit downtown Atlanta, it really brought home the damage that could occur in a huge city if a tornado hits. So glad you are OK. And welcome to the board!!!

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Here at work we just gave a staff person a grand sendoff. He and his long time partner (of 17 years) and their daughter just left to go 'get married'! Now that same-sex marriage is legal in California, they decided to do it up on paper. The two men are incredibly gorgeous---we call them the GQ Couple---and their daughter had on a beautiful pink dress and sparkly pink slingback shoes! (She's 10)...So we all lined up and threw rice at them as they left the office!


Very Kewl. :)

Happy Birthday FromClaygary! :fest06: :fest30: :fest09:

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Hope the nasty weather has passed, Play. Glad you made it home safely, Peyton - and welcome! :hello:

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As a former band/orchestra teacher and MENC member, I love the fact that Clay taped a back-to-school PSA on Why Music? It's not the lead of my new blog, but it does have a prominent position. :whistling-1:

There are also rewinds of the Atlanta and Ft. Myers (starring Scarlett, of course!) concerts from last summer. As always, the entries are at the OFC and at Carolina On My Mind.

Love reading everyone's "Spamalot" plans. You will be providing me plenty of great blog topics! :clay:

I am enjoying the Olympics, but they are wreaking havoc on my sleep schedule. :lol:

Have a super weekend, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Caro listen.gif

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Welcome to FCA Peyton! I been in one tornado; do not want to experience that again...I get very nervous during storms now, especially when there are high winds.


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Staggers in, exhausted!......I have been making a list of fan reactions. I was gonna make a pie chart, but it got all slivery!

Disclaimer - this is just for fun, dammit!

Anyways, when the rumours first leaked, fans reacted thusly:

if it's true

of course its true!

it can't be true!


O no my quite realistic hopes are dashed!


heh, knew it all the time

lalalalala I can't hear you!

stupid lying tabloids

I'm waiting until Clay texts me and confirms

I'm waiting until Clay discusses his love and/or sex life in a blog, for all his charming supportive fans

Who's Eric Roberts?

Fans were:



Weirdly angry


Ordering monogrammed Burberry diapers

Now that Clay has announced the birth of his and Jaymes' child, fans consider Clay and Jaymes as:

star-crossed lovers


lalalalala I can't hear you!

still barely acquainted

already married

will marry next week

will live in different time zones

will ship Parker back and forth like a football

heh, now that it is established Clay likes older wimmen.......

Clay's current status:

Clay is still available and a virgin

Clay's career is over!

Clay is happy!

What's his hair look like?

Fans are:



Weirdly angry


Sending monogrammed Burberry diapers with the price tags still attached (take that! Simon Cowell!)

Who's Eric Roberts?

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Welcome to FCA Peyton! I been in one tornado; do not want to experience that again...I get very nervous during storms now, especially when there are high winds.


When I was little I was vacationing in Pennsylvania with my parents when a tornado hit the town next to where we were staying. I'll never forget the winds that the town we were in experienced and just how it looked outside. The sky was a terrible dark green and the wind caused so much damage alone! Ever since then, I've been petrified of tornados. Even though I have never been in one, it's my worst fear.

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It's Friday night, and time for some pictures! I loved Clay's long, chestnut hair. It was soooooo sexy! The shoulders, pants and stubble in the first couple of pics don't hurt, either.









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It's Friday night, and time for some pictures! I loved Clay's long, chestnut hair. It was soooooo sexy! The shoulders, pants and stubble in the first couple of pics don't hurt, either.









You know, if you guys want me gone from this board, this is no way to accomplish that! ;)


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Hi all! I'm hooooome! Anyone here? Bueller? Is everyone asleep already?

Oh, that's ok. I see you left me lots of pretty pictures! :wub:

And thanks for the memories, Carolina Clay!!! :thankyou:

I just got back from a fine movie -- jmh123 and djs111, have you seen "Mongol"? I miss that type of breathtaking cinematography nowadays. *Swoons! * I did notice that for some mysterious reason, I'm drawn to the life of Gengis Khan right now. Do y'all think it's got something to do with leaving for the Orient with KAndre in 5 days? :cryingwlaughter:

Thanks to everyone who brought the pretties! Off to bed now... :wetkissf:

Topic: (so cute!!!)


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