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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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If we're voting, I thought it was funny and I didn't get half the references, so it must have been hilarious.

Speaking of NOT funny, just got the latest alert that Ike is now predicted to be an upper-end Cat 3 or Cat 4 with winds of 125-135 gusting to over 150 mph. A direct hit just west of Freeport (the newest forecast) could result in a storm surge into northern and western Galveston Bay of 20-25 feet.

o no

guess who lives on the northwest side of Galveston Bay? merrieeee, you may be seeing lots of me in days to come ...... But if I have to evacuate, how will I explain my car full of Clay products?

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Does anyone know what happened to Clay's friend Kristie? Last I saw was BFS at the OFC shutting down a thread that someone started about her baby. With all the excitement about Parker, Kristie somehow found her way into my mind. Don't know why. Weird. Anybody?

I cannot remember where I read this. But, back a couple of months ago someone posted that they had spoken with Kristy at the Golfing for Inclusion last Jan. When they asked about her baby, she told them that she did not have a baby. I have no way of knowing which story is true, but the person who posted did it as a first hand account.

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To all Canadians.. I'll put your bio in under my name and if you win I'll gift the Clay meeting to you. Seriouslly, I will.

anybody got a bucket hat?

Play you're hysterical. Add a countdown if you do..10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 heee.

Thanks for the offer....but the prize is non transferable :crapsign: . Again, paphooey!!!

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Since my workplace believes in safety so much that they postponed my puppet show/crafts/reading-aloud day at Hester House, keepingfaith, maybe I can join you at merrieeee's on Friday?!!! Her roof just got repaired during our last eHP night, so it probably won't leak.

Thanks for all the good wishes on the storm -- we're keeping watch and so far it's supposed to circle all over Texas except directly here. *knocks on wood*


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Maybe, heh, heh,Some one overheard Kristie satying she was moving out before the baby and they assumed she was the one having a baby instead of Clay. You know how some fans liketo be insiders and if they don't have all the information, they will rush and make something up to have a complete story. And this is why Clay fans have high blood pressure - it is all that salt we eat.

Oh crap - I was letting dinner cool off (enough for 2 or 3 days} and the dog stole the large steak off the counter and ate it. I guess I didn't really need food anyway. I also think no cookies for bad dogs for a while.

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Maybe the bio for Spamalot could be written from a Parker POV - "my dad poops his pants louder than I do."

Way louder.

by: Parker Aiken - I taught my dad the fine art of pants pooping.

Geez. I had TWO beers. I've become a lightweight.

Um, let's hope not!

Um, that was a joke.

Ummm...I really thought it was a pretty funny joke to write it from Parkers POV.

Oh thank god. <g> It was slightly recognizable as a joke.

I have to say, I didn’t see any swipes at Clay in Jemock’s bio, as much as I saw swipes at Clay fans. Can’t argue with that. <g>

It was another lesson for me in board etiquette, not to react so quickly and to contact a moderator if I have any questions about the appropriateness of a post.

Being relatively new to this board I am really conscious of not wanting to offend and there is a lot of fan history that I have yet to learn. I would hate to become one of the posters that others routinely skip over or have on their ignore list.

Girl, I think it’s almost safe to say that most things are appropriate – I’ve not seen anyone post anything that was “inappropriate”.

I think it’s also safe to say that you never know what will offend someone – you just have to learn not to worry about it so much. <g>

Poor picked on Christmas stories is right, I enjoyed a lot of them, was touched by so many of them. The thought of the writers being on message boards and reading about thier stories being mocked made me feel so sad, It can't be fun putting your self out there, exposing your heart and having people not like what you write and post about it on a board you read or hear about.

Oh, my memory is fuzzy - I thought I read somewhere that anyone who would write a Christmas story for that contest was just an embarassing famewhore, trying to get Clay's attention???????????

Bwah. Last couple of days you people are killing me. <g>

(This message inspected and approved for all boards).

Bwahaha…like I said…

And I keep telling you people - we're BITCHY, not MEAN! Mean is for wusses!

KAndre hands out sporks all around...


This post will self destruct in 5, 4, 3.....

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Why don't we all just rip off our clothes and do a naked I-love-Clay dance and forget all this shit and have a good time??

Oh gosh, get out of my head! I'm doing that RIGHT NOW!!!

See!!!! You are never alone in the Claynation!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Hey one and all over to my place for a hurricane partay!!! :04: I have stocked up on........guess what........plenty of SPAM!!!!!!!

Oo if everyone brings all their clack I can secritly go through it all and confiscate any contraband!

Oh and Jemock I have to say I love your stuff...I just burst out laughing! One day we will have to meet! I mean we do live in the same state! Oooo if the hurricane gets bad we could all mosey on over to your place..I keed. I keed!!!

Hey Play Let's not offend just well known fans :naughtywag: let's offend everyone!!!!

Being relatively new to this board I am really conscious of not wanting to offend

Lotus, it's never stopped us! :lmaosmiley-1: (see above sentence)

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Why don't we all just rip off our clothes and do a naked I-love-Clay dance and forget all this shit and have a good time??

Oh gosh, get out of my head! I'm doing that RIGHT NOW!!!

See!!!! You are never alone in the Claynation!! :cryingwlaughter:

TMI, ladies, TMI! :cryingwlaughter:

I hatessssssssssss results shows. How they draaaaaaaaag them out. And have a bunch of guest artists that I don't care about. Just bring on the last 2 minutes and let's get it over with. [/Canadian Idol whine]

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Oh good grief. If anybody thinks my stupid post was a swipe at Clay, that's ridiculous. If anything, it's a parody of MY fangirliness, which is at times over the top.

I'll post it myself:

Maybe his bio should read like a CH recap:

OMG! Raleigh! Grape Dimatapp! Auto theft! Goat stuff! American Idol! PANTS!! He was ROBBED!!! Tour! OMG what was that MOVE!?!? Panties! Bubel-Aiken! Swoon! Release parties! Miss America! WTF Dick Capri?!? American Music Award YAY! Another tour! Grindage side seats OMG!! NYT Bestseller, that copy is MINE back off bitch!!! UNICEF! Holy crap his hair looks GOOOD!! Take my money, Clay!!!Take my check, but don't cash it until the 15th!!! The WORK!!! OMG!! He sings like an angel, get those damn dancers outta my sightline, GAWD!!! Aww, Clay and the chirren!!! Where's my thudmat?!?! Where are my ovaries?!?! He eyefucked multitudes!!! Another album?!?! Are we made of, money?!? holy shit I need 22 copies STAT!! What the fuck is wrong with amazon?!?! HDD is WHACK UGLY AND STUOOPID! AW, a new Christmas cd!!! He's like God's littlest angel, except with nice cheekbones and a really big peepee! that I want to seesee! ACK! His hair looks like POOO!!! My brain had a Clayfart! Eat some playdough! Go to the Gala with a nice dress and $80000 in pocket money!!! GAWD I HATE BEING POOR!!!!OOOh, look free Chrirstmas stories! YAY! Christmas + death +whimsical dead leeaches = paydirt!!!Farouche, get over here NOW and read this story!! Jaimie was all "OMG go-go-beewts, I laughed at that one, don't hold the book up too high and I was all "you talk to him like a normal person, and she was all Well, we try to, can you move your hand from between your legs to on your hip maybe, and we asked for black clothes but I'm sure irridescent pink will be fine too!!! Just read this story about the plight of the orphaned wingless pigeon colony at the North Pole and how they all died and Santa didn't get any of his catalog orders on time, so they were substituting FRUIT BASKETS!! OH THE HUMANITY!!! And OH the chirren were crying and saying "Dear Santa, bring me back my ez-bake you STUPID ASSHAT unless that GI Joe comes with a cute prom dress because I'm all out of Christmas cheer, if you know what I mean and I think that you do..and then OMG!!!Brett gave you something that beeped for lost car keys, and Faye gave you the space shuttle again -HA HA HA that never gets old, not even after 10 freakin years!!! BWAH!! Woohoo! *High five*Fast -Forward 2008--SPAMALOT!!! OMG! SWOON! THUD! LIMP! CHECK CREDIT CARD BALANCE!!l LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO HOCK!! omg! YODELING!!! Nice sweatshirt, Clay!! Oh, but wait! Makes lots of money, YAY!!! Fans AND NJUs love him, YAY!!! *Waves from the roof--GOODBYE CLAY!!!OMG WE LOVE YOU!!! Present Day: Oh lookie!!!! Little bittie baby!! Yay!! This poop doesn't look right?!?! Oh noes!!!Oh look! Some of that Brazilian bat poop drink! YUMM!!! Clay takes a break, hatches a baby Robin, rests a bit in the comfy home nest, and then BACK TO Nooo Yark Citie!! for even More a Lot of Spam! And in summation, Clay was cut from his high school musical, but he's not bitter. Not anymore. Amen.

I was at work, sitting in the cafeteria, reading this on my BlackBerry and I laughed out loud. I fucking loved it and I didn't see a single swipe. I saw funny!!!

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KAndre looks to the left...looks to the right...pulls out her ta-ta tassles from the first big Las Vegas Clay party - hell, I need to leave something to the imagination, chicks!...and starts singing...

I'm...a KITTY CAT!

And I dance, dance, dance!

Dance, dance, dance!

Kitty cats generally believe in nakedness.

Frankly, I hope Ike is like many boyfriends I've dropped...fizzles out when push comes to shove....

If everyone's going to merrieee's house, I'm going to...she plays Clay and Lawrence Welk and some dude with HD pimples on her home theatre (see! British stuff!) system.

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Oooooh, look more lurkers are posting, me like lurkers posting - quick lets insult some other well known fans!


take care and stay safe....those in the path of Ike.

Just like the eHP to have a hurricane party!!!

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ok eHP and everyone in the eye of the storm... get under something and stay safe. Reading on wiki on hurricans and you know it sounds remarkably like the Clay fandom. Ya'll should be experts. But tonight..just run for cover and pass the cheeze doodles.

Miss you Jamar... doncha just hate real life sometimes.

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Everyone in the Gulf Coast -- please, PLEASE stay safe.

merrieee, if you're showing Dr. Who reruns -- can I come?

Reposting my question from this afternoon: approximately how many total CD's has Clay sold? If someone can point me in the right direction, I would be very happy. kthnxbye.

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That guy was some dude from Coldplay. Now you just watch it or I will play re-runs of Masterpiece Theater or better yet Dr Who repeats!!!!

You non-rock-fan sisters are killing me. It was Chris "Pimple Neck" Martin, husband of Gwyneth Paltrow.

Speaking of hurricane party, that would be much preferred over a hurricane. And I've been through a couple of direct hit Cat 3 hurricanes -- Carla and Alicia -- but I wasn't this close to the water either time. Even 30 miles inland back then the winds scared the crap out of me. I can still hear those screaming winds. And, I remember that Carla leveled Seabrook and Kemah (2 miles from me) when I was a child, so if it continues to track north it will be panic in the streets tomorrow. I rode out Alicia but had to leave when the high water subsided because of no electricity or running water. Water was the more critical issue and when something is more important than electricity in Houston in August, you know it was bad. Downtown Houston was covered in glass blown out from the tall buildings. Nasty business. Last I heard they waited too late to evacuate Galveston Island, but the Bay Area will have to go in the morning if it tracks any closer.

One thing I remember semi-bitterly about Alicia. It came in on the first day of my vacation. The first vacation I'd had in a year and a half. I was working in convention sales for a hotel at the time and had to evacuate to ......... my workplace, for the duration of the vacation! At least it was free -- but it still sucked.

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That guy was some dude from Coldplay. Now you just watch it or I will play re-runs of Masterpiece Theater or better yet Dr Who repeats!!!!

Everyone in the Gulf Coast -- please, PLEASE stay safe.

merrieee, if you're showing Dr. Who reruns -- can I come?

Reposting my question from this afternoon: approximately how many total CD's has Clay sold? If someone can point me in the right direction, I would be very happy. kthnxbye.

Count me in for the Dr. Who repeats. But I don't know if I'd travel towards a hurricane for that.

CDs: MOAM - ~2,800,000

Bridge/TITN - ~1,000,000

Way/Solitaire - ~350,000

MCWL - ??

ATDW - ??

AIW - ~50,000 +++ downloads (everything needs to have downloads added)

OMWH - ??

See CV somewhere (maybe the first page of every new thread??) and the report posted here earlier today from someone of that Idol Chatter blog for more info. Or maybe Wikipedia.

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