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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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Okay....this is just too damned funny! :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical:

I was just looking through the weekend's email here at work and saw this:

Hello, dear friend....

Watch my tits.







Watch my tits, indeed.... :whistling-1:

ETA: and now that I think of it...isn't it ironic that such a message in your email is called.... (wait for it, now....)


:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :hysterical:

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Here's a great review at Broadway.com - good review of both Clay and Claymates!

Thanks for the link. Great review. Seems that Clay and his fans are appreciated in Broadway.

He is so darn beautiful and calming.

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Per notacanuck at CH :

Clay Aiken appears on Good Morning America in a two-part interview, Thursday and Friday. Titled, “Clay Aiken” My Story” one might assume he’ll be talking about the birth of his son, Parker.

Could this also be part 2 of the promotion for the cd?

Please let it be happy, happy. I don't ever want to see that look on Clay's face like in the 2006 interview, which I haven't watched since.

Edited many times to get the facts right.

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Per notacanuck at CH :

Clay Aiken appears on Good Morning America in a two-part interview, Thursday and Friday. Titled, “Clay Aiken” My Story” one might assume he’ll be talking about the birth of his son, Parker.

Could this also be part 2 of the promotion for the cd?

Please let it be happy, happy. I don't ever want to see that look on Clay's face like in the 2006 interview, which I haven't watched since.

Edited many times to get the facts right.

Hmmm... I think I feel a *cough*cold*cough* coming on later this week... at least for a couple hours on Thurs. & Fri. morning... *achoo* *sniff*

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playbiller, I want it (assumING you're talking about the BCA/EB playbill ...) and Gibby, or someone, could you please please copy the text of the broadway.com article here. It won't open for me.

When I came in to the school this morning, our head of security (and his name is Jerome, too) held up a sign that said "New hires report to HR" -- he thinks he's funny.

GMA on Thursday and Friday ..woo-woo! Maybe music? Maybe baby?

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Here's a great review at Broadway.com - good review of both Clay and Claymates!

I love it!!

Clay Aiken appears on Good Morning America in a two-part interview, Thursday and Friday. Titled, “Clay Aiken” My Story” one might assume he’ll be talking about the birth of his son, Parker.

At last! But I'm going to be away where I won't have access to the internet. Arghh!!

Talking of Texans getting their power back my daughter still does not have power. Nevertheless they feel so lucky that they had so little damage. As her husband says it's like they're " living like we're camping -- only with comfortable beds, running water and hot showers"

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aaaaaaaaaack!!! do we know if he's 'live' or already taped? DAMN!! My flight is at noon, so I don't think I can make it down there. Should have lots of time to at least see him on tv though!!

ETA: this is apparently from an AI blog - anybody familiar with it? Are they reliable?


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aaaaaaaaaack!!! do we know if he's 'live' or already taped? DAMN!! My flight is at noon, so I don't think I can make it down there. Should have lots of time to at least see him on tv though!!

ETA: this is apparently from an AI blog - anybody familiar with it? Are they reliable?


It would be good to see him and have him say his side of the story, maybe a way to introduce Parker like he said he would. I'll be watching Thursday and Friday GMA for sure to see.

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GAH! Hope the GMA info is true!

Me too! Even if I can't watch Part 1 live, I'll be at home on Friday morning. This will give me something else to concentrate on, since I'm having (major yuck!), periodontal surgery at 9:45.

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ETA: this is apparently from an AI blog - anybody familiar with it? Are they reliable?


MJ's Blog is fairly reliable, as far as I know. I don't know how many scoops she gets or whatnot, but it's a good one stop shop that pretty comprehensively gathers news stories on AI and the individual Idols from all the seasons. I guess I'd feel better if there was a source for the GMA story, but I expect we'll find out for sure one way or another pretty soon.

For right now, I'll eeeee! cautiously and hope for a glimpse of Parker. :babybuckethat:

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GAH! Hope the GMA info is true!

Me too! Even if I can't watch Part 1 live, I'll be at home on Friday morning. This will give me something else to concentrate on, since I'm having (major yuck!), periodontal surgery at 9:45.

Hey--I've had so many major peridontal surgeries! (Run away, KAndre, run away!!!) If this is your first and you need any tips, let me know. My main one is take the pain pills at the first sign of pain, or even before, and keep it up for several days. Also, use the ice like they tell you to for as long as they tell you too. It may be aggravating to hold ice to your face for hours, but it's so worth it in the long run, as it prevents the swelling and reduces the pain long term. Don't go back to work afterwards and take the next day off too. Rest rest rest. Applesauce is great for your first "meals," also yogurt. Mashed potatoes and gravy, and scrambled eggs with cheese later on. It's important to get something into your body, even though you don't feel like it.

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Hey--I've had so many major peridontal surgeries! (Run away, KAndre, run away!!!) If this is your first and you need any tips, let me know. My main one is take the pain pills at the first sign of pain, or even before, and keep it up for several days. Also, use the ice like they tell you to for as long as they tell you too. It may be aggravating to hold ice to your face for hours, but it's so worth it in the long run, as it prevents the swelling and reduces the pain long term. Don't go back to work afterwards and take the next day off too. Rest rest rest. Applesauce is great for your first "meals," also yogurt. Mashed potatoes and gravy, and scrambled eggs with cheese later on. It's important to get something into your body, even though you don't feel like it.

Thanks for the advice! I'm really dreading this, since it's Part 1 before I get a crown on this tooth in November - double yuck! I booked the appt. for first thing on Friday so that I could recuperate all weekend. I even made lots of minestrone this weekend and I'll stock up on the other foods you mentioned.

We also have those long gel packs you stick in the freezer and then put into a sleeve, that are long enough to wrap around your head with a velcro closure. I'll make sure they're ready to go too and yes, I'll pop the meds whenever I feel I need them.

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You know, I'm not sure what to expect from this interview with Clay, but I actually hope there is no Parker appearance or picture. I'm sure he'll be asked or will offer information about him, but unless Clay really WANTS to show off his son, I don't need a picture. I'm much more interested in what he's thinking for his music in the near future---tour? :praying: ---more tv appearances singing for MEEEEEEEEEEEEE? :praying: ---more funny stories about old men hitting him with their canes in airports? :praying: ---hilarious behind-the-scenes tidbits from Spamalot? :praying:

I continue to remember Clay being so passionate in his declaration that he was going to 'take his life back'---I just want him to be happy following through on that... :wub:

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I'm inclined to think that the interview is going to get into his personal life in some way. It's two days, and it's called "My Story." Typically a promotional appearance is a short interview (or not) and a performance or two. "My story" doesn't sound like the title of an interview that focuses on music. I do think they will talk about music, Spamalot, future plans or dreams, but I think there will be personal stuff. It's also possible that he's promoting something called "My Story" that is new, and a total suprise to us. That would be cool!! These days "promotion" seems to be about baring your soul, and I know Clay has resisted that heartily, but he may also feel as if he's been too rigid about it. Why knows? This is all total speculation, and as far as my own feelings about it, I don't much care either way. When it comes to Clay, these days I'm so easy.

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Remember when people were happy about any appearance of Clay?

Clay has a relationship with Diane, and obviously (to me) Diane was playing the friendly version of the devil's advocate for him the ATDW interview, which would have been much worse without that as the baseline interview. I think it sounds interesting, if true - sheesh, I guess we always have to write if true now a days

What I find intriguing is that the segmant might have a title, almost as if it is alluding to another - say project? Maybe Clay will finally get Fantasia's revenge of a lifetime story, but That is just a joke, don't get your hopes up people.

EEEEE You know my nephew is the craziest high school musical fan ever - lovesto sing and dance to my brothers chagrin. Well, at the fela market yesterday, I entered to win 4 tickets to the opening night at the papermill and WON! I WON SOMETHING, I never win anything, EEEEEE, of course, I won't get to go, but it they can't say I never did anything for them. Now, let's see ifthey are away that weekend for a hockey game.

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Per notacanuck at CH :

Clay Aiken appears on Good Morning America in a two-part interview, Thursday and Friday. Titled, “Clay Aiken” My Story” one might assume he’ll be talking about the birth of his son, Parker.

Could this also be part 2 of the promotion for the cd?

Please let it be happy, happy. I don't ever want to see that look on Clay's face like in the 2006 interview, which I haven't watched since.

Edited many times to get the facts right.

Hmmm... I think I feel a *cough*cold*cough* coming on later this week... at least for a couple hours on Thurs. & Fri. morning... *achoo* *sniff*

Oh, No!!! annabear! I just read your post and I think I may have caught the *cough*cold*cough* from you. I can probably manage to work for the next two days. But gosh, by Thursday I just may be too ill. :hysterical:

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No, Cotton no autograph on the BCA/EB playbill. It is not being sold, it is being given away to people who say they want it. I could have gotten 100 or so, but did not want to flood the market or be so weighted down, so I got about 1 dozen. Don't PM me now, just say you want it. I need to get stuff out to other people and my PM box is full again.
I would like one if they are not all gone.

Sorry for being so late - but I've had a rather - erm - interesting day.

Here's my story.


I currently look like a Halloween Exhibit.

My hair is RED.

And not in a good way!

In a punk rock sort of streaky way - but not a color anybody would choose on purpose!

I look kind of like an extra on CSI!

I had a FREAK - leave it to me - accident this morning and ended up driving myself to the ER for facial stitches! I am an official victim of Blunt Force Trauma - self-inflicted!

There was a limb that had broken during Hanna's winds, but had not separated from the tree. So I got out the a128_2.JPG loppers and went to prune the branch off. So down it comes, no problem. So I decided to cut off another branch. Now, I don't have much upper body strength so I had one handle pressed into a large limb for leverage while I pushed the other handle to help me cut the limb. All of a sudden, one handle of the lopper HIT ME IN THE HEAD!

I think when the blade went through the limb, the part of the limb still attached to the tree rebounded and the percussion reverberated through the lopper. Hope that makes sense. Anyway, I threw around a few choice words while I jumped around in pain. Until I couldn't see through my glasses because the lenses was RED!!! That thing was bleeding like Ka-Razy!

So I went around back so I'd be coming through the kitchen so as not to bleed on the carpet and got to the sink. Grabbed a tissue and it was soaked in seconds. Made it to the master bath where I pressed a towel to my forehead with one hand, while digging out bandage supplies with the other. I bandaged myself, changed clothes and drove myself to the ER!

I think this happened about 11:30 AM. I left the ER around 2:45. Not too bad in the scope of things. Everyone was very nice. My only worry is that a student did the needlework! She looked about 14! So the Doctor and student talked over and around me the whole time, him guiding her. But they NEVER got me numb! Ouchie!!! I can't really count the stitches but the gash was about and inch and a half, partially in my hairline, right on my forehead above my right eye. I should look really lovely for the gala!

I looked at it when I got home and I have a nice egg forming, too! Loverly.

The pharmacy had a wait for meds, so I drove to the grocery and picked up some fried chicken. I was starving! While there I grabbed some of my own kind of medicine . . .


Oh. Yeah. They asked me when I had my last tetanus shot. Like I remember.

So in addition to stitching me without enough lidocain, they also gave me a tetanus shot! I have to say though, that the nurse who 'shot' me was quite good. BTW, all the nurses who took care of me today were men!!!

Of course, there were questions about my home life - I knew that would be coming as I looked a bit like someone had hit me in the head with a baseball bat!


I was waiting at the deli in the grocery and some familiar sound started to seep it's way into my brain. It was noisy and I wasn't sure I was hearing right - what with the head wound and all - so I walked around until I could position myself under a speaker.


Clay was singing OMWH to me in the Wine Department!

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Per notacanuck at CH :

Clay Aiken appears on Good Morning America in a two-part interview, Thursday and Friday. Titled, “Clay Aiken” My Story” one might assume he’ll be talking about the birth of his son, Parker.

Could this also be part 2 of the promotion for the cd?

Please let it be happy, happy. I don't ever want to see that look on Clay's face like in the 2006 interview, which I haven't watched since.

Edited many times to get the facts right.

Hmmm... I think I feel a *cough*cold*cough* coming on later this week... at least for a couple hours on Thurs. & Fri. morning... *achoo* *sniff*

Oh, No!!! annabear! I just read your post and I think I may have caught the *cough*cold*cough* from you. I can probably manage to work for the next two days. But gosh, by Thursday I just may be too ill. :hysterical:

Yep, I think I'm contagious, even through the virus protection on your computer. I've been feeling steadily worse throughout the day. Not bad enough to affect me tomorrow or Wednesday, but I think definitely around Thursday morning.... :19:

And I agree with both of you, jmh & muski. Whatever he wants & feels comfortbale to share, that's great!

ETA: Yikes, {{{Cotton}}}! I think that deserves another chocolate bar! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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