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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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Ehh - I want Clay to do whatever makes him (and his PANTS!) happy too - goes without saying. Nothing wrong with a little dreamin' though.


I have a question about Disney and being gay. I know that years ago you couldn't be openly (or even loosely closeted) and gay and work with Disney. Has that changed? Are there "out" gay stars that work for Disney now? I don't follow it, so have no idea. :8:

If there aren't, and that's ^^^ true - I hope he's the one who breaks the ground. Or else tells them to jump off a cliff *g*

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I'm so pissed at the people picking on Clay for being gay that I went online and ordered 3 rainbow t-shirts to wear to Spamalot.

I sent an email to my friend telling her that I sure hope she doesn't mind that people will think we are a couple of old, fat lesbians.


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Ehh - I want Clay to do whatever makes him (and his PANTS!) happy too - goes without saying. Nothing wrong with a little dreamin' though.


I have a question about Disney and being gay. I know that years ago you couldn't be openly (or even loosely closeted) and gay and work with Disney. Has that changed? Are there "out" gay stars that work for Disney now? I don't follow it, so have no idea. :8:

If there aren't, and that's ^^^ true - I hope he's the one who breaks the ground. Or else tells them to jump off a cliff *g*

I don't understand because didn''t Elton John write songs and sing in the Lion King movie.

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Honestly, what do I want for Clay? :PickMe-1:

Nothing more than he has just done: he has freed himself of many kinds of "other peoples" expectations. From all sides pushing on him, he has chosen his path, and I am happy he was able to do it in his own way.

Everything is up from this personal success, and I believe he will be happy now.

As a fan, I love the many sides of Clay and hope he tours again soon.

In truth however, I think Broadway's complete and utter acceptance of him has had its part in Clays new freedom, and I believe there will be more Braodway soon as I am sure many playwrites are writing an original part for him as we speak. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I do not think for a minute, however, that Clay will stop doing other things such as tour and TV, but an original play for Clay and a real original part for him is next up. Broadway has given him much and Clay will be Clay and stay to give something back. I really wonder just how many offers he has had already.. what do you think?

However, as a personal fandream: TOUR_TOUR_TOUR, please Clay [and I DO NOT mean Xmas]. You can do a small one while you wait for that Tony-winning play to be ready.

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This song just came on as my media library delivers via shuffle setting:

Measure of a Man

If one day you discover him

Broken down he's lost everything

No cars, no fancy clothes to make him who he's not

The woman at his side is all that he has got

Why do you ask him move heaven and earth

To prove his love has worth?

Would he walk on water

Would he run through fire

Would he stand before you

When it's down to the wire

Would he give his life up

To be all he can

Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man?

If by chance all he had to give you

Was three words wrapped around your finger

Would that be deep enough at the end of every day

And how will you ever know

If a man is what he says?

Why do you ask him to move heaven and earth

To prove his love has worth

Would he walk on water

Would he run through fire

Would he stand before you

When it's down to the wire

Would he give his life up to be all he can

Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man?

He never gives up

Lets go of his dream

His world goes around for his one true belief

Is that how you know

Is that what it means?

Would he walk on water

Would he run through fire

Would he stand before you

Would he will be your anchor when the dark unfolds

Would he always love you the best that he knows?

Would he give his life up

To be all that he can

Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man?

Would he walk on water

Would he run through fire

Would he stand before you

When it's down to the wire

Would he give his life up

To be all he can

Is that, is that, is that, how you measure oh...

Is that, is that, is that, how your measure a man?

And the bolded parts hit me like a punch in the stomach. And I remembered how he changed the lyrics way back in 2003---from "Will he make love to you" to "Will he always love you"....

I love that man.

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I have a question about Disney and being gay. I know that years ago you couldn't be openly (or even loosely closeted) and gay and work with Disney. Has that changed? Are there "out" gay stars that work for Disney now? I don't follow it, so have no idea. :8:

I think Disney is quite "gay-friendly." My husband knows someone who refuses to take his children to Disneyland and will not allow them to watch the Disney Channel. Why? Two reasons. One, because apparently, they give benefits to the domestic partners of their gay employees. Also, because they permit gays and lesbians to come to Disneyland and Disneyworld on "Gay Day." (I could be wrong, but I don't think it's organized by Disney. I think it's an outside organization that just makes plans for people to show up on a certain day.)

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I'm so pissed at the people picking on Clay for being gay that I went online and ordered 3 rainbow t-shirts to wear to Spamalot.

I sent an email to my friend telling her that I sure hope she doesn't mind that people will think we are a couple of old, fat lesbians.

Wheeeeeeeee! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow, that is interesting about those MOAM lyrics. That one hasn't come up on random for me yet this week.

Ok off to the vet to get this cat's cast redone for the 3rd time. He has almost got the whole thing off this time. He is nothing if not determined!

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From notacanuck at CH:

This is interesting ... From Jossip:

The Real Story Behind Clay Aiken's Coming Out

People was the only tabloid with a chance

JOSSIP REPORTS — The story behind Clay Aiken's coming out cover for People goes something like this: Lots of magazines were in the running for the photo exclusive, but People outbid them all for a cool $500,000. That's the way MSNBC's The Scoop reported it last week, and that's the story Page Six carried this morning.

Except as our sources tell it — and these are the type of sources who were, let's say, involved in the actual transaction — OK! didn't have a shot in hell at the pictures. In fact, no tabloid did. Not Us Weekly, not Star, and certainly not In Touch or Life & Style.

Despite what OK! might have you believe, the only way Clay's coming out would be told was in the pages of People. And that's exactly how it happened. Here's why:

Clay's publicist is Cindi Berger at PMK-HBH, the powerhouse PR firm. Berger's client roster includes names like Barbara Walters, and another famous gay, Rosie O'Donnell. Suffice to say, she hates the tabloids with a passion, and the idea of having a "working relationship" with them in a farce. Except for People. She's maintained a long and healthy relationship with the tabloid, and knew it was the only place for her client Aiken to come out. Additionally, People has a history of respecting coming out stories (see: Lance, Ellen).

Which meant that not only did Aiken's camp not shop the pictures around to all the tabloids, but the weeklies that did try to submit bids to Team Aiken were rebuffed. We're told Berger and PMK "did not entertain any interest" from other magazines. "They were all brushed off," says our knowledgeable source.

Further, this story was a two-parter: Clay came out and showed off his newborn celebrity baby. If he were simply unveiling his new child without coming out, maybe Aiken would've taken the photos to market to bid up the price. But combining the baby pics with his coming out story, Berger and Aiken knew People was the only logical decision.

The reports you've been reading, from MSNBC and Page Six, insist that OK! was bidding for Clay's pics, but that new topper Kent Brownridge pulled the plug because he's done with spending huge sums on exclusive photos. Which, to be sure, may be true: Brownridge is indeed cutting the fat at the tabloid to lower spending. But even if Brownridge decided to actually compete with People, OK! would've have snagged the pics. Insists our source: "Any editor who claims they had any real discussion with PMK about Aiken coming out is lying, plain and simple."

For what it's worth, the gossip mill is pointing its finger at exiting OK! executive editor Rob Shuter as the source of both the MSNBC and P6 items. Last week, when we heard rumblings about all this, we asked The Scoop's Courtney Hazlett, who used to work at OK!, whether she was fed the info from Shuter, but she insisted she had "multiple sources" on the item.

Meanwhile, ousted editor-in-chief Sarah Ivens has been the rumored source on last week's Brownridge-bashing in the Post.

These are all just pure coincidences, right?

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I suspect that the tabloids offered money, and are assuming People got it because they paid the most. However, my belief is that Clay and his publicist would rather go with a relatively reputable, mainstream publication than a tabloid, for free.

BTW -- I'm impressed that he has PMK working for him. Very powerful firm.

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Oooooooo - So Clay does have a personal publicist? A powerhouse PR firm? That specializes in entertainment? Who hates tabloids? Oooooooooo!

thinks for a minute about all the bitching through the years about Clay's "lack" of a personal publicist...and snickers.

Why do I get the feeling that Team Clay still knows more about the entertainment business than the entire Clay Nation put together?

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Why do I get the feeling that Team Clay still knows more about the entertainment business than the entire Clay Nation put together?


Wanda, you CMSU! :hysterical:

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Yup, I feel good about Clay too. Not worried about him, his career or even this fandom. This fandom has always had a flair for the dramatic and had its ups and downs and pontificators and religious zealots who have spent the last 5 years spewing their own verison of Christianity. Somehow it always works its way out. Some may leave, but I think there is always a certain amount of attrition in any fandom. This is no different.

I am ready to move on. Not suggesting anyone else do the same. Just me.

So I am curious. Other than a tour - because I think we all want to see that (although I have my doubts about the financial feasibility of it considering no one but us seems to know OMWH exists... <_< ), what would you like to see career-wise for Clay in the coming year(s). I am talking specifics. A dream list because heaven knows we have no say in anything nor any right to tell him what to do! But we can dream!

I'll start.

I would like him to sing the theme song of an immensely popular movie because that is one way to get his glorious voice heard - and maybe even get some radio play. And, when the song is nominated for an Oscar, he would get to perform it in front of millions of people worldwide!

I would like some tie-in with Disney - maybe voicing an animated character. Disney's power should never be underestimated.

I would like to get him back in the studio soon - record another CD which actually gets planned, long-term promotion when its released. Maybe the theme song from the movie would be on it - sort of like "Breakaway" was with Kelly's album. That could really fuel sales - and again get him heard on the radio. And I want him to write another song or two. It may not be fair, but I do believe for him to ever get taken seriously as an artist in this industry, he has to write more of his songs. And if LAA is any example, he is also very, very talented in that regard - no matter what he may think.

My big dream is he gets at least one BIG radio single that is heard forever and I am not sure he will ever get it wthout the power of something like a big theme song or Disney (or both).

And I would like him to return to Broadway in a role where he would sing more (again, so more people can really hear his voice) and where he would originate the role. Of course, he would get great critical acclaim and win a Tony!

That should be enough for the next year or two. :lol:

Anyone else?


Also I'd like to see some of his songs played on a popular TV show. Its taken off for others, right?

Also I'd like to see some "unplugged" type songs which really let his voice shine on its own (but not singing too high)- with sort of a laid back vibe...... Actually, now that I've written this down I can see it might not work. After all, I wouldn't describe Clay as a "laid back" kind of guy, but who knows maybe he can now be a bit more relaxed? Now that he's not having to hide some things?

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I have a question about Disney and being gay. I know that years ago you couldn't be openly (or even loosely closeted) and gay and work with Disney. Has that changed? Are there "out" gay stars that work for Disney now? I don't follow it, so have no idea. :8:

Modern day Disney just isn't the same as when Walt ran it. Old Uncle Walt, long dead, was as close to Gestapo as one can get without a brown shirt. He was an FBI informer -- a "special" agent so designated by J. Edgar Hoover, who ratted out employees and friends, ruined many innocent lives, and saw a Commie behind every tree. He drew nice cartoons, and apparently that was the only thing nice about him. He was a racist; he was a sexist; he was a sicko.

Oooooooo - So Clay does have a personal publicist? A powerhouse PR firm? That specializes in entertainment? Who hates tabloids? Oooooooooo!

thinks for a minute about all the bitching through the years about Clay's "lack" of a personal publicist...and snickers.

Why do I get the feeling that Team Clay still knows more about the entertainment business than the entire Clay Nation put together?

My Not-So-Wild-Guess: Maybe because you've long known that to be the case, Oh Wise One?

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Hmm, I think Clay was pretty amazing singing his 'laid back' set on the IT. Carolina in My Mind and Fields of Gold anyone? He has grown so much as a performer over the tours, I think he can do anything he wants to vocally.

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Stitches out!

Oh! For a second I thought we had more exciting news!

Holy CRAP! Me too!!!! Hee!!

I'm happy for your stitches out, though, cotton!

Hi guys! How's things? I wondered if y'all were still over here! And you are! How fun!

Can I tell you that Clay's new found freedom and honesty has made me feel free, too? I adore him, and I'm so proud and happy for him!

Now I'll go back and read up on what y'all are talking about! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Oooooooo - So Clay does have a personal publicist? A powerhouse PR firm? That specializes in entertainment? Who hates tabloids? Oooooooooo!

thinks for a minute about all the bitching through the years about Clay's "lack" of a personal publicist...and snickers.

Why do I get the feeling that Team Clay still knows more about the entertainment business than the entire Clay Nation put together?

OMG! Say it isn't so!! :o

I wish People would issue a statement saying no money exchanged hands for the pictures or the story because unless you read Jaymes' comment at the OFC you would never know.

Muski - MOAM (the song) came on my iPod yesterday when I was driving to work and I too was dumbstruck by it with what we know now. No wonder it resonated with him so - especially at a time when he was so conflicted about how to handle everything concering his sexuality - not only with the public, but also at that time, with his family and friends.

ETA: I keep thinking of changing my avatar to a more current Clay picture (of course not one with glasses.....), but every time I look at this one and remember that night (even if I wasn't in a position to see it <_< ) and then I think of what he knew that we didn't and all that was to come....

I just can't change it. At least not yet......

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From the CH about clayzedover:

I also wanted to share some news about clayzedover. She wrote to me and said to say hello to everyone and to let you know that Clay Aiken is still her hero and she loves him. Clayzedover is still in rehab following her stroke. She is working hard to regain the use of her left hand and has relearned walking using a cane. She is hoping to be able to get to see Spamalot for the show on Clay's birthday. Please continue to send her good wishes and thoughts! Thank you!

Well, well [tm Clay]. He has a publicist, and they wanted to give People the exclusive. That was one of my gut feelings I've had since the baby story broke in May. Their choices of stories about him were really good, IMO, and they always seemed to me to have had a good relationship with him. I figured either they, GMA, or Linda Loveland would get the exclusive first showing of Parker...I now feel badly for Linda. *g*

MOAM struck me when they used it at the beginning of the GMA interview on Friday. Whoa. That was intense for me.

Yay for Cotton!

*waves at institches*

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