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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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I love this board. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Cotton, muski and liney!

Cotton, this cracked me up:

The Dreaded Covers Album

And I love that album too. LNM was a very powerful song for me to begin with, and with hindsight, it's even more so.

OT: Trying to keep up good customer service is for the birds. Cranky people left and right at my workplace today. SUUUUUUUUUUCKS!

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I don't feel sad for Clay - I believe he knew all the possible outcomes of his not-a-declaration (heh) and was and is prepared for them. He is so wise - he had to. I'm not one to read too much into photos and video - but damn, that man who is out at the stage door every night seems like a guy who is comfortable and happy in his skin - maybe for the first time in his life.

I can't WAIT to see him in person on Saturday. I love him, and I mean it!

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I sure haven't felt any twinges of sadness for him lately. Just joy that he's free, he's over all the hurdles, and while I don't have nearly as much faith in society as he does, I bet he feels as though a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. The rest isn't up to him, he can't control the actions and reactions of others. He can just live his life, which it seems to me he is doing very well. :wub:

I agree with luckiest. I really don't know why but I feel much more at ease and worry free. Now when they use his name to mock him, I can say they are homophobes and brush them off. Since he identified himself as gay- What's so funny? I was really happy to hear him say that he was proud of who he is. I am too. :lilredani:

I do tax returns for several friends and can't and wouldn't charge them for it. I just finished one today and she said would I mind if she donated to UNICEF in Clay's name in lieu of me charging her. I like my friends. :clap:

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I think I kinda need to clarify something a bit. I may have twinges of sadness for Clay still...but in many ways, I guess, I feel more sadness for society. It makes me sad that there are so many people out there that will now not give Clay a chance, just simply because he has said he's gay. I think there are people who would have had no problem with him before he made his not-a-declaration (good one cindi!), but because he's now come out of the closet, he's suddenly cut off from their world. It does make me sad that society can't embrace it's differences.

Heck, if the political campaign at the moment doesn't suggest that...

Sorry for bringing up politics...but I think it makes my point...

In the meantime...watching the AOL sessions again today has done me good.

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I don't feel sad for Clay - I believe he knew all the possible outcomes of his not-a-declaration (heh) and was and is prepared for them. He is so wise - he had to. I'm not one to read too much into photos and video - but damn, that man who is out at the stage door every night seems like a guy who is comfortable and happy in his skin - maybe for the first time in his life.

I can't WAIT to see him in person on Saturday. I love him, and I mean it!

I know it's silly. But when those moments hit me, it's not even connected to a "verbalizable" thought. I'm not sad for him in the now. I think the feeling arises from the slings and arrows of the past, mostly. And I never really dreamed any sort of definable future for him, except that I did hope he found the woman of his dreams. He has known for 10+ years that the woman of his dreams is - a MAN! :Kolobok_Laie_haha:

I've only known that for a couple of weeks. :)

But for 5 years, I've heard/seen/witnessed a lot of ugliness directed at him. On "both sides of the aisle", both those who believed him to be straight and those who believed him to be gay. (And those who wanted desperately for him to be one or the other!)

Anyway, I think it will do me good to lay eyes on him myself!

I went to SPAM in March. Didn't take advantage of SD, really. Was trying to get damned pictures! I won't make that mistake at the gala. I'm not sure I'll even take my camera. And it, for sure, won't fit in the CUTE little beaded evening bag I just found on sale at Belk! I'd love to have some pics that are MINE, but I think I'll leave it to the Clackgatherers!


Oh - title abbreviations. MOAM is the only one I say like a word. Because it LOOKS like a word. ATDW, OMWH, AIW, MCWL, I say the title.

Is he still with RCA?


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I guess I have an easier time with the ugliness that is out there now, because I've been aware of it for years, and come to realize there is absolutely nothing I can do about it but live my life and try to set an example. And I'm not talking about bloggers and scum like that, that's too obvious. I'm talking about the people who you think you know and all of a sudden, you don't know them anymore. Heh, it's amazing what people will say to you when they assume you are straight. ;)

Cotton, I know what you mean about wasting an opportunity trying to get a picture. I did that at the stage door on May 4th when he was on the roof. I should have just soaked up the moment. That's why I appreciate the clack gatherers so much! :F_05BL17blowkiss: As for the gala, there was no photography or video allowed at the auction, the speeches, or the performance last year. It was v.v. undercover. I hope we get some this time too!

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I may type Measure of a Man as MOAM (as if foam), but I never talk about Clay's CDs' in acronyms...of course, I don't really talk about Clay to that many people outside the fandom unless someone else starts talking about him.

I haven't felt any sadness for Clay since his not a declaration; mostly just relief that the speculation was put to rest and he can move on with his life...for me; I just always wanted Clay to be happy and loved.


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I saw on one of the emails from Aron that no flashes would be allowed, implying that cameras would be permitted so long as there are no flashes. I really hope that is true. I will share a sad truth. When I watch a show, performance or whatever, I find it very unnerving when cameras are not allowed because I sit there and the entire time think, oh that would have been a great shot, oh I wish I could have captured that, etc. It seriously bugs and distracts me to watch and not be able to take photos or video! I know, I am pathetic but I really do enjoy the performance more if I have a camera in my hand. lmao!!

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Anyway, I think it will would do me good to lay eyes on him myself!

My feelings, exactly, Cotton! :sleezy:

Yeah, well, I'd love that, but somehow I think Jerome would toss me over his shoulder like that little diaper of Parker's and I'd be dangling there helpless not able to "lay" anything!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

ldyj :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I am hopeless.

I have not printed the Gala schedule.

I have not printed directions.

I have not printed my hotel confirmation #.


Well, it's not all my fault. A while after we moved here, the wireless printing decided to quit working here and I have to get up, go to another room and hook up the cable to print. Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment kind of like not have a remote control???!!!


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Scarlett, from one of the enablers.......:hysterical:....eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh!!! I'm so glad to see you getting involved in the quilting world! You probably already HAVE found it much like the Clayworld, in that it's a great sisterhood.

PS Did you notice the request for picture takers on the guild website? :lol: little do they know who they have, I suspect.....

Hi FromClaygary! I'm not quite in it yet, though I am a guild member, since I haven't sewn a single stitch & haven't even bought a sewing machine. Right now, I'm feeling more at home with the Tall Pines Weavers and Spinners Guild because I've been there longer and frankly the energy and dedication of this quilting guild is scaring me a bit.

I'm not so sure I'm going today though because the weather looks terrible and traffic is backed up on the freeway. I'd like to go because there's always a lot of interesting stuff to see but driving over there and then back home at 9pm would be very tiring. *still at work & undecided if I should head home instead*

ETA: claylove, would you please post the part you mentioned about Aron's note? Thanks!

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ETA: claylove, would you please post the part you mentioned about Aron's note? Thanks!

This is from his email dated Sept. 18 with all the details of the gala:


There will be no cameras allowed at the VIP reception in the University Ballroom. During the show flash photography is not allowed, and we ask that guests be courteous to others when taking photos by staying in their seats.

So the way I read that we will be able to take pictures (and hopefully video too). :woohoo:


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Thanks, claylove! :thankyou:

(btw, it's so nice to type your id!)

This map of Houston traffic looks frightening -- red, orange and yellow everywhere!

ETA: merrieeee, I want to go home too but my part of the freeway has 3 red exclamation points. The way to the guild meeting is better but I don't want to be driving home at 9pm in this weather.

ETAA: Maybe if I stay on the feeders and drive v. carfully? I so want to get home early.

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It is frightening! I just got home It took me an hour and a quarter! It normally takes half an hour. Water, water everywhere!

ETA: Scarlett JFK underpass is flooded and you have to drive on the shoulder. It is about 6 inches deep there!

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just saw an ad for Spam on E! Starring International Superstar Clay Aiken!!!!!

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All righty, then.

Just found out that ALL of last WEEK'S worth of all activity on our online registration system is LOST and forever gone. The freakin' server had a power outage and for some unknown reason, the backup didn't back up and now...now---3 weeks before our biggest conference---we are missing an entire week's worth of online registrations, invoice and payment tracking, confirmations, etc. :angry22:

So what did I do when I got that email?

I cranked up The Outlaws and jammed---JAMMMED, I tell you!---to "Green Grass and High Tides"

keepingfaith...I know YOU know this tune...man, oh man, does it bring back some badass memories! :00000442: :09: :all_coholic: :club0: :dancemexicannana::partytime2: :glasses:

Yeah, baby....it's all cool.....

Now I'll grab a burrito for me and my younger daughter and we'll watch the debate together---me because I want to and her because it's a homework assignment. Meanwhile my older daughter is volunteering at a Democratic gathering for Obama support...(Her government class has required hours of civic service outside of school)....

Ye olde' Serenity Prayer and The Outlaws....good stuff...good stuff.

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I like your attitude, muski.

Scarlett, safe travels home. That map is a great tool. And it really does seem that you are earning your gala trip. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


Much as I like Inigo Montoya, though, I have to say that I got a couple of cd's from the actor who plays him (jazzgirl and I discussed this a couple of days back) but I've been disappointed to the point of not playing these -- Clay could have done those way, way better and I'm not settling for anything less in the meantime. I might try again after a few days but for now I'm back to MOAM (yay! belated happy 5th anniversary!) More on this later, maybe I'll post a few links to compare mp3's. There have been a few songs here and there that I liked (or thought I liked) from Mandy but they're a very small minority compared to the rest of the CDs. On many songs I'm gritting my teeth in frustration because it sounds like he's overcompensating for something, like not having Clay's, uh, voice! :cryingwlaughter:

Just think of Mandy as an aperitif *g*. I like his Sondheim selections such as "Loving You" or "Too Many Mornings". Clay tackling Sondheim would be something I'd love to hear, but, as he hasn't, I will have to content myself with Mandy Patinkin.

Someone sent me this - wasn't sure where to post it so thought it may as well be here! It's "food" for thought?

claytonic, thanks for posting that! I love it.

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Much as I like Inigo Montoya, though, I have to say that I got a couple of cd's from the actor who plays him (jazzgirl and I discussed this a couple of days back) but I've been disappointed to the point of not playing these -- Clay could have done those way, way better and I'm not settling for anything less in the meantime. I might try again after a few days but for now I'm back to MOAM (yay! belated happy 5th anniversary!) More on this later, maybe I'll post a few links to compare mp3's. There have been a few songs here and there that I liked (or thought I liked) from Mandy but they're a very small minority compared to the rest of the CDs. On many songs I'm gritting my teeth in frustration because it sounds like he's overcompensating for something, like not having Clay's, uh, voice! :cryingwlaughter:

Um, I've been having this thought lately and since y'all have been listening to Clay longer than I have I thought I'd ask: Does anyone else think his voice seemed to change a bit with each CD? I mean, he definitely sounded different on AI than he did on LWLHD 1&2 to me (more 'country' on LWLHD) and he sounded different on ATDW than he did on MOAM and AI (I like to say the full titles, by the way) and he sounds really, really different on OMWH than he did on any of the previous stuff. It seems like he pitches his voice higher on OMWH and doesn't 'belt' quite as much.

So, um, is it the songs, his voice, or am I just imagining things?

EDIT: I included that quote because it reminded me of the above. :D

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Now I'll grab a burrito for me and my younger daughter and we'll watch the debate together---

Debate??? Debate??? Who cares about the debate???

The ONLY contest that matters tonight is the one on FOX!!!!!!!!

PHILLIES v.s the Dodgers. IF, IF, IF the PHILLIES win, we go to the WORLD SERIES!!!!

Who needs a debate!!!!

(I'm so nervous I can't stand it!!!)

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Now I'll grab a burrito for me and my younger daughter and we'll watch the debate together---

Debate??? Debate??? Who cares about the debate???

The ONLY contest that matters tonight is the one on FOX!!!!!!!!

PHILLIES v.s the Dodgers. IF, IF, IF the PHILLIES win, we go to the WORLD SERIES!!!!

Who needs a debate!!!!

(I'm so nervous I can't stand it!!!)

You wouldn't happen to teach Political Science, would you? :lmaosmiley-1:

My PSC teacher is a big Phillies fan... Gee, I wonder what he's doing tonight, watching the debate or the Phillies?

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KAndre groggily logs on...

I'm alive!

And only walking around a teensy bit when I have no witnesses...

See, al; you norther Houstonians neeed to live with my in Greenway Plaza...

Hydrocodne is interesting.

clazycoffin, I agree that he doesn't belt as much and there is definitely some stylistic differences from MOAM to OMWH - I know some others werr missing deep voice clay - I think he's lost a little of a youthful purity of tone - but I think it depends on the song....he did a lot more deep voice clay on the demos (dreamlover and the blood really come to mind) but to me Clay isvery much a lyric tenor at heart...

ETA: Somebody needs to fix this post.

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From Broadway.com:

Ask a Star: Clay Aiken

Ask a Star: Clay Aiken

When Clay Aiken made his Broadway debut last winter as Sir Robin in Spamalot, more than a few eyebrows went up. Could this big-voiced American Idol runner-up deliver a credible stage performance, in a Monty Python musical comedy, no less? Aiken’s exuberant comic turn silenced the doubters and impressed Broadway’s tough critics—and he had such a good time in the process that he’s back for a return engagement on the Great White Way. Through January 4, fans can see Clay and his fellow knights onstage at the Shubert Theatre. In the meantime, the super-popular star has agreed to take questions from Broadway.com readers! Want to get the lowdown on how this North Carolina native transformed himself into a Python-esque hero, complete with a British accent? Do it—ask Clay yourself!

You have to provide a name and your email address when you ask your question.

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