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#42: We're still having fun, and you're still the one!

Couch Tomato

FCA Thread Title  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • Endlessly entertaining, never a dull moment!!
    • Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
    • I luv him, he is the anti-cool. He is his own cool that far exceeds cool.
    • The balls may be lavander, but they're still titanium.
    • He's Clay. He's gay. And whatever. When's the next tour?
    • He's made of awesome!
    • Even more beautiful now, inside and out!
    • God, what a MAN!
    • That is a MAN.

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Yay I think half of FCA is at the gala. We want reports damnit please pretty please

And the half that isn't going to the gala is sitting at home, stewing with jealousy. :crying1:Or is that just me?

And there's the 1% that just got home and is packing frantically!

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Hee we could always ban them while they are gone!

No way. We NEED their reports.

But yeah, jealousy is rising in my throat. *sigh*

Ok then we will just have to live vicariously!!!

At least I am going to Spam on the 7th of Nov.......and maybe 8 & 9

I have also made up my mind to go to the GFI. I can't stand it!

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One more checking in from Cary....or, really, N. Raleigh :hello: What an absolutely gorgeous night!

Looking forward to seeing most everyone tomorrow or Saturday...BTW, I'm having some cellphone problems (can't get the fr***n keypad unlocked!!). Hope to get that resolved at Target early tomorrow, but if you call me and it just rings and rings...that's why!! :lol: Ah, technology.

EEeeeeeeehhhhh!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

PS Miss Georgiesmybaby....you better get in here!! We and that Parker's Daddy guy will get you right fixed up! :)

PPS :)Anna, great townhouse! Love the pics!

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I guess it's a good thing the board is GREEN!

:cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

Still, I'll have my turn being jealous when you guys are back at SPAM2!

I'm aiming for 10AM departure. It's 3 hours and a little bit for a normal person with a normal sized bladder. :Kolobok_Laie_haha: So for me, 3 and 1/2? or more?


I look forward to seeing everyone, but mostly :DoClay:


Have a good sleep! Don't be too GREEN, but if you rilly rilly wanna - there are some last minute tickets being sold at CV and prolly some other places, too!


In the meantime - here's a little something to drive somebody crazy!

Sir Robin all dressed up in Green

Did not want to steal every scene

But admirers galore

Took up half the floor.

The rafters with their love did ring!

Sir Clay of Raleigh doth Sing (Sir Clay of Aiken doth Sing)

On Broadway, he’s Silly Supreme

He brings forth the laughter

that floats to the rafters

Such joy to the crowds he doth bring!

Once a young Knight came from Raleigh

He brought with him great loads of folly

He made them all smile

And forget Woes a while

With his voice and humor so jolly

Sir Aiken was a smash on Broadway

So much so that he tried a Two Way

Just like the first time

His second was sublime

Guard, Tuck and Robin, his forte’

The was a man who liked number two

His acting and singing they grew

Until on the stage

He became all the rage

He even learned he could dance, too!

Sir Aiken he hit Idol’s stage

His singing became all the rage

In SPAM he soon learned

with dancing he earned

from audiences kudos and raves

Clay yodels and he warbles with such glee

Makes faces that will make you laugh to see

His timing is superb

Such talent in a nerd

Get thyself to SPAM and don’t say NI!

There was a young Carolinian

Who garnered huge laughs by the million

He set hearts a’throbbin

As Knightly Sir Robin

Ran scared and his pants did fill he ‘em

Sir Robin his Chicken did Choke

That Clay’s one Hilarious Bloke

His Face so Expressive

His Pants Soiling, Excessive

Your Funny Bone, he’s sure to Poke!

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Have the inmates taken over the asylum? What is this banning ya'll speak of :naughtywag:

I swear one of these days I'm going to give everybody mod powers and see what happens :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Darn there goes our fun!!!!

E! was at the barricade tonight and Jerome had to hustle Clay back inside!

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OK, random-girl is attacking again. :whistling-1:

Does anyone know if there's still a copy of that In Touch magazine article that calls Clay the "Loneliest Guy In America" floating around somewhere?

Also.... *froths with jealousy at the people going to the Gala* :P

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Cotton, are those the CV limericks? They are so clever!

I'm not jealous of the people going to the gala, because I feel like living right down the road I could've gone if I'd made the extra effort. There were tickets around at the end, but I didn't try to buy one. Sorry guys far away who would've jumped at this. But I'm broke and I'm working so I won't be broke anymore. So no gala. I'm looking forward to the cellcerts, and I got to see Spamalot. I don't regret that. I'm glad I'm going to see everyone on Sunday morning though. I can get all the scoop. :lilredani:

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Helloooooooooooooooo from Cary! All our flights were on time, I wish every trip could run as smoothly as this one. It is hot & humid here, which I will enjoy while it lasts. Tomorrow is supposed to be chilly and wet.

Just chilling out for a bit until dinner at the Crabtree Valley Mall tonight. Yum, Japanese! Talk to y'all later!

Have a good time, wish I could have joined you all. I'll be thinking of you saturday night.

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Cotton, are those the CV limericks? They are so clever!

yes I posted these at CV, but they are all mine! :)

I had a mental limerick attack. :imgtongue:

Well, since my brain decided a bum knee wasn't enough hassell, I now have a swollen, blue-turning ankle! Ack! It's now wrapped and iced and I'm taking an extra sleep assist!!!

My body loves to hit me with these surprise pile-ons!!!

:cry4: and :cryingwlaughter:


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Sir Robin all dressed up in Green

Did not want to steal every scene

But admirers galore

Took up half the floor.

The rafters with their love did ring!

Sir Clay of Raleigh doth Sing (Sir Clay of Aiken doth Sing)

On Broadway, he’s Silly Supreme

He brings forth the laughter

that floats to the rafters

Such joy to the crowds he doth bring!

Once a young Knight came from Raleigh

He brought with him great loads of folly

He made them all smile

And forget Woes a while

With his voice and humor so jolly

Sir Aiken was a smash on Broadway

So much so that he tried a Two Way

Just like the first time

His second was sublime

Guard, Tuck and Robin, his forte’

The was a man who liked number two

His acting and singing they grew

Until on the stage

He became all the rage

He even learned he could dance, too!

Sir Aiken he hit Idol’s stage

His singing became all the rage

In SPAM he soon learned

with dancing he earned

from audiences kudos and raves

Clay yodels and he warbles with such glee

Makes faces that will make you laugh to see

His timing is superb

Such talent in a nerd

Get thyself to SPAM and don’t say NI!

There was a young Carolinian

Who garnered huge laughs by the million

He set hearts a’throbbin

As Knightly Sir Robin

Ran scared and his pants did fill he ‘em

Sir Robin his Chicken did Choke

That Clay’s one Hilarious Bloke

His Face so Expressive

His Pants Soiling, Excessive

Your Funny Bone, he’s sure to Poke!

Cotton... I love these limerics. The bolded ones are my faves, but I like them all. Fun!

Dang it... be well fastly, please!!!

FCAers in Galaland... have the bestest time and blow Clay a kiss for me, please. It's funny but I'm not jealous over going to the Gala, I'm jealous over the get togethers where everyone is meeting everyone else. It's so neat to meet people you "know" in person. Enjoy! And, take notes!!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Not Faye. Here's my theory . . .

I still say Clay is throwing something warmish over his sweaty body, still in the underarmor part of the costume we saw in James' blog about the costume. So - he still has on part of his sweay costume. It's getting cooler outside. So he throws on a sweater or vest to get from getting chilled.

I don't think the vest is awful. I think when he wears it with what he would normally wear it with it will be quite GQ! It looks soft. I'd like to run my hands down his back to feel the softness.

Hey - Je--ro-o-o-o-ome? Could I? could I? Huh? huh? Pleeze?


:pfft: on E!

I'm gonna go back and try to sleep with the knee wrapped and the ankle wrapped and iced! And me with a little extra pharmaceuticals!


Tried to find the post from Beaman's blog about the costume and can.

His site is <http://www.jamesbeaman.com/welcome.html> but I didn't find the page with the underamor. Maybe someone can.

I gott get to bed and hope to sleep with one ber ber BAD leg in cahoots with a already ber ber BAD ankle!

My body is repeating my age at me and laughing!!!


But I just :DoClay: - - - -


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The vest made me smile. It is soooo Clay. Actually the vintage look is in style. Squints eyes. Anyway, I love him more. I think Clay was startled when Jerome grabbed him. I don't think he was afraid of E. In fact, I wish Jerome had let him stay and tell them to go jump. Yay for the Gala.

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So I've probably turned into my mother, but I liked the sweater vest. I'm absolutely not into those sweat shirts at all. I'd much rather see clothing that is unique to Clay. A new fashion is not acceptable to the public until it is in department stores all over. SO I'm just gonna assume that Clay is ahead of the times. :cryingwlaughter:

I'm sure his Gala outfit will be NC acceptable and not real different.

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Well, on our wanderings through Crabtree Valley Mall yesterday, we couldn't get over how many of the stores were displaying retro clothing in the windows. I mean, the dresses & skirts were right out of the 50s & 60s! So maybe Clay is getting with the retro theme that seems to be new for fall here in the Triangle. ;)

So far, it's dawning up lovely here. But they say a cold front is coming in from the north and bringing lots of rain. Maybe their idea of a cold front and mine aren't quite the same. Heh. Off to the fair this morning if we can manage it without getting too wet. Fried pickles & twinkies & pecan pie, here we come!

Sorry for those feeling jellus. There are still tickets out there for sale if you do some looking around the boards. But hey, we all have our green moments, don't we? :cryingwlaughter:

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Friday, yay! Just need to get through the day... Eeeeee!

Well, I thought the grey sweater vest was quite nice too.

Just looked at the temperatures for tonight and Brrrrr! I don't remember it being this cold during the NAT 3-fer.

Hoping for a great weekend for all!!! -- Is it too much to ask the Marriott to install a webcam?


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Oops, I edited but I'll just add it here instead.

Hey, any more reports from wandacleo? Isn't she at Spam until tonight?

goldarngirl, are you here yet? FromClaygary, glad to hear you got here safely. Cotton & Scarlett & friends, safe travels today! Who am I missing? Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow or Sunday!

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